endangered species

📰 Da Biden Administration Goin’ All Out fo’ Restore Endangered Species Protections 🐼🌿

Da Biden administration stay making moves fo’ protect wildlife from da havoc climate change and oddah threats, bringing back da protections fo’ da Endangered Species Act dat President Donald J. Trump had taken away. Dem new rules stay undoing da changes Trump made, so now it’s goin’ be harder fo’ remove animals and plants from da endangered list. 🦁🐢🌺

Da United States Fish and Wildlife Service and da National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s fisheries service stay putting forward three different regulations fo’ make ’em harder fo’ remove a species from da endangered list and harder fo’ weaken protections fo’ threatened species, you know, da ones just one step below endangered. 📜🐟🦅

Dem new rules also scrap dat policy from Trump’s time dat would have let regulators do economic assessments, like trying fo’ estimate how much money oil and gas companies going lose if they gotta protect species in their territories, when deciding if a species need protection. 🏭💰🦏

According to da proposed rule, listing species as threatened or endangered gotta happen “without thinking ’bout da possible economic or oddah impacts” and only be based on da scientific evidence. Martha Williams, da big kahuna of da Fish and Wildlife Service, said, “Da Endangered Species Act stay da top dog when it comes to saving species from going extinct and helping ’em bounce back.” She also said dem changes to da law goin’ show how serious dey stay ’bout conserving America’s wildlife. 🌍🌱🐺

But wait, hold up! Dis rule goin’ get some beef from Republicans, farmers, ranchers, da logging industry, and da oil and gas industry. Back in 2019, da Trump administration wen’ try narrow down da reach of da Endangered Species Act, claiming da law stay gettin’ in da way of economic growth. So, you know going be some pushback. 🤷‍♂️🤨🚜💥

But, let’s check out what exactly dis change mean fo’ da protection of endangered species and how it goin’ affect our islands. Da new rules would require more evidence fo’ remove a species from da endangered list. Scientists goin’ need show dat da species stay recovering and no longer stay at risk of extinction. Plus, any changes fo’ protect threatened species goin’ be more difficult. All dis going make it mo’ challenging fo’ da government and big companies fo’ strip away protections and do harm to our wildlife. 🐼🌿🦜

One big ting dis rule undo, and plenty people goin’ be happy ’bout dis, is dat regulators no mo’ need think ’bout da money side when deciding if a species need protection. Dis mean da focus stay goin’ be on da science and da well-being of our beautiful crittahs, without worrying ’bout how it affect da pocketbooks of some big shots. 🧪🦈💰

Dis change fo’ da Endangered Species Act, if it go through, stay goin’ be important fo’ da preservation of our islands’ unique wildlife. From da majestic Hawaiian monk seal to da endangered ‘i’iwi bird, da new rules goin’ make it harder fo’ take ’em off da endangered list and goin’ give ’em da protection dey need. So, while some people goin’ beef ’bout it, dis step forward stay all ’bout da future of our environment and da survival of our precious creatures. 🌺🐢🌍🦩

We goin’ keep an eye on how dis all play out, see if da Biden administration can stay strong in da face of opposition, and make sure da voice of our wildlife stay heard loud and clear. In da end, we all know dat protectin’ our unique and fragile ecosystem goin’ be da key to keepin’ our islands thriving fo’ generations to come. 🐾🌴🤙


📰 The Biden Administration Going All Out to Restore Endangered Species Protections 🐼🌿

The Biden administration is taking significant steps to safeguard wildlife from the devastating effects of climate change and other looming threats. They are reinstating the protective measures of the Endangered Species Act, which were previously removed by President Donald J. Trump. These new rules aim to reverse the changes made by Trump, making it more challenging to remove animals and plants from the endangered list. 🦁🐢🌺

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s fisheries service, is proposing three separate regulations to heighten the difficulty of delisting species from the endangered list and weakening protections for species classified as threatened, those that are just one step away from being endangered. 📜🐟🦅

Additionally, these new rules abolish a policy introduced during Trump’s tenure. This policy allowed regulators to conduct economic assessments, such as estimating the financial losses incurred by oil and gas operations when required to protect species within their habitats. The Biden administration emphasizes that the listing of threatened or endangered species should be solely based on scientific evidence and should not take possible economic or other impacts into consideration. 🏭💰🦏

Martha Williams, the director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, asserts, “The Endangered Species Act is the preeminent conservation law of our nation, preventing species from becoming extinct and aiding in their recovery.” She affirms that the proposed changes to the law reaffirm the administration’s commitment to preserving America’s wildlife. 🌍🌱🐺

However, there will likely be significant opposition to these new rules from Republicans, farmers, ranchers, the logging industry, and the oil and gas industry. In 2019, the Trump administration aimed to restrict the scope of the Endangered Species Act, arguing that the law impeded economic growth. Thus, it is expected that there will be resistance to the proposed changes. 🤷‍♂️🤨🚜💥

Let’s delve into what these changes mean for the protection of endangered species and how they will impact our islands. The new rules will demand stronger evidence to remove a species from the endangered list. Scientists will need to demonstrate that the species is recovering and no longer at risk of extinction. Furthermore, any modifications to protect threatened species will become more arduous. These measures aim to make it more challenging for the government and major corporations to diminish protections and cause harm to our wildlife. 🐼🌿🦜

One crucial aspect of this rule change, which will undoubtedly bring joy to many, is that regulators will no longer need to consider financial factors when determining whether a species requires protection. The focus will solely be on scientific evidence and the well-being of our magnificent creatures, alleviating concerns about the impact on the pockets of influential individuals. 🧪🦈💰

If these changes to the Endangered Species Act are enacted, they will be vital for the preservation of the unique wildlife found on our islands. From the majestic Hawaiian monk seal to the endangered ‘i’iwi bird, these new rules will make it more challenging to remove them from the endangered list, providing the necessary protection they deserve. While some may voice their objections, this forward step is fundamentally about securing the future of our environment and ensuring the survival of our precious creatures. 🌺🐢🌍🦩

We will closely monitor the developments and determine whether the Biden administration can stand strong against opposition, ensuring that the voices of our wildlife are heard loud and clear. Ultimately, we all understand that safeguarding our distinctive and fragile ecosystem is crucial to maintaining the thriving beauty of our islands for generations to come. 🐾🌴🤙

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