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💪💖 Governor DeSantis Let Loose Him Main Chika: His Wahine

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Casey DeSantis, da wahine of Gov. Ron DeSantis from Florida, wen’ make her first solo campaign event in Iowa. She wen’ connect with oddah mamas an’ wen’ make her man look like da kahuna for da “parents’ rights” movement. She was there fo’ win ova da conservative mamas of Iowa. So, no waste time, she talk about her three keiki, and how she no like leave dem home. 🏠👶👧👦

One funny ting, had one guy by da snowball machine, wen’ ask her if she wen’ bring her keiki with her. Sitting on top one small stage in suburban Des Moines for her first solo show in her husband’s presidential campaign, she answer straight: “No.” ❄️🎤🙅‍♀️

Da last time she wen’ get one bright idea for make one campaign event with her small keiki, she tell da crowd, was at one event for her man’s re-election campaign in Florida. Most of the time, her 5-year-old daughter, Madison, was making dakine fidgety action by her side. Right at the end, Madison wen’ yank her sleeve and whisper she gotta shishi, Casey DeSantis remember. 🎪👧🚽

Da mamas in da crowd, they wen’ get one out-of-body experience. Do I gotta stand up? Do I gotta walk her? She wondering, as da crowd wen’ go wild. Like, what is going down? 🤷‍♀️😂

Casey DeSantis, she one important adviser for her husband, kinda like da “not-so-secret weapon,” da “second in command,” an’ da “primary sounding board” for his political operation. Now, in da early weeks of his presidential campaign, she went take on one new job: humanizer-in-chief. 🗳️👑🎯

Sending your spouse for try soften up your rough political image, das one old school tactic of presidential politics. Now, it’s Casey DeSantis’ turn. But hardly ever you see this strategy pop up so early in the primary campaign. It show both Mr. DeSantis’ struggle for connect with voters an’ da big kine role his wahine been playing in his political career. 🕰️🧩🏁

When her man was running for Congress da first time, Ms. DeSantis, who was one local news reporter back then, she went all around da neighborhoods in their northeastern Florida district on top one electric scooter, knocking on doors and talking story about her husband. After, when he wen’ run for governor, she wen’ narrate his most bumbai ad, one 2018 spot where he wen’ tell their toddler for “build the wall” with big cardboard blocks. Her role wen’ grow with his. After he won, she scored one prime office in the governor’s Capitol suite, wen’ interview staff for his new administration and shared the stage at hurricane briefings, some of the most high-profile governor’s appearances in Florida. ⚡🎬🏛️

Recently, she went join her husband for follow the funny kine traditions of the early-state primary circuit. She wen’ praise Iowa’s gas station pizza an’ made headlines for wearing one black leather jacket with the unofficial campaign slogan “Where Woke Goes to Die” at one yearly motorcycle-themed Republican fund-raiser in Des Moines. ⛽🍕🏍️

With her high-profile role, get plenny people spinning their own stories, whether they like ’em or not. Some say she’s his greatest strength. Oddahs say maybe his greatest liability. Some say she’s the cure to his well-known struggles for connect. Oddahs say she’s a virus in his campaign, making her man no trust people outside his small political circle. 🔄🔬🦠

But for Mr. DeSantis, all he hoping for is that his wahine can give voters something they can relate to. 🙏💏🗳️

Her message wen’ come out loud an’ clear on Thursday in Johnston, Iowa, where Ms. DeSantis was there with the state’s Republican governor, Kim Reynolds, for one Q&A session. “How in da world you do ’em?” da governor wen’ ask, herself one mama of three daughters and one tutu to 11 mo’opuna. 🗣️🤔

“Get plenny organized chaos, I no going lie,” said Ms. DeSantis, before she wen’ talk story about her three keiki — Madison, Mason and Mamie — and their adventures in the governor’s mansion. Then, was time for get down to business. Ms. DeSantis wen’ come for officially announce “Mamas for DeSantis,” one national version of the statewide group she wen’ start during her man’s re-election bid in 2022. She wen’ try show him as da guy for the conservative anger at school administrators an’ school boards that wen’ blow up during the pandemic. 🏢👩‍👧‍👦👩‍

Plenny of what she talk was about one social agenda people call “parents’ rights,” all kine mix up movement. Get efforts for limit how they teach about race an’ L.G.B.T.Q. issues, get attacks on transgender rights, get support for public funded private school vouchers an’ opposition to vaccine mandates. 📚🏳️‍🌈💉

“I care about protecting the innocence of my keiki and your keiki,” she told the audience. “Long as I get breath in my body, I going out and I going fight for Ron DeSantis, not just because he’s my husband — that’s part of it — but because I believe in him with every ounce of my being.” 💪❤️

Her message wen’ hit home with some in the audience, including plenny who part of Moms for Liberty, one group that wen’ become one conservative powerhouse on social issues. Mr. DeSantis, said Elicha Brancheau, one member of Moms for Liberty, been a strong fighter for parents’ rights, and she was stoked by his wife’s dedication to the issue.

“I like her plenty. She’s so akamai, well-spoken,” said Ms. Brancheau, who wen’ meet Ms. DeSantis before the event. “I love the way their ohana work together.” 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💕🤝

But not everybody was convinced.

Malina Cottington, one mama of five who started for homeschool her keiki after the pandemic, she looking for one candidate who going take the strongest position on preserving what she call parental rights. She was impressed by Mr. DeSantis but she like the more bold plan of one of his Republican rivals, Vivek Ramaswamy, the millionaire entrepreneur and author who promise to abolish the Department of Education.

“I think we need something that drastic,” said Ms. Cottington, 42, who live in suburban Des Moines. “We just like make sure we can raise our keiki the way we want to raise them.” 👩‍👧‍👦📚🔍


💪💖 Governor DeSantis Unleashes His Main Asset: His Wife

Casey DeSantis, the wife of Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, made her first solo campaign event in Iowa. She connected with other mothers and helped to position her husband as the leader of the “parents’ rights” movement. She was there to win over the conservative mothers of Iowa. Without wasting time, she spoke about her three children, and how she hated leaving them at home. 🏠👶👧👦

Interestingly, a man by the snowball machine asked if she had brought her kids with her. Seated on a small stage in suburban Des Moines for her first solo appearance in her husband’s presidential campaign, her answer was emphatic: “No.” ❄️🎤🙅‍♀️

The last time she got the idea to conduct a campaign event with her young children was at a re-election event for her husband in Florida. Most of the time, her 5-year-old daughter, Madison, was restless by her side. Near the end, Madison tugged at her sleeve and whispered that she needed the bathroom, Casey DeSantis recalled. 🎪👧🚽

The mothers in the audience empathized. Should I stand up? Should I walk her? She wondered, as the crowd erupted in laughter. What exactly is going on? 🤷‍♀️😂

Casey DeSantis is an important adviser to her husband, being described as the “not-so-secret weapon,” the “second in command,” and the “primary sounding board” for his political operation. Now, in the early weeks of his presidential campaign, she has taken on a new role: humanizer-in-chief. 🗳️👑🎯

Sending your spouse to help soften a harsh political image is a time-honored tactic of presidential politics. Now, it’s Casey DeSantis’ turn. But it’s unusual to see this strategy employed so early in the primary campaign. It reflects both Mr. DeSantis’ struggle to connect with voters and the significant role his wife has been playing in his political career. 🕰️🧩🏁

When her husband first ran for Congress, Ms. DeSantis, a local news reporter at the time, roamed the neighborhoods in their northeastern Florida district on an electric scooter, knocking on doors and talking about her husband. Later, when he ran for governor, she narrated his most memorable ad, a 2018 spot where he encouraged their toddler to “build the wall” with big cardboard blocks. Her role grew with his. After he won, she secured a prime office in the governor’s Capitol suite, interviewed staff for his new administration, and shared the stage at hurricane briefings, some of the most high-profile governor’s appearances in Florida. ⚡🎬🏛️

Recently, she accompanied her husband as they adhered to the quirky traditions of the early-state primary circuit. She praised Iowa’s gas station pizza and made headlines for wearing a black leather jacket with the unofficial campaign slogan “Where Woke Goes to Die” at an annual motorcycle-themed Republican fund-raiser in Des Moines. ⛽🍕🏍️

With her high-profile role, many people have their own opinions, whether they like her or not. Some say she’s his greatest strength. Others say perhaps his greatest liability. Some say she’s the cure to his well-known struggles to connect. Others say she’s a virus in his campaign, causing her husband to distrust people outside his close political circle. 🔄🔬🦠

But for Mr. DeSantis, he’s hoping his wife can provide something relatable to voters. 🙏💏🗳️

Her message was loud and clear on Thursday in Johnston, Iowa, where Ms. DeSantis was present with the state’s Republican governor, Kim Reynolds, for a Q&A session. “How in the world do you do it?” the governor asked, herself a mother of three daughters and grandmother to 11 grandchildren. 🗣️🤔

“There’s a lot of organized chaos, I won’t lie,” said Ms. DeSantis, before talking about her three children — Madison, Mason and Mamie — and their adventures in the governor’s mansion. Then, it was time to get down to business. Ms. DeSantis came to officially announce “Moms for DeSantis,” a national version of the statewide group she started during her husband’s re-election bid in 2022. She tried to present him as the champion for the conservative anger at school administrators and school boards that emerged during the pandemic. 🏢👩‍👧‍👦👩‍

Much of her speech revolved around the socio-political agenda known as “parents’ rights,” a diverse movement that includes efforts to limit teaching about race and L.G.B.T.Q. issues, attacks on transgender rights, support for publicly funded private school vouchers, and opposition to vaccine mandates. 📚🏳️‍🌈💉

“I care about protecting the innocence of my children and your children,” she told the audience. “As long as I have breath in my body, I will go out and fight for Ron DeSantis, not just because he’s my husband — that’s part of it — but because I believe in him with every ounce of my being.” 💪❤️

Her message resonated with some in the audience, including many who are part of Moms for Liberty, a group that has become a conservative powerhouse on social issues. Mr. DeSantis, said Elicha Brancheau, a member of Moms for Liberty, has been a strong defender of parents’ rights, and she was moved by his wife’s dedication to the issue.

“I like her a lot. She’s very intelligent, well-spoken,” said Ms. Brancheau, who met Ms. DeSantis before the event. “I love the way their family works together.” 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💕🤝

But not everyone was convinced.

Malina Cottington, a mother of five who began to homeschool her children after the pandemic, is looking for a candidate who will take the strongest position on preserving what she calls parental rights. She was impressed by Mr. DeSantis but favors the more audacious plan of one of his Republican rivals, Vivek Ramaswamy, the millionaire entrepreneur and author who promises to abolish the Department of Education.

“I think we need something that drastic,” said Ms. Cottington, 42, who lives in suburban Des Moines. “We just want to make sure we can raise our children the way we want to raise them.” 👩‍👧‍👦📚🔍

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