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🏛️🦠💰 White House Making Da Moves: Keep Key Covid Programs Alive in Da Kala Debt Ceiling Talks

Biden’s administration making sure one $5 billion vaccine development program stay afloat, yeah, talking story with House Republicans ’bout taking back some unspent Covid-19 kala. 🤝💸🩺

White House hustling for keep da kala flow for some big parts of da federal coronavirus response in da money talks with House Republicans, says da big kahuna Biden administration officials who all up in da talks. 👥🗣️📈

Da administration gang trying for protect about $5 billion in kala for one program for come up with da next gen of coronavirus vaccines and treatments. They also like keep more than $1 billion in kala for one plan for give free coronavirus shots to Americans no more insurance, according to these guys. 💉🧪💡

Da money that da administration using for these two programs already got the shaka from Congress, but now could be in big trouble ’cause Republicans like cut spending from da Biden administration as one condition for raising da nation’s borrowing cap. 📊🏦🔨

As one part of da debt ceiling deal, House Republicans like claim back tens of billions of dollars in unspent kala from Covid-19 relief legislation. Kinda foggy which funds might get taken back as part of a deal, though da administration and congressional negotiators found some aloha on the topic. President Biden wen say dis month that taking back unspent coronavirus funds was “on top da table.” 🗓️📝🔁

“We facing nuff big problems if da debt ceiling talks no go through and if get big time compromises that affect important kala in health and social programs,” said Dr. Rajeev Venkayya, da big kahuna of Aerium Therapeutics, who’s working on new monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid. 🚑💉🚀

Representatives for da White House and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California, neva respond to requests for talk story. 🗣️🔕⏳

Some White House officials think da vaccine development program, called Project NextGen, is da most important Covid kine stuffs for protect in da debt ceiling talks. It’s kinda like da Trump administration’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, which got good shots to Americans real fast. 🚀💉📚

Biden’s team wen switch up other coronavirus response kala this year to support da NextGen program, including some money for testing, aiming for deliver one more solid or effective vaccine as early as next year. No contracts with vaccine manufacturers yet, but the program could be one of da most ambitious parts in the administration’s coronavirus response, which moved into a new phase when the public health emergency wen pau on May 11. 🗓️💉🌡️

Dr. Ofer Levy, da boss of the precision vaccines program at Boston Children’s Hospital and one adviser to the Food and Drug Administration, said Project NextGen critical for finding one coronavirus vaccine that gives more lasting protection and need fewer shots than the current ones made by Moderna and Pfizer.

“This is foundational to the national defense,” he said. 🛡️💊🌎

Biden’s team said that the federal coronavirus response could also get hamajang by other cuts that might make it into a debt limit deal, like taking away kala for track new variants of the virus. 🦠🔬⚠️

Da debt limit bill House Republicans wen pass last month would take back unspent Covid kala from plenty pandemic relief packages. Democrats wen warn that the bill would take money away from tracking diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, supplies for da Strategic National Stockpile, and relief payments to safety net hospitals and nursing homes. 🏥💊🧬

Project NextGen aiming to fund the development of coronavirus vaccines that use different technology from the ones made by Moderna and Pfizer. These new kine vaccines could potentially offer longer-lasting protection against more kine coronavirus variants or better defense against infections. 🧫🩹🔬

Vaccines given to the nose or mouth, what they call mucosal vaccines, are among the options the administration gang are planning for support, with the aim of rolling one out as early as the fall of 2024, officials said. In the shorter term, federal guys are expected to okay another round of booster shots later this year. 🌿🍂💉

The project also planning for fund the development of pancoronavirus vaccines, which would protect against different kine coronaviruses. Officials also planning to fund the development of new monoclonal antibody treatments as well. 🌐💉🦠

Dawn O’Connell, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services, said in one interview this month that federal officials were checking out possible vaccine options for the project and lining up potential manufacturers.

“We looking at all this and figuring out where da gaps stay, what is the thing we need most right now, and investing in those candidates,” Ms. O’Connell said, referring to the different kine technologies that could be used for the vaccines. 🔍📚💰

By developing vaccines given directly to the nose or mouth, where the virus first gains entry and starts multiplying, scientists hope to head off more infections before they start, reducing the spread of the virus more dramatically than current shots can. 👃👄🦠

Public health experts believe pancoronavirus vaccines can potentially broaden people’s immune responses to the virus and, in the process, help people build defenses against new variants before they even arrive. 💪🔬🛡️


🏛️🦠💰 White House Hustles to Safeguard Vital Covid Programs Amid Debt Ceiling Discussions

The Biden administration is making a strong push to safeguard a $5 billion vaccine development program, as negotiations take place with House Republicans concerning the potential return of unspent Covid-19 funds. 🤝💸🩺

The White House is working diligently to preserve funding for critical components of the federal coronavirus response during debt limit negotiations with House Republicans. This is according to senior Biden administration officials who are privy to the discussions. 👥🗣️📈

Officials within the administration are striving to protect approximately $5 billion in funding designated for a program that aims to develop the next generation of coronavirus vaccines and treatments. They’re also looking to retain over $1 billion in funding for an initiative that offers free coronavirus vaccinations to uninsured Americans, according to these officials. 💉🧪💡

The funds that the administration has allocated for these two programs have already received Congress’s approval. However, they are now potentially at risk because Republicans are demanding spending cuts from the Biden administration as a condition for raising the nation’s borrowing cap. 📊🏦🔨

As a facet of a debt ceiling agreement, House Republicans are seeking to reclaim tens of billions of dollars in unspent funds from Covid-19 relief legislation. It’s unclear which funds might be reclaimed as part of a deal, but some consensus has been reached between the administration and congressional negotiators. President Biden mentioned earlier this month that the retraction of unspent coronavirus funds was “on the table.” 🗓️📝🔁

“We’re facing a range of significant problems if the debt ceiling negotiations fail, and if necessary compromises need to be made that impact important spending in health and social programs,” stated Dr. Rajeev Venkayya, the CEO of Aerium Therapeutics, which is currently developing new monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid. 🚑💉🚀

Neither the White House representatives nor Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican of California, responded to requests for comment. 🗣️🔕⏳

Some White House officials view the vaccine development program, dubbed Project NextGen, as the most crucial Covid-related measure to protect in the debt ceiling discussions. The program is loosely based on the Trump administration’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, which rapidly delivered a series of effective vaccines to Americans. 🚀💉📚

Officials in the Biden administration repurposed other coronavirus response funds this year to support the NextGen program. This includes some money designated for testing, with the aim of delivering a more durable or effective vaccine as early as next year. The program has yet to sign contracts with vaccine manufacturers but could become one of the most ambitious projects in the administration’s coronavirus response. This effort entered a new phase when the public health emergency expired on May 11. 🗓️💉🌡️

Dr. Ofer Levy, the director of the precision vaccines program at Boston Children’s Hospital and an adviser to the Food and Drug Administration, mentioned that Project NextGen is critical in finding a coronavirus vaccine that provides longer-lasting protection and requires fewer doses than the existing ones created by Moderna and Pfizer.

“This is foundational to national defense,” he stated. 🛡️💊🌎

Officials from the Biden administration voiced concerns that the federal coronavirus response could also be hindered by other cuts that might be included in a debt limit agreement. Such cuts could involve rescinding funding to track new virus variants. 🦠🔬⚠️

The debt limit bill passed by House Republicans last month aims to reclaim unspent Covid funds from various pandemic relief packages. Democrats have warned that the bill could divert funds away from disease tracking at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Strategic National Stockpile’s supplies, and relief payments to safety net hospitals and nursing homes. 🏥💊🧬

Project NextGen intends to fund the development of coronavirus vaccines using different technology from those made by Moderna and Pfizer. These new vaccines could potentially offer longer-lasting protection against a wider array of coronavirus variants or provide better defense against infections. 🧫🩹🔬

Vaccines administered via the nose or mouth, known as mucosal vaccines, are among the options that administration officials plan to support. They aim to roll out such a vaccine as early as the fall of 2024. In the shorter term, federal regulators are expected to authorize another round of booster shots later this year. 🌿🍂💉

The project also aims to fund the development of pancoronavirus vaccines, which would protect against various types of coronaviruses. Officials also plan to fund the development of new monoclonal antibody treatments. 🌐💉🦠

Dawn O’Connell, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services, said in an interview this month that federal officials were assessing potential vaccine options for the project and lining up possible manufacturers.

“We’re looking at all of this and figuring out where the gaps are, what we need most right now, and investing in those candidates,” Ms. O’Connell said, referring to the different technologies that could be used for the vaccines. 🔍📚💰

By developing vaccines administered directly to the nose or mouth, where the virus first gains entry and starts replicating, scientists hope to prevent more infections before they begin. This could reduce the spread of the virus more dramatically than the current injectable vaccines. 👃👄🦠

Public health experts believe pancoronavirus vaccines could potentially broaden people’s immune responses to the virus. In the process, they could help people build defenses against new variants before they even arrive. 💪🔬🛡️”

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