Protest in France

💥 Macron Make Da Kine Pension Age Rise 64 Law 💥

Da French President Emmanuel Macron wen’ sign da kine well-unpopular pension reforms into law. Da state pension age goin’ go up from 62 to 64, brah. 🇫🇷✍️

Only few hours afta France’s top constitutional body wen’ clear da change, da law wen’ pass. Da Constitutional Council wen’ bus’ out some aspects of da reforms, cuz had legal kine flaws, but neva like listen to opposition calls fo’ one referendum. 🏛️🚫

Afta da council wen’ rule, da protesters wen’ set fires all ova Paris an’ 112 peeps wen’ get arrested. 😲🔥

Since January, get 12 days of demonstrations against da reforms. Unions wen’ promise fo’ stay fight da kine changes, an’ call all da workas throughout France fo’ go back on da streets on May 1st. 🇫🇷🚶‍♂️

President Macron say da reforms stay necessary fo’ stop da pension system from falling apart. In March, da government wen’ use one special constitutional power fo’ push da changes without one vote. 🗳️🚫

Early Saturday morning, Macron wen’ sign da kine reforms into law. Da Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt wen’ say he tink da reforms goin’ kick in by da time September starts. ⏰📅

Afta da Friday ruling of da Constitutional Court, trade unions wen’ try make one last-minute plea to da president fo’ no sign da pension-age increase into law. Dem unions wen’ talk about how six concessions dat wen’ added to da reforms wen’ get rejected by da court. So, da kine unfair stuff wen’ get “even mo’ unbalanced”. 😣⚖️

Da Constitutional Council wen’ strike down some of da reforms, like da one “senior index” dat wen’ aim fo’ make companies wit’ mo’ than 1,000 workas hire peeps ova 55. 🧓🏢

Mr. Dussopt wen’ promise fo’ improve da employment rates fo’ dose 50 an’ older, fo’ help ease da worry about da financial impact of da raised retirement age. 💸👴

Da authorities wen’ ban protests in front of da Constitutional Council building in Paris ’til Saturday morning. But, crowds of protesters wen’ gather nearby on Friday an’ wen’ boo da ruling. 😠🗣️

Some demonstrators wen’ chant dey goin’ protest ’til da changes stay taken back. Lata on, plenny fires wen’ set around da city as riot police wen’ try fo’ keep things under control. Dey even wen’ use tear gas at times. Paris police wen’ say 112 peeps wen’ get arrested. 🔥👮‍♂️

Fires wen’ also lit during protests in Rennes an’ Nantes. In Lyon, get some tense face-offs between protesters an’ da police. 🌆🔥

Lucy, 21, wen’ talk wit’ BBC dat she stay “disappointed we no mo’ da power any more”. She wen’ say “Nobody is listening to us no matter how hard we are shouting” an’ promise fo’ keep speaking out. 📣😔

Da streets near da court stay get barriers, an’ riot police stay deployed fo’ hanai da kine potential violent protests. Lucas, 27, wen’ say he stay worried about da future an’ wat President Macron like do fo’ da rest of his term. 🚧👮‍♂️

Da left-wing Nupes political alliance wen’ one of da groups dat wen’ appeal to da court ova da reforms. Da leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, wen’ say da “fight” goin’ continue. He wen’ talk, “Da Constitutional Council’s decision shows dat it is more attentive to da needs of da presidential monarchy than to those of da sovereign people.” 🎯💪

Marine Le Pen from da far-right National Rally, which wen’ also appeal to da court, wen’ respond on social media dat “da political fate of da pension reform is not sealed.” 💻📣

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne wen’ tweet on Friday, “tonight there is no winner, no loser”. While da court wen’ reject one initial bid fo’ referendum on da reforms, it goin’ decide next month on one mo’ proposal fo’ national vote by da left. 🗓️🗳️

French political analyst Antoine Bristielle wen’ tell BBC he no tink da protests goin’ pau anytime soon. He wen’ say, “A lot of people were saying that the reforms would pass and that the Constitutional Court would not avoid it so it’s not a surprise.” 🇫🇷📺

But he wen’ add, “I think we will see in the upcoming hours and at the weekend a lot of riots and strikes in the country because there are still 70% of the French population against the reform.” So, brah, da kine fight against pension reforms in France stay far from pau. 🚩🇫🇷


💥 Macron Signs Pension Age Increase to 64 into Law 💥

French President Emmanuel Macron has signed the highly unpopular pension reforms into law, raising the state pension age from 62 to 64. 🇫🇷✍️

This happened just hours after France’s top constitutional body cleared the change. The Constitutional Council struck down some aspects of the reforms due to legal flaws, but did not heed opposition calls for a referendum. 🏛️🚫

Following the council’s ruling, protesters set fires across Paris and 112 people were arrested. 😲🔥

There have been 12 days of demonstrations against the reforms since January. Unions have pledged to continue opposing the changes and called on workers across France to return to the streets on May 1st. 🇫🇷🚶‍♂️

President Macron argues that the reforms are necessary to prevent the pension system from collapsing. In March, the government used a special constitutional power to force through the changes without a vote. 🗳️🚫

Macron signed the reforms into law early on Saturday morning. Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt said he expects the reforms to come into effect by the start of September. ⏰📅

After the Friday ruling of the Constitutional Court, trade unions made an unsuccessful last-ditch appeal to the president not to sign the pension-age increase into law. The unions pointed out that six concessions that had been added to the reforms were rejected by the court, making the already unfair situation “even more unbalanced.” 😣⚖️

The Constitutional Council struck down some of the reforms, such as a “senior index” aimed at encouraging companies with more than 1,000 workers to hire people over 55. 🧓🏢

Mr. Dussopt has promised to improve the employment rates of those aged over 50 in an effort to ease concerns about the financial impacts of the raised retirement age. 💸👴

Authorities banned protests in front of the Constitutional Council building in Paris until Saturday morning, but crowds of protesters gathered nearby on Friday and jeered the ruling. 😠🗣️

Some demonstrators chanted that they would continue protesting until the changes were withdrawn. Later, several fires were set across the city as riot police tried to contain the situation, sometimes using tear gas. Paris police said that 112 people were arrested. 🔥👮‍♂️

Fires were also lit during demonstrations in Rennes and Nantes, while there were tense standoffs between protesters and police in Lyon. 🌆🔥

Lucy, 21, spoke to the BBC and expressed disappointment that “we don’t have the power any more.” She added that “Nobody is listening to us no matter how hard we are shouting” and vowed to keep speaking out. 📣😔

Barriers were erected in the streets near the court, and riot police were deployed to handle potential violent protests. Lucas, 27, said he was worried about the future and what President Macron intended for the rest of his presidency. 🚧👮‍♂️

The left-wing Nupes political alliance was one of the groups that lodged an appeal with the court over the reforms. Its leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said the “fight” would continue, adding that the Constitutional Council’s decision shows it is more attentive to the needs of the presidential monarchy than to those of the sovereign people. 🎯💪

Marine Le Pen from the far-right National Rally, which also appealed to the court, responded on social media saying, “the political fate of the pension reform is not sealed.” 💻📣

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne tweeted on Friday, “tonight there is no winner, no loser.” While the court rejected an initial bid for a referendum on the reforms, it will decide next month on another proposal for a national vote by the left. 🗓️🗳️

French political analyst Antoine Bristielle told BBC he doesn’t think the protests will end anytime soon. He said, “A lot of people were saying that the reforms would pass and that the Constitutional Court would not avoid it so it’s not a surprise.” 🇫🇷📺

But he added, “I think we will see in the upcoming hours and at the weekend a lot of riots and strikes in the country because there are still 70% of the French population against the reform.” So, the fight against pension reforms in France is far from over. 🚩🇫🇷

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