an apple store

🍎📈 Apple’s Revenu Slowdown Stay Mo Bettah, But Slow Demand Still Buss Da Results 🤔💸

Apple wen give da kine good news fo da optimists dat tinking maybe da slump in da tech industry pau already, but same time let da investors know get choke reasons fo still worry. 🧐📉

Da company wen say da revenue wen shrink 3% in da recent quarta when comparing to da same time one year ago, but da $94.8 billion total wen blow away da expectations of $92.9 billion.📊💥

Dis one small kine come back from da previous quarta, cuz dat time Apple’s revenue an profit wen go down mo big time cuz of da kine economic challenges an one Covid-19 outbreak in China wen make dem close da bigges iPhone factory fo short time. 🇨🇳🦠

Apple wen report $24.1 billion profit, down 3% from da same time last year, but still mo high than da $22.6 billion dat Wall Street wen expect. Da company’s sales in da second fiscal quarta wen get push by record revenue fo da services division an plenny demand fo da iPhones, da numba one product. 📱💰

Da iPhone sales wen make $51.3 billion, up 1.5% from one year ago. Da kine demand fo iPhones an oddah products in China wen go down small kine from befo, but da $17.8 billion revenue wen outpace wat da investors wen tink, cuz China stay recovering from da long lockdowns during da pandemic. Da emerging markets like South Asia, India, Latin America, an da Middle East wen help push iPhone demand, said Luca Maestri, Apple’s chief financial officer, during one investors call. 🌏📈

Tim Cook, Apple’s big boss, wen say on da call dat da supply fo iPhones wen come back afta get all kine issues, mostly cuz of da pandemic. 📲🌐

Da customers wen get less interest in Apple products oddah dan iPhones during da quarta. Da iPad revenue wen go down 13% an Mac revenue wen drop 31%. Cook wen say da kine slowdowns wen come from da economic challenges an comparing to one high-demand quarta from last year. 🖥️🔻

Still, Apple’s services division, including da kine subscriptions fo Apple Fitness+ an Apple Music, an sales from da App Store, wen have almost $21 billion in sales, little bit mo high than befo dat wen help da company overall. Da revenue from da App Store, Apple Music, iCloud an Apple’s payment services wen go up, but da digital advertising an mobile gaming wen struggle, da company wen say during da call. 🎶☁️💳

Apple wen also say dey wen authorize one $90 billion stock buyback, dat wen help push da price of da company’s shares up mo than 1% afta da stock market wen pau fo da day. 📈💵

Da company neva do da kine massive layoff like oddah tech companies, cuz neva hire choke peopo when da pandemic wen start. Apple wen stay strict bout da kine return-to-office rules, making most employees work inside da office tree days every week. 🏢🗓️

Dass da news fo now! Rememba fo share wit all your ohana an friends, an let’s support da local business, sports, an events. Aloha an stay safe! 🌈🤙


🍎📈 Apple’s Revenue Slowdown Improves, But Weak Demand Still Impacts Results 🤔💸

Apple recently provided some positive news for optimists who believe that the worst of the tech industry’s slump may be over, while also reminding investors that there are still many reasons to be concerned. 🧐📉

The company said its revenue shrank 3% in its most recent quarter compared to the same period a year ago, but the $94.8 billion total significantly exceeded investor expectations of $92.9 billion. 📊💥

This was somewhat of a rebound from the previous quarter when Apple’s revenue and profit fell more dramatically due to economic challenges and a Covid-19 outbreak in China that temporarily closed the company’s largest iPhone factory. 🇨🇳🦠

Apple reported a profit of $24.1 billion, down 3% from the same period last year but above the $22.6 billion expected by Wall Street. The company’s sales in its second fiscal quarter were driven by record revenue for its services division and strong demand for iPhones, its flagship product. 📱💰

iPhone sales generated $51.3 billion, up 1.5% from a year ago. Demand for iPhones and other products in China was down slightly from a year earlier, but the $17.8 billion revenue outpaced investor expectations as China continued its rebound from long pandemic lockdowns. Emerging markets like South Asia, India, Latin America, and the Middle East fueled iPhone demand, according to Luca Maestri, Apple’s chief financial officer, who spoke on a call with investors. 🌏📈

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, said on the call that the company’s supply of iPhones had recovered after various issues, many related to the pandemic. 📲🌐

Customer interest in Apple products other than the iPhone declined during the quarter. Revenue from iPads fell nearly 13% and Mac revenue dropped 31%. Cook attributed the slowdowns to economic challenges and difficult comparisons with a high-demand quarter last year. 🖥️🔻

However, Apple’s services division, which includes subscriptions to Apple Fitness+ and Apple Music, as well as sales from the App Store, had nearly $21 billion in sales, a slight increase from a year ago that buoyed the company overall. Revenue from the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, and Apple’s payment services surged, while digital advertising and mobile gaming struggled, the company said on the call. 🎶☁️💳

Apple also announced it had authorized a $90 billion stock buyback, helping to drive the price of the company’s shares up more than 1% in after-hours trading on Thursday. 📈💵

The company has not conducted mass layoffs like other technology companies, because it didn’t hire aggressively in the early days of the pandemic. Apple has maintained strict return-to-office policies, requiring most employees to work in the office three days a week. 🏢🗓️

That’s the news for now! Remember to share with your family and friends, and let’s support local businesses, sports, and events. Stay safe and take care! 🌈🤙

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