The Flash

🏃‍♂️⚡💸 Ez Flash Mo Bettah Stay Make Bolts in da Sky Dan Be On da Big Screen

Aftah choke time waitin’ fo’ dat movie ’bout da Flash, plenny peeps been all stoked. But brah, da reality wen hit us jus’ like one big kine tsunami. 🌊💔😭

Da new movie, wea Ezra Miller stay play Barry Allen, da guy we know as da Flash, and Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne, da Batman, wen finally come out. Da t’ing is, da firs’ weekend, da movie wen make only $55 million in da local box office.📽️💰😢

No need say, dat no good. Da second weekend, da box office sales wen drop 72%, down to jus’ $15.3 million. So, all da kine peeps dat follow dis kine stuff, dey already talkin’ dat dis one goin’ be one box office flop.💣💥😲

One guy, Luiz Fernando, wen calculate how much da movie goin’ make. He say, ’round da world, maybe da movie goin’ make $280-310 million. But gotta remember, da movie wen cost Warner Bros. like $200-220 million fo’ make ’em. Plus, dey wen spend $150 million fo’ let everybody know ’bout da movie.🎥💸🌎

And den, gotta remember, da movie studios no get all da money from da box office sales. So, if we do da math, look like Warner Bros. goin’ lose $200 million on top dis movie. Dat’s one lotta moolah, brah!💰💣🤯

Fernando t’ink maybe Warner Bros. woulda lost less money if dey wen jus’ put da movie on Max, or maybe no even release da movie at all. But ho, da Flash is one cool superhero, yeah? We all like see him run fast, but no like see da movie run fas’ to da bottom.🏃‍♂️⚡😓

So, wat we can learn from all dis? Maybe no good make movie ’bout guy who run fast, if da movie goin’ run fas’ away from da money. And maybe da Flash, he mo bettah stay in da comics, wea he can make bolts in da sky, and no gotta worry ’bout makin’ money fo’ Warner Bros. 🌩️💸🎬

But us local peeps, we goin’ keep aloha fo’ da Flash, no mattah wat. Even if da movie no make choke money, we still goin’ love da guy who run so fas’, he can even beat time. And we goin’ remembah dis movie, even if Warner Bros. like forget ’bout ’em.🏝️🤙💖

Aftah all, dat’s how we do ’em in Hawaii. We keep aloha, no mattah wat. And maybe dat’s one lesson Warner Bros. can learn, yeah? No need worry ’bout da money. Jus’ worry ’bout da aloha.🌺💗🌈


🏃‍♂️⚡💸 Flash Might Be Better Off Staying in the Sky Rather Than on the Big Screen

After a long time of anticipation for the Flash movie, many people were quite excited. However, the reality hit us just like a major tsunami. 🌊💔😭

The new movie, where Ezra Miller takes the role of Barry Allen, also known as the Flash, and Michael Keaton plays Bruce Wayne, Batman, finally premiered. The thing is, during its first weekend, the movie only grossed $55 million at the domestic box office.📽️💰😢

Needless to say, that’s not good. During the second weekend, box office sales dropped 72%, down to just $15.3 million. As a result, many people who follow these sorts of things are already predicting that this will be a box office flop.💣💥😲

A man named Luiz Fernando has calculated how much the movie will make. He believes that globally, the movie will probably earn $280-310 million. But remember, the movie cost Warner Bros. around $200-220 million to produce. Plus, they spent $150 million to market the movie.🎥💸🌎

And then, you need to remember that movie studios don’t take all the money from box office sales. So, if we do the math, it appears that Warner Bros. is going to lose $200 million on this movie. That’s a lot of cash!💰💣🤯

Fernando thinks that Warner Bros. might have lost less money if they had just released the movie on Max, or perhaps not released the movie at all. But wow, the Flash is a cool superhero, right? We all like to see him run fast, but we don’t like to see the movie rush to the bottom.🏃‍♂️⚡😓

So, what can we learn from all of this? Maybe it’s not a good idea to make a movie about a guy who runs fast if the movie is going to run fast away from the money. And maybe the Flash is better off staying in the comics, where he can create bolts in the sky, and doesn’t have to worry about making money for Warner Bros. 🌩️💸🎬

But we locals, we are going to keep our love for the Flash, no matter what. Even if the movie doesn’t make a lot of money, we’re still going to love the guy who runs so fast, he can even beat time. And we’re going to remember this movie, even if Warner Bros. wants to forget about it.🏝️🤙💖

After all, that’s how we do it in Hawaii. We maintain our love, no matter what. And maybe that’s a lesson Warner Bros. can learn, right? No need to worry about the money. Just worry about the love.🌺💗🌈

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