Elon Musk

📉🐦 Da Frustration Continues: Twitter Ad Sales Plunge 59% in da U.S.

In one haole kine twist of fate, Twitter’s ad sales stay on da decline, giving da new top dog one heck of a challenge. Elon Musk, da guy wit da big ideas, was singing a different tune, saying Twitter’s ad business was on da upswing. “Almost all advertisers wen come back,” he said, believing da social media giant could soon make da big bucks. 🤑💼

But wait, hold up! Da real scoop is dat Twitter’s ad revenue for da five weeks from April 1 to da first week of May was only $88 million. And get dis, dat’s down a whopping 59 percent from da year before, according to some secret paper da New York Times managed to get deir hands on. Da company stay consistently falling short of its weekly sales targets, sometimes by as much as 30 percent. Da numbers no lie, braddah! 😱💔

But no need go cryin’ yet, cause it seems like dis miserable situation ain’t getting bettah anytime soon. According to top-secret files and seven ex and current Twitter employees, da outlook stay pretty bleak. Da ad sales gang at Twitter stay shaking in deir slippahs, scared dat advertisers go run da oddah way due to da rise in hate speech and porn on da network. Plus, get more ads popping up dat peddle online gambling and weed products. Da company stay predicting dat dis month’s U.S. ad revenue go be down by at least 56 percent every week compared to last year. Talk about tough times ahead! 🚫💰

All dis drama going be handed off to Linda Yaccarino, da big shot from NBCUniversal, who Musk picked as Twitter’s new CEO just last month. She supposed to start da gig dis Monday, so says four insiders in da know.

Ms. Yaccarino’s spokesperson, she no like talk story. As for Mr. Musk, he stay MIA, no respondin’ to any requests for comment. 🤐🤫

Now listen up, cause dis Twitter advertising kine stuff stay major important. Ads stay bringing in a whopping 90 percent of da company’s cash flow. When Musk took over Twitter for $44 billion back in October and took da company private, he promised to build da most respected ad platform around. But den he went and did some shady stuff dat wen make da advertisers mad, like firing top sales peeps, spreading conspiracy theories, and even welcomin’ back banned Twitter users. Da buggah went loco! 😡😠

So what happened to da big dreams? Well, da big-name advertisers like Apple, Amazon, and Disney, dey wen start spendin’ less on da platform compared to last year. Can you believe dat? Even da big “banner” ads on Twitter’s trends page, da kine dat cost a hefty $500,000 for just 24 hours and usually grabbed by da big brands to promote events, shows, or movies, stay going empty. Nobody wants ’em! 😒🚫

And Twitter stay gettin’ into all kine public relations messes with da big advertisers too. Like in April, dey went and mistakenly gave one gold check mark to da @DisneyJuniorUK account, thinkin’ Disney owned it. But guess what? Disney no own ’em! And da account, it wen post racist stuff. Disney officials went ballistic and demanded answers and promises from Twitter. What a mess! Disney, Apple, and Amazon, dey no like talk about it. 🤐

And guess what else? Six big shot ad agency bosses who work with Twitter, dey say deir clients stay limitin’ spending on da platform. Dey stay all confused about Musk’s crazy changes, gettin’ inconsistent support from Twitter, and worried about all da fake and toxic junk stay floatin’ around da platform. Talk about one hot mess! 🔥😫

Last month, had one picture goin’ around dat looked like one explosion near da Pentagon. Da experts say it was one fake image, but da buggah went viral on Twitter and made da stock market drop for a hot minute. Advertisers stay all stressed about dat kind stuff, you know. And den, Mr. Musk, he wen go and post stuff on Twitter comparin’ George Soros to some comic book villain. Man, da Jewish community stay all upset about dat, cause Soros and da villain, dey both Holocaust survivors. Not cool, Musk! Not cool at all! 😡😤

And da drama no stop there! Last week, da heads of trust and safety and brand safety and ad quality, dey wen quit. Looks like dey had enough of dis mess. But dey no like talk about it. Maybe too much drama, yeah? 🤷‍♂️🚶‍♂️

But hey, don’t give up hope just yet! Musk stay tryna fix da problem. He promoting dis new tool called adjacency controls, so advertisers can keep deir ads far away from his tweets. Some advertisers stay using da tool to avoid Musk like da plague. Smart move, yeah? 👀🛡️

And guess what? Some marketers stay returnin’ to da platform. GroupM, one big media-buying organization, part of da ad giant WPP, dey told deir peeps in May dat da “high risk” flag on Twitter stay gettin’ removed. Dey telling deir clients to go back to business as usual, but at deir own risk. IPG, anoddah big ad company, dey stay tellin’ clients to be cautious wit Twitter. Last year, dey told ’em to stop spending money on da platform for a bit. 🤔📢

Twitter, dey stay tryna make tings easier for advertisers too. Dey testing some automatic system outside da U.S. for makin’ deals. Insider wen talk about it first. Maybe dis can help ’em out, who knows? 🌍💼

Da company stay seein’ some growth in areas dey used to stay stayin’ away from or banned completely, like online gambling and weed products. In one week last month, four of Twitter’s top 10 advertisers stay gambling and playin’ fantasy sports. And get dis, dey stay lettin’ ads for cannabis stuff like “bongs, vapes, rolling paper” slide in too, not to mention ads for erectile dysfunction. Da times dey stay a-changin’, my friend! 🎰🌿🍆

But you know what’s really grindin’ da gears of da ad sales peeps at Twitter? It’s da adult content dat’s allowed on da platform. When some of ’em tried to get advertisers interested in stuff for Mother’s Day, dey found out dat da sponsored search terms like “MomLife” stay bringin’ up porn videos. Can you imagine? 😳🔞

All dese problems, dey hopin’ dat Ms. Yaccarino can fix ’em. Dave Campanelli, da big shot from Horizon Media, he hoping for change after Ms. Yaccarino start. Cause back in da day, his media agency was pullin’ deir hair out tryna get through to Twitter when Musk showed up. “We nevah even know who fo’ call,” he said. But he also know dis no easy job for Ms. Yaccarino, dealin’ wit one unpredictable boss and one crazy environment. Dis one tall order, no doubt. 🤞🤷‍♀️

So, my friends, Twitter’s ad sales stay goin’ down da drain, and da road ahead stay lookin’ rough. Will da new CEO be able to turn da tides? Only time go tell. For now, we watch and wait to see if Twitter can rise from da ashes or if it stay sinkin’ fast. Stay tuned, folks! 📉⏳🚀


📉🐦 The frustration continues as Twitter’s ad sales take a nosedive, plummeting by 59% in the United States.

In an unexpected turn of events, Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur, had a different perspective, claiming that Twitter’s ad business was on the rise. He believed that almost all advertisers had returned and that the social media giant would soon rake in significant profits. 🤑💼

However, the reality paints a bleaker picture. According to a confidential document obtained by The New York Times, Twitter’s ad revenue during the five-week period from April 1 to the first week of May was only $88 million, which is a staggering 59% decrease compared to the previous year. The company consistently falls short of its weekly sales targets, sometimes by as much as 30%. The numbers don’t lie! 😱💔

Unfortunately, there seems to be little improvement on the horizon. Insights from seven current and former Twitter employees reveal a rather grim outlook. The ad sales team at Twitter is apprehensive that advertisers may shy away due to the proliferation of hate speech, pornography, and the promotion of online gambling and cannabis products on the platform. Twitter predicts that this month’s ad revenue in the United States will decline by at least 56% every week compared to the previous year. Tough times ahead indeed! 🚫💰

To tackle this challenging situation, Elon Musk handpicked Linda Yaccarino, a prominent figure from NBCUniversal, as Twitter’s new CEO just last month. According to insiders, she is set to commence her role on Monday.

Although Ms. Yaccarino’s spokesperson declined to comment, Mr. Musk remains silent, not responding to any requests for input. 🤐🤫

Twitter’s advertising business is of utmost importance as it accounts for a staggering 90% of the company’s cash flow. When Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion in October and took it private, he promised to build the most respected ad platform. However, he engaged in questionable actions that angered advertisers, such as firing top sales personnel, spreading conspiracy theories, and even welcoming back banned Twitter users. Musk’s behavior became erratic! 😡😠

So, what happened to those grand dreams? Major advertisers like Apple, Amazon, and Disney have reduced their spending on the platform compared to the previous year. Can you believe it? Even the prominent “banner” ads on Twitter’s trends page, which typically cost a hefty $500,000 for just 24 hours and are usually snatched up by big brands to promote events, shows, or movies, remain unclaimed. Nobody wants them! 😒🚫

Furthermore, Twitter finds itself embroiled in various public relations disasters with its major advertisers. In April, they mistakenly verified the @DisneyJuniorUK account, assuming it was owned by Disney. However, it turned out that Disney did not own the account, and it posted racist content. Disney officials were outraged and demanded explanations and assurances from Twitter. What a mess! Disney, Apple, and Amazon prefer not to discuss the issue. 🤐

But that’s not all! Six influential ad agency executives working with Twitter revealed that their clients are reducing spending on the platform. They are perplexed by Musk’s erratic changes, receive inconsistent support from Twitter, and are concerned about the proliferation of fake and toxic content on the platform. It’s a chaotic situation! 🔥😫

Last month, a manipulated image depicting an explosion near the Pentagon circulated on Twitter, causing the stock market to briefly plummet. Advertisers were understandably stressed about such incidents. To make matters worse, Mr. Musk compared George Soros to a comic book villain in one of his tweets. This upset the Jewish community as both Soros and the fictional villain are Holocaust survivors. Not cool, Musk! Not cool at all! 😡😤

The drama doesn’t end there! Last week, the heads of trust and safety, brand safety, and ad quality at Twitter resigned. They’ve had enough of this turmoil. However, they are reluctant to discuss the matter. Perhaps it’s too much drama. 🤷‍♂️🚶‍♂️

But hey, don’t lose hope just yet! Musk is attempting to address the problem by promoting a new tool called adjacency controls, allowing advertisers to distance their ads from his tweets. Some advertisers are already utilizing this tool to avoid Musk like the plague. Smart move, right? 👀🛡️

And guess what? Some marketers are returning to the platform. GroupM, a major media-buying organization under the ad giant WPP, informed its staff in May that the “high risk” flag on Twitter has been lifted. They are advising their clients to resume business as usual but at their own risk. On the other hand, IPG, another significant ad company, advises clients to be cautious with Twitter. Last year, they advised clients to temporarily halt spending on the platform. 🤔📢

Twitter is also striving to make things easier for advertisers by testing an automatic system for making deals outside the United States. Insiders were the first to discuss this initiative. Perhaps it can help improve the situation. 🌍💼

Interestingly, the company is observing growth in previously avoided or completely banned areas such as online gambling and cannabis products. In a single week last month, four of Twitter’s top 10 advertisers were related to gambling and fantasy sports. Moreover, advertisements for cannabis paraphernalia like “bongs, vapes, and rolling paper” are slipping through, along with ads for erectile dysfunction. Times are changing, my friend! 🎰🌿🍆

However, what truly frustrates the ad sales team at Twitter is the presence of adult content on the platform. When they attempted to attract advertisers for Mother’s Day, they discovered that sponsored search terms like “MomLife” were leading to pornographic videos. Can you imagine? 😳🔞

They hope that Ms. Yaccarino can address these issues. Dave Campanelli, a prominent figure from Horizon Media, hopes for change once Ms. Yaccarino assumes her role. Back in the day, his media agency struggled to contact Twitter when Musk arrived, as they didn’t even know who to reach out to. He recognizes that it won’t be an easy job for Ms. Yaccarino, dealing with an unpredictable boss and a chaotic environment. It’s undoubtedly a daunting challenge. 🤞🤷‍♀️

So, my friends, Twitter’s ad sales are spiraling downward, and the road ahead looks challenging. Will the new CEO be able to turn the tide? Only time will tell. For now, we watch and wait to see if Twitter can rise from the ashes or if it continues to sink rapidly. Stay tuned, folks! 📉⏳🚀

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