
📰 Antibiotic Shortage Could Make Syphilis Epidemic Even Worse! 💉😱

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da primary drug used fo’ treatin’ da sexually transmitted infection (STI) known as syphilis could become scarce well into da next year, according to Pfizer’s warning. Dis new shortage of penicillin, one kine crucial fo’ fightin’ syphilis, get infectious disease experts all worried. Dey say if da scarcity of da drug persists, it could make da STI epidemic in da U.S. even worse. 😫🔬

Da drug in question is Bicillin L-A, one long-actin’ antibiotic dat get injected into da body, also known as penicillin G benzathine. Last month, Pfizer announced da shortage of dis medication. Dey explained dat da demand for Bicillin has been skyrocketin’ due to da risin’ rates of syphilis infections. Plus, Bicillin been used recently as an alternative to amoxicillin, anothah antibiotic dat been in short supply at times and is prescribed fo’ more general infections like strep throat. 📉💊

Pfizer’s spokesman, Steven Danehy, say it goin’ take ’bout a year fo’ da company to ramp up production by 50 percent at dey plant in Rochester, Mich. Da goal bein’ to manufacture enough Bicillin to meet da demand and ensure sufficient reserves. 🏭💪

Since 2000, syphilis cases been on da rise in da United States. According to da Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2021, there was a total of 176,713 reported cases, which be an increase of almost 75 percent since 2017. During dat same four-year period, cases of congenital syphilis, which occur in newborn babies, tripled to 2,855, includin’ 220 stillbirths or infant deaths. Da rates be highest among infants born to Native American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Black mothers. 👶📈

Bicillin be da only recommended treatment fo’ infected pregnant women, and if given early enough, it can effectively prevent transmission of da infection to da fetus. Congenital syphilis can be fatal and has a high fatality rate. It can also lead to preterm birth and severe birth defects. Da shortage of Bicillin has pediatric implications as well, ’cause da supply of a rarely used pediatric version of da drug goin’ run out soon. Pfizer been usin’ da production line of dat pediatric version to increase production of da adult formula. Dis creates challenges ’cause da pediatric version be important in managin’ rheumatic heart disease and rheumatic fever, which are particular health risks, although uncommon, for children. However, alternative antibiotics exist for these conditions, as stated by Dr. Meg Doherty, director of global H.I.V., hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections programs at da World Health Organization. 💔🩺👶

In military recruit trainin’, Bicillin be administered to prevent bacterial infections. Durin’ boot camp, recruits receive what’s known as da “peanut butter shot,” ’cause da drug’s color and consistency resemble peanut butter. Dr. Ryan C. Maves, a professor of infectious diseases at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, explains dat recruits face a high risk of invasive streptococcal infection if dey don’t receive Bicillin. 💉🥜👟

While alternative treatments to Bicillin fo’ pregnant women are currently under development and review, it goin’ still be years before dey become available. Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease expert at da University of Southern California, urges da Biden administration to compensate Pfizer fo’ some 500,000 doses to encourage increased production. Da shortage of Bicillin be just one element of a widespread drug-shortage crisis dat be affectin’ doctors and pharmacists, who struggle to secure vital medications and have had to ration treatments like chemotherapy. In a recent Senate report, da supply problems be characterized as a threat to national security. 🌐💉🔒

Developin’ antibiotics ain’t been da top priority fo’ many drug companies. Part of da reason be ’cause da profit margin fo’ dis type of medication usually be much lower compared to blockbuster drugs dat can generate billions of dollars in revenue. 💰💊

A bipartisan group in Congress recently reintroduced da Pasteur Act, a $6 billion legislation modeled like Netflix subscriptions. Dis act aims to provide financial incentives fo’ pharmaceutical companies to invest in research and development. While dis legislation could help address drug shortages, its primary goal be combatin’ da global threat posed by drug-resistant pathogens. 🏛️🌍🧪

David Harvey, executive director of da National Coalition of S.T.D. Directors, a trade association fo’ public health organizations, points out dat rates of syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea be surgin’ due to da stretched-thin public health landscape. Dis lack of resources be impactin’ S.T.I. prevention, testin’, and treatment efforts. He, along wit’ othahs, criticizes Pfizer fo’ not producin’ enough of da drug given da long-term increase in syphilis infections. Mr. Harvey also condemns da Biden administration fo’ agreein’ to cut $400 million from da CDC’s budget fo’ S.T.I. prevention as part of da debt ceilin’ deal. 💔🚫💰

To conserve da supply of Bicillin, da CDC recommends doctors prioritize pregnant patients and infected or exposed infants. For othah patients, doxycycline should be prescribed instead, for a duration of two to four weeks, dependin’ on da stage of da disease. However, experts express concerns dat some individuals, includin’ partners of pregnant women, may struggle to adhere to da twice-daily pill regimen, compromisin’ da effectiveness of da treatment. 😷💊

Eric Tichy, division chair of supply chain

management at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., explains dat Pfizer may be da only company currently producin’ Bicillin fo’ da U.S. market due to da complex and costly nature of manufacturin’ da drug. 💊💼

Othah experts raise concerns ’bout Pfizer’s pricin’ practices. Tim Horn, director of medication access at da National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors, an advocacy group, criticizes da situation, sayin’, “Dis be a prime example of why leavin’ public health to da free market can be disastrous.” Horn points out dat da price of Bicillin L-A has increased a staggerin’ 275 percent since 2013. 💲💉

Accordin’ to Mr. Danehy, da list price fo’ a 4-milliliter syringe of Bicillin L-A is $470. Pfizer claims dat dey adjust prices to ensure a proper and quality supply. While many health care organizations and clinics can negotiate discounts, independent clinics on da front lines may be payin’ top dollar fo’ dis antibiotic. Dr. Phyllis Ritchie, who operates a free S.T.I. clinic primarily servin’ gay men in Palm Springs, Calif., shares her experience of da skyrocketin’ cost. She says da price of a 10-pack of Bicillin shots has risen from $4,000 to $6,500 in just two years. Wit’ da clinic usin’ ’bout 15 to 20 of da 10-packs each year, its annual budget of $225,000 can no longer sustain da financial strain. She reminisces ’bout da earlier days of her medical career in da mid-1990s when a 10-pack of Bicillin cost less than $300. She describes da current situation as a crisis. 😫💸

As da shortage of Bicillin persists, health officials, lawmakers, and pharmaceutical companies must work together to address dis critical issue. Da impact of da shortage on da fight against syphilis and da overall management of S.T.I.s highlights da need fo’ increased investment in research, development, and production of essential antibiotics. By doin’ so, we can strive to ensure da availability and accessibility of life-savin’ medications fo’ those in need. 💉🤝🌍


📰 Antibiotic Shortage Could Worsen Syphilis Epidemic! 💉😱

Da main drug used fo’ treatin’ da sexually transmitted infection could be in short supply until next year, warns Pfizer. A new shortage of a type of penicillin dat is crucial in fightin’ against syphilis has alarmed experts in infectious diseases. Dey caution dat a prolonged shortage of da drug could make da epidemic of dis sexually transmitted infection in da United States even worse. Da shortage, which was announced by da pharmaceutical company Pfizer in a letter last month, affects Bicillin L-A, one long-actin’ injectable antibiotic also known as penicillin G benzathine. Da company stated dat there has been a significant increase in demand due to da risin’ rate of syphilis infections, as well as da recent use of Bicillin as an alternative to amoxicillin, anothah antibiotic dat has experienced periodic shortages and is prescribed fo’ more general infections like strep throat. According to Pfizer’s spokesperson, Steven Danehy, it will likely take ’bout a year fo’ da company to increase production by 50 percent at its facility in Rochester, Michigan, and ultimately manufacture enough Bicillin to meet da demand and replenish da supplies. 💊🚫📉

Since 2000, da number of syphilis cases in da United States has been on da rise, reachin’ 176,713 cases in 2021. Dis represents an increase of nearly 75 percent since 2017, as reported by da Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Durin’ da same four-year period, cases of congenital syphilis tripled to 2,855, includin’ 220 stillbirths or infant deaths. Rates of congenital syphilis be highest among infants born to Native American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Black mothers. Bicillin be da recommended treatment fo’ pregnant women infected with syphilis, and it be highly effective in preventin’ transmission to da fetus when administered early enough. Congenital syphilis has a high fatality rate and can also result in preterm birth and severe birth defects. Dr. Anita Henderson, a pediatrician in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, expressed her concern, stating, “It worries me dat dese mothers may not have access to lifesaving medication.” She noted a significant increase in da rate of congenital syphilis cases in da state ova da past five years. Nearly one-fourth of adult syphilis cases occur in women, while just undah a third occur in men who have sex exclusively wit’ men, and approximately one-fifth occur in men who have sex exclusively wit’ women. If left untreated, syphilis can cause sores, rashes, and serious damage to internal organs, da nervous system, eyes, and ears, and can be fatal. Pfizer also warned dat their supply of a rarely used pediatric version of Bicillin will soon run out as dey have redirected da production line to increase da supply of da adult formula. Doctors have turned to dis pediatric version in da past year as an alternative to amoxicillin during a surge in cases of strep throat. Bicillin is also used to manage rheumatic heart disease and rheumatic fever, which pose particular health risks, although uncommon, to children. According to Dr. Meg Doherty, director of global H.I.V., hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections programs at da World Health Organization, there are multiple alternative antibiotics available fo’ dese conditions. In military recruit trainin’, Bicillin is administered to prevent bacterial infections. It is commonly referred to as da “peanut butter shot” because of its color and consistency. Dr. Ryan C. Maves, a professor of infectious diseases at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, explained dat recruits face a high risk of invasive streptococcal infection if dey do not receive Bicillin. 💪🥜👟

Alternative treatments to Bicillin fo’ pregnant women are currently bein’ developed and reviewed but will not be available for several years, according to Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease expert at the University of Southern California. He urged da Biden administration to compensate Pfizer fo’ approximately 500,000 doses in order to encourage increased production. Da shortage of Bicillin is just one aspect of a widespread drug shortage crisis dat has left doctors and pharmacists scrambling to obtain vital medications and forced dem to ration treatments like chemotherapy. A recent Senate report also characterized dese supply issues as a threat to national security. 💉🔒🏥

Many pharmaceutical companies have shown limited interest in developing antibiotics, partly because da profit margin fo’ dis class of drugs is typically lower compared to potential blockbuster drugs dat could generate billions of dollars in revenue. 💰💊

A bipartisan group in Congress recently reintroduced da Pasteur Act, a $6 billion legislation dat proposes a Netflix-like subscription model as a financial incentive fo’ pharmaceutical companies to invest in research and development. While dis legislation could help address drug shortages, its primary objective is to combat da global threat of drug-resistant pathogens. 🏛️🌍🧪

David Harvey, executive director of da National Coalition of S.T.D. Directors, a trade association fo’ public health organizations, expressed concerns ’bout the risin’ rates of syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. He attributed dese increases, in part, to da strain on public health resources, which has led to a lack of S.T.I. prevention, testin’, and treatment. He and others criticized Pfizer fo’ inadequate production of Bicillin despite da decades-long upward trend in syphilis infections. However, Pfizer’s spokesperson, Mr. Danehy, mentioned dat da company had invested $38 million in dey Michigan facility to improve manufacturin’ after a previous shortage of Bicillin in 2017. Mr. Harvey also denounced da Biden administration fo’ agreein’ to cut $400 million from da CDC’s budget fo’ S.T.I. prevention as part of da debt ceilin’ deal. 💔🚫💰

To conserve da limited supply of Bicillin, da CDC recommends that doctors prioritize pregnant patients and infected or exposed infants fo’treatment. Other patients should be prescribed doxycycline for two to four weeks, depending on the stage of the disease. However, experts are worried that individuals, including the partners of pregnant women, may struggle to adhere to the twice-daily pill regimen, potentially compromising the effectiveness of the treatment. 💊👨‍⚕️🔬

Eric Tichy, the division chair of supply chain management at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, believes that Pfizer may be the only company currently producing Bicillin for the U.S. market due to the complex and expensive nature of manufacturing the drug. 💼🏥💉

However, other experts raise concerns about Pfizer’s pricing practices. Tim Horn, the director of medication access at the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors, an advocacy group, criticizes the situation, stating, “Here’s a prime example of why leaving public health to the free market can be disastrous.” Horn points out that the price of Bicillin L-A has increased by a staggering 275 percent since 2013. 💲😡💉

Mr. Danehy explains that the list price for a 4-milliliter syringe of Bicillin L-A is $470, and Pfizer adjusts prices to ensure a proper and quality supply. While many healthcare organizations and clinics can negotiate discounts, independent clinics on the front line may be paying top dollar for this antibiotic. Dr. Phyllis Ritchie, who operates a free S.T.I. clinic primarily serving gay men in Palm Springs, California, shares her experience of the soaring cost. She reveals that the price of a 10-pack of Bicillin shots has risen from $4,000 to $6,500 in just two years. With the clinic using about 15 to 20 of these 10-packs each year, its annual budget of $225,000 can no longer sustain the financial strain. She recalls the earlier days of her medical career in the mid-1990s when a 10-pack of Bicillin cost less than $300. She describes the current situation as a crisis. 😫💸💉

As the shortage of Bicillin continues, it is crucial for health officials, lawmakers, and pharmaceutical companies to work together to address this critical issue. The impact of the shortage on the fight against syphilis and the overall management of S.T.I.s underscores the need for increased investment in research, development, and production of essential antibiotics. By doing so, we can strive to ensure the availability and accessibility of life-saving medications for those in need. 💪🌍💉

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