
🌺🤙 DeSantis Buss ’em Heavy Wit Big Donors in First Money Rush 🤑💰💼

Gov. Ron DeSantis from Florida went all out when he said he wen raise one record-breaking $8.2 million in his first 24 hours as one presidential candidate. New figures disclosed by da campaign reveal that he relied heavily on larger contributors to set that record. 💪📈💸

Da DeSantis campaign wen say dey had ’bout 40,000 donors in May, while “we wen raise ova” $8.2 million, according to text messages and emails sent to supporters asking for mo’ donations. If we do da math, dat come out to one average of ova $200 per donor — way mo’ den da usual amount fo’ one campaign wen get plenny support from everyday folks. Fo’ comparison, Senator Bernie Sanders, who was one fundraising powerhouse online fo’ da Democrats, wen raise $5.9 million in his first 24 hours in 2019 — but from 223,000 donors, wit an average donation ’bout $26. 💻📲💰

Why Dis Matter: Small donors stay crucial fo’ keep one campaign going and show support from da grassroots. 👥🌱📢

Da way one campaign raise money stay important. ‘Cause of da strict limits on campaign contributions, where one person can only give $3,300 fo’ da primary, campaigns dat depend mostly on big donors no can keep going back to da same people fo’ support. 💰🛑🔒

Small donors stay extra valuable ’cause dey can give $30 or mo’ ova 100 times without reaching da contribution limit. 💸🔄💯

Tim Tagaris, one Democratic digital strategist who wen handle Sanders’ fundraising operation in 2020, wen say da number of DeSantis donors surprisingly small. 😲📉💼

Mr. Tagaris wen say dat “40,000 donations in one week fo’ one leading presidential campaign, dat either mean dey neva prepare good enough fo’ da launch or dey no get da kind of grassroots support from everyday people like dey was probably hoping for.” He wen add, “Dat’s da kine number of donors you expect fo’ top-tier Senate campaigns, no fo’ one leading presidential one.” 🤷‍♂️🤔💭

But Eric Wilson, one Republican digital strategist, wen say da number of donors one “good start” fo’ one candidate who neva ran fo’ federal office before. 👍🎉📈

“Dat’s what someone need fo’ take on Trump, ’cause he was obvious one top-notch fundraising machine,” Mr. Wilson, who now stay da director of da Center fo’ Campaign Innovation, one conservative nonprofit, wen say. 💪💼💰

One previous presidential candidate who had one similar number of total donors in da beginning stay Kamala Harris, who wen get 38,000 on her first day in 2019. She wen raise $1.5 million dat day — and dat show you how many big checks Mr. DeSantis wen receive. 💵💼📊

But Mr. Wilson wen caution not fo’ compare Republican and Democratic campaigns, ’cause Republican donors stay mo’ dan ten years behind in “building one grassroots donor culture online.” ⏳🤝🌱

Da DeSantis campaign neva respond immediately when asked fo’ comment. 🚫🗣️❓

In Context: DeSantis wen haul in one impressive amount, but we gotta keep our eyes on him. 👀💼💰

Da $8.2 million total dat Mr. DeSantis wen claim fo’ his opening stay impressive. He wen beat Sanders’ number and broke da record set by President Biden in his 2020 campaign. 🥇🏆📈

We no know how much of da $8.2 million stay set aside fo’ da general election. Da campaign wen say dey was collecting up to $3,300 fo’ general election contributions, but Mr. DeSantis no can spend ’em during da primary. If he no win da nomination, he gotta give um back. 💼🔙📆

Overall, money stay ‘spected to be one strength fo’ DeSantis, especially ’cause his allied super PAC wen say dey planning fo’ at least $200 million budget. 💰🗳️📊

But online funds stay getting harder fo’ Republicans fo’ come by since last summer, even fo’ Mr. Trump — until his recent indictment wen give his fundraising one temporary boost, at least. 📉🔒📈

What’s Next: Da money primary stay starting. 💸🌱🎉

Da 40,000 donors dat Mr. DeSantis wen get in his first week happen to be da same number dat da Republican National Committee just set as da threshold fo’ candidates fo’ qualify fo’ da first debate stage. 📊📢🎙️

Dey neva think dat number would be one issue fo’ Mr. DeSantis. But da fact dat da candidate who stay second to former President Donald J. Trump in almost every poll wen reach dat mark during his kickoff week, dat show how hard it goin’ be fo’ smaller campaigns fo’ hit dat number. 😯📊🌟

Da DeSantis team neva try fo’ hide dat dey was lookin’ fo’ big money fo’ coincide wit his kickoff. Da campaign wen gather major donors at da Four Seasons in Miami fo’ one event dey wen call Ron-O-Rama. Officials from da DeSantis administration wen also ask fo’ donations from Florida lobbyists, and some people got da feeling dat da governor’s office stay keepin’ tabs on their contributions when da state budget — and Mr. DeSantis’s veto pen — stay hangin’ in da balance. 🌴💼🏛️


🌺🤙 DeSantis Buss ’em Heavy With Big Donors in First Money Rush 🤑💰💼

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida went all out when he said he raised a record-breaking $8.2 million in his first 24 hours as a presidential candidate. New figures disclosed by the campaign reveal that he relied heavily on larger contributors to set that record. 💪📈💸

The DeSantis campaign said they had about 40,000 donors in May, while “we raised over” $8.2 million, according to text messages and emails sent to supporters asking for more donations. If we do the math, that comes out to an average of over $200 per donor—way more than the usual amount a campaign gets from everyday folks. For comparison, Senator Bernie Sanders, who was a fundraising powerhouse online for the Democrats, raised $5.9 million in his first 24 hours in 2019—but from 223,000 donors, with an average donation of about $26. 💻📲💰

Why This Matters: Small donors are crucial to keep a campaign going and show support from the grassroots. 👥🌱📢

The way a campaign raises money is important. Because of the strict limits on campaign contributions, where one person can only give $3,300 for the primary, campaigns that depend mostly on big donors cannot keep going back to the same people for support. 💰🛑🔒

Small donors are extra valuable because they can give $30 or more over 100 times without reaching the contribution limit. 💸🔄💯

Tim Tagaris, a Democratic digital strategist who handled Sanders’ fundraising operation in 2020, said the number of DeSantis donors is surprisingly small. 😲📉💼

Mr. Tagaris said, “40,000 donations in one week for a leading presidential campaign, that either means they never prepared well enough for the launch or they don’t have the kind of grassroots support from everyday people like they were probably hoping for.” He added, “That’s the kind of number of donors you expect for top-tier Senate campaigns, not for a leading presidential one.” 🤷‍♂️🤔💭

But Eric Wilson, a Republican digital strategist, said the number of donors is a “good start” for a candidate who never ran for federal office before. 👍🎉📈

“That’s what someone needs to take on Trump because he was obviously a top-notch fundraising machine,” Mr. Wilson, who now heads the Center for Campaign Innovation, a conservative nonprofit, said. 💪💼💰

A previous presidential candidate who had a similar number of total donors in the beginning is Kamala Harris, who got 38,000 on her first day in 2019. She raised $1.5 million that day—and that shows you how many big checks Mr. DeSantis received. 💵💼📊

But Mr. Wilson cautioned against comparing Republican and Democratic campaigns because Republican donors are more than ten years behind in “building a grassroots donor culture online.” ⏳🤝🌱

The DeSantis campaign did not immediately respond when asked for comment. 🚫🗣️❓

In Context: DeSantis hauled in an impressive amount, but we need to keep our eyes on him. 👀💼💰

The $8.2 million total that Mr. DeSantis claimed for his opening is impressive. He beat Sanders’ number and broke the record set by President Biden in his 2020 campaign. 🥇🏆📈

We don’t know how much of the $8.2 million is set aside for the general election. The campaign said they were collecting up to $3,300 for general election contributions, but Mr. DeSantis cannot spend them during the primary. If he doesn’t win the nomination, he has to give them back. 💼🔙📆

Overall, money is expected to be a strength for DeSantis, especially because his allied super PAC said they are planning for at least a $200 million budget. 💰🗳️📊

But online funds are getting harder for Republicans to come by since last summer, even for Mr. Trump—until his recent indictment gave his fundraising a temporary boost, at least. 📉🔒📈

What’s Next: The money primary is starting. 💸🌱🎉

The 40,000 donors that Mr. DeSantis got in his first week happen to be the same number that the Republican National Committee just set as the threshold for candidates to qualify for the first debate stage. 📊📢🎙️

They never thought that number would be an issue for Mr. DeSantis. But the fact that the candidate who is second to former President Donald J. Trump in almost every poll reached that mark during his kickoff week shows how hard it’s going to be for smaller campaigns to hit that number. 😯📊🌟

The DeSantis team did not try to hide that they were looking for big money to coincide with his kickoff. The campaign gathered major donors at the Four Seasons in Miami for an event they called Ron-O-Rama. Officials from the DeSantis administration also asked for donations from Florida lobbyists, and some people got the feeling that the governor’s office is keeping tabs on their contributions when the state budget—and Mr. DeSantis’s veto pen—is hanging in the balance. 🌴💼🏛️

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