🏝️ Krazy Kine Twitta: How Elon Musk Stay Changing da Twitter Scene 🚀

Bumbye six months afta buyin’ Twitter, Mistah Musk wen make choke changes fo’ change how da peeps see an’ use da platform. Elon Musk wen say he like make Twitter one all-inclusive app fo’ da peeps fo’ make paymints, get news an’ even grind on some ono kine grinds. 🍽️

Wen he wen post “Buyin’ Twitter stay one accelerant fo’ creating X, da everyting app,” afta dat he wen buy da social network fo’ $44 billion. He wen say latah Twitter could be like WeChat, da real popular China app wit’ social media, instant messaging an’ payment services. 🇨🇳📲

But afta’ six months wit’ Elon Musk in charge, all da kine stuff he like do still mostly jus’ dreams. Da billionaire wen make planny changes to Twitter, but mos’ of ‘um stay only cosmetic kine. Jane Manchun Wong, one software engineer, wen say da changes mostly stay how da platform look. Da main parts – quick share news an’ talk story ’bout live events – nevah change much. 🗣️📰

Still, how da peeps use Twitter stay changing cuz of wat kine tweets dey see, cuz of da behind-da-scenes moves by Elon. He wen play around wit’ da algorithm, change content moderation rules, an’ change how da peeps get verified. So now, Twitter stay lookin’ da same but mo’ clunky an’ unpredictable. Even Twitter workahs stay all pilikia. 😕

Andrea Conway, one Twitter designah, wen post ’bout da design changes, sayin’: “We know you hate it. We hate it too. We stay workin’ on making it suck less.” She wen add, da changes could make Twitter “completely unusable.” Elon nevah talk when peeps wen try fo’ get his side. 🚫🗯️

So wat stay diff’rent on Twitter now, an’ wat kine changes stay undaneath? Da mos’ noticeable change stay da newsfeed, da flow of posts peeps see when dey open da app. Befo’, da newsfeed stay one straight flow, showin’ on’y tweets from da accounts peeps follow. 📱

Now, Elon wen cut da newsfeed in two. When peeps open da app, dey see one “For You” feed, wit’ recommended tweets, an’ one “Following” tab. Da “For You” feed stay showin’ tweets from peeps da users no follow, an’ suggess new kine interests. But dat also mean, peeps see tweets from all kine peeps dey no like. One time, da algorithm wen fill up feeds wit’ Elon Musk’s tweets. 🤖

Fo’ see on’y da tweets from da peeps dey follow, peeps gotta switch to da “Following” tab. Elon wen add choke color-coded check marks too. Befo’, dey wen give out free blue an’ white check marks fo’ peeps who stay verified. Now, Elon wen charge $8 per month fo’ da check marks. Da free kine check marks goin’ pau soon. 💰✅

So now get yellow check marks fo’ corporate accounts, gray fo’ gov’ment guys, an’ da blue an’ white stay fo’ da peeps who pay. If you pay, Twitter goin’ boost you up wit’ da recommendation algorithm, an’ you goin’ show up in da “For You” feeds. Elon say dat goin’ help stop spam accounts from messin’ wit’ da algorithm. 🛡️🐦

Fo’ mos’ of da time Twitter stay around, peeps could on’y like, retweet or reply to one post. Da numbahs of replies, likes an’ retweets den wen show up at da end of da tweet. But undah Elon’s watch, get mo’ kine numbahs now. He wen add how many times one post wen get viewed, sayin’ total views show how popular da message stay bettah den jus’ likes or retweets. Plus, Twitter wen add count fo’ how many times one tweet stay bookmarked an’ saved. 📊💾

So now, every tweet get numbah of replies, likes, retweets, bookmarks, an’ views. Hea’s one example of how tweets wen look befo’ an’ afta’ da changes. Wat all dis add up to? Not da smoothest experience, some Twitter peeps an’ workahs stay sayin’. 😬

Chris Messina, da guy who wen invent hashtags, wen say he stay seein’ recommended tweets dat no fit wit’ his interests. “In terms of da product, overall I tink da quality stay going downhill.” So, dat’s how Elon stay changing da Twitter scene, an’ no mattah if you tink he stay making ‘um bettah or worse, Twitter goin’ stay diff’rent fo’ sure. 🌊🐦🔄


🌐 Crazy Changes on Twitter: How Elon Musk Is Shaking Things Up 🚀

Almost six months after purchasing Twitter, Mr. Musk has made a plethora of adjustments, changing how users view and interact with the platform. Elon Musk announced that he wants to turn Twitter into an all-inclusive app that people can use for payments, news, and food orders. 🍽️

He posted, “Buying Twitter is an accelerant for creating X, the everything app,” after which he completed a $44 billion acquisition of the social network. He later said that Twitter could be like WeChat, the popular Chinese app that combines social media, instant messaging, and payment services. 🇨🇳📲

However, six months into Elon Musk’s leadership, most of his plans for the platform remain ambitions. The billionaire has made many changes to Twitter, but most of them are cosmetic. Jane Manchun Wong, a software engineer, stated that the changes mostly affect the platform’s appearance. The main features – quickly sharing news and discussing live events – haven’t changed much. 🗣️📰

Nonetheless, user experiences are shifting due to the types of tweets they see, influenced by Musk’s behind-the-scenes modifications. He has tinkered with the algorithm, altered content moderation rules, and changed the user verification process. As a result, Twitter appears the same but is more clunky and unpredictable. Even Twitter employees are expressing frustration. 😕

Andrea Conway, a Twitter designer, posted about the design changes, stating, “We know you hate it. We hate it too. We’re working on making it suck less.” She added that the changes could render Twitter “completely unusable.” Musk did not comment when asked. 🚫🗯️

So, what’s different on Twitter now, and what changes lie beneath the surface? The most noticeable difference is the newsfeed, the stream of posts users see when they open the app. Previously, the newsfeed displayed a single flow of posts, showing tweets only from accounts users followed. 📱

Now, Musk has split the newsfeed in two. Users now see an algorithmically curated “For You” feed, featuring recommended tweets, and a “Following” tab. The “For You” feed displays tweets from accounts users don’t follow and suggests new interests. This also means users might see posts from content creators they’re not interested in. At one point, the algorithm flooded users’ feeds with Musk’s own tweets. 🤖

To see only tweets from accounts they follow, users must switch to the “Following” tab. Musk has also added a variety of color-coded check marks. Previously, blue and white check marks were provided for free to verified users. Now, Musk charges $8 per month for these check marks, and the free ones will soon disappear. 💰✅

Yellow check marks now indicate corporate accounts, gray marks represent government officials, and blue and white marks are for users who pay. Paid check marks will be boosted by Twitter’s recommendation algorithm and can appear in users’ “For You” feeds. Musk said this would prevent spam accounts from gaming the algorithm. 🛡️🐦

Historically, users could only like, retweet, or reply to a post, with the numbers of replies, likes, and retweets displayed at the end of a tweet. Under Musk’s guidance, additional metrics have been added. He introduced a view count, arguing that total views better represent a message’s popularity than likes or retweets alone. Twitter has also added a count for the number of times a tweet is bookmarked and saved. 📊💾

retweets, bookmarks, and views. Here’s an example of how tweets looked before and after the changes, with more metrics now shown. What does all of this add up to? Some Twitter users and employees have said it’s not necessarily the smoothest experience. 😬

Chris Messina, known as the inventor of the hashtag, stated that he now sees recommended tweets that don’t align with his interests. “In terms of the product, overall I think the quality has really regressed.” So, that’s how Elon Musk is changing the Twitter landscape, and whether you think he’s making it better or worse, Twitter is undoubtedly evolving. 🌊🐦🔄

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