Healthcare workers

🎉 Ho’ohana ‘Oiwi Biden: Givin’ COVID Vaccines fo’ free fo’ da Uninsured 🌈💉

Da Biden administration stay planning fo’ spend mo’ den $1 billion 💰 on top one new program fo’ give free coronavirus shots 💉 to da people wea no mo’ insurance lata dis year, afta da vaccines go commercial market, da officials wen say.

Da program fo’ da uninsured goin’ be modeled partly afta one existing keiki vaccination program, an’ goin’ get one first-time eva partnership wit da big pharmacy chains 🏪 fo’ take care all da costs fo’ give da doses to da patients. Pfizer an’ Moderna wen promise fo’ give da shots free fo’ dose guys who no mo’ insurance 📃.

Da administration’s move help fix one pilikia inside da nation’s coronavirus strategy befo’ da new vaccination wave wit updated shots dat goin’ start maybe lata dis summah ☀️. Da federal officials wen say dey no goin’ buy plenny doses fo’ Americans like befo’, an’ let da vaccines be sold commercially an’ let da manufacturers set da prices demself 💸.

In June, da federal regulators goin’ pick one new version of da shots dat goin’ target da kine virus 🦠 dey tink goin’ spread all ova lata dis year. Dose shots probably goin’ be available ’round September, jus’ like da timing of last year’s booster campaign ⏰.

Da administration also get plans fo’ buy discounted doses fo’ da community health clinics an’ da federal an’ state vaccination programs dat usually give vaccines to da uninsured peeps 🏥. Da program goin’ be called da Bridge Access Program fo’ Covid-19 Vaccines an’ Treatment, da kine administration fact sheet wen say, dat da New York Times wen get 📰🗞️.

So, da Biden administration stay doing da right ting fo’ help all da peeps in da US, no matta if dey get insurance o’ not, fo’ make shua everybody stay safe from da COVID virus 💪🌺🇺🇸. No fo’get, we all in dis togedda, an’ only by helpin’ each oddah we can win dis fight against da coronavirus 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌈.


🎉 Biden Administration: Providing Free COVID Vaccines for the Uninsured 🌈💉

The Biden administration plans to spend more than $1 billion 💰 on a new program to offer free coronavirus shots 💉 to uninsured Americans later this year, after the vaccines move to the commercial market, according to administration officials.

The program for the uninsured will be modeled partly after an existing childhood vaccination program and will include a first-of-its-kind partnership with major pharmacy chains 🏪 to cover the administrative costs of administering the doses to patients. Pfizer and Moderna have pledged to provide the shots at no cost to those without insurance 📃.

The administration’s move helps address a critical issue in the nation’s coronavirus strategy ahead of a new vaccination campaign with reformulated shots, likely to begin later this summer ☀️. Federal officials have said they will no longer mass-purchase doses for Americans as they have in previous coronavirus vaccination campaigns, allowing the vaccines to be sold commercially and giving manufacturers the power to set their own prices 💸.

In June, federal regulators are expected to choose a new formulation of the shots that will target versions of the virus 🦠 they expect to circulate broadly later in the year. Those shots would most likely roll out around September, similar to the timing of last year’s booster campaign ⏰.

The administration is also planning to buy discounted doses for community health clinics and federal and state vaccination programs that traditionally deliver vaccines to the uninsured 🏥. The program will be called the Bridge Access Program for Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatment, according to an administration fact sheet obtained by The New York Times 📰🗞️.

So, the Biden administration is taking the right steps to help all people in the US, regardless of whether they have insurance or not, to ensure everyone is protected from the COVID virus 💪🌺🇺🇸. Remember, we’re all in this together, and only by helping each other can we win the fight against the coronavirus 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌈.

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