a mock photo of a RSV

🎉💉 Da FDA Approves Da Game-Changing Vaccine 50 Years In Da Making 🚀🏥

Ho! Get one big kine news fo’ da world of medicine! Da FDA wen approve da first evah vaccine fo’ fight respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV. Dis buggah wen take 50 years fo’ make, an’ get plenny mo’ RSV vaccines on da way! 🌈🔬

Dis stay one huge win in da battle against one major problem. Researchers wen work hard fo’ create one RSV vaccine fo’ ova half a century. An’ no joke, dese vaccines could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year worldwide. 🌍💪👩‍🔬

RSV usually cause cold symptoms, but can also lead to serious lung inflammation or infection fo’ da young keiki an’ da old kūpuna. Every year, up to 160,000 hospitalizations an’ 10,000 deaths happen among older Americans, an’ as many as 55,000 adult deaths globally. Da peeps wit heart an’ lung disease an’ weakened immune systems stay at da highest risk fo’ severe RSV disease. 🤒👶🧓💔

RSV season typically starts in da fall an’ stay worst during da winter. Da vaccine, called Arexvy, wen get approved fo’ adults 60 an’ ova. Da CDC likely going recommend it in June, an’ peeps can get it in time fo’ dis coming fall season, according to da New York Times. 🍂❄️💉📰

Da young babies, especially da ones born premature, also get high risk fo’ bad RSV disease. Every year, da virus causes up to 80,000 hospitalizations an’ 300 deaths in American keiki undah 5, an’ leads to 2 million outpatient visits. Worldwide, da virus causes about 120,000 infant deaths each year. 👶🏽🏥🌎🚼

Right now, dis news no impact da pediatric populations. But get hope fo’ da keiki: Plenny vaccines dat would protect babies an’ kids — an’ oddah adult vaccines — stay undah FDA review or in early stages of development. 🌟👦🏽👧🏽💡

RSV wen contribute big time to da “tripledemic” dat wen flood hospitals last winter. As dese vaccines come to market, dey could dramatically change da cold an’ flu season fo’ da bettah. 😷❄️🏥🎉

Da Arexvy vaccine, made by GSK, stay super effective an’ get mostly mild side effects. In da trials, da vaccine wen reduce da risk of lower respiratory tract illness in adults ova 60 by nearly 83 percent, an’ da risk of severe illness by 94 percent. Da vaccine stay one single injection, an’ get built using conventional technology dat came befo’ mRNA technology used fo’ create many Covid-19 vaccines. 💪🔬💉🦠

Da side effects related to da vaccine stay mostly mild an’ go away within one or two days. Da most common side effect stay mild to moderate pain at da injection site, an’ small numbah of peeps wen report fatigue aftah da injection. 🩹😴👍

Da FDA going keep an eye out fo’ severe side effects. Fo’ da most part, da Arexvy vaccine appears to be safe. Howevah, da FDA get dea eye on some uncommon side effects dat dey going watch carefully as mo’ an’ mo’ peeps get da vaccine. Even though dese buggahs stay rare among da peeps who wen take part in da vaccine trials, dey stay severe enough fo’ merit close monitoring. 👀🔎

In one trial, wea each group had 12,500 participants, 10 Arexvy recipients an’ four peeps who wen get one placebo wen have atrial fibrillation, one irregular an’ rapid heart rhythm dat can make clots form in da heart. (Dis condition stay real common among olda adults an’ sometimes reverses itself; can treat ’em wit blood thinners if no can.) One participant in dis trial wen develop Guillain-Barré syndrome, one condition wea da immune system attack nerve cells, leading to weakness an’ sometimes paralysis. 🫀💔😰

In anoddah trial wit 2,500 peeps each in da Arexvy an’ placebo groups, two peeps who wen receive da vaccine wen develop one inflammatory condition affecting da brain an’ spinal cord, an’ one of dem wen die. 😢🧠💊

Da FDA stay requiring GSK fo’ monitor da incidence of all dese conditions among peeps who get da vaccine going forward. 👩‍⚕️📋🔍

Da question fo’ da agency stay wheddah da vaccine’s side effect risks stay biggah dan da RSV risks. Time going help answer dat question. ⏰🤔🏆

Dis stay one massive win! Peeps first wen try fo’ develop one RSV vaccine in da 1960s. How come stay so long fo’ make ’em work? 🤷‍♂️🕰️🏅

RSV’s surface proteins stay shape-shifters, taking different kine forms depending on wheddah dey wen invade — or fuse to — one human cell. Fo’ make tings mo’ complicated, da pre-fusion shape stay wildly unstable. Dat meant dat fo’ one long time, researchers’ only option stay fo’ use da protein’s post-fusion shapes as targets fo’ new vaccines. 🔬🧬💥

As one result, fo’ years, RSV vaccines could only recognize viral particles aftah dey wen invade cells — too late fo’ make plenny difference. Fo’ make one bettah vaccine, scientists really needed one clear picture of wat dose surface proteins looked like befo’ cell invasion. 🎯🦠🔎

Aftah all dese years of hard work an’ dedication, da scientific community wen finally achieve dis big win. Da approval of Arexvy stay one huge step forward in da fight against RSV an’ get da potential fo’ save countless lives. Let’s keep da hope alive fo’ mo’ breakthroughs like dis in da future! 🙌🔬💡🌈


🎉💉 FDA Approves Game-Changing Vaccine 50 Years in the Making 🚀🏥

Big news in the world of medicine! The FDA has approved the first-ever vaccine to fight respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV. This breakthrough took 50 years to achieve, and many more RSV vaccines are on the way! 🌈🔬

This is a huge win in the battle against a major health issue. Researchers have been working hard to create an RSV vaccine for over half a century. These vaccines could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year worldwide. 🌍💪👩‍🔬

RSV usually causes cold symptoms but can also lead to serious lung inflammation or infection for young children and the elderly. Every year, up to 160,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths occur among older Americans, and as many as 55,000 adult deaths globally. People with heart and lung disease and weakened immune systems are at the highest risk for severe RSV disease. 🤒👶🧓💔

RSV season typically starts in the fall and is worst during the winter. The vaccine, called Arexvy, was approved for adults 60 and over. The CDC will likely recommend it in June, and people can get it in time for this coming fall season, according to the New York Times. 🍂❄️💉📰

Young babies, especially those born prematurely, also have a high risk of severe RSV disease. Every year, the virus causes up to 80,000 hospitalizations and 300 deaths in American children under 5, and leads to 2 million outpatient visits. Worldwide, the virus causes about 120,000 infant deaths each year. 👶🏽🏥🌎🚼

Right now, this news doesn’t impact pediatric populations. But there’s hope for children: Several vaccines that would protect babies and kids — and other adult vaccines — are currently under FDA review or in early stages of development. 🌟👦🏽👧🏽💡

RSV was a major contributor to the “tripledemic” that flooded hospitals last winter. As these vaccines come to market, they could dramatically change the cold and flu season for the better. 😷❄️🏥🎉

The Arexvy vaccine, made by GSK, is highly effective and has mostly mild side effects. In trials, the vaccine reduced the risk of lower respiratory tract illness in adults over 60 by nearly 83 percent, and the risk of severe illness by 94 percent. The vaccine is a single injection and is built using conventional technology that preceded mRNA technology used to create many Covid-19 vaccines. 💪🔬💉🦠

Side effects related to the vaccine are mostly mild and resolve within one or two days. The most common side effect is mild to moderate pain at the injection site, and a small number of people reported fatigue after the injection. 🩹😴👍

The FDA will keep an eye out for severe side effects. For the most part, the Arexvy vaccine appears to be safe. However, the FDA is watching for some uncommon side effects that they will monitor carefully as more people get the vaccine. Even though these issues are rare among trial participants, they are severe enough to merit close monitoring. 👀🔎

In one trial, with 12,500 participants in each group, 10 Arexvy recipients and four people who received a placebo experienced atrial fibrillation, an irregular and rapid heart rhythm that can lead to clots forming in

the heart. 😱🫀😰

This condition is quite common among older adults and may sometimes reverse itself, but can be treated with blood thinners when necessary. However, one participant in this trial developed Guillain-Barré syndrome, a condition where the immune system attacks nerve cells, leading to weakness and sometimes paralysis. 😢💔😰

In another trial, with 2,500 people in each group, two individuals who received the vaccine developed an inflammatory condition affecting the brain and spinal cord, and unfortunately, one of them died. 😭🧠💊

While the Arexvy vaccine appears to be safe for the most part, the FDA will keep a close watch on any severe side effects that may occur as more people get vaccinated. Even though these side effects are rare, they are severe enough to warrant monitoring. 👀👩‍⚕️🔬

The FDA is requiring GSK to monitor the incidence of all these conditions among people who receive the vaccine going forward, and time will tell whether the vaccine’s side effect risks are greater than the risks of contracting RSV. 🕰️🤔💉

Nevertheless, this is a massive win for the scientific community and the fight against RSV. People have been working for over half a century to create an RSV vaccine, and finally, there is one. The approval of Arexvy is a huge step forward in the fight against RSV and has the potential to save countless lives. Let’s keep the hope alive for more breakthroughs like this in the future! 🙌🔬💡🌈

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