Texas law makers

💥🚫 Texas Lawmakers Block D.E.I. Programs at State Universities 🏛️💔

Just one day befo’ da Texas legislative session pau, da state lawmakers wen give da nod to one serious ban on offices an’ programs dat stay promoting diversity, equity, an’ inclusion at publicly funded colleges an’ universities. On Sunday, both chambers wen approve Senate Bill 17, which had Brandon Creighton, one Republican state senator, as its sponsor.

“Da days of political oaths, compelled speech, an’ racial profiling in university hiring stay behind us,” Mr. Creighton said in one strong statement.

But da Democrats, college educators, an’ students, dey all wen wave da red flag, warning dat dis ban, it goin’ have some real big-time consequences. It goin’ mess wit da schools’ ability fo’ attract an’ keep students from all kine backgrounds, an’ it goin’ seriously hurt dey chances fo’ get research grants an’ programming funds.

Da Texas Conference of American Association of University Professors, dey wen speak up too, sayin’ in one loud voice dat dis bill, it goin’ send one clear message to da 1.3 million public university an’ community college students: “Our state, it no stay committed to welcomin’ students from all backgrounds, an’ to buildin’ one public higher education system dat stay truly inclusive an’ supportive of all.” 💔📣

Why Dis Matter: Education, it stay right smack in da middle of all da political battles dat stay breakin’ out all ova da country.

Texas, it stay joinin’ da oddah states dat stay slashin’ da funds fo’ diversity, equity, an’ inclusion initiatives, or D.E.I. Dis move, it just one part of one big wave dat stay sweepin’ all ova da nation. All dose conservative politicians, dey stay shoutin’ from da rooftops dat da taxpayer money, it stay gettin’ used fo’ stoke up da racial division an’ push one liberal agenda in colleges an’ universities.

Da Associated Press, dey wen dig deep an’ do da math, an’ dey found out dat at least 30 bills in ’bout one dozen states dis year, dey stay aimed at shuttin’ down all da diversity, equity, an’ inclusion efforts in colleges an’ universities. Da numbers don’t lie, braddah. 📊

Backstory: D.E.I., it stay gettin’ targeted left an’ right, all ova da place.

From east side to west side, an’ from north shore to south shore, public colleges an’ universities, dey stay puttin’ up D.E.I. offices fo’ help get all kine students, an’ support ’em too. But lately, all dose efforts, dey stay takin’ some serious heat from conservative state legislators who stay yellin’ at da top of dey lungs dat dey stay discriminating. Already, some universities, dey stay pumpin’ da brakes on dey D.E.I. programs, cuz da laws an’ da political pressure, dey stay piling up. One big kine case, it wen happen in Florida, when Gov. Ron DeSantis, he wen sign one bill into law two weeks ago, an’ dat law, it stay puttin’ da kibosh on institutions of public higher education spendin’ funds on D.E.I. initiatives. An’ in Iowa, da Board of Regents president, he wen step up an’ say dat dey goin’ take one hard look at da current D.E.I. programs at three public universities, an’ no new initiatives goin’ happen ’til dey finish da review. 😮🔍

What’s Next?

Senate Bill 17, it goin’ make one journey to da office of Gov. Greg Abbott, one true-blue Republican. An’ if you know anytin’ ’bout politics in Texas, you know he goin’ give ’em one stamp of approval. If dis bill, it goin’ become one law, da D.E.I. programs at public colleges an’ universities, dey goin’ need fo’ shut down shop in ’bout six months. It’s like one countdown, braddah. 🚀📅

So now, da ball stay in Gov. Abbott’s court, an’ da fate of diversity, equity, an’ inclusion efforts at Texas state universities, it hang in da balance. Will da ban become reality, or will there be one pushback from concerned citizens who stand for equality? Only time goin’ tell. But for now, all eyes stay on Texas, as da Lone Star State takes one mighty step dat goin’ shape da future of higher education within its borders. Stay tuned, my friends. Da story, it far from ovah. 🤔🌟📚


💥🚫 Texas Lawmakers Block D.E.I. Programs at State Universities 🏛️💔

Just one day before the Texas legislative session ended, the state lawmakers gave the nod to a significant ban on offices and programs that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at publicly funded colleges and universities. On Sunday, both chambers approved Senate Bill 17, which had Brandon Creighton, a Republican state senator, as its sponsor.

“The days of political oaths, compelled speech, and racial profiling in university hiring are behind us,” Mr. Creighton said in one strong statement.

But the Democrats, college educators, and students, they all waved the red flag, warning that this ban will have real big-time consequences. It will mess with the schools’ ability to attract and retain students from all kinds of backgrounds, and it will seriously hurt their chances to get research grants and programming funds.

The Texas Conference of the American Association of University Professors also spoke up, saying in one loud voice that this bill will send one clear message to the 1.3 million public university and community college students: “Our state is not committed to welcoming students from all backgrounds, and to building one public higher education system that is truly inclusive and supportive of all.” 💔📣

Why Does This Matter: Education is right smack in the middle of all the political battles breaking out all over the country.

Texas is joining the other states that are slashing the funds for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, also known as D.E.I. This move is just one part of a big wave that is sweeping all over the nation. All those conservative politicians are shouting from the rooftops that the taxpayer money is being used to stoke up the racial division and push a liberal agenda in colleges and universities.

The Associated Press dug deep and did the math, and they found out that at least 30 bills in about a dozen states this year are aimed at shutting down all the diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in colleges and universities. The numbers don’t lie, my friend. 📊

Backstory: D.E.I. is getting targeted left and right, all over the place.

From the east side to the west side, and from the north shore to the south shore, public colleges and universities are putting up D.E.I. offices to help get all kinds of students and support them too. But lately, all those efforts are taking some serious heat from conservative state legislators who are yelling at the top of their lungs that they are discriminating. Already, some universities are pumping the brakes on their D.E.I. programs because the laws and the political pressure are piling up. One big case happened in Florida, when Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law two weeks ago that put the kibosh on institutions of public higher education spending funds on D.E.I. initiatives. And in Iowa, the Board of Regents president stepped up and said that they will take a hard look at the current D.E.I. programs at three public universities, and no new initiatives will happen until they finish the review. 😮🔍

What’s Next?

Senate Bill 17 will make its journey to the office of Gov. Greg Abbott, a true-blue Republican. And if you know anything about politics in Texas, you know he will give it a stamp of approval. If this bill becomes law, the D.E.I. programs at public colleges and universities will need to shut down shop in about six months. It’s like a countdown, my friend. 🚀📅

So now, the ball is in Gov. Abbott’s court, and the fate of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at Texas state universities hangs in the balance. Will the ban become a reality, or will there be a pushback from concerned citizens who stand for equality? Only time will tell. But for now, all eyes are on Texas as the Lone Star State takes a mighty step that will shape the future of higher education within its borders. Stay tuned, my friends. The story is far from over. 🤔🌟📚

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