NFL American Football

🍿🏈 How Michael Oher & Da Tuohys Went Hanabada

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

No quote ’em, but stay talking story how Michael Oher, da football star, wen get all mix up with Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy back in 2004. Brudda Oher 🏈, who went through plenny foster homes, stay living with da Tuohys and their keikis in Memphis. Errbody know Oher was going be big in football, yeah? So when da Tuohys went aloha him into their ohana, get small kine drama.

Check dis, cuz! Da Tuohys 🤑, since dey not da real mākua for Oher, when give stuffs to Oher, might look like dey breaking N.C.A.A. rules. So da couple wen come up with one plan: go court and ask for mad kuleana ova Oher’s stuffs, even get da say for medical and money tings. Oher, already 18 and one adult, went shake hands on top.

Da world saw da movie “The Blind Side” 🎥 in 2009. Sandra Bullock wen score one big award for acting as Leigh Anne, even if had peeps saying da movie wen make Oher look not so akamai and needing kokua from da Tuohys.

Now? 🤔 Oher, 37, wen file one paper asking for stop da legal deal from long time ago. He saying da Tuohys wen use am for make money off his story, even with da movie. Da Tuohys saying, “Nah, wasn’t like dat!” and calling Oher’s move one “shakedown.”

Da kine legal move, called conservatorship, wen get choke side-eyes. Da court wen give da Tuohys da okay, even if Oher no need conservator. And no more reports from da Tuohys about how dey taking care Oher, even when he wen get chance for big bucks N.F.L. contract 💵.

Get one odda conservatorship story people know – da Britney Spears one. But dis kine with Oher was different. Da Tuohys wen hire one attorney friend, Debbie Branan, for take care. Branan’s daughter even get small role in da movie!

By Tennessee law, one conservatorship suppose to be for help peeps who no can make decisions. But da Tuohys neva say Oher cannot. Dey only said they like take care of him, and dey get da means.

Funny ting is, all da legal kine papers for Oher’s conservatorship wasn’t pono. No more da normal steps, and da judge, Robert Benham, said da conservatorship was good ’cause no more opposition. Even Oher and his madda signed off on top 🖋️.

So, Oher, after getting recruited for football, wen say “yes” to Mississippi, where da Tuohys went school. He wen get choke dollars in N.F.L. playing for Baltimore Ravens 🏈. But da court never asked da Tuohys for check-ins, like supposed to, and they never did.

Da Tuohys, for long time, said Oher was like their hanai son. But, Oher neva was adopted for real. Da Tuohys went say they told Oher about da conservatorship. But Oher’s paper say he only found out dis year he wasn’t adopted and da Tuohys had control.

Da movie, “The Blind Side”, wen bring in big kala 💰. And Leigh Anne, she wen use her fame, charge plenty for talk story in public. Their foundation, Making It Happen, wen bring in over one million since 2010, but only small kine went to charity.

No can forget, though, dat Oher needed grades to play college football. So, da Tuohys went get their Mississippi peeps to kokua. Oher wen get kine tutor and eventually was told he can play for Mississippi.

Da bottom line? Sean Tuohy say he still would help out one kid like Oher if get chance. So, next time, who’s gonna be the one they aloha? 🌺🤙🏽


🎬🏈 Brahdah Michael Oher & da Big Screen Drama

Ho brah! You know da movie “Da Blind Side”, yeah? Get choke controversy going on behind da scenes. Michael Oher, da real-life inspiration behind da movie, stay saying Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy took advantage of their aloha to him fo’ make bucks 💰 off his story. But da Tuohys? They stay saying no can, they neva did.

Way back in 2004, Oher was living with da Tuohys and their keiki in Memphis 🏡. After going through plenty foster homes, he was on his way to da big leagues in football. Just when things was looking maika’i for Oher, the Tuohys took him in, but, ho! Had complications.

The Tuohys, they neva was Oher’s real parents, so giving him kala and support could get them in trouble with da N.C.A.A 🚫, especially since they were big supporters of the University of Mississippi, where Oher was looking to play.

To try work around that, the Tuohys went court side ⚖️ and asked fo’ control ova most of Oher’s stuff, like medical choices and financial agreements. Oher, who was 18 at the time and legally one adult, said okay.

But anyone who seen “Da Blind Side” knows what happened next. Oher went play for Mississippi, then to da NFL. The movie even won Sandra Bullock one Oscar, even if get some peeps who said the movie made it look like Oher was just one big dude 🏋️‍♂️ with no smarts who needed help from haole people.

Now, the kine legal setup the Tuohys had with Oher, called conservatorship, stay getting some side eye 👀. Oher, who’s now 37, wants it pau. He thinks the Tuohys was making money off his story without telling him, especially from the movie deal.

Da Tuohys, who get plenny dough from their restaurant businesses, agree fo’ stop the conservatorship. But they no like the way Oher talk stink about them, saying he trying fo’ scam them.

Even more nuts 🥜, the whole conservatorship thing no even go by the rules of Tennessee. Some lawyers and experts like, “Huh? What’s going on here?” 🤷‍♀️

An’ if you thinking “Eh, conservatorship sounds familiar!” – that’s cause of Britney Spears’ story 🎤. The Tuohys went get help from Debbie Branan, one family friend and lawyer, for set up the conservatorship. And guess what? Branan’s daughter even had small part in “Da Blind Side” movie.

But the twist? The Tuohys neva said Oher couldn’t make his own choices. They just wanted for take care of him and said they been close like ohana for long time.

Oher later make big in the NFL, earning big bucks 💵 and the story got even more famous with the movie, books, and more. But the court neva asked the Tuohys fo’ any updates, and they neva give. For almost 20 years, was just crickets 🦗 from their side.

And while the Tuohys went around calling Oher their adopted son and used his story fo’ push their foundation’s mission, Oher was neva really adopted. Now he’s saying he neva know all this until now, and he wants answers.

“Da Blind Side” made big waves 🌊 and the Tuohys made kala from it. But now the question stay: did they do right by Oher or not?

Only time will tell how this drama go end, but fo’ now, it’s one wild ride 🎢! So grab your popcorn 🍿 and stay tuned!

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