Car tire

📢 U.S. Stay Proposin’ Fo Require New Cars Fo Get Automatic Braking Systems 🚫🔒

Da top federal auto safety regulator stay proposin’ fo make one rule dat goin’ require all new cars and trucks fo have automatic braking systems dat can stop collisions, aftah traffic fatalities wen go up plenny in recent years. 💥🚗

Da plan, from da National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, goin’ require car companies fo expand da use of moa advanced systems dan da ones dey stay commonly using now. Da agency stay proposin’ dat all light vehicles, including cars, large pickup trucks, and sport utility vehicles, get equipped fo automatically stop and avoid hitting pedestrians when dey going at speeds up to 37 miles per hour. 🚦🚶‍♀️💥

Vehicles also goin’ need fo brake and stop fo avoid hitting vehicles dat stay stopped or moving slowly when dey going at speeds up to 62 m.p.h. And da systems goin’ need fo work well at night. 🌙🚦💥

“We hope dis goin’ avoid plenny crashes,” Polly Trottenberg, one deputy transportation secretary, said at one news conference. “We know dis goin’ save lives.” 🙏👩‍⚖️🚫

‘Round 90 percent of da new vehicles on sale now get some kine automatic emergency braking, but not all meet da standards da safety agency stay proposin’. ❗️📊🔒

Ms. Trottenberg admit dat da rule goin’ cost money fo automakers, who often resist new regulations. “I know we stay puttin’ out one challenge here, but we also know dis technology stay pretty well developed,” she said. “Dis da time fo take tings to da next level.” 💰💪🚗

Experts in auto safety stay pointin’ out plenny factors dat cause da rise in traffic deaths, including da bigger size and heavier weight of cars and trucks, and da fact dat drivers and pedestrians stay moa distracted ’cause dey stay using electronic devices moa. In some places, roads stay designed and lighted fo keep traffic moving, no necessarily fo protect pedestrians and cyclists. 🚦📱🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️

Jonathan Adkins, da chief executive of da Governors Highway Safety Association, welcome da proposal. “We definitely like see dis implemented as soon as possible,” he said. “Dis technology could help reduce deadly accidents.” 🙌🚦🛡️

Traffic fatalities stay one of da main causes of death in da United States, and da numbers stay goin’ up even wit advances like warning and crash avoidance systems, and increased use of airbags. Almost 43,000 people wen die in car crashes in 2022. Dat stay little bit less den 2021, but 31 percent moa den in 2014. 💔💥📉

Traffic deaths wen stay goin’ down until ’bout one decade ago, when dey wen start going up quick. Da increase mostly stay ’cause of one spike in pedestrian deaths. ‘Bout 3,500 pedestrians wen die in da first half of 2022, da latest period we get data fo. Dat da highest number in 40 years. 🚶‍♀️💥😢

Da consequences go way beyond da deaths. In 2019, da economic cost of car crashes stay $340 billion, according to da safety agency. In dat year, 36,500 people wen die in car accidents, 4.5 million stay injured, and 23 million vehicles wen get damaged. 💸💔💥📉

Government officials say da proposal fo automatic braking could save at least 360 lives every year and reduce injuries by ’bout 24,000 every year. Even wen automatic braking no can prevent crashes, it can make accidents less severe by slowing down da cars. 🚗💥🛡️

Braking systems use radar or cameras to predict crashes.

Automatic emergency braking systems usually use cameras, radar, or both to spot vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and oddah obstacles. By comparing da speed and direction of one vehicle wit oddah vehicles or people, these systems can figure out if one crash goin’ happen soon, warn da driver wit one alarm, and activate da brakes if da driver no do anything. 📷🚗🚦💥

Da first systems like dis wen come out in 2011. Five years aftah dat, automakers wen agree fo make automatic emergency braking technology standard in all new cars and trucks by 2022. Da agency stay saying dat da rule dey proposing goin’ have higher standards den da technology automakers wen agree fo use. 📅🚗🆕

Da Alliance fo Automotive Innovation, da main lobbying group fo da industry, no say dey support or oppose da proposed rule, but dey call automatic braking one “breakthrough technology” dat automakers “already wen use.” 🤝🚗🆕

Automatic braking one part of advanced driver-assistance systems dat some new cars get. These systems can steer da car witout human help and, in some cases, change lanes and let drivers take deir hands off da wheel on da highway. Some examples of these systems include Tesla’s Autopilot, Super Cruise by General Motors, and BlueCruise from Ford Motor. 🚗🚦👨‍💼

Da federal safety agency stay investigating Tesla’s system aftah it look like da system no can recognize and spot oddah vehicles in some situations. Da agency stay looking at 43 crashes, including 14 where 18 people wen die, dat happen wen Autopilot or one oddah system Tesla calls Full Self-Driving was activated. 🚗🚧🔍💥

Gonna take few years befoa da rules officially come into effect.

Da safety agency goin’ take comments on da rule from automakers, safety groups, and da public befoa dey make da rule final. Dis process can take one year or moa. Da rule goin’ come into effect three years aftah dey adopt ’em. 🗓️🚗🔒

On Tuesday, President Biden wen withdraw da nomination of Ann E. Carlson fo lead da agency. Some Republican senators stay against her appointment ’cause of her past work on environmental policy. Before, she was one law professor at da University of California, Los Angeles, and she been da agency’s acting administrator since September. 📜👩‍⚖️🔙


📢 U.S. Proposes Requiring New Cars to Get Automatic Braking Systems 🚫🔒

The top federal auto safety regulator is proposing a rule that would require all new cars and trucks to have automatic braking systems that can prevent collisions, after traffic fatalities have increased significantly in recent years. 💥🚗

The plan, introduced by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, would mandate car companies to adopt more advanced systems than the ones currently in use. The agency is suggesting that all light vehicles, including cars, large pickup trucks, and sport utility vehicles, be equipped with the ability to automatically stop and avoid hitting pedestrians when traveling at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour. 🚦🚶‍♀️💥

Vehicles would also need to brake and stop to prevent collisions with stopped or slow-moving vehicles when traveling at speeds of up to 62 mph. Additionally, the systems would be required to perform effectively at night. 🌙🚦💥

“We hope that this proposal will help prevent many crashes,” stated Polly Trottenberg, deputy transportation secretary, during a news conference. “We are confident that this technology will save lives.” 🙏👩‍⚖️🚫

Approximately 90 percent of new vehicles currently on sale already have some form of automatic emergency braking, although not all meet the standards proposed by the safety agency. ❗️📊🔒

Ms. Trottenberg acknowledged that the rule would impose costs on automakers, who have historically been resistant to new regulations. “We understand that this presents a challenge, but we also recognize that this technology is already quite advanced,” she said. “Now is the time to take things to the next level.” 💰💪🚗

Experts in auto safety have identified various factors contributing to the rise in traffic fatalities, including the larger size and weight of vehicles, increased distractions caused by electronic devices used by drivers and pedestrians, and the design of roads that prioritize traffic flow over pedestrian and cyclist safety. 🚦📱🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️

Jonathan Adkins, the chief executive of the Governors Highway Safety Association, welcomed the proposal, stating, “We strongly support its implementation as soon as possible. This technology has the potential to reduce the number of deadly accidents.” 🙌🚦🛡️

Traffic fatalities remain one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and the numbers continue to rise despite advancements such as warning and crash avoidance systems, as well as the increased use of airbags. In 2022, nearly 43,000 people died in car crashes. Although this was slightly lower than in 2021, it represented a 31 percent increase compared to 2014. 💔💥📉

Traffic deaths had been declining until about a decade ago when they began to rise rapidly. The increase has been primarily driven by a surge in pedestrian deaths. In the first half of 2022, approximately 3,500 pedestrians were killed, marking the highest number in 40 years. 🚶‍♀️💥😢

The consequences of these accidents go beyond the loss of lives. In 2019, the economic cost of car crashes amounted to $340 billion, according to the safety agency. During that year, 36,500 people died in car accidents, 4.5 million were injured, and 23 million vehicles were damaged. 💸💔💥📉

Government officials believe that the proposal for automatic braking could save at least 360 lives annually and reduce injuries by around 24,000 per year. Even when automatic braking cannot prevent all accidents, it can mitigate their severity by slowing down vehicles. 🚗💥🛡️

Braking systems rely on radar or cameras to predict and anticipate potential collisions.

Automatic emergency braking systems typically employ cameras, radar, or a combination of both to identify vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and other obstacles. By comparing the speed and direction of a vehicle with those of others, these systems can determine if a collision is imminent. If the driver fails to act, an alarm is triggered, and the brakes are automatically activated. 📷🚗🚦💥

The first such systems were introduced in 2011. Five years later, automakers voluntarily agreed to make automatic emergency braking technology standard in all new cars and trucks by 2022. The agency’s proposed rule would establish higher standards than those agreed upon by automakers. 📅🚗🆕

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, the main lobbying group for the industry, did not express support or opposition to the proposed rule but acknowledged automatic braking as a “breakthrough technology” that automakers have already implemented. 🤝🚗🆕

Automatic braking is one component of advanced driver-assistance systems available in some new cars. These systems can assist with steering, and in some cases, they can even change lanes and enable drivers to temporarily remove their hands from the wheel on highways. Examples of these systems include Tesla’s Autopilot, General Motors’ Super Cruise, and Ford Motor’s BlueCruise. 🚗🚦👨‍💼

The federal safety agency is currently investigating Tesla’s system after reports suggested that it failed to recognize and detect other vehicles in certain situations. The agency is examining 43 crashes, including 14 that resulted in 18 fatalities, where Autopilot or Tesla’s Full Self-Driving system was engaged. 🚗🚧🔍💥

It may take a few years before the rules officially come into effect.

The safety agency will solicit comments on the proposed rule from automakers, safety groups, and the general public before finalizing it—a process that can take a year or longer. The rule is expected to go into effect three years after its adoption. 🗓️🚗🔒

On Tuesday, President Biden withdrew the nomination of Ann E. Carlson to lead the agency. Some Republican senators opposed her appointment due to her past work on environmental policy. Prior to that, Carlson served as a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and has been the agency’s acting administrator since September. 📜👩‍⚖️🔙

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