Taylor swift performing on stage

🎵💰 Taylah Swift Dodge Big Kine Lawsuit Wit’ One Simpo Questun! 💰🎵

Da pop supahstah Taylah Swift wen almose be one a da 11 celebriteez now tangle up in da big kine class action lawsuit agains Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX. But, askin’ one simpo questun wen save her! 😲👏

Earlyah dis week, Adam Moskowitz, one a da lawyers leadin’ da class action lawsuit agains FTX’s celebritee ambassadahz, wen tell The Scoop podcast dat Swift wen ask if da securities she goin’ promote stay unregistahed. 🎤🔎

Moskowitz wen say, “In our discovery, Taylah Swift wen ask dat. ‘Can you tell me dat deez not unregistahed securities?'” wen he wen talk bout da celebriteez in da lawsuit neva check wit’ dea lawyers befo’ signin’ dem kine contracts. 📝🤔

Da lawyah wen say dat undah state securities laws, promotin’ unregistahed securities fo’ financial gain make da person liable. 💸🚨

Da Financial Times wen report dat da now-bankrupt FTX wen talk story wit’ Swift fo’ one $100 million sponsahship deal, but wen pau shortly befo’ FTX wen collapse in Novembah las’ year. 💔💥

Swift’s good kine investigatin’ wen save her from one supah expensive mistake. Moskowitz wen tell The Scoop dat dey lookin’ fo’ $5 billion in damages from da celebriteez who wen promote da sale a unregistahed securities. Da 11 celebriteez – an’ one basketball team – stay named in da lawsuit, like Tom Brady, Seinfeld creator Larry David, an’ Shaquille O’Neal. “If dey had jus’ ask dat questun,” Moskowitz wen say, referrin’ to da celebriteez now all pilikia in da lawsuit. 🏀🎬🏈

Moskowitz wen say dat dose who wen join FTX stay automatic registah fo’ interest accounts dat da Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) wen rule stay securities. “It’s money you lendin’ dem, an’ you goin’ get one return based on da actions a oddahs,” he wen say. 💵🔄

Swift’s financial smarts might get someting fo’ do wit’ her ohana. Da Grammy-winna’s faddah, Scott Swift, stay one managing director a da Swift Group, one wealth management company dat stay part a Bank of America. He also wen start as one financial advisah fo’ Merrill Lynch Wealth Management in 1980. 🏆👨‍💼

Da pop supahstah get one estimatid net worth a $570 million, accordin’ to Forbes, an’ wen build one real estate portfolio worth mo’ den $150 million, accordin’ to The Wall Street Journal. 🏠💰

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So, all da celebriteez out dea beta lissen up an’ learn from Taylah Swift! 🎤✨ Jus’ one simpo questun can save you from one big kine financial mess, an’ dat’s fo’ realz! 💯🚫 As Taylah stay showin’, it’s important fo’ check everyting befo’ jumpin’ in. Nah fo’get, da mo’ you know, da bettah off you stay! 🌈🌟


🎵💰 Taylor Swift Dodges Massive Lawsuit with One Simple Question! 💰🎵

Pop superstar Taylor Swift almost found herself among the 11 celebrities currently entangled in a costly class-action lawsuit against Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX. However, asking a simple question saved her! 😲👏

Earlier this week, Adam Moskowitz, one of the lawyers leading the class-action lawsuit against FTX’s celebrity ambassadors, revealed on The Scoop podcast that Swift asked if the securities she would be promoting were unregistered. 🎤🔎

Moskowitz said, “In our discovery, Taylor Swift actually asked that. ‘Can you tell me that these are not unregistered securities?'” He mentioned this when discussing why the celebrities named in the lawsuit didn’t consult their lawyers before signing such contracts. 📝🤔

The lawyer stated that under state securities laws, promoting unregistered securities for financial gain makes an individual liable. 💸🚨

According to the Financial Times, the now-bankrupt FTX was in talks with Swift for a $100 million sponsorship deal, which fell through shortly before FTX’s collapse in November last year. 💔💥

Swift’s due diligence saved her from an expensive mistake. Moskowitz told The Scoop that they are seeking $5 billion in damages in the FTX lawsuit from celebrities who promoted the sale of unregistered securities. The lawsuit names 11 celebrities—and one basketball team—including Tom Brady, Seinfeld creator Larry David, and Shaquille O’Neal. “If they had just asked that question,” Moskowitz said, referring to the celebrities now involved in the lawsuit. 🏀🎬🏈

Moskowitz explained that those who joined FTX are automatically registered for interest accounts that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has ruled are securities. “It’s money you’re lending them, and you’re going to get a return based on the actions of others,” he said. 💵🔄

Swift’s financial acumen might be influenced by her family. The Grammy-winner’s father, Scott Swift, is a managing director of the Swift Group, a wealth management company that’s part of Bank of America. He also began his career as a financial advisor for Merrill Lynch Wealth Management in 1980. 🏆👨‍💼

The pop superstar has an estimated net worth of $570 million, according to Forbes, and has built a real estate portfolio worth more than $150 million, according to The Wall Street Journal. 🏠💰

📢SPONSORED Strategies for Helping Maximize Income A strategic approach to investing can help you maximize your retirement income while minimizing your investment taxes. With no commissions and no financial incentives, Vanguard Personal Advisor Services® can develop a goal-driven plan to help you do just that. You’ll also gain access to personal service at a low cost. Learn more about how you can access personal financial advice and start the conversation. Paid non-client promotion. 📊👩‍💼

So, all the celebrities out there should listen up and learn from Taylor Swift! 🎤✨ Just one simple question can save you from a massive financial mess, and that’s a fact! 💯🚫 As Taylor demonstrates, it’s essential to verify everything before diving in. Remember, the more you know, the better off you’ll be! 🌈🌟

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