Fox News

🎤📺 Fox News Stay Pay $12 Million fo Settle Hostile Workplace Suit! 💰😱

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Fox News, dey wen agree fo’ shell out $12 million to Abby Grossberg, one fo’mer Fox News producer who wen accuse da network fo’ run one hostile an’ discriminatory workplace an’ fo’cing her fo’ give false testimony in one deposition. 💔📺

Parisis G. Filippatos, one lawyer fo’ Miss Grossberg, say da settlement settle all da claims Miss Grossberg wen make ‘gainst Fox an’ da people she wen name in her complaints, including da fo’mer host Tucker Carlson an’ some fo’ his producers. 💼🤝

Miss Grossberg’s legal team wen file one request in U.S. District Court fo’ da Southern District fo’ New York on Friday fo’ throw out one lawsuit she wen get against Fox cuz dey wen settle da case. 📝🗂️

Miss Grossberg wen say in one statement on Friday dat she still believe in her allegations, but she feel good dat Fox News wen take her an’ her legal claims serious. “I get hope dat dis settlement goin’ make da network do betta fo’ how dey treat women an’ minorities in da workplace,” she wen say. 🙌👩💼

Fox News wen say befo’ dat dey no ack like dey ack ’bout Miss Grossberg’s claims. One spokeswoman fo’ da network wen say in one statement on Friday: “We happy we can settle dis ting wit no mo’ fighting.” 💼🙏

Justin Wells, one fo’mer senior executive producer fo’ Mr. Carlson, wen get named in da complaint. He wen say in one post on Twitter: “We no ack dat Miss Grossberg’s claims an’ allegations ‘gainst Tucker Carlson an’ his team. But still, we stay happy Fox wen settle da case an’ we all can move forward.” 📱🗣️

Dis settlement wit Miss Grossberg da latest ting fo’ come out in da long line fo’ legal battles Fox stay go through. In April, da company wen say dey goin’ pay Dominion Voting Systems $787.5 million, an’ dat da biggest amount fo’ settle one defamation case. Den, Fox wen take off Mr. Carlson, dey most popular host, off da air afta dey top dogs wen say he mo’ trouble than good fo’ da company. 💸📺

Fox still get one mo’ defamation case fo’ fight, dis time wit one oddah voting technology company called Smartmatic. Dey saying Fox wen spread lies ’bout dey products, saying dey wen help wit election fraud in 2020. 🗳️🤥

Da ting wit Miss Grossberg, she stay 42 years old, get someting fo’ do wit da Dominion case. In March, she wen sue Fox in Delaware, saying dey wen force her fo’ lie in da deposition she wen give. Den she wen change her witness testimony befo’ da Dominion trial, so das one mo’ problem fo’ Fox’s legal team. 🤐📝

She wen also file one oddah lawsuit in New York, dis time say Fox an’ Mr. Carlson stay let one culture fo’ sexism an’ anti-Semitism go on. She say dey wen harass her an’ say bad kine stuff to her when she wen work as da head fo’ booking on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” 👩‍⚖️🔒

Fox wen fire Miss Grossberg only four days afta she wen file da lawsuits. Dey wen say in one statement dat she wen talk ’bout secret info ’bout da Dominion case. She wen drop da lawsuit in Delaware, but her lawyer say dey goin’ file one mo’ in New York. 🔥🚫

Miss Grossberg wen start fo’ work at Fox News in 2019 as one senior producer fo’ Maria Bartiromo. Den in August 2022, she wen join Mr. Carlson’s team as da head fo’ booking. 👩‍💼📺

In her lawsuit, Miss Grossberg wen say she find one workplace full fo’ misogyny an’ harassment. Da male producers, dey wen openly show sexism to her an’ her co-workers, make crude jokes, an’ even put up pictures of Nancy Pelosi, da House speaker, in one swimsuit showing cleavage. 😠👙🖕

Miss Grossberg nevah meet Mr. Carlson in person, cuz he mostly work from his homes in Florida an’ Maine. But dey stay communicate plenty through email, text, an’ video calls. Mr. Carlson’s staff in New York, dey stay led by Mr. Wells, da senior executive producer. (Mr. Wells, he wen get fired by Fox in April.) 📧🗽📞

Afta Miss Grossberg wen file her lawsuits, she wen slowly leak audio recordings from her time at Fox to oddah media organizations. Da recordings wen show all kine stuff, like how Mr. Carlson get big influence in da Republican Party, Rudolph W. Giuliani, lawyer fo’ former President Donald J. Trump, wen admit he nevah get evidence fo’ voter fraud, an’ even discussions between Senator Ted Cruz of Texas an’ Miss Bartiromo ’bout his attempts fo’ audit da 2020 election results. 🎙️🎧📢

Mr. Filippatos, da lawyer fo’ Miss Grossberg, confirm dat da special counsel office investigating Mr. Trump’s efforts fo’ overturn da 2020 election wen contact him. He an’ his client stay cooperate. Dey wen find at least 90 tapes, an’ Miss Grossberg’s legal team stay go through all her devices, looking fo’ any oddah recordings. 🧑‍⚖️🔍📼

Miss Grossberg, she say she no goin’ talk mo’ ’bout her accusations against Fox or her time at da company, but she goin’ “continue fo’ speak out ’bout issues an’ causes dat I believe in, including journalism, equality, dignity, an’ respect in da workplace.” 💪🗣️✊


🎤📺 Fox News to Pay $12 Million to Settle Hostile Workplace Suit! 💰😱

Fox News has agreed to shell out $12 million to Abby Grossberg, a former Fox News producer who accused the network of fostering a hostile and discriminatory workplace and forcing her to give false testimony in a deposition. 💔📺

Parisis G. Filippatos, lawyer for Miss Grossberg, said that the settlement resolves all the claims she made against Fox and the individuals she named in her complaints, including former host Tucker Carlson and some of his producers. 💼🤝

Miss Grossberg’s legal team filed a request in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on Friday to dismiss a lawsuit she had filed against Fox, as they have reached a settlement in the case. 📝🗂️

In a statement on Friday, Miss Grossberg said that she still believes in her allegations, but she feels good that Fox News took her and her legal claims seriously. “I have hope that this settlement will make the network do better in how they treat women and minorities in the workplace,” she said. 🙌👩💼

Fox News had previously not acknowledged Miss Grossberg’s claims. A spokeswoman for the network said in a statement on Friday, “We are happy that we can settle this matter without any more fighting.” 💼🙏

Justin Wells, a former senior executive producer for Mr. Carlson, was named in the complaint. He posted on Twitter, “We do not acknowledge Miss Grossberg’s claims and allegations against Tucker Carlson and his team. But still, we are happy Fox settled the case, and we can all move forward.” 📱🗣️

This settlement with Miss Grossberg is the latest development in a long line of legal battles that Fox has faced. In April, the company announced that it would pay Dominion Voting Systems $787.5 million, the largest amount ever paid to settle a defamation case. Fox also took its most popular host, Mr. Carlson, off the air after its executives deemed him more trouble than good for the company. 💸📺

Fox still has another defamation case to fight, this time with another voting technology company called Smartmatic. They allege that Fox spread lies about their products, claiming that they aided in election fraud in 2020. 🗳️🤥

As for Miss Grossberg, who is 42 years old, her case has something to do with the Dominion case. In March, she sued Fox in Delaware, alleging that they forced her to lie in the deposition she gave. She then changed her witness testimony before the Dominion trial, posing another challenge for Fox’s legal team. 🤐📝

She also filed another lawsuit in New York, this time asserting that Fox and Mr. Carlson allowed a culture of sexism and anti-Semitism to persist. She claims they harassed her and made derogatory remarks while she worked as the head of booking on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” 👩‍⚖️🔒

Fox fired Miss Grossberg just four days after she filed the lawsuits. They stated in a release that she had disclosed confidential information about the Dominion case. She dropped the lawsuit in Delaware, but her lawyer says they will file another one in New York. 🔥🚫

Miss Grossberg began working at Fox News in 2019 as a senior producer for Maria Bartiromo. Then in August 2022, she joined Mr. Carlson’s team as the head of booking. 👩‍💼📺

In her lawsuit, Miss Grossberg claimed that she found a workplace full of misogyny and harassment. The male producers openly displayed sexism towards her and her co-workers, made crude jokes, and even put up pictures of Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, in a swimsuit showing cleavage. 😠👙🖕

Miss Grossberg never met Mr. Carlson in person, as he mostly works from his homes in Florida and Maine. However, they communicated extensively through email, text, and video calls. Mr. Carlson’s staff in New York was led by Mr. Wells, the senior executive producer (who was fired by Fox in April). 📧🗽📞

After Miss Grossberg filed her lawsuits, she slowly leaked audio recordings from her time at Fox to other media organizations. The recordings revealed various revelations, such as Mr. Carlson’s significant influence in the Republican Party, Rudolph W. Giuliani, former President Donald J. Trump’s lawyer, admitting he had no evidence of voter fraud, and even discussions between Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Miss Bartiromo about his attempts to audit the 2020 election results. 🎙️🎧📢

Mr. Filippatos, Miss Grossberg’s lawyer, confirmed that the special counsel’s office investigating Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election had contacted him. He and his client are cooperating. They have found at least 90 tapes, and Miss Grossberg’s legal team is going through all her devices, searching for any additional recordings. 🧑‍⚖️🔍📼

Miss Grossberg stated that she will not speak further about her accusations against Fox or her time at the company. However, she intends to “continue to speak out about issues and causes that I believe in, including journalism, equality, dignity, and respect in the workplace.” 💪🗣️✊

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