
🐏🌍🚀 28 Sheep Kine Asteroid Goin’ Zoom By Us – NASA Sez

Asteroid 2023 HO18, big like 28 sheeps, going make one close pass by Earth, says NASA. No worries though, no goin’ hit us, even with da close flyby.

Da asteroid dat can fill up one pen with 28 domesticated sheeps going pass near da Earth on Sunday, June 4, says NASA’s asteroid tracker.🌍🔭

According to da Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), da asteroid get one fancy name, 2023 HO18, means was discovah dis year.

Da flyby going be more close than usual, giving da asteroid one special rarity rating of one, but no danger of hitting Earth 🌍💥, and da same for da two other asteroids also passing by on June 4. No pull wool over your eyes on dis one, brah. 😄

Baaaad news? How big da asteroid dat coming toward Earth in 2023? 🤔 Asteroid 2023 HO18, NASA tinks, get one diameter of about 50 meters. If you like talk American style, dat’s 164 feet or just undah 55 yards.

But if you like get creative, tink about one bunch of sheeps (Ovis aries). These kine animals stay all ovah da world and while get choke different breeds, they all part of da same species. 🐏

According to da University of Michigan’s Animal Diversity Web, domesticated sheeps can, on average, grow as long as 1.8 meters in head and body length. Dis means dat asteroid 2023 HO18’s diameter is as long as a line of around 28 domesticated sheeps, likely being chased by one happy corgi or German shepherd. 🐕

Ewe sure? What other asteroids going pass by soon? 🚀🌍 Total three asteroids, including asteroid 2023 HO18, set to pass da Earth on June 4. Here da two other asteroids, with their own kine measurements.

Asteroid 2023 JE5 get one estimated diameter of 59 meters. Dat means it’s about da size of da Goodyear Blimp. 🎈

Asteroid 2023 JR 2 get one estimated diameter of 63 meters. Dat means it’s about da size of 31 average Yamaha motorcycles. 🏍

Ramming speed: An asteroid going hit da Earth in 2023? 💥🌍 An asteroid going hit Earth in 2023? Yeah. Going be asteroid 2023 HO18 or any of the others passing by today? Nah.

Actually, one asteroid already wen hit the Earth earlier this year – back in February, when asteroid 2023 CX1, da size of two Super Bowl trophies, wen make impact near Normandy in France. 🏆🏈🇫🇷

Plus dat, several smaller objects – meteors – wen hit da Earth, too. One even wen happen in Israel, wen explode in da northeast of the country back in April. Couple months before dat, one meteor da size of a Pembroke Welsh corgi wen hit Texas. 🌠

None of these caused any damage, ’cause these small meteor and asteroid impacts, when they do happen, usually just cause loud bang, no more.

But at 50 meters in diameter, asteroid 2023 HO18 big enough to maybe cause some damage – but no da kine end of da world stuff. Lucky for us, considering how close 2023 HO18 going come. According to NASA, going pass just over 466,000 kilometers away from Earth. Closer than usual, but no closer than the Moon, which stay orbiting da Earth at an average distance of 384,000 kilometers. But is closer than NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, which stay orbiting 1.5 million kilometers away from Earth.🌔🔭

Sheer danger: We can stop an asteroid impact? 🛰🌍 Planetary defense, been developed over the past several years by smart kine scientists at NASA and other places all ovah da world to protect da Earth from asteroid impacts.

While plenty ideas been talked about, the one with the most support is NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission, which was tested good by crashing into the faraway asteroid Dimorphous, so changed its orbit.

So no worry, humanity not going get wiped out by asteroids any time soon. Now you can sleep easy at night while you counting sheeps. 😴🐏


🐏🌍🚀 An Asteroid as Big as 28 Sheep Gonna Zoom Past Us – NASA Says

According to NASA, an asteroid called 2023 HO18, which is about the size of 28 domesticated sheep, will be making a close flyby of Earth. But don’t worry, it won’t be hitting us, even though it’s coming pretty close.

This asteroid, large enough to fill up a pen with 28 sheep, is expected to pass near Earth on Sunday, June 4, according to NASA’s asteroid tracker. 🌍🔭

The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has given the asteroid the name 2023 HO18, indicating that it was discovered this year.

This flyby will be closer than usual, earning the asteroid a rarity rating of one, but there’s no danger of it colliding with Earth. The same goes for the two other asteroids passing by on June 4. So, no need to pull the wool over your eyes on this one, my friends. 😄

Now, you might be wondering, just how big is this asteroid that’s headed towards Earth in 2023? 🤔 According to NASA, asteroid 2023 HO18 has an estimated diameter of about 50 meters. In American measurements, that’s roughly 164 feet or just under 55 yards.

But let’s get a bit more creative with our comparison. Think about a herd of domesticated sheep (Ovis aries). These animals can be found all over the world, and while there are many different breeds, they all belong to the same species. 🐏

The University of Michigan’s Animal Diversity Web states that domesticated sheep can grow to an average length of about 1.8 meters from head to body. So, imagine a line of around 28 domesticated sheep, being herded by a happy corgi or German shepherd, and you’ll get an idea of the diameter of asteroid 2023 HO18. 🐕

But wait, are there any other asteroids expected to pass by soon? 🚀🌍 Yes, there are three asteroids, including asteroid 2023 HO18, that are set to pass by Earth on June 4. Let’s take a look at the measurements of the other two asteroids.

Asteroid 2023 JE5 has an estimated diameter of 59 meters, roughly the size of the Goodyear Blimp. 🎈

Asteroid 2023 JR 2 has an estimated diameter of 63 meters, approximately the size of 31 average Yamaha motorcycles. 🏍

Now, let’s address the burning question: Will an asteroid collide with Earth in 2023? 💥🌍 Yes, an asteroid will collide with Earth in 2023. But it won’t be asteroid 2023 HO18 or any of the others passing by today. Instead, an asteroid already made impact earlier this year, specifically in February. It was asteroid 2023 CX1, about the size of two Super Bowl trophies, and it impacted near Normandy in France. 🏆🏈🇫🇷

Apart from that, several smaller objects, known as meteors, have also struck Earth. One explosion even occurred in Israel, in the northeast of the country, back in April. And a few months before that, a meteor the size of a Pembroke Welsh corgi hit Texas. 🌠

Fortunately, none of these incidents caused any significant damage. When these small meteors and asteroids collide, they usually just create a loud bang without causing much harm.

However, with a diameter of 50 meters, asteroid 2023 HO18 is large enough to potentially cause some damage, although it won’t be an apocalyptic event. We’re fortunate that it will be passing at a safe distance. According to NASA, it will come within about 466,000 kilometers of Earth, closer than usual but still farther away than the Moon, which orbits at an average distance of 384,000 kilometers from Earth. It’s also closer than NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, which orbits about 1.5 million kilometers away. 🌔🔭

Now, let’s address the sheer danger: Can we prevent an asteroid impact? 🛰🌍 Over the past several years, scientists at NASA and other institutions worldwide have been working on planetary defense strategies to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.

Various initiatives have been discussed, but the most supported one is NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission. This mission successfully demonstrated the redirection of a distant asteroid named Dimorphous by deliberately crashing into it and altering its orbit.

So, rest assured, humanity is not at immediate risk of being wiped out by asteroids. You can sleep peacefully at night, counting sheep. 😴🐏

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