Film Director

🎥💥 Da Hollywood Directors Score One Deal Wit Da Studios While Da Writers Still On Strike, Brah! 🎬🖊️

Ho, check it out, guys and gals! Early Sunday morning, like da time when da rooster still kakaraka, da union dat represent plenty movie and TV directors wen make one tentative agreement wit da big kahuna Hollywood studios on top one three-year contract, guaranteeing labor aloha wit one major guild as da writers’ strike still going strong afta six weeks, no joke. 🌅✍️🎞️🐓

Da Directors Guild of America wen announce in one statement all kine night time dat dey wen score some “unprecedented gains,” including more kala in wages and streaming residuals (das like one kine royalty), and even get some guardrails around artificial intelligence, or AI. Dey say, “We wen wrap up one truly historic deal,” and Jon Avnet, da big boss of da D.G.A.’s negotiating committee, wen say in da statement, “It get choke improvements for every director, assistant director, unit production manager, associate director and stage manager in our guild.” 💵📈🤖

Dis deal going stop da Hollywood’s worst nightmare of three big unions striking all at da same time, you know. On Wednesday, da Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, who negotiate for da studios, going start talks for a new contract with SAG-AFTRA, da guild dat represents actors; their current agreement going pau on June 30. SAG-AFTRA is in da process of collecting a strike authorization vote. 🎭⚖️🗓️

Da entertainment industry going eyeball real hard at what da directors’ deal — and the actors’ negotiations — going mean for the Writers Guild of America, da union dat represents da writers. More than 11,000 writers wen go strike in early May, bringing plenty Hollywood productions to one stop. 🛑📝

Over da last month, da writers wen get plenty support from other unions dat W.G.A. leaders have said dey haven’t seen in generations. Whether a directors’ deal — or one possible actors’ deal later dis month — going cut that support is now one big question mark. ❓✊💡

Da W.G.A. big kahunas had been letting writers know late last week that a deal with the directors could be coming, a strategy dat they said was part of da studio “playbook” to “divide and conquer.” The writers and da studios wen leave da bargaining table on May 1 real far apart on da big issues, and haven’t started talking story again. 🗣️🎯🏁

Dey say, “Dey pretend they couldn’t talk story with da W.G.A. in May because of talking with the D.G.A.,” da W.G.A. negotiating committee told writers in one email on Thursday. “Das one lie. It’s one choice they made in hope of breathing life into the divide and conquer game. Da point of da game is to make deals with some unions and tell da rest das all there is. It’s gaslighting, and it only works if unions are divided. 📧🔥🔁

“Our position is clear: To make pono da strike, da companies going have to talk story with da W.G.A. on our full agenda,” da email wen keep going. Representatives for da Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers neva respond right away to a request for comments. 🗣️🤝💬

Da writers and da directors get some same goals, including wages, streaming residuals and worries about AI. W.G.A. leaders had said that da studios had offered little more than “annual meetings for talk story” about AI, and that they no like negotiate over guardrails. Da D.G.A. said Sunday that they got one “groundbreaking agreement confirming that A.I. is not one person and that generative A.I. cannot replace da duties performed by members.” 🧑‍💻🚧🤝

Some of the writers’ demands, however, are more pilikia than those of da directors. W.G.A. leaders have described da dispute in urgent terms, calling dis time “existential,” and saying that da studios “are seemingly intent on continuing their efforts for wreck da job of writing.”

Even wit da boom of TV production over da last decade, writers have said that their wages stay the same, and their working conditions get worse. In addition to improvements on pay, da writers looking for more job security, and also minimum numbers in writers’ rooms. 📺📉🖋️

Da W.G.A. promised to keep fighting. Da writers, who last wen go strike 15 years ago for 100 days, have historically stayed united.

“We stay backed by one alliance with our sister guilds and unions,” Chris Keyser, one big kahuna of da W.G.A. bargaining committee, said in one video message to writers last week. “They give us strength. But we stay strong enough. We always been strong enough for get da deal we need using writer power alone.” 💪✍️🎥🌺


🎥💥 Hollywood Directors Score a Win With Studio Agreement Amid Continuing Writers’ Strike! 🎬🖊️

Grab your popcorn, folks! Early Sunday morning, just as the rooster was crowing, the union representing a multitude of movie and TV directors announced a tentative agreement with the Hollywood studios on a three-year contract. This move ensures labor peace with one major guild even as the writers’ strike rolls on into its sixth week. 🌅✍️🎞️🐓

The Directors Guild of America stated overnight that it had made “unprecedented gains.” These gains include improvements in wages and streaming residuals (a form of royalty) and even the introduction of safeguards around artificial intelligence, or AI. They declared, “We have concluded a truly historic deal.” Jon Avnet, the chair of the D.G.A.’s negotiating committee, shared in the statement, “It provides significant improvements for every director, assistant director, unit production manager, associate director, and stage manager in our guild.” 💵📈🤖

This agreement prevents Hollywood’s worst-case scenario: three major unions striking simultaneously. On Wednesday, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, who negotiate on behalf of the studios, will begin talks for a new contract with SAG-AFTRA, the guild that represents actors; their current agreement is set to expire on June 30. SAG-AFTRA is currently gathering votes for a strike authorization. 🎭⚖️🗓️

The entertainment industry will be watching closely to understand what the directors’ agreement — and the actors’ upcoming negotiations — might mean for the Writers Guild of America, the union that represents the writers. Over 11,000 writers went on strike in early May, causing many Hollywood productions to grind to a halt. 🛑📝

Over the past month, the writers have received a surge of solidarity from other unions, a level of support W.G.A. leaders say they haven’t seen in generations. Whether the directors’ agreement — or a possible actors’ deal later this month — will impact that solidarity is now a significant question. ❓✊💡

W.G.A. leaders had hinted to writers late last week that a deal with the directors might be on the horizon, a tactic they said was part of the studio’s “playbook” to “divide and conquer.” The writers and the studios parted ways at the bargaining table on May 1 with significant differences on major issues and have not resumed discussions. 🗣️🎯🏁

The W.G.A. negotiating committee informed writers in an email on Thursday, “They pretended they couldn’t negotiate with the W.G.A. in May because of negotiations with the D.G.A. That’s a lie. It’s a choice they made in hope of implementing the divide and conquer strategy. The essence of the strategy is to make deals with some unions and tell the rest that’s all there is. It’s manipulation, and it only works if unions are divided. 📧🔥🔁

“Our position is clear: To resolve the strike, the companies will have to negotiate with the W.G.A. on our full agenda,” the email continued. Representatives for the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers did not immediately respond to a request for comments. 🗣️🤝💬

The writers and the directors share some priorities, including wages, streaming residuals, and concerns about AI. W.G.A. leaders had mentioned that the studios had offered little more than “annual meetings to discuss” AI and had refused to negotiate over safeguards. The D.G.A. announced on Sunday that it received a “groundbreaking agreement confirming that A.I. is not a person and that generative A.I. cannot replace the duties performed by members.” 🧑‍💻🚧🤝

However, some of the writers’ demands are more complex than those of the directors. W.G.A. leaders have described the dispute urgently, calling this moment “existential,” and claiming that the studios “are seemingly intent on continuing their efforts to destroy the profession of writing.”

Despite the explosion of television production over the past decade, writers claim that their wages have stagnated, and their working conditions have worsened. In addition to compensation improvements, the writers are seeking better job security and minimum staffing levels in writers’ rooms. 📺📉🖋️

The W.G.A. has vowed to keep fighting. The writers, who last went on strike 15 years ago for 100 days, have historically remained united.

“We are supported by an alliance with our sister guilds and unions,” Chris Keyser, a chair of the W.G.A. bargaining committee, said in a video message to writers last week. “They give us strength. But we are strong enough. We have always been strong enough to get the deal we need using writer power alone.” 💪✍️🎥🌺

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