Israel Gaza Palestine

🌺🤙 Eh, No Let Da Presha Crack You!

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Just afta Prez Biden wen talk dat Israel goin’ let in small kine humanitarian help fo’ Gaza, da UK’s Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, wen show face Tel Aviv. He wen push big time fo’ one fast kine opening fo’ da aid route. Here get da scoop on top da war action. 🚁💥

Da day afta Biden wen share his talk, everyboddy wen focus on wen da grindz and medicine goin’ get inside Gaza, especially as Israel getting ready fo’ maybe go inside Gaza.

Da local Gaza peeps, who already get choke problems from da blockade by Israel and Egypt, stay even more desperate afta Israel wen hit back at da rough Hamas attack on Oct. 7 wit airstrikes and one full lockdown of da place. 🚫✈️ Almost half da peeps had to move out, say da United Nations, and da few stuffs left fo’ live threaten da 2 million peeps inside.

Da UK Prime Minister wen go Tel Aviv and afta he talk story wit Prez Isaac Herzog, he wen say dey both know da importance of sending fast kine help to da regular Palestinian peeps in Gaza who stay hurting too.

Had planny talk befo’ about how fo’ make tings easia at da Gaza-Egypt border, but no mo’ solid action yet. Egypt wen say dey goin’ let 20 aid trucks inside, but no can tell wen. Everyboddy get high hopes dat da trucks goin’ make um inside Gaza by Friday, European Union guys say. 🚚🛣

Get mo’ action you should know:

Israel’s border wit Lebanon stay all tensed up as Hezbollah and da Israel army stay beefing. Wit Israel saying dey might go inside Gaza, planny peeps scared dat da beef with Hezbollah, who stay pals with Hamas, might blow up even more big.

Israel army wen tell dey been talking to families of 203 peeps who got taken afta da Oct. 7 attack, and dey tink mo’ peeps might be inside Gaza. Dey also wen catch one Hamas fighter trying fo’ go back Gaza, which mean maybe get oddahs still in Israel. 🕊️🔍

Prez Biden goin’ talk from his big office ’bout da war and he goin’ ask Congress fo’ $100 billion fo’ help Israel, Ukraine and oddah situations. Da choice fo’ connect da help fo’ Ukraine and Israel show how urgent both da wars stay and how he thinking ’bout da political game. 💰🌎

Had seven Palestinians who wen mahke in da West Bank, Palestinian Health Ministry say. One was from da settlers and six from da Israel forces. Gaza health peeps say at least 3,785 peeps mahke inside Gaza since Oct. 7. Both Hamas and Israel blaming each oddah for da big boom in da hospital. 🏥💥

As Gaza stay struggling with da kine big problems, getting help tru da closed Rafah border with Egypt stay super important. Trucks stay lining up on da Egypt side, and peeps on da Gaza side hoping fo’ leave. 🚛🤞

Prez Biden wen say on Wednesday dat he made deal wit Israel fo’ let food, water, and medicine go tru da border. Egypt wen say dey goin’ let 20 trucks go inside, but neva say wen.

Da area ’round da border wen get plenty booms from Israel. Thursday, Egypt guys fixing roads so da big trucks with help can pass. Dey stay hoping da trucks can go inside Gaza by Friday. Get 54 tons of E.U. help close to da border in Arish, one town in Egypt.

Big help groups like World Health Organization and da Red Cross also wen send equipment and stuffs. “Our trucks stay ready,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, da big boss of World Health Organization, wen say. “We working with Egypt and Palestine fo’ send our stuffs to Gaza wen da border open, maybe tomorrow.” 🌍👩‍⚕️

Egypt officials stay talking story in Cairo with da U.N. big guys ’bout how fo’ send help to Gaza. Da border area stay closed fo’ most non-Egypt peeps. Dat place had problems wit bad guys fo’ long time, and Egypt stay careful ’bout any kine problem from da Gaza beef.

Had planny times dey tried fo’ make deal fo’ send help from Egypt to Gaza, but no had solid action. One big problem is how fo’ make sure Hamas no get involved or take da help from da regular peeps.

Officials wen say Thursday dey working on dat. Maybe da Egyptian Red Crescent go handle da help and give ’em to da Palestinian side in Gaza. Oddah thing is Israel like check da stuffs fo’ any kine weapons. Big talks stay happening on who going check dat. 📦🔍

Hamas, who control da Gaza side, say dey neva get da word yet fo’ open fo’ da help. “Everyboddy in Gaza waiting fo’ da help,” Wael Abu Omar, da guy who talk fo’ Hamas, say. “We goin’ let da help go tru.” 🍚🥤

Had talk befo’ ’bout opening da border, trying fo’ get foreign peeps out of Gaza. E.U. officials say no had updates on dat. Get planny peeps from different countries inside Gaza, diplomats say.

As tings getting worse in Gaza and Israel getting ready, planny peeps stay waiting, hoping fo’ leave. One guy, Abood Okal, say he stay “very concerned” ’bout no updates, even wit da talk ’bout letting help inside. 📱🙏

One sad story from Gaza is about Dr. Iyad Abu Karsh, who wen find himself taking care one of his ohana, his 2-year-old girl, Tamara, afta one airstrike. Da same strike wen take his wife and oldest son. He stay all heartbroken but had to work and take care his own. 🏥❤️

Stay safe out dea, everybody. Aloha and mahalo fo’ reading. 🌈🤙🏽🌺


Brah, Da Gaza Kine Tension Stay Going Up! 🌋🚀

Aftah President Biden wen talk story, say Israel going allow small kine aid fo’ Gaza, da big boss man from Britain, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, wen cruise Tel Aviv fo’ push fo’ open one fast kine aid route. 🚚💨

So, da next day aftah Biden wen share dat Israel say k good fo’ give some aid to Gaza, everybody now all eyes on how fast da grindz 🍚 and medicine 💊 goin’ get in, especially since Israel stay getting ready fo’ maybe go inside Gaza.

Da local braddahs and sistahs in Gaza, already stay living undah one heavy kine blockade by Israel and Egypt. And aftah Israel wen retaliate to Hamas’s mean attack on Oct. 7 with all dem bombings 💣 and chokehold on da place, plenny peeps wen lose dea homes. Da United Nations say almost half da peeps had to move out, and running out of da important stuffs going bring big problems fo’ all da two million peeps ova dea.

Da big boss man from Britain, Mr. Sunak, wen visit Tel Aviv, aftah talking with President Isaac Herzog, both guys wen say, “We gotta help da regular folks in Gaza who stay suffering too.” 🤝

Had choke talks about making tings easiah at da Gaza-Egypt border fo’ peeps and fo’ help, but nevah really happen yet. Egypt say dey going let 20 aid trucks in, President Biden say. But, still waiting fo’ see wen. 🕰️ Everybody get high hopes dat da trucks going pass into Gaza by Friday, da European Union officials wen share. As all da big kahunas wen work on da details, roads being fixed on Thursday so da big trucks with all da help can drive through, one person wen spill da beans.

Da Oddah Scoops: 📰

Up north, da border with Lebanon and Israel stay all tense, as Hezbollah and Israel army stay clashing. People scared dat da fight with Hezbollah, who tight with Hamas, might make even more war with Lebanon too. 🌍💥

Israel’s army wen say dey been talking to da ohana of 203 peeps who got kidnapped during da Oct. 7 mess, and now believe mo’ peeps being held in Gaza. Also, they wen catch one Hamas fighter trying fo’ go back Gaza, so might have oddahs in Israel. Mr. Biden get one big talk planned from his Oval Office ’bout all da beef going on, and he might ask Congress fo’ $100 billion fo’ help Israel, Ukraine, and oddah problems.

Had seven Palestinians who wen mahke in da West Bank in just one day, da Palestinian Health peeps say. One guy wen get shot by some settlers when dea was one raid, and da oddah six wen get taken out by Israel during da nighttime.

Da Gaza health workers wen have press talk, say since Oct. 7, at least 3,785 peeps wen mahke. Da numbas might include some peeps from one hospital dat wen go boom in Gaza City. Both Hamas and Israel pointing fingers at each oddah for dat one explosion, and had protests in Europe and some Arab places too. 🏥💥🔥

On da Thursday, diplomats and help workers stay trying fo’ figure out how fo’ get food and medicine inside Gaza aftah Biden say Israel cool with it. 🤷‍♂️

Gaza going through hard times, so getting help through da closed Rafah border with Egypt super important. Trucks all lined up on da Egypt side, and peeps who like get out all waiting on da Gaza side. 🚛👥

President Biden wen say he wen make deal with Israel fo’ allow food, water, and medicine through da border, and Egypt also say dey going let 20 trucks go in, but nevah say wen. Da area been bombed plenny by Israel. But on Thursday, Egyptian workers fixing roads for da big trucks with all da help to go through.

Everybody hope da trucks can go into Gaza by Friday, EU officials say. Get 54 tons of EU help just chilling close to da border in Arish, one town in Egypt. Big help groups like WHO and Red Cross also sent stuff.

Da WHO big boss, Dr. Tedros, wen say on one online event, “Our trucks ready to roll, just waiting fo’ da green light to go Gaza once da border open, hopefully tomorrow.” 🚦🚚

Egypt big shots stay talking story in Cairo with da U.N. main guy, António Guterres; his help main man, Martin Griffiths; and special U.S. rep ’bout how fo’ give da help to Gaza.

Da border area no can go if you not from Egypt. It’s one risky spot where Egypt been fighting bad guys for long time, and dey worried ’bout problems from da Gaza beef. Had some tries fo’ make deal fo’ get help from Egypt to Gaza, but nevah really work. One main issue is how fo’ make sure Hamas not in charge of da help, or take ‘um fo’ demselves. Officials say dey trying figure dat one out – maybe have Egyptian Red Crescent give to Palestinian Red Crescent.

But, also got problem ’cause Israel want check all da cargo for weapons dat Hamas might use. The U.S., U.N., and Egyptian officials trying decide who going check all da stuffs, one insider said, but nevah like say who he was.

Hamas, who run da Gaza side, say dey nevah get da word to open up for da help. “All Gaza waiting fo’ da help,” Hamas guy, Wael Abu Omar, say. “Of course we going let da help in.”

Had some talks before ’bout opening up for peeps fo’ get out of Gaza. E.U. reps say no luck so far. Get choke peeps from different countries still in Gaza, according to da big kahunas.

As tings get mo’ worse in Gaza and Israel getting ready, plenny peeps been waiting on da Gaza side, hoping fo’ chance fo’ bail.

Abood Okal, one Palestinian American who stuck with his wife and small kid, say he “real worried” ’cause no updates ’bout getting out even with all da talk about help coming in. “Feel all aloha, trying fo’ make sure my ohana stay safe,” he wen message.

Mr. Okal say had one big boom close to where he stay in da morning. No safe spot, no plan fo’ get out, he write, “We all scared fo’ our lives.” 🏠💥😨

Sad story too, Dr. Iyad Abu Karsh, one ICU doctor in Gaza, end up having fo’ take care his own 2-year-old girl, Tamara, aftah one Israeli bomb. They wen move from Gaza City fo’ try find safe spot, but da same bomb wen take his wife and first son. He and da hospital boss, Dr. Yousef Al Akkad, both say. 😢🏥

All week, Dr. Abu Karsh wen try his best fo’ save other peeps, even while he himself stay grieving. He wen take his daughter fo’ live with him in da hospital, where she stay all scared. “She no understand,” he say. “She keep asking for her mama and bruddah.” ❤️👨‍👧🩺

Stay safe out dea, everybody. Mahalo fo’ reading, and shootz! 🤙🏽🌺🌈

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