A painting of Anna Nicole Smith

💍💸 Da Whole Story ‘Bout Anna Nicole Smith’s Husban’ J. Howard Marshall II 🤵

💍💸 Da Whole Story ‘Bout Anna Nicole Smith’s Husban’ J. Howard Marshall II 🤵

Anna Nicole Smith wen’ get hitched wit J. Howard Marshall II in 1994 wen she was on’y 26 years old an’ he, oh bruddah, he was a whopping 89 years old! 😱

Anna Nicole Smith wen’ become one famous kine name wen’ she wen’ tie da knot wit J. Howard Marshall II in 1994. At dat time, she wen’ be 26 years old an’ dis kane Marshall, he was already in his 89th year. She wen’ be da third wife fo’ Marshall an’ da second local Texas dancer he wen’ date.

Afta Marshall wen’ go kapu (dat means he wen’ pass away) wen’ he wen’ be 90 years old in 1995, da whole history an’ accomplishments from his first 89 years wen’ kinda fade away ’cause da media wen’ go all cray-cray ova his third marriage. It wen’ turn into one big circus, I tell you. 😵🎪

Marshall an’ Smith wen’ get all da peepah talking an’ wondering, an’ dey wen’ start all dis gossip an’ lawsuit mess wen’ he wen’ go six feet unda. Smith, da one single mom who wen’ call Marshall “Paw Paw” wit love, she wen’ always say dat she wen’ marry him fo’ da right reasons. “Plenny folks tink I wen’ marry Howard fo’ his money. But no way, brah! No can!” she wen’ say. “I love him.” Da model an’ actress wen’ keep on fighting wit one of Marshall’s sons fo’ wat she wen’ believe she was ‘sposed to get from Marshall’s kuleana (dat’s “estate” in da haoles’ words) afta he wen’ kick da bucket. 🤼‍♀️💰

Eh, now we goin’ learn more ’bout Anna Nicole Smith’s second husban’, J. Howard Marshall II.

Dis bruddah wen’ be one big-time oilman an’ he wen’ get plenny cash 💸💸

Even dough everybody tink bout Marshall wen’ it come to Smith, mo’ of his life an’ big achievements wen’ happen long before she wen’ come into dis world. J. Howard Marshall II wen’ come out from Philadelphia on Jan. 24, 1905. He wen’ grow up as one Quaker an’ wen’ graduate from Haverford College, one Quaker school, in 1926. Den, he wen’ go Yale Law School an’ graduate in 1931. Afta he wen’ finish up at Yale, he wen’ become one assistant dean an’ teach business classes. He wen’ even write stories ’bout da petroleum industry, all dis info come from U.S. News an’ World Report.

In 1933, Marshall wen’ leave Yale an’ become one assistant solicitor at da Department of da Interior. He wen’ write da rules an’ regulations fo’ da petroleum industry in dat job. Two years latah, Marshall wen’ get promoted to one special counsel fo’ da president of Standard Oil of California (nowadays dey call ’em Chevron). In 1937, he wen’ join up wit da company’s outside firm, Pillsbury Madison Sutro, like The New York Times wen’ say.

In 1941, Marshall wen’ become da Solicitor of da Petroleum Administration fo’ War during World War II, an’ he wen’ play one key role in da energy policy at da time. Three years aftah, he wen’ become da chairman an’ vice president of Ashland Oil an’ Refining Co., an’ in 1946, he wen’ write da executive order dat wen’ create da National Petroleum Council. Alongside da Koch Brothers, Marshall wen’ co-found Great Northern Oil in 1952.

Aftah all dat, Marshall wen’ move to Houston an’ continue workin’ in da oil industry. In 1984, he wen’ even found his own oil company called Marshall Petroleum. Da bruddah wen’ stay busy, yeah? 💼🛢️

But hold up, dis man wen’ get married twice befo’ he wen’ tie da knot wit Anna Nicole Smith.

First, he wen’ marry his sweetheart Eleanor Pierce in 1931, an’ dey wen’ have two sons togeddah, James Howard Marshall III an’ E. Pierce Marshall. But den, dey wen’ split up an’ get divorced in 1961. Aftah dat, Marshall wen’ marry his second wife, Bettye Bohannon, da same year.

Marshall an’ Bohannon wen’ stay married all da way until 1991 wen’ she wen’ pass away from Alzheimer’s disease. But you know, Marshall wen’ have one oddah lady on da side since 1982. Her name wen’ be Jewell Dianne “Lady” Walker, one Houston dancer. He wen’ spoil her wit plenny gifts, yeah. But she wen’ also pass away in 1991 while she wen’ get one facelift. Da Los Angeles Times wen’ write ’bout dat.

Aftah Walker wen’ go, Marshall an’ his son Pierce wen’ sue her estate fo’ da millions dat Marshall wen’ give her during deir ten-year relationship. Dey wen’ get back plenny of da value from da gifts he wen’ give her, estimated between $6 million an’ $10 million.

Now, let’s talk ’bout how Smith wen’ meet dis man. 🕺💃

Back in 1988, while Marshall wen’ still married to Bohannon an’ spoilin’ Walker, he wen’ meet Smith, whose real name be Vickie Lynn Hogan. She wen’ be dancing in one topless club in Houston. Three months aftah Walker wen’ pass away, Marshall wen’ reportedly visit Gigi’s, one strip club in Houston where Smith wen’ dance at da time. Aftah she wen’ dance fo’ him, Smith wen’ agree fo’ go lunch wit Marshall da next day, an’ he wen’ give her $1,000. She wen’ quit her dancin’ job dat day an’ start gettin’ cash an’ gifts from Marshall.

Da Los Angeles Times wen’ say dat Marshall wen’ ask Smith fo’ marry him plenny times aftah dey wen’ have deir first date in 1991. But it wen’ take ’til Smith wen’ become one celebrity on her own—bein’ one Playboy Playmate, Guess model, an’ actress in movies like Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult an’ The Hudsucker Proxy—fo’ her fo’ finally say “yeah” to Marshall.

One lady named Pat Walker, she wen’ own da White Dove Wedding Chapel where Marshall an’ Smith wen’ get married latah. She wen’ tell Texas Monthly dat Smith wen’ say to her, “I’m not marryin’ him fo’ his money. He been beggin’ me fo’ marry him fo’ ova four years. But I wen’ like fo’ start my own career first, make my own money.”

Anna Nicole Smith, she wen’ spend plenny of Marshall’s money even befo’ dey wen’ officially become husband an’ wife. Smith wen’ focus on makin’ her own bread, but Marshall, oh boy, he wen’ still like fo’ spend big on her. Texas Monthly wen’ say dat Smith wen’ rack up $2 million on Marshall’s Platinum American Express card in just one shoppin’ spree back in March 1993. Plus, he wen’ buy her one flashy red Mercedes, one house in Brentwood, one ranch outside Houston, an’ one apartment in New York City. She wen’ live da high life, no doubt. 💳🚗🏡

But even wit all dem expensive gifts, dey say dat when dey wen’ go on dates, it was all simple stuff. Dey would just grab lunch at country clubs or places like Red Lobster. Funny how life works, yeah? From bein’ one waitress at Red Lobster to bein’ treated like royalty by one wealthy oil tycoon. Life can take some unexpected turns, fo’ real. 🦞🍽️

Now, let’s talk ’bout deir all-white wedding an’ what happened aftah. 👰🤵💍

Smith an’ Marshall wen’ tie da knot on June 27, 1994, at da White Dove Wedding Chapel in Houston. Walker, da chapel owner, wen’ tell PEOPLE dat Smith wen’ wear one super low-cut white satin gown an’ she wen’ look absolutely stunning. Can you imagine? 😍

Da interesting ting is dat Smith’s ohana (dat means family) wen’ actually plan da wedding fo’ her an’ Marshall so dat dey can try fo’ avoid da media gettin’ all up in deir business. Dey wen’ tell Walker dat money no problem, dey jus’ wanted fo’ create da perfect day. Da theme was all-white everyting. Marshall wen’ wear one white tuxedo, an’ Smith wen’ walk down da aisle on top of white roses (not petals, but whole buds, yeah). Da reception had champagne an’ chocolate cake. Right aftah da wedding, Smith wen’ give Marshall one kiss an’ tell him, “Bye, darling, I’m off to Greece.” Can you imagine jet-settin’ right aftah gettin’ married? Livin’ da dream life! ✈️🏝️

But you know, aftah da wedding, dey didn’t spend much time togeddah. Smith wen’ mostly live in Los Angeles, while Marshall wen’ stay in Texas. When Marshall wen’ visit Smith in L.A. in December 1994, she reportedly didn’t even let him sleep in her bed. She wen’ tell him, “Oh no, Paw Paw. You know you no can sleep in my bed. You pee da bed.” Well, das one way to keep boundaries, I guess. 🛏️😂

An’ get dis, bruddahs an’ sistahs. Smith wen’ face one buggah challenge in da final months of Marshall’s life. In January 1995, she wen’ go visit Marshall at his home in Houston. But da ting is, Marshall wen’ be suff’rin’ from stomach cancer, an’ he supposed to only get fed through one tube, yeah. But Smith, oh boy, she wen’ go against da rules. She wen’ take one spoon an’ feed him chicken broth. But da buggah wen’ choke, an’ he had to go hospital.

Aftah dis incident, Marshall’s son Pierce wen’ take control an’ get temporary legal guardianship ova his father’s stuff. He wen’ cut Smith off from all da money an’ keep her away from Marshall. He even wen’ hire armed guards fo’ make sure she no can get near him. Court documents wen’ show dat Smith was only allowed to see Marshall fo’ 30 minutes each day, an’ she had to finish up by 8 p.m. Damn, talk about drama! 🕒😱

Den, on August 4, 1995, Marshall wen’ pass away from pneumonia. Smith an’ Pierce, dey both wen’ have deir own separate memorials fo’ him. Pierce wen’ plan one quiet state funeral fo’ Marshall on August 13, 1995. But Smith, oh no, she wen’ do her own ting. She wen’ have one relatively extravagant memorial on August 7. Smith wen’ wear her low-cut white gown an’ her wedding veil. Her son Daniel, who wen’ be 9 years old at da time, wen’ wear one white tuxedo, matchin’ patent leather shoes, an’ carryin’ one black dog. ‘Bout 30 people wen’ show up, an’ guess wat? None of dem even knew Marshall befo’ he wen’ marry Smith. As part of da service, Daniel an’ Smith wen’ sing Bette Midler’s song “Wind Beneath My Wings” to all da peepah. Can you imagine dat scene? 😢🎶

Da drama didn’t stop there, my friends. Aftah Marshall wen’ pass away, da legal battle between Smith an’ Pierce wen’ rage on fo’ years. You know Marshall, he nevah include Smith in his will. He wen’ leave his entire kuleana, worth ’bout $1.6 billion, to his son Pierce. Smith wen’ go an’ sue in Texas, claimin’ she was owed $475 million, half of da estate. But she wen’ lose in one September 1997 ruling dat declared Pierce as da sole heir. Even da oldest son, J. Howard Marshall III, got shut out. Dis court fight wen’ drag on fo’ years, an’ bofe sides wen’ sling mud at each oddah. Smith wen’ even accuse Pierce of wantin’ his own faddah dead durin’ one heated testimony in May 1998. It wen’ get real ugly, my bruddahs an’ sistahs. 😡⚖️

But den, Smith wen’ team up wit Marshall’s disinherited older son Howard, an’ dey wen’ sue Pierce, claimin’ he wen’ conspire fo’ 20 years fo’ take all da fortune fo’ himself. Da case wen’ all da way to da federal Supreme Court, an’ believe it or not, Smith wen’ come out on top. Different judges wen’ give contradictin’ rulings ’cause of complications from Smith filin’ fo’ bankruptcy in 1996. First, Smith wen’ win $474 million, but den dat wen’ get reduced to $88 million. It wen’ go back an’ forth, back an’ forth, like one see-saw, yeah? But in da end, da Supreme Court wen’ rule in Smith’s favor. 💰⚖️

Unfortunately, Pierce wen’ pass away in June 2006 at da age of 67 from an infection before he could fully pursue da case. But his wife, Elaine, wen’ carry on da fight on behalf of his estate, even aftah Smith’s accidental overdose an’ death in 2007. Dey wen’ keep at it, fightin’ in da courts. An’ finally, in 2010, it wen’ be ruled dat Smith’s estate nevah entitled to any of da money from Marshall’s estate. Da legal saga wen’ finally come to an end. 💔🏛️

In one interview on The Wendy Williams Show in February 2017, Larry Birkhead, Smith’s lawyer an’ da faddah of her daughter Dannielynn, wen’ share his thoughts. He wen’ say dat Smith genuinely loved Marshall. When Wendy Williams wen’ mention how Marshall “lent someting to [Smith’s] life…maybe it was daddy issues, or security, or someting,” Birkhead wen’ agree. He wen’ talk ’bout how Smith would always talk ’bout Marshall an’ compare her oddah lovers to him. Birkhead wen’ even share one funny story, sayin’, “You would roll ovah in bed an’ dere was an oil painting of him on one side. You’d roll ovah to da oddah side an’ dere was one picture of him on da dresser. If you got into an argument wit her, she would say, ‘Why can’t you be more like my husband?’ An’ I’m like, ‘Well, I didn’t strike oil yet!'” 😂🎨💑

So, dat’s da whole story ’bout Anna Nicole Smith an’ J. Howard Marshall II, da unlikely couple dat captured da headlines, stirred up controversies, an’ left a legacy of legal battles. It’s one tale of love, money, an’ da complexities of life. Remember, life nevah stay simple, my friends. It twists an’ turns in unexpected ways. An’ Anna Nicole Smith, she wen’ live dat rollercoaster life to da fullest. 🎢❤️


💍💸 The Whole Story About Anna Nicole Smith’s Husband J. Howard Marshall II 🤵

Anna Nicole Smith got married to J. Howard Marshall II in 1994 when she was only 26 years old and he, oh boy, he was a whopping 89 years old! 😱

Anna Nicole Smith became a famous name when she tied the knot with J. Howard Marshall II in 1994. At that time, she was 26 years old and this gentleman Marshall was already in his 89th year. She became Marshall’s third wife and the second local Texas dancer he had dated.

After Marshall passed away (that means he passed away) when he was 90 years old in 1995, the entire history and accomplishments from his first 89 years kind of faded away because the media went all crazy over his third marriage. It turned into one big circus, I tell you. 😵🎪

Marshall and Smith caused a lot of talk and speculation, and they started all this gossip and lawsuit mess when he passed away. Smith, the single mom who affectionately called Marshall “Paw Paw” with love, always said that she married him for the right reasons. “Many people think I married Howard for his money. But no way, brother! Not at all!” she said. “I love him.” The model and actress kept on fighting with one of Marshall’s sons for what she believed she was supposed to receive from Marshall’s estate after he kicked the bucket. 🤼‍♀️💰

Hey, now let’s get to know Anna Nicole Smith’s second husband, J. Howard Marshall II.

This gentleman was a big-time oilman and he had lots of cash 💸💸

Even though everybody thinks about Marshall when it comes to Smith, most of his life and significant achievements happened long before she came into this world. J. Howard Marshall II came from Philadelphia on January 24, 1905. He grew up as a Quaker and graduated from Haverford College, a Quaker school, in 1926. Then, he went to Yale Law School and graduated in 1931. After he finished up at Yale, he became an assistant dean and taught business classes. He even wrote stories about the petroleum industry, all this information comes from U.S. News and World Report.

In 1933, Marshall left Yale and became an assistant solicitor at the Department of the Interior. He wrote the rules and regulations for the petroleum industry in that job. Two years later, Marshall got promoted to a special counsel for the president of Standard Oil of California (nowadays they call it Chevron). In 1937, he joined the company’s outside firm, Pillsbury Madison Sutro, as The New York Times reported.

In 1941, Marshall became the Solicitor of the Petroleum Administration for War during World War II, and he played a key role in the energy policy at the time. Three years later, he became the chairman and vice president of Ashland Oil and Refining Co., and in 1946, he wrote the executive order that created the National Petroleum Council. Alongside the Koch Brothers, Marshall co-founded Great Northern Oil in 1952.

After all that, Marshall moved to Houston and continued working in the oil industry. In 1984, he even founded his own oil company called Marshall Petroleum. This man stayed busy, yeah? 💼🛢️

But hold up, this man got married twice before he tied the knot with Anna Nicole Smith.

First, he married his sweetheart Eleanor Pierce in 1931, and they had two sons together, James Howard Marshall III and E. Pierce Marshall. But then, they split up and got divorced in 1961. After that, Marshall married his second wife, Bettye Bohannon, in the same year.

Marshall and Bohannon remained married all the way until 1991 when she passed away from Alzheimer’s disease. But you know what? Marshall had another lady on the side since 1982. Her name was Jewell Dianne “Lady” Walker, a Houston dancer. He spoiled her with plenty of gifts, yeah. But she also passed away in 1991 while undergoing a facelift, as reported by The Los Angeles Times.

After Walker’s passing, Marshall and his son Pierce sued her estate for the millions that Marshall had given her during their ten-year relationship. They managed to recoup much of the value from the gifts he had given her, estimated to be between $6 million and $10 million.

Now, let’s talk about how Smith met this man. 🕺💃

Back in 1988, while Marshall was still married to Bohannon and spoiling Walker, he met Smith, whose real name was Vickie Lynn Hogan, when she was dancing in a topless club in Houston. Three months after Walker passed away, Marshall reportedly visited Gigi’s, a strip club in Houston where Smith was dancing at the time. After she danced for him, Smith agreed to go to lunch with Marshall the next day, and he gave her $1,000. She quit her dancing job that day and started receiving cash and gifts from Marshall.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Marshall proposed to Smith multiple times after their first date in 1991. But it wasn’t until Smith became a celebrity in her own right—being a Playboy Playmate, a Guess model, and an actress in movies like “Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult” and “The Hudsucker Proxy”—that she finally said “yes” to Marshall.

One lady named Pat Walker, she owned the White Dove Wedding Chapel where Marshall and Smith would get married later. She told Texas Monthly that Smith said to her, “I’m not marrying him for his money. He’s been begging me to marry him for over four years. But I wanted to get my own career started first, have my own money.”

Anna Nicole Smith, she spent plenty of Marshall’s money even before they officially became husband and wife. Smith focused on making her own bread, but Marshall, oh boy, he still liked to spend big on her. Texas Monthly reported that Smith racked up $2 million on Marshall’s Platinum American Express card in just one shopping spree back in March 1993. Plus, he bought her a flashy red Mercedes, a house in Brentwood, a ranch outside Houston, and an apartment in New York City. She lived the high life, no doubt. 💳🚗🏡

But even with all those expensive gifts, they say that when they went on dates, it was all simple stuff. They would just grab lunch at country clubs or places like Red Lobster. Funny how life works, yeah? From being a waitress at Red Lobster to being treated like royalty by a wealthy oil tycoon. Life can take some unexpected turns, for real. 🦞🍽️

Now, let’s talk about their all-white wedding and what happened after. 👰🤵💍

Smith and Marshall tied the knot on June 27, 1994, at the White Dove Wedding Chapel in Houston. Walker, the chapel owner, told PEOPLE that Smith wore a “very, very, very low-cut” white satin gown and she looked absolutely stunning. Can you imagine? 😍

The interesting thing is that Smith’s family actually planned the wedding for her and Marshall to try to avoid the media getting all up in their business. They told Walker that money was no problem; they just wanted to create the perfect day. The theme was all-white everything. Marshall wore a white tuxedo, and Smith walked down the aisle on top of white roses (not petals, but whole buds, yeah). The reception had champagne and chocolate cake. Right after the wedding, Smith gave Marshall a kiss and told him, “Bye, darling, I’m off to Greece.” Can you imagine jet-setting right after getting married? Living the dream life! ✈️🏝️

But you know, after the wedding, they didn’t spend much time together. Smith mostly lived in Los Angeles, while Marshall stayed in Texas. When Marshall visited Smith in L.A. in December 1994, she reportedly didn’t even let him sleep in her bed. She told him, “Oh no, Paw Paw. You know you can’t sleep in my bed. You pee the bed.” Well, that’s one way to keep boundaries, I guess. 🛏️😂

And get this, brothers and sisters. Smith faced a big challenge in the final months of Marshall’s life. In January 1995, she went to visit Marshall at his home in Houston. But the thing is, Marshall was suffering from stomach cancer, and he was supposed to only be fed through a tube, yeah. But Smith, oh boy, she went against the rules. She took a spoon and fed him chicken broth. But the poor thing choked, and he had to go to the hospital.

After this incident, Marshall’s son Pierce took control and obtained temporary legal guardianship over his father’s affairs. He cut Smith off from all the money and kept her away from Marshall. He even hired armed guards to make sure she couldn’t get near him. Court documents showed that Smith was only allowed to see Marshall for 30 minutes each day, and she had to finish up by 8 p.m. Damn, talk about drama! 🕒😱

Then, on August 4, 1995, Marshall passed away from pneumonia. Smith and Pierce both had their separate memorials for him. Pierce planned a quiet state funeral for Marshall on August 13, 1995. But Smith, oh no, she did her own thing. She had a relatively extravagant memorial on August 7. Smith wore her low-cut white gown and her wedding veil. Her son Daniel, who was 9 years old at the time, wore a white tuxedo, matching patent leather shoes, and carried a black dog. Around 30 people showed up, and guess what? None of them even knew Marshall before he married Smith. As part of the service, Daniel and Smith sang Bette Midler’s song “Wind Beneath My Wings” to all the people. Can you imagine that scene? 😢🎶

The drama didn’t stop there, my friends. After Marshall passed away, the legal battle between Smith and Pierce raged on for years. You know, Marshall never included Smith in his will. He left his entire estate, worth about $1.6 billion, to his son Pierce. Smith went and sued in Texas, claiming she was owed $475 million, half of the estate. But she lost in a September 1997 ruling that declared Pierce as the sole heir. Even the oldest son, J. Howard Marshall III, got shut out. This court fight dragged on for years, and both sides slung mud at each other. Smith even accused Pierce of wanting his own father dead during a heated testimony in May 1998. It got real ugly, my brothers and sisters. 😡⚖️

But then, Smith teamed up with Marshall’s disinherited older son Howard, and they sued Pierce, claiming he conspired for 20 years to take all the fortune for himself. The case went all the way to the federal Supreme Court, and believe it or not, Smith came out on top. Different judges gave contradicting rulings because of complications from Smith filing for bankruptcy in 1996. First, Smith won $474 million, but then that got reduced to $88 million. It went back and forth, back and forth, like a seesaw, yeah? But in the end, the Supreme Court ruled in Smith’s favor. 💰⚖️

Unfortunately, Pierce passed away in June 2006 at the age of 67 from an infection before he could fully pursue the case. But his wife, Elaine, carried on the fight on behalf of his estate, even after Smith’s accidental overdose and death in 2007. They kept at it, fighting in the courts. And finally, in 2010, it was ruled that Smith’s estate was never entitled to any of the money from Marshall’s estate. The legal saga finally came to an end. 💔🏛️

In an interview on The Wendy Williams Show in February 2017, Larry Birkhead, Smith’s lawyer and the father of her daughter Dannielynn, shared his thoughts. He said that Smith genuinely loved Marshall. When Wendy Williams mentioned how Marshall “contributed something to [Smith’s] life…maybe it was daddy issues, or security, or something,” Birkhead agreed. He talked about how Smith would always talk about Marshall and compare her other lovers to him. Birkhead even shared a funny story, saying, “You would roll over in bed, and there was an oil painting of him on one side. You’d roll over to the other side, and there was a picture of him on the dresser. If you got into an argument with her, she would say, ‘Why can’t you be more like my husband?’ And I’m like, ‘Well, I didn’t strike oil yet!'” 😂🎨💑

So, that’s the whole story about Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall II, the unlikely couple that captured the headlines, stirred up controversies, and left a legacy of legal battles. It’s a tale of love, money, and the complexities of life. Remember, life never stays simple, my friends. It twists and turns in unexpected ways. And Anna Nicole Smith, she lived that rollercoaster life to the fullest. 🎢❤️

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