Hollywood Writers

💰💸 Streep an’ Clooney, Dem Lead Da Choke Donation fo’ Da Striking Actors – All Da Kine Stars Throw in

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Dem big-time stars, wen join hands with celebrities like Matt Damon an’ Oprah Winfrey, an’ dey wen help raise mo’ den $15 million ova da past tree weeks. 🎬

Da Hollywood actors been on top da strike line fo’ almost tree weeks, braddah. Dey wen walk da picket lines in da hot sun ☀️, make plenny noise at da rallies, an’ dey wen flood social media with all kine cries fo’ help. Harrison Ford’s stunt double, he wen light himself on fire (safely, no worry) at one protest in Georgia. Da boss of da actors’ union, Fran Drescher, wen talk stink about da “greed-driven” studios at one New York City Council meeting, fo’ real.

But, eh, get some people all confused, wondering one thing. Like Variety, da entertainment magazine, put ’em in one July 24 headline, “Why Da A-List Stars No Show Up on da Picket Line?” 🤔

No need wonder no more. Some of dem big kahunas – like Meryl Streep and George Clooney – dey wen contribute in one diff’rent way.

Da SAG-AFTRA Foundation, dat’s one charity dat helps da everyday actors with da moolah 💵, wen say on Wednesday dat Ms. Streep an’ Mr. Clooney wen head up da donation campaign dat wen raise mo’ den $15 million in da last tree weeks. Both of ’em wen give $1 million, den dey wen start calling up da other rich stars fo’ help. Dey even wen make one Google Doc fo’ keep track who talking to who.

Get eight mo’ stars (Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Hugh Jackman, Dwayne Johnson, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Arnold Schwarzenegger, an’ Oprah Winfrey) dat wen give $1 million or more, plus two star couples: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck and Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. 🌟

Ms. Streep wen say, “I remember my days as one waiter, cleaner, typist, even my time on da unemployment line. In dis strike action, I stay lucky fo’ help those who goin’ struggle against da big, mean Goliath.”

An’ Mr. Clooney, he wen add, “We’ve stood on da shoulders of da great ones like Bette Davis an’ Jimmy Cagney, an’ now it’s time fo’ give back.”

Mr. Johnson, you know, da Rock, his big donation wen come out from da president of da SAG-AFTRA Foundation, Courtney B. Vance. His support wen bring choke attention to da Streep-Clooney campaign, an’ da 38-year-old foundation, associated with da actors’ union but run by itself, say dat’s all good.

Some actors, dey make big kala, but Ms. Drescher wen tell da New York City Council dat 86 percent of da union’s 160,000 members make less than $26,500 a year. Mr. Vance, he wen say da foundation’s financial assistance program “is now working on 30 times da usual number of requests fo’ emergency help.” 🚨

“We wen get 400 applications jus’ in da last week alone,” he wen say.

Get some big stars on da picket lines too, like Lupita Nyong’o, Colin Farrell, Jane Fonda, Awkwafina, an’ Brendan Fraser. But get problems too; da strike about da pay, an’ if da elite actors make noise, might mix up da message. An’ no fo’get da fans swarming all ova. 📢

No can tell how long dis strike gonna last, but most people in Hollywood think gonna go on fo’ few mo’ weeks, at least. Last time SAG-AFTRA wen go on strike was way back in 1980.

Da actors’ union, dey trying fo’ make sure da everyday actors get paid fair, especially when making movies or TV shows fo’ streaming services. Actors all scared dat artificial intelligence could take ova, create digital copies of their faces without pay or say-so. 🤖

Da big boss group of Motion Picture and Television Producers, who talk story for da Hollywood companies, dey say dey stay ready fo’ make one fair deal, even dough da times stay hard with all da streaming taking over. Da pandemic only wen make ’em faster.

Da union wen choose one hard road, da big boss group wen say, an’ “will lead to financial hardship for countless thousands of people who depend on the industry.” Dey no talk about da contributions on Wednesday.

So da kine thing stay all mixed up, but da stars, dey show da love and aloha fo’ each other. An’ dat’s how dey do ’em in Hollywood, brah. 🤙


💰💸 Streep and Clooney Lead the Massive Donation for Striking Actors – All the Stars Pitch In

The renowned stars, joined by celebrities like Matt Damon and Oprah Winfrey, have helped raise more than $15 million over the past three weeks. 🎬

Hollywood actors have been on strike for nearly three weeks. They’ve walked picket lines in sweltering heat ☀️, organized noisy rallies, and flooded social media with heartfelt appeals. Harrison Ford’s stunt double even safely lit himself on fire at a protest in Georgia. The president of the actors’ union, Fran Drescher, spoke out about the “greed-driven” studios at a New York City Council meeting.

However, some have been puzzled, wondering, as Variety’s headline on July 24 stated, “Why Haven’t A-List Stars Joined the Picket Line?” 🤔

Wonder no more. Some megastars – specifically Meryl Streep and George Clooney – have contributed differently.

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation, a charity providing financial assistance to everyday performers, announced on Wednesday that Ms. Streep and Mr. Clooney led a donation campaign that raised more than $15 million in the last three weeks. They each gave $1 million and then began urging Hollywood’s top-earning stars to contribute. They even created a Google Doc to track who was asking whom.

Eight more stars (Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Hugh Jackman, Dwayne Johnson, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Oprah Winfrey) gave $1 million or more, along with two star couples: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, and Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. 🌟

Ms. Streep said, “I remember my days as a waiter, cleaner, typist, even my time on the unemployment line. In this strike action, I am fortunate to support those who will struggle against the formidable Goliath.”

Mr. Clooney added, “We’ve stood on the shoulders of greats like Bette Davis and Jimmy Cagney, and now it’s time to give back.”

Mr. Johnson, also known as the Rock, had his large donation revealed by Courtney B. Vance, president of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation. His support drew significant attention to the Streep-Clooney campaign, according to the 38-year-old foundation, which operates independently but is associated with the actors’ union.

Some actors are highly compensated, but Ms. Drescher told the New York City Council that 86 percent of the union’s 160,000 members make less than $26,500 a year. Mr. Vance stated the foundation’s financial assistance program “is currently processing more than 30 times our usual number of applications for emergency aid.” 🚨

“We received 400 applications just in the last week alone,” he said.

Some big stars have been visible on picket lines, like Lupita Nyong’o, Colin Farrell, Jane Fonda, Awkwafina, and Brendan Fraser. But there are challenges; the strike is about pay minimums, and protests by elite actors could confuse the message. And there’s the potential for crowds of fans. 📢

It’s unclear how long the actors’ strike will last, but most people in Hollywood expect it to continue for several more weeks, at a minimum. SAG-AFTRA last went on strike in 1980.

The actors’ union is trying to ensure reasonable wages for everyday members, especially those working on movies or TV shows for streaming services. Actors also fear that artificial intelligence could be used to create digital replicas of their likenesses without payment or consent. 🤖

The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, negotiating for Hollywood companies, stated it remains committed to reaching a fair deal during a challenging time for an industry altered by the streaming revolution, accelerated by the pandemic.

The union’s decision “will lead to financial hardship for countless thousands of people who depend on the industry,” said the alliance in a news release when actors walked out. They declined to comment on the contributions on Wednesday.

So the situation is complex, but the stars are showing love and solidarity for each other. And that’s how they do it in Hollywood. 🤙

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