social media

👨‍⚕️📱 Da Dangers of Social Media Get Warning From Surgeon General!

No need tell us again dat social media platforms can be dangerous, especially fo’ da kids. But how da latest red flag was raised is worth exploring.

One week ago, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released one formal advisory titled “Social Media and Youth Mental Health,” an’ he wen’ call fo’ quick an’ extensive action fo’ make sure dat apps an’ websites stay safe fo’ da young peeps. 🚨📲

“While social media can have some benefits fo’ some kids an’ teenagers, we get plenny signs dat it can also pose one significant risk to da mental health an’ well-bein’ of our keiki an’ teenagers,” wen’ read da advisory. 💔👥

Da call to action stay part of da ongoing national youth mental health crisis dat we wen’ declare in 2021 as we wen’ assess da impact of da COVID-19 pandemic on our young ones. 🌍🌧️

Some people might tink dat our top medical expert stay kinda late fo’ dis party, but dis formal advisory stay one big deal. Wen’ talkin’ ’bout one surgeon general’s advisory, dat stay fo’ da “important public health challenges wea da whole nation gotta know an’ take action.” 🏥📢

In da past, previous surgeons general wen’ focus on da dangers of smoking (1964), violence in mass media (1972), da AIDS epidemic (1986), drunken driving (1989), an’ obesity (2001), fo’ example. An’ every time dey wen’ make these declarations, big changes wen’ happen in public policy an’ awareness. 🚬💥

Da most common question parents always ask me stay, “Stay social media safe fo’ my keiki?” Murthy said in one news release. “Da answer stay we no get ’nuff evidence fo’ say dat stay safe, an’ in fact, there is growing evidence dat social media use can cause harm.” But da advisory still recognize da good sides of social media too. Platforms like Instagram an’ TikTok give our young peeps one chance fo’ express demselves, find an’ build community, especially wen’ dey stay physically isolated, an’ seek support an’ encouragement wen’ times stay tough. 😊📸🎵

But da dangers stay real too.

“Kids stay exposed to harmful content on social media, like violence, sexual content, bullying, an’ harassment,” Murthy point out. “An’ fo’ plenny kids, social media use stay affectin’ deir sleep an’ deir time wit’ family an’ friends.” 😥💤🚫

In oddah words, besides da challenge of moderatin’ content an’ fightin’ against fraud an’ abuse, da amount of time da kids stay spend online stay someting fo’ worry ’bout.

For example, “Teenagers who stay online fo’ more than three hours a day get double da risk” fo’ depression an’ anxiety. An’ one survey from 2021 wen’ show dat teenagers already spend ’bout 3-1/2 hours each day on social media platforms. ⏰😔

Back in da day, when dey wen’ crack down on cigarettes, we wen’ find out dat tobacco companies wen’ know from early on dat deir products stay dangerous. Same ting today, social media companies already know da negative impacts dat deir stuff get on da young ones. Dey wen’ hire experts, study um, an’ make some changes fo’ reduce da harm. But as Murthy say, dey gotta do mo’. 🚭📚

Tech companies gotta be more open an’ transparent ’bout deir efforts fo’ keep da kids safe. Dey gotta share deir data wit’ researchers. Dey gotta step up da game wit’ privacy protection, enforcement of age requirements, an’ response time fo’ abuse reports an’ complaints.

Da surgeon general also get some assignments fo’ da lawmakers. Dey gotta set safety standards an’ fund programs fo’ digital an’ media literacy.

As fo’ da parents? Da most important ting stay communication—even though dat stay hard fo’ some families. Talk wit’ yo’ keiki ’bout responsible online behavior, set boundaries, an’ teach ’em how fo’ deal wit’ bullying, harassment, an’ threats. Show ’em responsible behavior by example, even wen’ you online.

One practical suggestion stay limitin’ da time spent online. You can find tools everywhere dat can help wit’ dat, from Wi-Fi hot spot makers to smartphone features to individual apps. If three hours a day stay da threshold we know now, try fo’ someting less.

I really like da idea of creatin’ “tech-free zones” like da dinner table or da bedroom. Dat way, you open da door fo’ more face-to-face interaction an’ sharin’ updates. You can always say out loud, “I like dat!” 👍🗣️

If you need more help, one good resource fo’ online safety, privacy, security, an’ digital wellness stay They get plenty valuable info fo’ you. 🌐🔒💻


👨‍⚕️📱💥 Surgeon General Issues Warning About Social Media Dangers!

It’s not surprising to hear that social media platforms can be risky for kids, given their carefully designed addictive nature. But the recent warning from the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, sheds light on the issue and calls for action to ensure the safety of young people online. ⚠️👀

In a formal advisory titled “Social Media and Youth Mental Health,” Dr. Murthy emphasizes the potential harm social media can have on children and adolescents, despite some of its benefits. He urges swift and comprehensive measures to protect their mental well-being. 💔🌍

This call to action is part of the ongoing national youth mental health crisis that was declared in 2021, as researchers examined the collective impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young individuals. 🚨🔍

While it may seem that the Surgeon General is late to address the issue, this formal advisory holds significant weight. Surgeon General advisories are reserved for crucial public health challenges that demand immediate attention and action from the nation. 📢🆘

Previous Surgeons General have focused on various health risks in the past, such as smoking, depictions of violence in mass media, the AIDS epidemic, drunken driving, and obesity. Each declaration led to substantial changes in public policy and awareness. 💪💡

Parents often ask whether social media is safe for their children. Dr. Murthy states that there is not enough evidence to declare it safe, and there is growing evidence of the harm it can cause. However, the advisory acknowledges that social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok offer opportunities for self-expression, community building, and support, especially for those who may feel isolated during challenging times. 🙌📸🎶

But the dangers associated with social media are evident. Children are exposed to harmful content, including violence, sexual content, bullying, and harassment. Excessive social media use also compromises their sleep patterns and reduces valuable in-person time with family and friends. ⚠️😥😴

Aside from the challenges of moderating content and combating fraud and abuse, the sheer amount of time children spend online is concerning. Studies indicate that adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social media face double the risk of depression and anxiety. A 2021 survey revealed that teenagers already spend an average of 3.5 hours daily on social media platforms. ⏰😔

Similar to the tobacco industry’s knowledge of the dangers of smoking, social media companies are aware of the negative impact their platforms have on young people. They have employed experts, conducted studies, and made some changes to mitigate harm. However, as Dr. Murthy emphasizes, they need to do more. 🚫🔒📢

Tech companies should increase transparency and publicly share their efforts to ensure child safety. This includes sharing data with researchers and enhancing privacy protections, enforcing age requirements, and improving response times for abuse reports and complaints. 💻🔒🚨

The Surgeon General also calls upon lawmakers to establish safety standards and allocate funding for digital and media literacy programs. 📚💰👥

As for parents, effective communication is key, although it may be challenging for some families. Discuss responsible online behavior, set boundaries, and address issues like bullying and harassment. Lead by example and exhibit responsible online habits. Limiting online time is also a practical suggestion, with various tools available to assist in this regard. ⚡️💬🙌

Creating “tech-free zones” in specific areas like the dinner table or bedroom can foster face-to-face interaction and encourage sharing updates in person. Remember, you can always express your approval out loud! 🚫💻🙋‍♀️

If you need further assistance, is a valuable resource for online safety, privacy, security, and digital wellness. They provide useful information to help navigate the digital world securely. 🌐🔒💡

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