
🏛️🇺🇸🇷🇺 Ho Brah! Da US Ambassador Meet Up Wit One Local WSJ Reporter, Evan, Stuck Inside Russia Jail

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ho, some pilikia going down inside Russia! Da big kahuna US ambassador, Lynne Tracy, went check on Evan Gershkovich, da kine American reporter fo’ da Wall Street Journal, who stay locked up in Lefortovo Prison, Moscow. All dis went down on Monday, and not too long aftah, da State Department wen’ spill da beans about da talk story session.

Look like dis da t’ird time Ambassador Tracy wen’ talk story wit’ Evan since da Russian guys wen’ catch him in March. 📆

Da word from da top says Evan still looking cherry and staying solid, even tho’ his situation all buss up. But, brah, da Russian side giving choke attitude, no let da American guys see Evan on da regular.

Eh, you know Evan? He da first American reporter guy getting arrested fo’ spying in Russia since da Cold War times ended. Kind buggah, yeah? 🕵️‍♂️ And all dis tension going on between Washington and Moscow, especially aftah President Putin wen’ decide fo’ go full-on with his Ukraine invasion last February. Plenty people t’inking Russia wen’ grab Evan thinking maybe can trade prisoners with da US or something.

So, check dis out. Da Russian peeps stay saying Evan, who stay only 31 years old, went do spy kine stuff, even tho’ he get his paper from Russia’s Foreign Ministry fo’ be one legit journalist. Plus, wen’ dey wen’ bust him, he was just doing his journalist kine work. All dis action wen’ go down on March 29, when Evan was on one assignment in Yekaterinburg, over by da Urals side.

Da Wall Street Journal, and Evan’s ohana, all say no way he one spy. And even da head hancho of State, Antony J. Blinken, say in April dat Russia wen’ make bogus move by holding him.

Last year, in December, President Biden wen’ let go one Russian guy, Viktor Bout, who was doing weapon deals, just fo’ get back our US basketball star, Brittney Griner. She wen’ get caught inside Moscow for supposedly having drugs on her, but fo’ real, she nevah do nothing wrong. 🏀💼

Russia stay chit chat with da US about maybe releasing prisoners. All dis talk going down in one special way that Mr. Biden and Mr. Putin wen’ set up wen’ they wen’ meet in Geneva, 2021. And, you remember Brittney Griner? Dey wen’ use dat same talk story channel fo’ get her out.

But still, da Russian court went decide fo’ keep Evan locked up till at least Aug. 30, even tho’ supposed to pau in May. And da last time Ambassador Tracy wen’ visit him inside da prison was on July 3.

Makas! Gotta see how dis one gonna play out. Let’s pule fo’ Evan and hope everyting turns out pono. 🙏🌺🤙


🏛️🇺🇸🇷🇺 Whoa! US Ambassador Chats with WSJ Reporter Evan, Held in Russian Prison

Tensions are high in Russia! US Ambassador Lynne Tracy had a sit-down with Evan Gershkovich, the American reporter for The Wall Street Journal, who’s currently detained in Lefortovo Prison, Moscow. This encounter occurred on Monday, and shortly after, the State Department provided details on their discussion.

This marks the third occasion Ambassador Tracy has visited Evan since his detention by Russian authorities in March. 📆

Reports suggest Evan is in decent health and remains resilient despite his challenging circumstances. However, there’s a hitch: Russian officials have been restricting regular visits by US representatives.

Interestingly, Evan is the first American journalist detained on espionage allegations in Russia since the Cold War’s conclusion. 🕵️‍♂️ Current relations between Washington and Moscow are tense, primarily after President Putin launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine last February. Speculations are rife that Russia might have detained Evan as a potential bargaining chip for a prisoner exchange with the US.

Here’s the puzzling part: Russian authorities accuse 31-year-old Evan of espionage. Yet, he possesses proper journalistic credentials from Russia’s Foreign Ministry. At the time of his arrest, Evan was merely performing his journalistic duties. The incident unfolded on March 29 during Evan’s assignment in Yekaterinburg, within the Urals region.

The Wall Street Journal, along with Evan’s family, are adamant in denying any espionage claims. Even Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken, declared in April that Evan’s detention was unjust.

In a twist of events last December, President Biden released Russian weapons dealer Viktor Bout to secure the return of American basketball sensation, Brittney Griner. Griner had been apprehended in Moscow on drug-related allegations, but the consensus is that her detention was unwarranted. 🏀💼

Russia and the US are discussing potential prisoner swaps through a specialized communication channel established by Mr. Biden and Mr. Putin during their 2021 Geneva meeting. It’s worth noting that the negotiations for Griner’s release utilized this same channel.

However, the Russian court recently decided to extend Evan’s detention until at least August 30, dismissing pleas from his legal team. The initial detention period was set to conclude on May 29. Ambassador Tracy’s most recent visit to Evan in prison took place on July 3.

It’s a nail-biting situation! Let’s hope for Evan’s safe return and a resolution to this international ordeal. 🙏🌺🤙

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