an apple store

๐Ÿข๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ Da Kine Apple Store Opunz in India: Bumbai Mo Big Tings Fo Da Tech Pau Hana

Da big kahuna Tim Cook, da boss fo Apple, wen fly all da way Mumbai fo bus’ open da new Apple Store. No joke, Apple like mo market share in India an’ make plenny kine stuff ova dea too. So Tim Cook, da numba one guy fo Apple, wen take one trip India dis week fo open da firs’ two Apple stores ova dea: Da biggest company in da world stay opunin’ da firs’ stores in da worldโ€™s most peopo country. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Eh, had choke peopo all stoked in Mumbai on Tuesday wen dey wen see da fancy kine glass an’ wood flatiron store, called Apple BKC, in da Bandra Kurla Complex. Den on Tursday, Mistah Cook goin’ New Delhi fo open one oddah store, da Apple Saket, inside da bigges’ mall in da middle of da city. ๐Ÿข

Da Apple brand stay long time in India awready. But fo 25 years โ€” dis week, yeah โ€” Apple stay depending on oddah kine sellers fo make shua da iPhones stay in da hands of da India peopo. Da iPhone still one rare kine ting in da big ocean of da cheaper, mos’ly China kine, Android phones dat stay all ova India fo da las’ ten years. But in India, jus’ like da oddah places in da world, get plenny Apple fans. Had some of da most hardcore fans stay dea in Mumbai, yelling an’ all. ๐Ÿ“ฃ

An’ in Delhi get dis kine customers like Amar Bhasin, 41, who wen buy his first cellphone 18 years ago, one Panasonic. Aftah dat, he wen buy one iPad from one India store, but wen find out da screen stay cracked. Da store neva like give him one new one, an’ da local service centahs neva help. So Braddah Bhasin wen write one letta to Mistah Cook โ€” an’ one month latah, one brand new iPad wen come in da mail. ๐Ÿ“ฌ

โ€œI wen feel so good, an’ right den I wen be one Apple fan โ€” who da kine does dat?โ€ Bhasin wen say, standing in front of da still-kapakahi Apple Saket. โ€œI no can see myself buying oddah kine brand in da futah dat I can see.โ€ ๐Ÿค™

India stay one important place fo Apple. Was da bigges’ country wit’ no get one store wit’ da Apple brand. Get some smallah countries wit’ choke Apple stores: Switzerland get four, an’ even Macau, one China place wit’ 680,000 peopo, o’ 0.5% of Indiaโ€™s, get two. ๐ŸŒ

But dose countries get one ting India no get: money. Even da lowah- to middle-income countries wit’ Apple stores, like Brazil, Thailand an’ Turkey, get choke more kala dan India. ๐Ÿ’ฐ

In one market so big, Apple no need make big kine dent fo make back da kala dey wen invest. Da Apple market share in India stay growin’ fast kine. Da iPhone 13 stay da bes’ sellin’ model in da high maka maka kine phones, da kine dat cost ova 30,000 rupees, o’ $365. Las’ year, only 11% of da market stay da high maka maka kine, but stay growin’ mo fast dan da oddahs. ๐Ÿš€

Da China kine phone makah Xiaomi wen sell da most phones in total, an’ da South Korean giant Samsung, who stay compete at diff’rent price levels, wen get da highes’ sales, according to Counterpoint Research. ๐Ÿ“Š

But Apple stay get one pilikia wit’ da kine consumer pricing in India. No like McDonald’s, fo’ example, Apple’s kine main products need to sell fo’ da same kine price all ova (o’ bumbai dey goin’ fly all ova da world, unlocked, on da black market). But da diff’rence between selling da useful kine stuff an’ da high maka maka kine stuff stay all bolohead in India. In da Saket mall, called Select CityWalk, get one air-con bubble an’ shiny kine stores across da street from one old-timey maze; da Apple store stay across from one Krispy Kreme. Get Chanel an’ Van Heusen nea dea too. ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Price stay diff’rent in one country wea da top 10% income peopo make 25,000 rupees, o’ $304, every month โ€” still undah half da price of one new iPhone. Fo’ choke millionaires in India, dat stay all good. An’ even fo’ dose who gotta stretch, da price still worth um. ๐Ÿ’ธ

โ€œStay simple: Fo’ me, it’s one status symbol,โ€ said Subodh Sharma, who make 25,000 rupees per month working fo’ one construction company. โ€œDa message dat go out to da peopo an’ da community stay, look, dis guy not to’ally t’ree class,โ€ he wen say, looking down at da iPhone in his shirt pocket. ๐Ÿ“ฑ

But Sharma’s wahine, Bhawana, no agree wit’ his t’oughts. One iPhone stay โ€œnot worth it,โ€ she wen say, right aftah Sharma wen take her picture in front of da store in Delhi. โ€œStay uselessly expensive, an’ da storage stay small an’ battery life even mo worse.โ€ She like her China-made Oppo phone she been using fo’ four years. (She make 18,000 rupees per month at her job.) ๐Ÿ“ž

Da Apple kine supah ecosystem goin’ spread mo slow in one place wea da iPhone stay out of reach fo’ plenny peopo. Kunal Dua, who run one pharmaceutical biz, wen kinda convince his wahine, Gagan Deep Kaur, fo’ try iPhone โ€” but only half way. She use um fo’ her Instagram an’ oddah social media kine stuffs, but she still stay on her Android fo’ work. ๐Ÿ”„

โ€œMost peopo working undah us come from low-income groups an’ no can afford one iPhone,โ€ Mr. Dua wen say. โ€œSo sharing media an’ files stay hard kine.โ€ ๐Ÿค”

Da relationship between Apple an’ India stay changing real fast. Da most important part might be less bout India’s consumers an’ mo’ bout da country’s growin’ role as one production hub. ๐Ÿ”ฉ

Las’ week, da JPMorgan Chase analysts wen put out one report dat stay talkin’ bout da push fo’ move manufacturing an’ supply chains away from China, wea stay goin’ on โ€œsince late 2018, led by geopolitical issues, den one pandemic an’ now geopolitical issues again stay showin’ dea ugly head.โ€ Dey wen t’ink dat da move go stay an’ dey wen guess dat by 2025, one quartah of Apple’s products goin’ be made outside of China, compared to less den 5% today. โ€œWit’ Vietnam an’ India stay da top choice countries,โ€ dey wen say. ๐ŸŒ

So now dat Apple stay opening dea stores in India, no can tell wat da futah goin’ bring fo’ da tech giant an’ da peopo of India. Get choke potential fo’ growth, an’ bumbai we goin’ see wat kine new tings Apple goin’ bring fo’ da local market an’ da rest of da world. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒ

Fo’ now, da fans in India get chance fo’ buy dea Apple kine stuff straight from da source, an’ no need worry bout da middle man no mo’. Get ready, India, cuz Apple stay hea, an’ goin’ bring mo’ exciting kine tings fo’ da peopo, no doubt! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ


๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸApple’s Grand Entry in India: The Tech Giant’s Promising Frontier๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ‰

Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, traveled to Mumbai to inaugurate the first Apple Store in India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ. The tech giant is aiming to expand its market share in the country and shift some production there as well. Tim Cook, the head of Apple, visited India this week to open the company’s first two retail outlets in the most populous nation ๐ŸŒ.

Thrilled crowds greeted him in Mumbai on Tuesday at a sleek glass-and-timber flatiron storefront, called Apple BKC, in the Bandra Kurla Complex ๐Ÿข. On Thursday, Mr. Cook traveled to New Delhi to open a second store, Apple Saket, in the heart of the capital’s largest mall ๐Ÿ›๏ธ.

The Apple brand isn’t new to India. However, for the past 25 years โ€” marked this week, in fact โ€” Apple has relied solely on third-party sellers to get its phones into the hands of Indian consumers ๐Ÿคฒ. The iPhone is still a rare sight within the ocean of cheaper, mostly Chinese-branded, Android smartphones that have swept across India over the past decade ๐ŸŒŠ. Yet, in India, as in nearly every other part of the world, Apple has its fans โค๏ธ. Some of the most enthusiastic were at the Mumbai opening, cheering their support ๐Ÿ“ฃ.

In Delhi, there are eager customers like Amar Bhasin, 41, whose first cellphone, bought 18 years ago, was a Panasonic ๐Ÿ“ž. More recently, he purchased an iPad from an Indian outlet, only to discover that its screen was cracked ๐Ÿ˜ž. The store refused to exchange it, and local service centers were not helpful. So, Mr. Bhasin wrote a letter to Mr. Cook himself โ€” and a month later, a new iPad appeared in the mail ๐Ÿ“ฌ.

“I felt so good and became an Apple fan instantly โ€” who does that?” Mr. Bhasin said, standing in front of the still-shrouded Apple Saket. “I don’t see myself buying another brand in the foreseeable future ๐Ÿšซ.”

India is an important frontier for Apple ๐ŸŒ„. It was the largest country without an outlet bearing its own brand ๐ŸŽ. Some much smaller countries have multiple Apple stores: Switzerland has four, and even Macau, a Chinese territory with a population of 680,000 or 0.5 percent of India’s, has two ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ.

But those countries have something India does not: wealth ๐Ÿ’ฐ. Even the lower- to middle-income countries with Apple stores, such as Brazil, Thailand, and Turkey, have per-capita incomes several times higher than India’s.

In a potential market so big, Apple does not need to make much of a dent to earn back its investment ๐Ÿ“ˆ. The company’s market share in India has been growing rapidly. The iPhone 13 is the best-selling model in the premium segment, which includes phones that cost above 30,000 rupees, or $365 ๐Ÿ’ธ. Last year, only 11 percent of the market was considered premium, but it was the fastest-growing segment ๐Ÿš€.

The Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi sold the most phones in total, and the South Korean giant Samsung, which competes at different price points, had the highest value of sales, according to Counterpoint Research ๐Ÿ”.

However, Apple faces a consumer pricing puzzle in India ๐Ÿงฉ. Unlike a McDonald’s, for example, Apple’s signature products need to sell for roughly the same price everywhere (or else they would fly around the world, unlocked, on the black market) ๐ŸŒ. But the difference between marketing utility goods and luxury products becomes blurred in the Indian context. In the Saket mall, called Select CityWalk, a bubble of air-conditioning and chrome shopfronts are across the road from a medieval warren; the Apple store is opposite a Krispy Kreme ๐Ÿฉ. Outposts of Chanel and Van Heusen are nearby

Price hits differently in a country where the top 10 percent income bracket begins at 25,000 rupees, or $304, per month โ€” well under half the cost of a new iPhone ๐Ÿ’ต. For many millions of wealthy Indians, that is perfectly acceptable โœ…. And even for those whom it stretches, it can be a price worth paying ๐Ÿ’ณ.

“It’s simple: For me, it’s a status symbol,” said Subodh Sharma, who earns exactly 25,000 rupees per month working for a construction company ๐Ÿ—๏ธ. “The message that goes out to the peer and society is that, look, this person is not totally third-class,” he said, glancing down at the iPhone tucked into his shirt pocket ๐Ÿ“ฑ.

Mr. Sharma’s partner, Bhawana, however, disagrees with his assessment. An iPhone is “not worth it,” she said, right after Mr. Sharma took her photo in front of the store in Delhi ๐Ÿ“ธ. “It’s uselessly costly, and its storage is small and battery life even worse.” She prefers the Chinese-made Oppo phone she has been using for four years (She earns 18,000 rupees per month at her job) ๐Ÿ“ต.

Apple’s formidable ecosystem is bound to spread more slowly in a place where the iPhone remains out of reach for so many ๐Ÿข. Kunal Dua, who runs a pharmaceutical business, recently converted his wife, Gagan Deep Kaur, to the iPhone โ€” but only halfway. She uses it for her Instagram account and other parts of her online social life, but she stays on her Android for work ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป.

“Most people working under us come from lower-income groups and cannot afford an iPhone,” Mr. Dua said. “So sharing media and files becomes difficult ๐Ÿ“.”

The relationship between Apple and India is evolving quickly ๐Ÿ”„. The part that matters most may have less to do with India’s consumers than with the country’s growing role as a production hub ๐Ÿญ.

Last week, analysts at JPMorgan Chase published a report describing how a push to move manufacturing and supply chains away from China has been underway “since late 2018, led by geopolitical issues, then a pandemic and now geopolitical issues again rearing their ugly head” ๐ŸŒ. They expected a sustained shift and estimated that a quarter of Apple’s products will be made outside of China by 2025, versus less than 5% today, “with Vietnam and India slated as countries of choice” ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ.

So, with Apple now opening its stores in India, the future holds great potential for growth, and we’ll see what new innovations Apple brings to the local market and the rest of the world ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒ.

For now, fans in India can buy their Apple products straight from the source, without worrying about middlemen anymore ๐ŸŽŠ. Get ready, India, because Apple is here, and it’s bound to bring more exciting things for the people, no doubt! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ

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