Market in Uganda

💀⚖️ Da Big Kahunas from Uganda on da Chopping Block for Kolohe Stuff 👑

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ho brah, get choke news coming from da kine International Criminal Court 🏛️. Da big guys from Uganda, da President Yoweri Museveni and his son, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, get one fat kine lawsuit on top their head for doing all pilau stuff. Da people wen cry out about all da torture and abuse wen happen to hundreds of them before and aftah da 2021 elections.🗳️💔😢

So, wat wen happen? Mo’ than 200 people wen step up and talk stink about da top Ugandan guys, including da president and his boy, accusing dem of all kine terrible things, like torture, killing, and otha crimes against humanity 🌍💔. And dis not just small kine talk story, but wen go all da way to da International Criminal Court in The Hague, all da way on da otha side of da world 🌍⚖️.

Human rights guys, dem been talking about how da Ugandan government been getting all nasty on top da opposition groups and da activists, especially around da time of da 2021 elections. Had blood all ova da place, all because guys like da president and his son been ruling with one iron fist for almost forty years 👊💥💔. Da son even been getting all shifty, trying for replace his faddah as da big kahuna.

Plenny guys, like 26 total, all accused of helping out with da abuse and systematic mistreatment of da Ugandan people. Most of dem been supporters of da musician turned politician, Bobi Wine, who wen run for president in 2021 🎶👔🗳️.

Da president’s second in command for da press, Faruk Kirunda, wen say all da accusers just trying for make President Museveni look bad, say dey just “peddling wrong information.” Even Andrew Mwenda, da spokesman for da president’s son, wen try for side-step da accusations, saying “Yes, dey wen get tortured, but we need for find out who wen order it” 🤷‍♂️.

Da International Criminal Court, or I.C.C., going take plenny time for decide if they going investigate. Da court’s main prosecutor guy, Karim Khan, wen say before that dey short on guys for help and on money, plus they already get choke investigations for do, including war crimes in Ukraine and Afghanistan 🌍🕵️‍♂️💰.

Some people tink da court might no like for investigate da Uganda stuff, cause dey been getting heat for always picking on African countries, even though some of those cases wen come from da African governments asking for help. But dis one different case, cause get this lawyer from Princeton, N.J., Bruce I. Afran, who wen gather all da testimonies. He even represents some of da top opposition guys in Uganda 📚🔍⚖️.

Da accusations against Mr. Museveni all stink cause as da commander of da armed forces, he da one who responsible for all da torture 💔. Dis all could make more people talk stink about Mr. Museveni’s government, especially since they wen pass one super harsh law against gay people recently 🏳️‍🌈💔.

Da I.C.C. investigation could also mix up da politics in Uganda, especially since General Kainerugaba wen say he like take his faddah’s place. But da old man no like dat, and he been making waves with some kolohe tweets, like one where he wen say maybe he like invade Kenya 👑💀🐦.

Uganda wen sign da Rome Statute for da I.C.C. back in 2002, even though Mr. Museveni wen talk stink about da court and wen threaten for pull out. Tom Maliti, one researcher guy who been watching da I.C.C., wen say dat da prosecutor’s office know all about da criticism they been getting for focusing on Africa 🏛️🌍👀.

The court’s cases against government guys in Africa no been going good, he wen say, and any prosecution going need help from da Ugandan government for collect evidence and talk to potential witnesses. Most of those who wen testify wen stay anonymous cause dey still in Uganda, but get some who wen go Europe or da United States for asylum who wen say who dey are. Dey include Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, one big writer, and Amos Katumba, who wen start one nongovernmental organization and wen work with Mr. Wine on some projects 🏃‍♂️📚🕊️.

Some wen say dat security forces wen break into their homes and arrest them, or wen grab them off da street and throw them into unmarked vans. Dey wen say they wen get beaten, burned with hot irons, electrocuted, forced for eat feces, drink urine, or had their teeth pulled out 😢💔🚐.

Mr. Museveni wen acknowledge that hundreds of what he called “terrorists” and “lawbreakers” had been arrested during da election season, and that one special commando unit led by his son had “killed a few.” But all dis no going stay unnoticed, and da I.C.C. might just step in and do something about it 🚔💀⚖️.

In da end, da people of Uganda, they just like see justice served, and maybe dis lawsuit going help. But until den, they going stay strong and continue for fight for their rights, cause that’s how da Aloha Spirit works, yeah? 🤙🌺💪.


💀⚖️ The Big Shots from Uganda Face Accusations of Naughty Deeds 👑

Wow folks, there’s hot news coming from the International Criminal Court 🏛️. The top figures from Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni and his son, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, face serious accusations for doing bad things. The cries of torture and abuse that happened to hundreds of them before and after the 2021 elections have been loud. 🗳️💔😢

So, what happened? More than 200 people stood up and spoke out against top Ugandan figures, including the president and his son, accusing them of terrible things like torture, killings, and other crimes against humanity 🌍💔. And this isn’t just small talk but has made its way to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, on the other side of the world 🌍⚖️.

Human rights observers have been commenting on how the Ugandan government has been getting brutal with opposition groups and activists, especially around the time of the 2021 elections. There was bloodshed due to the ruling party, led by the president and his son, who have ruled with an iron fist for almost forty years 👊💥💔. The son has even been attempting to take over from his father as the leader.

A total of 26 figures have been accused of aiding and abetting the abuse and systematic mistreatment of Ugandan people. Many of them have been supporters of the musician-turned-politician, Bobi Wine, who ran for president in 2021 🎶👔🗳️.

The president’s deputy press secretary, Faruk Kirunda, said all the accusers were just trying to make President Museveni look bad, claiming they were just “peddling wrong information.” Even Andrew Mwenda, the spokesman for the president’s son, tried to evade the accusations, saying “Yes, they were tortured, but we need to find out who ordered it” 🤷‍♂️.

The International Criminal Court, or I.C.C., will take a long time to decide if they will investigate. The court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, has said before that they are short on staff and money, plus they already have many investigations to conduct, including war crimes in Ukraine and Afghanistan 🌍🕵️‍♂️💰.

Some people think the court might not want to investigate the Uganda allegations because they have been criticized for always prosecuting African countries, even though some of these cases were opened at the request of African governments. However, this case is different because a lawyer from Princeton, N.J., Bruce I. Afran, collected all the testimonies. He even represents some of the top opposition figures in Uganda 📚🔍⚖️.

The accusations against Mr. Museveni are significant because as the commander of the armed forces, he is directly responsible for all the torture 💔. This could lead to more criticism of Mr. Museveni’s government, especially since they recently passed a very harsh law against gay people 🏳️‍🌈💔.

The I.C.C. investigation could also disrupt politics in Uganda, particularly as General Kainerugaba has made it clear he wants to succeed his 78-year-old father. However, he has irked the older man with provocative tweets, including floating the idea of invading Kenya 👑💀🐦.

Uganda has been a party to the Rome Statute that established the I.C.C. since 2002, even though Mr. Museveni has criticized the court and threatened to pull out. Tom Maliti, a researcher who has monitored cases at the I.C.C., said the prosecutor’s office is well aware of the criticism that they have been focusing on Africa 🏛️🌍👀.

The court’s cases against government officials in Africa have not been successful, he noted, adding that any prosecution would have to rely on the cooperation of the Ugandan government to collect evidence and interview potential witnesses. Most of those who testified remained anonymous because they are still in Uganda, but others who sought asylum in Europe or the United States have named themselves. They include Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, a prominent writer, and Amos Katumba, who founded a non-governmental organization and has partnered with Mr. Wine on projects 🏃‍♂️📚🕊️.

Many testified that security forces had broken into their homes and arrested them, or picked them up off the street and threw them into unmarked vans. They claimed they were beaten, burned with hot irons, electrocuted, forced to eat feces, drink urine, or had their teeth removed 😢💔🚐.

Mr. Museveni has acknowledged that hundreds of what he termed “terrorists” and “lawbreakers” were arrested during the election season, and that a special

commando unit led by his son had “killed a few”. Some of the victims say that the president’s son visited them in the detention centers where they were tortured. One of them is Mr. Rukirabashaija, who wrote a book making fun of the president, and was arrested in 2021 after mocking the president’s son on social media 📚🚔🕵️‍♂️.

When he was released, Mr. Rukirabashaija fled Uganda and now lives in Germany. He said, “The rule of law in Uganda does not function because the courts are subservient to the government, I hope we can now find justice” 🇩🇪⚖️💔.

That’s the gist of it, folks. The situation in Uganda seems tough, and we hope justice will be served. After all, everyone deserves to live in a place where their rights are respected 🌍💔🤝.

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