Joe Biden

🎇🛩️🇺🇦 Biden Stay Backin’ Da Tuff Kine Choice Fo’ Send Clustah Bombs Go Ukraine

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Brah, da kine presiden’ Biden went stand firm by his choice fo’ ship out clustah bombs fo’ Ukraine on top dis past Aloha Friday, cuz da people dea running outta dakine ammunition fo’ fight against da Russian forces, yeah? 🎇💥🔥

Da Presiden’ been thinking ovah da idea fo’ send da bombs, cuz dey like throw all kine small kine bombs all ovah da battlefield. Dey been known fo’ cause some mean kine injures, long time aftah da fight done pau, especially to da keiki who pick up da ones dat nevah explode wen dey first wen’ drop ’em. 😟🎇👶

So, da final call by da Presiden’ was dat not giving Ukraine da weapons would be like leaving ’em helpless against Russia. He said was just fo’ little while fo’ help out Ukraine until dey can make more of da regular kine artillery shells. ⏳🎇🇺🇦

Dis choice he wen’ make wen’ break da ties wit’ some of America’s closest friends, and even get some kine flak from da Democrats. Dey worry dat da weapons might risk how da United States look in da eyes of da world. Dey think might make um hard fo’ show unity wen Mr. Biden go to da NATO meeting nex’ week in Lithuania. 🌎🤝🇱🇹

Jens Stoltenberg, da head guy of NATO, wen’ dodge da question on if he think was smart fo’ da U.S. fo’ give da bombs to Ukraine. He wen’ tell da reporters at da NATO main office in Brussels, “Da choice fo’ send weapons an’ military stuff to Ukraine stay wit’ each ally country fo’ decide, not fo’ NATO as one group.” 🗣️🤷‍♂️🏢

Russia, U.S. officials point out, been using their own clustah bombs in Ukraine long time already. Ukraine wen’ use ’em too, an’ Ukraine’s Presiden’ Volodymyr Zelensky been asking Biden fo’ send more fo’ help chase out da Russians who stay dug in da trenches and blocking Ukraine’s chance fo’ fight back. 🇷🇺🎇🇺🇦

Jake Sullivan, da Presiden’s national security guy, wen’ tell reporters at da White House dat Ukraine wen’ ask direct fo’ da weapons couple weeks ago. He said, “Ukraine not going use these bombs in some otha place, dey defending deir own country. Dey protecting deir own people, and dey ready fo’ use any kind weapon dey get in one way dat try fo’ keep deir own people safe.” 🏠🎇🛡️

Mr. Sullivan wen’ say dat Ukraine wen’ promise fo’ use da weapons in one way dat goin’ avoid da civilians, but he wen’ say notting guaranteed. He wen’ say, “Da battlefield stay changing all da time.” ⏳🎇🔄

Plenty of da United States’ friends dat support Ukraine wen’ draw da line at giving clustah bombs. Germany and France, and more than 100 odda countries, wen’ sign one treaty dat says no can use da weapons; but da United States, Russia, and Ukraine nevah sign ’em. 🇩🇪📜🇫🇷

Da United States nevah wen’ join da pact cuz officials tink dat da clustah bombs could be useful on da battlefield. Da United States wen’ use clustah bombs during da war in Iraq, says da Cluster Munition Coalition, one group dat calls fo’ stop using da weapons. Saudi Arabia wen’ use American-made clustah bombs during da war in Yemen until da United States stop da transfer cuz worry about da civilians getting hurt. 🇺🇸🎇🇮🇶

America’s allies wen’ show caution on top Biden’s decision dis past Friday. Germany and France nevah criticize da United States or oppose da move, but dey say dey not going follow suit. 🇩🇪🤝🇫🇷

Da Pentagon wen’ say dis past Friday dat da administration’s decision going quick help send hundreds of thousands of clustah bombs to Ukraine right wen Ukraine’s month-long offensive stay losing steam. Fo’ okay da weapons fo’ Ukraine, Mr. Biden had to say okay pass one law dat no can transfer da kine weapons dat have more than 1 percent chance no explode. 🏢💣📜

In one talk story to reporters at da Pentagon, Colin H. Kahl, da deputy secretary of defense fo’ policy, said da bombs dey sending to Ukraine get low chance no explode. He wen’ say, “Dese bombs stay pretty close to 1 percent, but not exactly at da 1 percent mark. But da presiden’ get da power fo’ say okay on top national security, and dat’s what he did dis time.” 🎤🎇💼

Knowing how hard fo’ swallow da moral and diplomatic implications of sending Ukraine weapons dat most of Washington’s friends ban, Mr. Kahl wen’ say da Russians already using cluster bombs wit’ up to 40 percent chance no explode on da battlefield, making big risk fo’ civilians. Ukraine like use da same kine weapons to defend its own land, and dey understand da risk of doing dat, he said. 🇷🇺🎇🇺🇦

Mr. Kahl wen’ say too dat da United States going work wit’ Ukraine fo’ try minimize da risks from clustah bombs. Specific, da Ukrainian government wen’ say dat dey not going use da rounds in places wea get plenny people, and using da rounds going make it easier fo’ clean up da bombs aftah da fight. He said, “Goin’ get careful tracking of wea dey use these weapons.” 🎇🎯🤝

Since World War II, clustah bombs wen’ kill estimated 56,500 to 86,500 civilians. Dey wen’ kill and hurt plenty American soldiers too. Mo’ civilians, including keiki in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Lebanon, da Balkans and Laos, still suffering from da stuff leftover from da clustah bombs. 🌍🎇😢

On Aloha Friday, Ukraine’s defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, wen’ say da decision “going really help us to get our lands back and save da lives of da Ukrainian soldiers.” On Capitol Hill, couple Democrats wen’ criticize da decision, saying da weapons could cause random harm to civilians long time aftah da fight done pau. “I keep on supporting help fo’ Ukraine stand up to Russia’s mean kine war of aggression,” Representative Jim McGovern, Democrat from Massachusetts and top guy of da House Rules Committee, wen’ say inBiden Stay Cover Kaua Side, Send Small-kine Bombs Go Ukraine 🌍💥

Kaua kine big time trouble cause a choke stockpile of da regular artillery in Ukraine, bumbye no moa. Dat why President Biden went figgah he gotta do one thing, he gotta send da kine weapons dea. No can he’p um.

Da main guy Biden, he went explain why he wen make da kine tough decision for send cluster bombs go Ukraine on one Aloha Friday. Even dough plenny of da close friends of America stay agains’ dis kine action, Biden wen say, “Da Ukraine guys, dey running out of da kine boom boom stuffs” fo’ fight against da Russias.

Ho, for choke months, dis guy Biden wen stay grappling with da question about if fo’ send da kine weapons o’ not. Cuz dese small-kine bombs, dey scatter small-kine deadly bomblets all ova da battlefield, yeah? Dey known for cause some mean injuries even long aftah da fight pow, especially to da keiki who find da duds dat neva go boom wen first time drop. 💣

Bumbye, da big boss wen come to one conclusion, if no give Ukraine da weapons, den it’s like saying, “Shoots, jus’ let da Russia guys come get you, brah.” He wen say was just one temporary move for help Ukraine hold on, till dey can make plenny more of da regular kine artillery.

“Was one hard decision for me, for real kine. And by da way, I wen talk story with our allies, I wen talk story with our friends up on da Hill,” Mr. Biden wen say in one talk with CNN. “Da Ukrainians are running out of ammunition.” “And den, wat I finally wen do, I wen go with wat da Defense Department guys recommend — not forever — but fo’ dis transition period,” he wen go on top.

Dis kine decision was one big break from what our closest friends do and caused some stink eye from da Democrats, who stay worried that da weapons goin’ make da U.S. look bad. Dey also worry dat da move could cause trouble for show unity wen Mr. Biden go for da NATO meeting next week in Lithuania. 🇺🇸💔🌐

Da head honcho of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, wen try duck da question about if was smart for da U.S. for send da weapons to Ukraine. “Each friend gotta make dea own decision on da kine delivery of weapons and military supplies to Ukraine,” Mr. Stoltenberg wen tell da news guys at da NATO’s main office in Brussels. “So dis decision gotta be for da governments — not for NATO as one group.”

Da U.S. guys wen notice, Russia been using its cluster munitions in Ukraine for long time already. Da Ukraine guys too, dey been using um, and President Volodymyr Zelensky been nagging Mr. Biden for give him moa, fo’ make da Russians who stay dug in da trenches go away and stop blocking Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

Jake Sullivan, da big boss’s national security adviser, wen tell da news guys at da White House on one Aloha Friday dat Ukraine wen ask straight up for da weapons couple weeks ago.

“Ukraine no gonna use these kine bombs in some oddah land,” Mr. Sullivan wen say. “Dis is dea own ‘aina dey defending. Dese are dea own people dey protecting, and dey get plenty aloha for use any kine weapon system dey get in one way dat keeps dea own people safe.”

Mr. Sullivan wen say dat da Ukraine guys promise for use da weapons in one way dat would avoid da civilians, but he wen say no can promise nothing.

“Da kaua field always stay changing,” he wen say.

Plenny friends of da U.S. dat support Ukraine have drawn da line at providing cluster munitions. Germany and France are among more than 100 nations that have signed a treaty prohibiting the weapons; the United States, Russia and Ukraine have not. 🇩🇪🇫🇷📜🚫

Da U.S. neva join da agreement cause officials thought that cluster munitions could be useful on the battlefield. The United States used cluster munitions during the war in Iraq, according to the Cluster Munition Coalition, one group that calls for an end to the use of the weapons. Saudi Arabia used American-made cluster munitions during the war in Yemen until the United States stopped the transfer amid concerns that civilians would be harmed.

On one Aloha Friday, da U.S. friends wen respond with caution to Mr. Biden’s decision.

While Germany and France no criticize the United States or go against the move, the countries said they would not follow suit.

Da Pentagon wen say on one Aloha Friday that the administration’s decision would quickly provide hundreds of thousands of cluster munitions to Ukraine at a pivotal time when Ukraine’s monthlong offensive is slowing down.

For say okay to da weapons for Ukraine, Mr. Biden had to waive a law that prohibits the transfer of such weapons that have a failure rate of more than 1 percent.

In a briefing to reporters at the Pentagon, Colin H. Kahl, the under secretary of defense for policy, said the munitions being sent to Ukraine had a low dud rate.

“Dea bombs, dey stay pretty close to 1 percent, but dey no at da 1 percent level,” he said. “But da big boss does have da power to let dat requirement slide on national security grounds, and that’s what he has done in this instance.”

Recognizing da moral and diplomatic sensitivities of sending Ukraine weapons that are banned by most of Washington’s allies, Mr. Kahl said the Russians were already indiscriminately using cluster munitions with failure rates of up to 40 percent on the battlefield, posing huge risks to civilians. Ukraine wants to use the same weapons to defend its own territory, and understands the risks of doing so, he said.

Mr. Kahl also said that the United States would work with Ukraine to minimize the risks associated with cluster munitions. Specifically, the Ukrainian government has said that it will not use the rounds in densely populated urban areas, and that using the rounds would make demining efforts easier after the conflict.

“Dey going be keep track good good of where they use these weapons,” Mr. Kahl said.

Since World War II, cluster munitions have killed an estimated 56,500 to 86,500 civilians. They have also killed and wounded scores of American service members. Additional civilians, including children in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Lebanon, the Balkans and Laos, continue to suffer from incidents involving remnants of cluster munitions.

On one Aloha Friday, Ukraine’s defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, said the decision would “significantly help us to de-occupy our territories while saving the lives of the Ukrainian soldiers.”

On Capitol Hill, several Democrats criticized the decision, arguing that the weapons could cause indiscriminate harm to civilians long after the fighting ends.

“I continue to strongly support helping Ukraine stand up to Russia’s brutal war ofBiden Stand Strong Fo’ Da ‘Tough Kine’ Choice Fo’ Send One Bag ‘o Bomblets Go Ukraine 🇺🇦💣

Da situation in Ukraine, lidat one bad bonfire, all smoke and heat, an’ so our Presiden’ Biden figga he had no mo’ choice but fo’ send da kine weapons ova dea. 🤷‍♂️💥🔥

Biden was talking story on top Friday ’bout his decision fo’ send Ukraine da cluster bombs, da kine stuff some of America’s closest brodas an’ sistahs don’ like, sayin’ ’twas one hard decision but “da Ukraine peeps stay running out of bullets” fo’ scrap against da Russian forces. 💔🇺🇦🇷🇺

Fo’ plenny months now, Biden stay tinking ’bout if fo’ give da weapons, da ones dat spread all kine small kine lethal bomblets all ova da battlefield. Dey known fo’ causing mean injuries long time aftah da fight pau, many times da keiki who pick up da bombs dat neva explode wen dey first wen drop. 😨💣👶

Bumbye, da president wen figga dat if he no send Ukraine da weapons, be like leaving dem defenseless against Russia. He wen say ’twas one temporary move fo’ hold Ukraine till dey can make mo’ regular artillery rounds. 🕰️🔧💣

“Was one hard decision on top my part – an’ no fo’get, I wen talk about dis with our allies, I wen talk about dis with our friends up on da Hill,” Biden wen say inside one interview with CNN. “Da Ukrainians running out of bullets.” 😔🤝🇺🇦

So, finally, wat I wen do, I wen take da suggestion from da Defense Department fo’ – not fo’eva – but fo’ allow fo’ dis transition time,” he wen add. 🏢👩‍💼👍

Da decision wen cause beef with plenty of America’s closest brodas and sistahs an’ brought dakine talk story from da Democrats, who stay worried dat da weapons stay risking da moral standing of da United States. Dis action also might make ‘um hard fo’ show unity wen Mr. Biden go da NATO summit next week in Lithuania. 🌍🕊️😕

Jens Stoltenberg, da big boss of NATO, wen dodge one question ’bout if he tink was smart fo’ da United States fo’ send da weapons to Ukraine. 🏢💼🇺🇦

“Is up to da individual allies fo’ make decisions ’bout da delivery of weapons an’ military supplies to Ukraine,” Mr. Stoltenberg wen tell da news peeps at NATO’s headquarters in Brussels. “So dis goin’ be fo’ da governments fo’ decide – not fo’ NATO as one alliance.” 🏛️💬🔎

Russia, U.S. guys wen note, has been using its cluster bombs in Ukraine fo’ choke of da war. Da Ukrainians also wen use dem, an’ President Volodymyr Zelensky been pushing Mr. Biden fo’ send him mo’ fo’ chase out da Russians who stay dug into trenches and blocking Ukraine’s counteroffensive. 🇷🇺💥🛑

Jake Sullivan, da president’s national security advisor, wen tell da news guys at da White House on Friday dat Ukraine had asked fo’ da weapons couple weeks ago. 🏠🎙️📰

“Ukraine no goin’ use dese bombs in some oddah land,” Mr. Sullivan wen say. “Dis dea country dey defending. Dese dea peeps dey protecting, and dey motivated fo’ use any kine weapon system dey get in one way dat minimize risk to dose peeps.” 🇺🇦🛡️💗

Mr. Sullivan wen say da Ukrainians wen promise fo’ use da weapons in one way dat would avoid da regular peeps, but he wen say no more any guarantees. 🙏😣

“Da battlefield always stay changing,” he wen say. ⏳🔄🌍

Plenny allies of da United States dat support Ukraine have drawn one line at providing cluster bombs. Germany and France stay among mo’ den 100 nations dat wen sign one treaty saying no to da weapons; da United States, Russia and Ukraine neva. 🚫📜🌐

Da United States neva joined da pact ’cause officials wen believe dat cluster bombs could be useful on top da battlefield. Da United States wen use cluster bombs during da war in Iraq, ‘cording to da Cluster Munition Coalition, one group dat calls fo’ stop da use of da weapons. Saudi Arabia wen use American-made cluster bombs during da war in Yemen until da United States wen stop da transfer ’cause dey worry dat civilians going get hurt. 🇺🇸💣🛑

American allies wen react with caution on Friday to Mr. Biden’s decision. 🤔🌍🤐

While Germany and France neva criticize da United States or oppose da move, da countries wen say dey no goin’ follow suit. 🇩🇪🇫🇷🤷‍♂️

Da Pentagon wen say on Friday dat da administration’s decision going provide hundreds of thousands of cluster bombs to Ukraine at one crucial time wen Ukraine’s monthlong offensive stay weakening. 🏢⏰🇺🇦

Fo’ approve da weapons fo’ Ukraine, Mr. Biden had to waive one law dat say no can transfer dis kine weapons dat get one failure rate of mo’ den 1 percent. 📜💔🔄

Colin H. Kahl, da under secretary of defense fo’ policy, wen say in one briefing to da news guys at da Pentagon dat da bombs being sent to Ukraine get one low dud rate. 🏢👨‍💼🎙️

“Dese bombs stay pretty close to 1 percent, but not at da 1 percent level,” he wen say. “But da president get da power to waive dat requirement on top national security grounds, and dat’s wat he wen do dis time.” 🏛️💪💣

Recognizing da moral an’ diplomatic sensitivities of sending Ukraine weapons dat most of Washington’s allies say no to, Mr. Kahl wen say da Russians already using cluster bombs without caring, with failure rates of up to 40 percent on top da battlefield, putting choke risks to civilians. Ukraine likes use da same weapons fo’ defend its own ‘aina, and understands da risks of doing so, he wen say. 🤔🇷🇺🔥

Mr. Kahl also wen say dat da United States going work with Ukraine fo’ minimize da risks tied to cluster bombs. Specifically, da Ukrainian government has wen say dat dey no goin’ use da rounds in places with choke peeps, an’ dat using da rounds would make cleaning up da bombs easia aftah dawar. 🇺🇦💣🏡🙏

“We gotta believe dem,” Mr. Kahl wen say. “Dey goin’ do wat dey can fo’ make sure dis kine things no goin’ end up hurting da regular peeps more den necessary.” 🤝🇺🇦💖

Not all lawmakers agreed with Mr. Biden’s decision. Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., wen express his worries about dis, saying, “We can’t lose sight of our long-term moral principles in da face of short-term military realities.” 🏛️🧑‍🦳🕊️

Da use of cluster bombs stay not universally accepted, but as dis situation shows, sometimes da immediate needs of self-defense make da decision more tough than black and white. So, Biden, stay stuck between da rock and da hard place, had fo’ make one decision he neva woulda liked, but sometimes you gotta do da hard thing fo’ da right cause. 🤔⚖️💔

Even if da decision going get backlash, he took da step to support Ukraine in its fight against da Russians. Now, only time going tell if dis move going make da difference Biden hoping fo’, or if it going make things more pilikia. ⌛🇺🇦🤞🌍


🇺🇦💣 Biden Makes the Difficult Decision to Supply Cluster Bombs to Ukraine

The intensifying conflict in Ukraine has led President Biden to make the tough choice of sending controversial weapons to the besieged nation. 🤷‍♂️💥🔥

On Friday, Biden discussed his decision to supply Ukraine with cluster bombs, weaponry that has been widely criticized by many of America’s closest allies, saying it was a difficult choice necessitated by Ukraine’s dwindling ammunition supplies in their fight against Russian forces. 💔🇺🇦🇷🇺

For several months, Biden deliberated over whether to provide these weapons, known for scattering lethal bomblets across a wide area. They have a reputation for causing lasting damage, often injuring civilians—particularly children—who encounter unexploded bombs long after the conflict has ended. 😨💣👶

Ultimately, Biden concluded that not providing Ukraine with these weapons was equivalent to leaving them defenseless against Russia. He stated it was a temporary measure to sustain Ukraine until they can produce more conventional artillery rounds. 🕰️🔧💣

“It was a difficult decision on my part—and remember, I discussed this with our allies, I discussed this with our friends on the Hill,” Biden said in an interview with CNN. “The Ukrainians are running out of bullets.” 😔🤝🇺🇦

“So, in the end, what I did, I accepted the suggestion from the Defense Department to—not permanently—but to allow for this transition period,” he added. 🏢👩‍💼👍

The decision caused concern among many of America’s closest allies and invited criticism from Democrats, who worry that the use of these weapons risks damaging the moral standing of the United States. This move might also complicate efforts to display unity at the upcoming NATO summit in Lithuania next week. 🌍🕊️😕

Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary-General, sidestepped a question about whether it was wise for the United States to send these weapons to Ukraine. 🏢💼🇺🇦

“It’s up to the individual allies to make decisions about the delivery of weapons and military supplies to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg told reporters at NATO’s headquarters in Brussels. “So this will be for the governments to decide—not for NATO as an alliance.” 🏛️💬🔎

It is worth noting that Russia has been using cluster bombs in Ukraine for a significant part of the conflict. Ukraine has also used them, and President Volodymyr Zelensky has been urging Mr. Biden to send more to dislodge entrenched Russian forces. 🇷🇺💥🛑

Jake Sullivan, the president’s national security advisor, told reporters at the White House on Friday that Ukraine had requested these weapons several weeks ago. 🏠🎙️📰

“Ukraine will not be using these bombs in another country,” Mr. Sullivan said. “This is their country they are defending. These are their people they are protecting, and they are motivated to use any weapon system they receive in a way that minimizes risk to those people.” 🇺🇦🛡️💗

Mr. Sullivan said the Ukrainians had pledged to use the weapons in a way that would avoid civilian populations, but he acknowledged there were no guarantees. 🙏😣

“The battlefield is always changing,” he said. ⏳🔄🌍

Many allies of the United States that support Ukraine have drawn a line at providing cluster bombs. Germany and France are among more than 100 nations that signed a treaty banning these weapons; the United States, Russia, and Ukraine did not. 🚫📜🌐

The United States did not join the pact because officials believed that cluster bombs could be useful on the battlefield. The United States used cluster bombs during the war in Iraq, according to the Cluster Munition Coalition, a group advocating for the ban on these weapons. Saudi Arabia used American-made cluster bombs during the war in Yemen until the United States halted the transfer due to concerns about civilian casualties. 🇺🇸💣🛑

American allies reacted with caution on Friday to Mr. Biden’s decision. 🤔🌍🤐

While Germany and France neither criticized the United States nor opposed the move, they stated they would not follow suit. 🇩🇪🇫🇷🤷‍♂️

The Pentagon said on Friday that the administration’s decision would provide hundreds of thousands of cluster bombs to Ukraine at a critical time when Ukraine’s monthlong offensive was faltering. 🏢⏰🇺🇦

To approve the weapons for Ukraine, Mr. Biden had to waive a law that prohibits the transfer of these kinds of weapons that have a failure rate of more than 1 percent. 📜💔🔄

Colin H. Kahl, the under secretary of defense for policy, said in a briefing to reporters at the Pentagon that the bombs being sent to Ukraine have a low dud rate. 🏢👨‍💼🎙️

“These bombs are close to 1 percent, but not at the 1 percent level,” he said. “But the president has the authority to waive that requirement on national security grounds, and that’s what he did this time.” 🏛️💪💣

Acknowledging the moral and diplomatic sensitivities of sending Ukraine weapons that most of Washington’s allies disapprove of, Mr. Kahl said that Russians are already using cluster bombs indiscriminately, with failure rates of up to 40 percent on the battlefield, posing significant risks to civilians. Ukraine intends to use the same weapons to defend its own land, and understands the risks of doing so, he said. 🤔🇷🇺🔥

Mr. Kahl also said that the United States would work with Ukraine to minimize the risks associated with cluster bombs. Specifically, the Ukrainian government has said that they would not use the rounds in populated areas, and that using the rounds would make it easier to clean up unexploded ordnance after the conflict. 🇺🇦💣🏡🙏

“We have to take them at their word,” Mr. Kahl said. “They will do what they can to ensure these weapons do not harm civilians more than necessary.” 🤝🇺🇦💖

Not all lawmakers agreed with Mr. Biden’s decision. Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., expressed his concerns, saying, “We cannot lose sight of our long-term moral principles in the face of short-term military realities.” 🏛️🧑‍🦳🕊️

The use of cluster bombs is not universally accepted, but as this situation illustrates, the immediate needs of self-defense can make the decision far from clear-cut. Thus, Biden, finding himself between a rock and a hard place, had to make a decision he would have preferred to avoid, but sometimes hard choices must be made for the greater good. 🤔⚖️💔

Even if the decision draws criticism, he took the step to support Ukraine in its battle against the Russians. Onlytime will tell if this move will have the desired impact that Biden is hoping for, or if it will lead to greater complications. ⌛🇺🇦🤞🌍

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