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🐸🏏 Eh, Bruddahs! Aussie Crickets Pull Fast One, England Makin’ Noise

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da Cricket world stay shook, gang. Ashes series going on, and one mean kine play get everybody all riled up. Da English supporters calling out da Aussies, yelling, “Eh, dem Aussies same old, same old, always pulling tricks.” Even da big kahuna, Britain’s prime minister stay chime in. Bro, dis no mo’ da spirit of Cricket.

Even dough da moneys and da pressure stay going up, Pro Cricket like hold on to da idea dat da game stay for da good guys and da good wahines, wit players acting all high makamaka. But had some kine problems too, with da ball-doctoring and da betting scandals, making da game look li’dat.

But most times, fair play da most important, especially at one place dey call Lord’s, right in da heart of London, where Cricket first wen start.🏏🌍

Had dis one mean incident on Sunday in da Ashes series, England versus Australia. Da ting wen spark one fierce argument from both sides, even had da prime minister throwing in his two cents, and had some junk kine stuff going down at da sacred grounds of Lord’s. 🗣️🏟️

England stay behind in da five-match series, 1-0, and da second match stay real tense, coming down to da wire on da last day. Jonny Bairstow from England, he let da ball from da Aussie bowler pass him, den he take one step or two forward, like he think da play stay over. But da ball still stay in play, and da Aussie wicketkeeper, Alex Carey, he wen throw da ball in, bang da wicket, and den dey call Bairstow out. 🚶‍♂️🇦🇺

Nobody stay saying da umpires wen make da wrong call. Da real pilikia stay whether da Aussies taking advantage of Bairstow’s aloha steps stay pono with da spirit of da game.

Da mostly English crowd, dey no think so. Had all kine boos and chants of “Eh, dem Aussies, always pulling stunts,” coming from da stands. Dey was probably thinking about da time in 2018 when da Aussies got caught messing with da ball. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🗣️

When da Aussies wen take lunch break, dey wen go through dis one place, da Long Room, normally all quiet and respectful for Cricket. But in dea, dey wen get surrounded by all kine mad people from da Marylebone Cricket Club, some of them old kines too. 🍽️👵👴

After all dat, da club wen say dat three members stay suspended cause of da mess.

Da backlash was fast, even reaching da prime minister of Britain, Rishi Sunak. His spokesman wen say dat Sunak believe da play wen break da spirit of da game. 🏏🇬🇧

Da England captain, Ben Stokes, he was all, “For Australia, dat was da play dat wen win da match. If was me, I wouldn’t like win like dat.” But da Aussie captain, Pat Cummins, he stay thinking different. He was all, “I thought was pono. Da keepers always do dat kine. Jonny wen leave his crease. We leave da rest to da umpires.” 🏏💔

After all dat, Australia, cause of Bairstow’s out, dey wen go win da Test and take one 2-0 lead in da five-match series. Hard for England fo’ come back. Only one time before, one team wen come back from being 2-0 down to win da Ashes: Australia in 1937. Test No. 3 going start on Thursday. 🏏🔥


🐸🏏 Shocking Turn of Events in Cricket: Australia Takes the Lead, England Claims Foul Play

The world of Cricket is in a whirlwind of debate and controversy, following a contentious play in the ongoing Ashes series. English supporters accuse Australians of unsporting behavior, voicing their discontent by shouting, “Same Aussies, always resorting to deceit.” The situation has become so intense that even the prime minister of Britain has made a public comment. The question now arises: is this truly in the spirit of Cricket?

Despite the escalating salaries and mounting pressure in professional Cricket, the sport still clings to its perception as a game of gentlemanly and ladylike conduct, where players are expected to uphold high standards of sportsmanship. However, the game’s reputation has been marred by instances of ball-doctoring and betting scandals.

Even so, the value of fair play is still seen as paramount, especially at Lord’s, the traditional home of Cricket located in London. 🏏🌍

An incident during the Ashes series, held this past Sunday between England and Australia, has resulted in a heated disagreement among fans and professionals alike. It even drew a comment from the prime minister and led to some unsightly scenes within the hallowed grounds of Lord’s. 🗣️🏟️

England, trailing 1-0 in the five-match series, was putting up a strong fight in the second match, which was reaching its climax on the fifth and final day. England’s Jonny Bairstow let a ball from an Australian bowler go past him, then moved a step or two forward, thinking the play was over. However, the ball was still in play, and Australia’s quick-thinking wicketkeeper, Alex Carey, threw the ball in, hit the wicket, and Bairstow was called out. 🚶‍♂️🇦🇺

Nobody disputes the correctness of the umpires’ decision. The real issue here is whether the Australians’ tactical exploitation of Bairstow’s misstep was in accordance with the spirit of the game.

The predominantly English crowd didn’t think so, expressing their disapproval through boos and chants of “Same old Aussies, always playing tricks,” which reverberated throughout the stands. They were likely remembering a 2018 incident when Australians were caught tampering with the ball. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🗣️

During the lunch break, the Australians passed through the Long Room, which is traditionally a quiet and respectful space for cricket. However, they were confronted by irate members of the venerable Marylebone Cricket Club, including some elderly individuals. 🍽️👵👴

Following the incident, the club announced that three members had been suspended.

The backlash was immediate, reaching as high as Britain’s prime minister, Rishi Sunak. His spokesperson said that Sunak believed the controversial play violated the spirit of the game. 🏏🇬🇧

England’s captain, Ben Stokes, expressed his opinion, saying, “For Australia, that was the match-winning moment. Would I want to win a game in that manner? My answer is no.” However, Australia’s captain, Pat Cummins, understandably had a different perspective: “I thought it was fair. It’s a common thing for keepers to do. Jonny left his crease. The rest is up to the umpires.” 🏏💔

Following the incident, Australia, aided by Bairstow’s dismissal, went on to win the Test and take a substantial 2-0 lead in the five-match series. It’s a significant setback for England: only once in the history of the Ashes, in 1937, has a team managed to overcome a 2-0 deficit to win the series. The third Test starts this Thursday. 🏏🔥

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