A drawing of a black girl in a suit

🌺🤙 Da Big Presha: Harvard’s President Lady Gets Aloha From Kine Teachers

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ho, brah! Check dis out: Claudine Gay, da big kahuna ova at Harvard, stay catchin’ heat, but get planny kumu (teachers) showing her da aloha spirit. 🎓

So, wat had happen was, dis wahine Claudine, she wen answer some kinda tricky kine questions about antisemitism. No can tell, bruddah, wen stuffs goin’ get pilikia (trouble). Den, bumbye, some of her own kumu wen back her up, sign one petishun and all dat. 🖊️

Now, we talking ’bout da Harvard Corporation, yeah? Dey da ones gotta make da call on wat goin’ happen to her. Dey stay set for talk story on Monday. 🤔

Da thing is, people stay coming afta her, real kine hard. Get 500-plus kumu from Harvard saying, “Eh, we gotta stay solid with our kuleana (responsibility) fo’ academic freedom.” Dey like show dat even with da heavy kine pressure, dey no going jus’ fold. 💪

Claudine, she wen say sorry for her words in front of one big committee. She knows she wen huli (turn) da wrong way, and she feel da regret. And chee, she da first wahine of African ancestry running da show at Harvard, and only been doing it fo’ less than six months. 🆕

Da whole hana (work) stay getting more shaky, with people stepping down and making noise all ova da place. Da University of Pennsylvania’s head honcho wen resign, and MIT’s top dog stay getting heat too. 🐕

Dis whole drama wen spark up when Claudine, in front of Congress, neva sound too clear ’bout whether calling for wipe out da Jewish peeps was kapu (forbidden) at Harvard. Dis wen make some big time politicians and alumni start grumbling. 🗣️

Even though she stay catching heat, not too many kumu at Harvard stay calling for her to step off da stage. But den, one group of 14 kumu wen start circulating one petishun for keep her around, and ho, it wen blow up with signatures! 📜

One professor, Melani Cammett, she one of da leaders fo’ dis. She say da petishun short but strong, cause everybody, no matta wat side they on ’bout Gaza or campus protest, dey stand togedda against da political pressure. 👫

Even Laurence Tribe, dis big-time law scholar, wen jump on da petishun. He wen have some ‘ono (delicious) words fo’ how Claudine wen handle tings in Congress, but he still no like da idea of her getting da boot. ✉️

Da students, dey all bus’ up studying for finals, but some, like Tommy Barone, a junior, say Claudine should no need step down. He say if she go, goin’ leave one bad taste for da future of higher education. 🏫

Harvard’s Board of Overseers, dey wen meet too. Dey stay talking all kine stuffs, like how Harvard wen react to da beef between Hamas and Israel, but no mo’ any kine big changes. 🌍

Da real talk about Claudine’s future at Harvard, dat’s gonna happen on Monday when da Harvard Corporation guys get together. Dey stay in one kinda pickle, trying for balance wat Claudine wen do and wat da critics stay yelling. 🤐

So, da whole scoops, brah: Claudine Gay, da head wahine at Harvard, she stay riding one big kine wave with all dis. Get planny kumu backing her, but also get big time pressure for her to step aside. We gotta wait and see wat da Harvard Corporation gonna do. 🌊

Till den, we just gotta hang loose and watch da show! 🍿🌺🤙


🌺🤙 Harvard’s Head in Hot Water: President Faces Resignation Pressure, Finds Faculty Support

Hey, listen up! Claudine Gay, the president of Harvard, is really feeling the heat, but a bunch of faculty members are throwing her a lifeline of support. 🎓

Here’s the lowdown: President Gay faced some tough questions about antisemitism and kinda stumbled through them. But just when things looked rough, a bunch of Harvard teachers stepped up, signing a petition to back her up. 🖊️

The Harvard Corporation, the big shots who have the final say on Gay’s future, are gearing up for a crucial meeting on Monday. 🤔

The pressure’s really mounting on her, with over 500 Harvard faculty members rallying behind her. They’re making a strong stand for academic freedom, despite the growing outside pressure. 💪

Gay apologized for her comments to a congressional committee, admitting they weren’t up to snuff. She’s the first Black woman to lead Harvard and is only in the role for less than six months. 🆕

The situation is getting tense, with other university leaders like the president of the University of Pennsylvania stepping down and MIT’s president facing similar pressures. 🐕

The controversy sparked when Gay wasn’t clear in a Congressional hearing about whether calling for the genocide of Jewish people was against Harvard’s rules. This stirred up a storm among politicians and alumni. 🗣️

Despite the backlash, not many Harvard faculty are calling for her resignation. A group of 14 faculty members started a petition to support her, and it quickly gained a lot of signatures. 📜

Melani Cammett, a leading professor in this effort, explained that the petition is concise but powerful. Signatories have diverse views on various issues but stand united against political pressure. 👫

Even Laurence Tribe, a renowned law scholar, joined the petition. Despite his criticism of Gay’s congressional testimony, he opposes calls for her resignation. ✉️

Students, busy with final exams, have mixed opinions. Junior Tommy Barone believes that Gay stepping down would set a negative precedent for higher education. 🏫

The Harvard Board of Overseers also met to discuss the university’s response to the conflict between Hamas and Israel, but no major policy changes were announced. 🌍

The real decision about Gay’s future at Harvard will take place on Monday at the Harvard Corporation’s meeting. They’re grappling with how to handle the situation, balancing Gay’s actions and the external criticisms. 🤐

So, that’s the scoop: Claudine Gay is riding a big wave of controversy at Harvard. Many faculty members are supporting her, but the pressure for her to step down is intense. We’re all waiting to see what the Harvard Corporation will decide. 🌊

Stay tuned for what happens next in this unfolding drama! 🍿🌺🤙

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