YouTube Children

🎥👶 Eh, Brah, Listen Up: YouTube Kine Slip, Get Busted Fo’ Slippin’ Ads On Top Keiki Videos

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Howzit gang! You know dat YouTube place, yeah, where you find all kine videos, li’dat? 📺 Aiya, da buggah get choke chance fo’ make big bucks off us wit all kine ads. But wait, hol’ on a sec. Seem like dey went cross da line by runnin’ ads spesho fo’ kids! No make sense cuz, well, no can do dat kine stuffs witout da permission from da keiki’s ohana. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Kayden, you know dat Fairplay group, da one dat all about keepin’ stuffs pono fo’ da keikis? 🍼 Dey wen’ test YouTube, dey did. Dey wen’ use Google’s own tools fo’ run one $10 ad campaign dis month, but no can believe how YouTube mess up. Dem ads wen’ show up on top channels like “Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes,” “Talking Tom,” and even “Like Nastya.” 🎶🐱💃

Ho, you think das all? Nah, da ads wen’ hit 1,446 times! Wot, dey no read da rule book o’ wot? 📚 Dey gotta get permission from da keiki’s ohana if dey like collect any kine personal info from da young ones. Dass federal law, cuz. 🚨📋

Bumbye Adalytics, anoddah company, wen’ come out wit da same kine results. Dey also wen’ look at da ads on keiki channels and guess wot, still da same problem. 🕵️‍♂️ So, get plenny questions now if YouTube wen’ break da federal law or not. Dass not small kine, dat one.

Google, who own YouTube, dey try fo’ backpedal, yeah. Dey say, “Nah, nah, you guys no undahstand, we no like target da keiki wit personal kine ads.” 🙄 But, how come Fairplay wen’ still get fo’ place da ads?

Ho, you remembah, back in 2019, YouTube wen’ get caught already fo’ dis kine shenanigans. Dey wen’ get da stink eye from da Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and da State of New York. 🗽🏛️ Dey had fo’ fork out $170 million jus’ fo’ settle everyting. Now, dey back at it? Ho, no scared em, yeah? 😱

Da group Fairplay and da Center fo’ Digital Democracy, dey no like let dis one slide. Dey wen’ press da FTC fo’ check out Google and YouTube again, cuz dis no da first time dey mess up wit da keiki’s info. 🧒🔍

So wassup YouTube? Dey like make cherry kala, but dey gotta remembah, keiki stay sacred, no can mess around. 🌈👶 An’ Fairplay group stay hot on dea heels, tryin’ fo’ keep tings pono. No easy, ah? Dis ain’t da Wild West; get rules fo’ reason. 🤠🚫

So, da moral of da story, gang? Stay on top of where yo’ keiki stay watching, cuz look like even da big companies no can keep their act togetha. And wen’ dey mess up, get groups like Fairplay dat stay ready fo’ jump in and make tings right. 🛡️👨‍⚖️

Dass it, das all I get fo’ tell you guys. Jus’ remembah, keep one eye on top where yo’ keiki stay going online. Nevah know, could be gettin’ targeted by companies who tink dey more slick den dey really are. 🎯👀


🎥👶 Listen Up, Folks: YouTube Gets Caught Running Ads on Children’s Videos

Hey everyone! You know YouTube, right? The place where you can find all sorts of videos? 📺 Well, it turns out they might be making a pretty penny off us with all kinds of ads. But here’s the kicker: they seem to have crossed a line by running specialized ads on children’s videos. You can’t do that without parental consent, you know. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

So, have you heard of Fairplay? It’s an organization focused on children’s welfare. 🍼 They decided to test YouTube’s advertising practices. Using Google’s own tools, they ran a $10 ad campaign this month and found that YouTube made a big blunder. The ads appeared on popular channels like “Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes,” “Talking Tom,” and “Like Nastya.” 🎶🐱💃

And get this, the ads appeared 1,446 times! What’s going on? Did they not read the rule book or something? 📚 Federal law mandates that consent from parents is required to collect any personal information from minors. That’s not something to ignore. 🚨📋

To add fuel to the fire, another company called Adalytics found similar issues. 🕵️‍♂️ They also examined ads on children’s channels and found that YouTube was breaking the rules. This raises serious questions about whether YouTube is in violation of federal laws around children’s privacy.

Google, the parent company of YouTube, tried to clear the air. They claimed, “No, no, you’re misunderstanding. We don’t target children with personalized ads.” 🙄 But then, how could Fairplay still place those ads?

Remember, back in 2019, YouTube had already been caught for similar infractions. They faced penalties from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the State of New York. 🗽🏛️ They had to pay a whopping $170 million to settle the matter. Are they back to their old ways already? 😱

Fairplay and the Center for Digital Democracy aren’t letting this go. 🧒🔍 They’ve pushed the FTC to investigate Google and YouTube once more, because this isn’t the first time they’ve mishandled children’s information.

So what’s the moral of this story? Be cautious about what your kids are watching, because even major companies can’t seem to get it right. And when they falter, there are groups like Fairplay who are ready to step in and ensure that justice is served. 🛡️👨‍⚖️

That’s all there is to it, folks. Just remember to keep an eye on your kids’ online activities. You never know, they could be targeted by companies who think they’re smarter than they actually are. 🎯👀

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