
🍍🏖️🌈 Eh, Let Da Keiki Get Bored Brah. It’s Good Kine Stuff Fo’ Dem.

You know da kine summer days when da sun stay shining, da smell of teriyaki chicken from da grill stay filling da air, and da sound of cicadas stay making all kine noise? 🍗🌞🎶 I rememba those days from small kid time, and plenty times, I was just plain bored, lidat.👦🤷‍♂️

Had times when my maddah and faddah, both stay working, neva put any kine stuff in my schedule and no care if I felt like doing something or not.👩‍💻👨‍💻 Sometimes, I just had to figure out how fo’ entertain myself. And now, I thinking about dat as my own keiki go through their summer with all kine babysitters, summer camp, and time with da tutu. 💸👵🌊

Like plenny oddah parents, I feel da pressure fo’ keep my keiki busy with activities and learning stuffs. One study I wen’ read said dat all kine parents, no mattah if rich or poor, educated or not, tink dat if da keiki are bored, they should be doing extracurricular activities. 📚⚽️🎨

But no get me wrong, eh? Being bored not necessarily bad, it’s one normal ting and can be healthy too. Das what Dr. Westgate from da University of Florida say. Her research stay looking into why people get bored and what happens when they do. 🎓💡🔍

Dr. Westgate believe dat when keiki get bored, can actually be one good learning chance fo’ dem, cause den they gotta find out what stuffs they like fo’ do and how fo’ solve problems. And das why, she say, always protecting da keiki from feeling bored same like protecting dem from feeling sad or angry. Not da right way fo’ go. 😟😠🤔

Eh, check dis out. Boredom is like when da warning light on top da car dashboard stay blinking. It’s trying fo’ tell you dat whatever you stay doing right now, it’s not working. Maybe it’s too easy or too hard, or maybe it just no make sense fo’ you. 🚗💡🚦

Fo’ help da keiki handle boredom, parents can help dem figure out da difference between feeling sad and feeling bored. You know dat saying “Name it to tame it”? It’s one good way fo’ help keiki understand their own feelings.👦🧠🌈

Also, remember fo’ make da feeling of boredom normal kine thing. No need fo’ make big deal, just because da keiki say they bored. It might feel little bit uncomfortable, but not always one bad thing, yeah? 😊👍💖

Like, if you let your keiki go play outside in da backyard, first maybe they feel bored. But then they start counting bugs, or drawing with sidewalk chalk, or maybe just relax and play. Dat’s how they find out what they love, whether dat’s nature, sports, or art. If parents no let da keiki play free, how dey going find out what they really love, eh? 🌳⚽️🎨

Parents might worry about da keiki being bored and causing all kine mess in da house. But got to remember, free time good for discovery. Dr. Hurley recommend looking at your keiki’s weekly schedule and maybe take out one thing and replace it with “quiet downtime”. 🏠⌛️👌

But no expect da keiki fo’ know right away what they like fo’ do. Parents got to remind da keiki about the stuffs they interested in or care about. Like, instead of just leaving da keiki in one empty room, bring dem in one room with books and puzzles, stuffs you know your keiki going like. 📚🧩🎈

Fo’ da younger keiki, like 5 years and younger, Dr. Hurley recommend giving dem choices. Like, you like play with Lego? You like play with Play-Doh? You like go outside? That way, you no have fo’ always play with da keiki when they say they bored, and they can learn how fo’ use their imagination. 🧸🧚‍♀️🎠

And fo’ da older keiki, maybe tell dem fo’ walk around da house and come back with three ideas of what fo’ do. Once da keiki go from feeling bored to doing something, that’s when they can open up their creativity, problem solving, and all kine learning stuffs. 🎒🔬📝

One easy thing fo’ do when bored is look at da phone or tablet, but not always da best choice, yeah? It might be easy, but not always what’s best fo’ da keiki in that situation. So, parents, let’s let our keiki get bored once in a while. It’s all good, brah. 👍📱🚫🌈


🍍🏖️🌈 Hey, let the children get bored. It’s beneficial for them.

You know those summer days when the sun is shining, the aroma of teriyaki chicken grilling fills the air, and the sound of cicadas permeates everything? 🍗🌞🎶 I remember those days from my childhood, and often, I was simply bored. 👦🤷‍♂️

There were times when my mother and father, both were working, never had anything specific for me to do and didn’t care if I felt like doing something or not.👩‍💻👨‍💻 Sometimes, I just had to figure out how to entertain myself. Now, I think about that as my own kids go through their summer with babysitters, summer camp, and time with their grandma. 💸👵🌊

Like many other parents, I feel the pressure to keep my children occupied with activities and learning things. A study I read said that parents, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, educated or not, believe that if the children are bored, they should be doing extracurricular activities. 📚⚽️🎨

But don’t misunderstand me, okay? Being bored is not necessarily bad, it’s normal and can be healthy too. That’s what Dr. Westgate from the University of Florida says. Her research focuses on why people get bored and what happens when they do. 🎓💡🔍

Dr. Westgate believes that when children get bored, it can actually be a good learning opportunity for them because then they have to figure out what they like to do and how to solve problems. And that’s why, she says, always shielding children from feeling bored is like protecting them from feeling sad or angry. It’s not the right approach. 😟😠🤔

Hey, check this out. Boredom is like when the warning light on the car dashboard starts blinking. It’s trying to tell you that whatever you’re doing right now isn’t working. Maybe it’s too easy or too hard, or maybe it just doesn’t make sense to you. 🚗💡🚦

To help children manage boredom, parents can help them distinguish between feeling sad and feeling bored. You know the saying “Name it to tame it”? It’s a good way to help children understand their own feelings.👦🧠🌈

Also, remember to normalize the feeling of boredom. Don’t make a big deal just because the children say they’re bored. It might feel a bit uncomfortable, but it’s not always a bad thing, okay? 😊👍💖

For instance, if you let your children play outside in the backyard, they might feel bored at first. But then they start counting bugs, or drawing with sidewalk chalk, or maybe just relax and play. That’s how they discover what they love, whether that’s nature, sports, or art. If parents don’t let the children play freely, how are they going to find out what they truly love, right? 🌳⚽️🎨

Parents might worry about the children being bored and making a mess in the house. But remember, free time is good for discovery. Dr. Hurley recommends examining your children’s weekly schedule and perhaps removing one activity and replacing it with “quiet downtime”. 🏠⌛️👌

But don’t expect the children to know right away what they want to do. Parents have to remind the children about the things they’re interested in or care about. For example, instead of just leaving the children in an empty room, bring them into a room with books and puzzles, things you know your children will enjoy. 📚🧩🎈

For the younger children, those 5 years and younger, Dr. Hurley recommends giving them choices. Do you want to play with Lego? Do you want to play with Play-Doh? Do you want to go outside? That way, you don’t always have to play with the children when they say they’re bored, and they can learn how to use their imagination. 🧸🧚‍♀️🎠

And for the older children, maybe tell them to walk around the house and come back with three ideas of what to do. Once the children transition from feeling bored to doing something, that’s when they can develop their creativity, problem solving, and a variety of learning skills. 🎒🔬📝

One easy thing to do when bored is to look at the phone or tablet, but that’s not always the best choice, right? It might be easy, but it’s not always what’s best for the children in that situation. So, parents, let’s allow our children to get bored once in a while. It’s all good. 👍📱🚫🌈

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