Love language

🎥💥 Wat Ah Da 5 Love Languages? Undahstandin’ ‘Em Might Help Yo’ Relationship 💑

If you evah been in one relationship an’ had one problem 🤔 wea you felt like you nevah really undahstood yo’ partnah (an’ who nevah did?🤷), den wen’ you probably end up doin’ one online search 🔎 dat brought you to da question “What is yo’ love language?” o’ one quiz at some point. Da phrase stay all ova da place since Dr. Gary Chapman 🧑‍⚕️ wen’ release his best-sellin’ relationship book, “Da Five Love Languages: Da Secret to Love Dat Lasts,” in 2015. 📖💖 It da first one in one series dat now get 11 books, an’ da five love languages wen’ give people one practical way fo’ stay connected — an’ stay in love. ❤️📚💑

But wat ah da five “love languages” really — an’ how dat undahstandin’ help our relationships? 🤷‍♂️💕 Chapman tell SheKnows dat stay all ’bout knowin’ wat it take fo’ one person fo’ feel loved. 💭💖 Aftah counselin’ many couples in crisis fo’ plenny years, Chapman say, “It wen’ come clear to me dat wat make one person feel loved no always da same fo’ dea spouse o’ partnah,” he explain. “I wen’ find out dat every person undahstand an’ receive love in one specific language, one of five fo’ be exact. Da oddah four stay jus’ as important an’ give oddah ways fo’ express love to each oddah.” 💬💑💖

Dr. Tina B. Tessina, one psychotherapist 🧑‍⚕️ an’ da author of “Dr. Romance’s Guide to Findin’ Love Today,” also see da value of usin’ da five love languages fo’ show love. “Fo’ undahstand yo’ own ways of expressin’ love, an’ yo’ partnah’s, an’ undahstand how yo’ expressions of love stay different o’ similar mean you know wen’ you stay lovin’ yo’ partnah da way you like an’ wen’ you lovin’ yo’ partnah in his o’ her favorite way,” she tell SheKnows. “You can undahstand bettah why some tingz work between you an’ oddahs no work. You can learn fo’ recognize wen’ yo’ partnah stay sendin’ you love, even if dat no da way you used to.” 💡💏💖

According to Chapman, takin’ da time fo’ learn an’ undahstand yo’ partnah’s primary love language, wea often different from yo’ own, can make communication bettah an’ strengthen yo’ bond. ⏳🎁💌👫💪

Wat Ah Da 5 Love Languages? 🌟💕

But wat ah da five different love languages — an’ wat dey look like in practice? Dis wat you gotta know. 🧐📖💖

1️⃣ Words of affirmation 🗣️💖 Chapman say people wit’ dis love language need fo’ hear dea partnah say “I love you.” Even mo’ bettah: includin’ da reasons behind da love by leavin’ dem one voice message 📲 o’ one written note 💌 o’ talkin’ to dem directly wit’ sincere words of kindness an’ affirmation.

2️⃣ Quality time ⏳💑 If quality time stay yo’ partnah’s love language, dat all ’bout givin’ yo’ partnah yo’ undivided attention, Chapman say. Dat mean no TV, no chores, no scrollin’ t’ru Instagram o’ TikTok on yo’ phone — jus’ givin’ each oddah yo’ undivided attention. ⌛👫📵

3️⃣ Receiving gifts 🎁💖 Da person who love dis language stay thrive on da love, thoughtfulness, an’ effort behind da gift. In short: actions speak louder than words. 👐💝

4️⃣ Acts of service 🙌💑 Dis language include anyting you do fo’ make da responsibilities easier, like vacuumin’ da floors, goin’ grocery shoppin’, o’ sendin’ thank-you notes. 🏠🛒💌

5️⃣ Physical touch 🤗💖 People who speak dis love language thrive on any kine of physical touch. “Make da effort fo’ find ways fo’ express yo’ love usin’ physical touch: givin’ hugs, touchin’ dea arm o’ hand durin’ one conversation; offah fo’ give one neck o’ back rub,” Chapman say. 💆‍♀️💑

Da bottom line stay dat not everybody express dea love in da same way, so bein’ aware of da different love languages can help you undahstand yo’ relationship bettah. 🎯💕👫

A version of dis story wen’ publish in January 2019. 📰✨

Befo’ you go, check out our favorite erotic podcasts fo’ some sexy listenin’! 🎧🔥


🎥💥 What Are The 5 Love Languages? 💕 Understanding Them Might Help Your Relationship 💑🌈

If you’ve ever been in a relationship and had a problem 🤔 where you felt like you never really understood your partner (and who hasn’t?🤷), then you’ve probably ended up doing an online search 🔎 that brought you to the question “What is your love language?” or a quiz at some point. The phrase has been everywhere since Dr. Gary Chapman 🧑‍⚕️ released his best-selling relationship book, “The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts,” in 2015. 📖💖 It’s the first one in a series that now has 11 books, and the five love languages have given people a practical way to stay connected — and stay in love. ❤️📚💑

But what are the five “love languages” really — and how does understanding them help our relationships? 🤷‍♂️💕 Chapman tells SheKnows that it’s all about knowing what it takes for a person to feel loved. 💭💖 After counseling many couples in crisis for many years, Chapman says, “It became clear to me that what makes one person feel loved is not always the same for their spouse or partner,” he explains. “I discovered that every person understands and receives love in a specific language, one of five to be exact. The other four are just as important and offer other ways to express love to each other.” 💬💑💖

Dr. Tina B. Tessina, a psychotherapist 🧑‍⚕️ and the author of “Dr. Romance’s Guide to Finding Love Today,” also sees the value of using the five love languages to show love. “To understand your own ways of expressing love, and your partner’s, and to understand how your expressions of love are different or similar means you know when you’re loving your partner the way you like and when you’re loving your partner in his or her favorite way,” she tells SheKnows. “You can understand better why some things work between you and others don’t. You can learn to recognize when your partner is sending you love, even if that’s not the way you’re used to.” 💡💏💖

According to Chapman, taking the time to learn and understand your partner’s primary love language, which is often different from your own, can improve communication and strengthen your bond. ⏳🎁💌👫💪

What Are The 5 Love Languages? 🌟💕

But what are the five different love languages — and what do they look like in practice? This is what you need to know. 🧐📖💖

1️⃣ Words of affirmation 🗣️💖 Chapman says people with this love language need to hear their partner say “I love you.” Even better: including the reasons behind the love by leaving them a voice message 📲 or a written note 💌 or speaking to them directly with sincere words of kindness and affirmation.

2️⃣ Quality time ⏳💑 If quality time is your partner’s love language, that’s all about giving your partner your undivided attention, Chapman says. That means no TV, no chores, no scrolling through Instagram or TikTok on your phone — just giving each other your undivided attention. ⌛👫📵

3️⃣ Receiving gifts 🎁💖 The person who loves this language thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. In short: actions speak louder than words. 👐💝

4️⃣ Acts of service 🙌💑 This language includes anything you do to make responsibilities easier, like vacuuming the floors, going grocery shopping, or sending thank-you notes. 🏠🛒💌

5️⃣ Physical touch 🤗💖 People who speak this love language thrive on any form of physical touch. “Make the effort to find ways to express your love using physical touch: giving hugs, touching their arm or hand during a conversation; offer to give a neck or back rub,” Chapman says. 💆‍♀️💑

The bottom line is that not everybody expresses their love in the same way, so being aware of the different love languages can help you understand your relationship better. 🎯💕👫

A version of this story was published in January 2019. 📰✨

Before you go, check out our favorite erotic podcasts for some sexy listening! 🎧🔥

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