A black woman

👩🏾‍💼 South Carolina’s Da Democrats Choose First Wahine Pōpōʻūli fo’ Lead State Party 🎉

Da Demokrats in South Carolina wen chooz Christale Spain, da old executive director of da state Demokrat Party, fo’ be da state party chair at dea convention on top Saturday. 👏🗳️ She wen run wit da support of da party’s big kahunas, including Representative James E. Clyburn, an’ goin’ be da first wahine pōpōʻūli fo’ lead da state party.

Why Dis Stay Importan’: Clyburn an’ Old Guard Still Da Boss Spain, who been organizing long time in da Palmetto State politics, was da one ev’rybody was tinking going win in da race, one race dat usually nobody stay paying attention to but dis time get choke candidates. Mo’ kine candidates than da las’ 25 years! Her bigges’ rival, Brandon Upson, da state Black caucus chair, wen paint her as one establishment candidate. He wen say her links to da old guard going hold back da party from moving forward in dis big year fo’ elections. 🏁🗳️

Da Demokrats who wen back Upson was looking fo’ change da state party. Dey tink was jus’ Clyburn running tings — da same guy who wen help President Biden win da state primary in 2020 — befo’ South Carolina’s first time as da party’s first presidential primary state in 2024 an’ afta’ da down cycle in da 2022 midterm elections.

But, was Spain’s connections, wit’ her campaign strategy — full of social media blasts 📱💥 an’ regular visits to county party meetings an’ cattle calls — dat wen bring her da win. She wen win wit’ da support of almost 700 of da party’s about 1,000 state delegates in one standing vote. Befo’ delegates fo’ Upson could stand up fo’ vote fo’ him, he wen give up to Spain in one short speech calling fo’ party unity. 🤝🎉

What’s Nex’: Getting Ready fo’ Primary an’ Fixing da Party As da nex’ chair, Spain get da kuleana of getting da state party ready fo’ dea big moment: voting first in da 2024 Demokrat presidential primary election. She also gotta fix one party dat get plenny problems. Da Demokrats wen lose some safe State House an’ Senate seats an’ had low voter turnout during da 2022 midterms, one year dat was s’posed to be good fo’ da party all ova da country. Spain’s leadership going give da Palmetto State Demokrats one chance fo’ make up those losses an’ get ready fo’ da national stage. 🏛️🇺🇸

Afta’ her win, Spain wen tell da South Carolina voters who stay waiting fo’ mo’ big kine change from da Demokrat Party during one news conference.

“No need wait anymo’,” she wen say, promising fo’ focus on getting voters involved all year round. “We know who our voters are. We going back afta’ dem an’ we going turn dem out, plus mo’.” 🗣️👥🙌


👩🏾‍💼 South Carolina Democrats Choose First Black Woman to Lead State Party 🎉

The Democrats in South Carolina have chosen Christale Spain, the previous executive director of the state Democratic Party, to be the state party chair at their convention last Saturday. 👏🗳️ She ran with the support of the party’s top leaders, including Representative James E. Clyburn, and will be the first black woman to lead the state party.

Why This Matters: Clyburn and Old Guard Still Rule Spain, a longtime organizer in Palmetto State politics, was widely considered the favorite in the race, a contest that usually receives little attention but this time attracted a considerable number of candidates. More candidates than the last 25 years! Her biggest challenger, Brandon Upson, the state Black caucus chair, portrayed her as an establishment candidate. He suggested that her connections to the old guard would hinder the party’s progress in this crucial election year. 🏁🗳️

Democrats who supported Upson were aiming to overhaul the state party. They believed that it was merely Clyburn — the same person who helped President Biden win the state primary in 2020 — in control, ahead of South Carolina’s first time as the party’s initial presidential primary state in 2024 and after the decline in the 2022 midterm elections.

However, it was Spain’s connections, coupled with her campaign strategy — full of social media blasts 📱💥 and regular visits to county party meetings and cattle calls — that ultimately led her to victory. She won with the support of almost 700 of the party’s approximately 1,000 state delegates in a standing vote. Before delegates for Upson could stand up to vote for him, he conceded to Spain in a brief speech calling for party unity. 🤝🎉

What’s Next: Preparing for Primary and Fixing the Party As the next chair, Spain has the responsibility of preparing the state party for its big moment: voting first in the 2024 Democratic presidential primary election. She also has to repair a party that’s experiencing significant difficulties. The Democrats lost several safe State House and Senate seats and had low voter turnout during the 2022 midterms, a year that was supposed to be favorable for the party nationwide. Spain’s leadership will provide the Palmetto State Democrats an opportunity to recover those losses and prepare for the national stage. 🏛️🇺🇸

After her victory, Spain addressed the South Carolina voters who have been waiting for more significant change from the Democratic Party during a news conference.

“No need to wait anymore,” she said, vowing to focus on year-round voter engagement efforts. “We know who our voters are. We’re going after them and we’re going to turn them out, and even more.” 🗣️👥🙌

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