A photo of a healthcare worker

🏥 Desperate Mission Fo’ Save Gaza Keiki Wit’ Cancer

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Gaza, you know, get choke kine situation. Da young keiki, some not even one year old, up to 14 years old, fighting big battles wit’ cancer like lymphoma, leukemia, and odda kine tumors. If dey no get treatment, brah, no good. 🏥

Las’ 10 days, had 21 keiki wen fly out from Gaza to hospitals in Egypt and Jordan. Da doctors wen work hard fo’ make dis happen. But, ho, get at least 30 odda keiki still stuck dea, and da aid workers no can even reach some of their ohana. Da war, all kine chaos, you know. 🚑

Dr. Bakr Gaoud, head of Al-Rantisi Specialized Hospital for Keiki, only place in Gaza wit’ pediatric cancer ward, talk story how heavy fighting make dem shut down da hospital. Even before dat, was hard fo’ da patients wit’ da violence in da streets, and da hospital under pressure. 🏥💣

Hospitals turning into big kine problem areas, cause Israel saying Hamas making dem into safe houses and command centers. Hamas and da hospital guys, dey say “No way, Jose,” to dat kine talk.

Da mission fo’ get da keiki out start mid-October, needed kine big kine talks among White House, Egypt, Israel, and Palestinian health officials in Gaza. But, ho, no was easy, had all kine problems. 🤝

Aid workers and doctors talk about how frantic da ohana was, losing cell service, missing da days wen dea keiki could go Egypt. Some wen wait long time fo’ ambulances dat never show. One family reach da border, only fo’ find out da keiki can go, but da parent’s name missing from da list. 😢

All dis, just one small part of da big kine suffering in Gaza since da war start. Hamas wen surprise attack, and Israel wen hit back hard. Ova 11,000 people wen pau, more than 4,500 kids. Da numbers, brah, really heavy. 🚨


🏥 Desperate Mission to Save Gaza’s Young Cancer Patients

In Gaza, a critical situation unfolds. Children, some barely a year old and others up to 14, are battling severe illnesses like lymphoma and leukemia. Without proper treatment, their lives are in grave danger.

Over the last 10 days, 21 children suffering from cancer have been evacuated from Gaza to hospitals in Egypt and Jordan, a significant effort by medical professionals. However, at least 30 other young cancer patients remain trapped, unreachable by aid workers amidst the chaos of war. 🚑

Dr. Bakr Gaoud, head of Al-Rantisi Specialized Hospital for Children, the only facility in Gaza with a pediatric cancer ward, recounts the struggle as heavy fighting forced the shutdown of the hospital. Prior to this, patients faced the perilous journey through violent streets, with the hospital besieged. 🏥💣

The situation in hospitals has become increasingly complicated, as Israel accuses Hamas of converting medical facilities into safe houses and command centers, claims that Hamas and hospital officials deny.

The evacuation mission, which began in mid-October, required complex negotiations involving the White House, Egypt, Israel, and Palestinian health officials in Gaza. Yet, the process has been fraught with difficulties. 🤝

Aid workers and doctors describe the turmoil faced by families: lost cell service, missed evacuation dates, and hours-long waits for ambulances that never arrived. In one case, a family reached the border only to find their child approved for crossing but the parent’s name omitted from the list. 😢

This evacuation effort is just a glimpse into the broader suffering in Gaza since the onset of the war. Following a surprise attack by Hamas, Israeli retaliation has been severe, resulting in over 11,000 casualties, including more than 4,500 children. The toll of this conflict is staggering. 🚨

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