
🎈 Da 2024 G.O.P. Field Balloons Dis Week, Adding 3 New Candidates

Chris Christie an’ Doug Burgum stay set fo’ announce dey presidential campaigns dis week, an’ Mike Pence already wen file paperwork.

Da growing field of Republicans running fo’ president stay set fo’ expand by three dis week, wit’ former Vice President Mike Pence filing paperwork on Monday an’ former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey an’ Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota expected fo’ do so soon. Da field stay gettin’ biggah in part ’cause da hopefuls see opportunity in da struggle of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida fo’ become da undisputed challenger to former President Donald J. Trump.

Mr. DeSantis trails Mr. Trump by ’bout 30 percentage points in national polls of Republican voters. No one else stay even close, but wit’ one in four Republicans still lookin’ fo’ an alternative to da two front-runners, one fierce competition fo’ be dat oddah option stay emerging.

All three of da latest entrants gotta be considered long shots, at least fo’ now. But each goin’ get one momentary burst of attention when declaring his candidacy, wit’ da hope dat from small sparks, one brush fire goin’ spread. 🔥

Chris Christie When: Tuesday, June 6 🗓️

Where: A town-hall-style event at da New Hampshire Institute of Politics outside Manchester.

Da strategy: Mr. Christie, who dropped out of da 2016 primary early an’ became one supporter of Mr. Trump’s, stay castin’ himself as da former president’s harshest critic in da Republican field. He say Mr. Trump no fit fo’ serve aftah incitin’ da attack on da Capitol. Mr. Christie’s team recently wen say dat he goin’ run one campaign focused on “mixing it up in da news cycle an’ engaging Trump.” 💥

But bein’ one outspoken Trump critic so far no pay off much. Among 10 declared or potential 2024 candidates tested in one Monmouth poll last week, Mr. Christie was viewed da most negatively by Republican voters (21 percent viewed him favorably an’ 47 percent unfavorably). His strategy stay fo’ make it onto one debate stage, where his trademark pugilism, he wen promise, goin’ be aimed at Mr. Trump. 👊

Mr. Christie likely goin’ campaign heavy in New Hampshire, where plenny independents stay ‘spected to vote in da primary next year, offerin’ Mr. Christie his best opportunity to damage Mr. Trump.

Mike Pence When: Wednesday, June 7 🗓️

Where: A rally wit’ voters in Des Moines, followed by one CNN town hall at 9 p.m. Eastern.

Da strategy: Da former vice president brought credibility wit’ social conservatives to da 2016 ticket, but his star wen fade wit’ da party base aftah he wen refuse to comply wit’ Mr. Trump’s efforts fo’ block President Biden’s victory. As one evangelical Christian an’ former Indiana governor, Mr. Pence stay one natural fit wit’ Iowa conservatives, an’ he likely goin’ focus much of his campaignin’ deah in da hope of one strong showin’ in da first nominating contest next year. His campaign intend fo’ reintroduce him to voters as his own man, not just Mr. Trump’s No. 2. 🙏✨

But Mr. Pence, who espouses traditional Regeanesque views on economic an’ foreign policy — he supports aid to Ukraine — find himself at odds wit’ da current populist thrust of da party. In da Monmouth poll, he had da second highest unfavorable number (35 percent, versus 46 percent favorable). When Sean Hannity of Fox News mentioned at one town hall wit’ Mr. Trump on Thursday dat Mr. Pence would soon join da race, dey wen get boos. 👎

Doug Burgum When: Wednesday, June 7 🗓️

Where: Fargo, N.D.

Da strategy: North Dakota’s governor, who little-known outside his home state, made one large fortune in computer software, an’ stay in one position fo’ self-fund his longer-than-long-shot campaign. He wen say he believe dat 60 percent of American voters constitute one “silent majority” dat feels ignored by intense ideological debates dat dominate politics. “There’s definitely one yearning fo’ some alternatives right now,’’ Mr. Burgum told one Fargo news site.

Energy policy stay central to his message: As governor, Mr. Burgum set one goal of reaching carbon neutrality in North Dakota by 2030. He aimed fo’ do so not by diminishin’ dependence on fossil fuels, one key part of da state’s economy, but by acceleratin’ technology to capture carbon emissions in da ground.

Da governor stay low-key an’ notably not aligned wit’ Trump-style populism. Dat means dat, in addition to bein’ little known, he goin’ be paddlin’ against da current in today’s Republican rapids. 🌊


🎈 Da 2024 G.O.P. Field Balloons Dis Week, Adding 3 New Candidates 🎈

Chris Christie an’ Doug Burgum stay set fo’ announce dey presidential campaigns dis week, an’ Mike Pence already wen file paperwork.

Da growing field of Republicans running fo’ president stay set fo’ expand by three dis week, wit’ former Vice President Mike Pence filing paperwork on Monday an’ former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey an’ Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota expected fo’ do so soon. Da field stay gettin’ biggah in part ’cause da hopefuls see opportunity in da struggle of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida fo’ become da undisputed challenger to former President Donald J. Trump.

Mr. DeSantis trails Mr. Trump by ’bout 30 percentage points in national polls of Republican voters. No one else stay even close, but wit’ one in four Republicans still lookin’ fo’ an alternative to da two front-runners, one fierce competition fo’ be dat oddah option stay emerging.

All three of da latest entrants gotta be considered long shots, at least fo’ now. But each goin’ get one momentary burst of attention when declaring his candidacy, wit’ da hope dat from small sparks, one brush fire goin’ spread. 🔥

Chris Christie When: Tuesday, June 6 🗓️

Where: A town-hall-style event at da New Hampshire Institute of Politics outside Manchester.

Da strategy: Mr. Christie, who dropped out of da 2016 primary early an’ became one supporter of Mr. Trump’s, stay castin’ himself as da former president’s harshest critic in da Republican field. He say Mr. Trump no fit fo’ serve aftah incitin’ da attack on da Capitol. Mr. Christie’s team recently wen say dat he goin’ run one campaign focused on “mixing it up in da news cycle an’ engaging Trump.” 💥

But bein’ one outspoken Trump critic so far no pay off much. Among 10 declared or potential 2024 candidates tested in one Monmouth poll last week, Mr. Christie was viewed da most negatively by Republican voters (21 percent viewed him favorably an’ 47 percent unfavorably). His strategy stay fo’ make it onto one debate stage, where his trademark pugilism, he wen promise, goin’ be aimed at Mr. Trump. 👊

Mr. Christie likely goin’ campaign heavy in New Hampshire, where plenny independents stay ‘spected to vote in da primary next year, offerin’ Mr. Christie his best opportunity to damage Mr. Trump.

Mike Pence When: Wednesday, June 7 🗓️

Where: A rally wit’ voters in Des Moines, followed by one CNN town hall at 9 p.m. Eastern.

Da strategy: Da former vice president brought credibility wit’ social conservatives to da 2016 ticket, but his star wen fade wit’ da party base aftah he wen refuse to comply wit’ Mr. Trump’s efforts fo’ block President Biden’s victory. As one evangelical Christian an’ former Indiana governor, Mr. Pence stay one natural fit wit’ Iowa conservatives, an’ he likely goin’ focus much of his campaignin’ deah in da hope of one strong showin’ in da first nominating contest next year. His campaign intend fo’ reintroduce him to voters as his own man, not just Mr. Trump’s No. 2. 🙏✨

But Mr. Pence, who espouses traditional Regeanesque views on economic an’ foreign policy — he supports aid to Ukraine — find himself at odds wit’ da current populist thrust of da party. In da Monmouth poll, he had da second highest unfavorable number (35 percent, versus 46 percent favorable). When Sean Hannity of Fox News mentioned at one town hall wit’ Mr. Trump on Thursday dat Mr. Pence would soon join da race, dey wen get boos. 👎

Doug Burgum When: Wednesday, June 7 🗓️

Where: Fargo, N.D.

Da strategy: North Dakota’s governor, who little-known outside his home state, made one large fortune in computer software, an’ stay in one position fo’ self-fund his longer-than-long-shot campaign. He wen say he believe dat 60 percent of American voters constitute one “silent majority” dat feels ignored by intense ideological debates dat dominate politics. “There’s definitely one yearning fo’ some alternatives right now,’’ Mr. Burgum told one Fargo news site.

Energy policy stay central to his message: As governor, Mr. Burgum set one goal of reaching carbon neutrality in North Dakota by 2030. He aimed fo’ do so not by diminishin’ dependence on fossil fuels, one key part of da state’s economy, but by acceleratin’ technology to capture carbon emissions in da ground.

Da governor stay low-key an’ notably not aligned wit’ Trump-style populism. Dat means dat, in addition to bein’ little known, he goin’ be paddlin’ against da current in today’s Republican rapids. 🌊

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