Elizabeth Holmes

🌺📰Elizabeth Holmes Sez She No Can Afford $250 Payments to Theranos Victims 🩸💸

Elizabeth Holmes, da wahine dat wen start up Theranos and fool plenny peopo, stay saying dis week dat she no can handle paying $250 every month to da victims of her bogus blood-testing business aftah she pau her time in jail. 😔💰

Elizabeth Holmes, who stay 39 years old, wen start her 11-year, three-month jail sentence inside Texas back in May. Last year, da courts wen find her guilty of four counts of wire fraud and conspiracy cuz she wen deceive investors by lying about her company’s fancy technology and business deals. 👩‍⚖️🔒💔

Jus’ last month, one federal judge inside California wen tell Elizabeth Holmes and her ex-business partnah, Ramesh Balwani, dat dey gotta pay $452 million to da investors dat dey wen rip off. One of dose victims stay none othah den da big-time media guy Rupert Murdoch. 💼💸😮

Da government wen tell da U.S. District Court fo’ da Northern District of California dat da court records stay messed up and need fixin’. One of da suggestions stay fo’ Elizabeth Holmes to pay either $250 or at least 10 percent of her money she making, whichevah one stay more, every month wen she come outta jail. 📜💼💰💔

But den, Elizabeth Holmes’ lawyers wen beef to dis suggestion inside one filing dis week. Dey stay saying dat da court get plenny evidence showing dat she no mo’ plenny money. 💼💔📝

Her lawyers wen also argue dat da government shouldn’t make dis change fo’ Elizabeth Holmes, especially wen her ex-partnah, Mr. Balwani, stay gettin’ one different payment schedule. He stay serving 13 years in jail fo’ fraud and gotta pay at least $1,000 every month wen he come out, according to da records. ⚖️🔒💼💔💰

Both Elizabeth Holmes and Mr. Balwani stay fightin’ back and tryin’ to appeal deir cases. ✊⚖️📝💔

Elizabeth Holmes’ lawyers stay saying dat da two of dem should get diff’rent sentences. Dey say dat da court records no show dat da schedule no change aftah she come out, so no can say dat stay one mistake. 📜🔒📝❌

Da lawyers who stay speakin’ fo’ Elizabeth Holmes no wen respond right away wen somebody wen ask dem fo’ comment on Thursday. One spokeperson from da Justice Department wen say no can talk about dis. 📞💼🤐

Anodah couple victims dat stay on da list fo’ restitution stay RDV Corporation, one investment company dat work fo’ da wealthy DeVos family from Michigan. Dey wen put in $100 million inside Theranos. Anodah victims stay investment groups tied to Don Lucas, one venture capitalist from Silicon Valley who wen pass away inside 2019. 💼💰💔😔

Elizabeth Holmes wen raise $945 million fo’ her company Theranos, da one she wen start in 2003 aftah she wen drop outta Stanford University. She wen make big promises dat her company goin’ change healthcare by doin’ tests dat only need a lil’ bit of blood fo’ detectin’ all kine ailments. But in 2015, da Wall Street Journal wen do one investigation and expose da truth dat Theranos’ blood-testing technology was one big sham. Da company wen crumble in 2018, leaving investors high and dry. 🚫🩸💔💥

Elizabeth Holmes’ claim dat she no can afford to make da $250 monthly payments to her victims raise eyebrows. Many people question how someone who once raised nearly a billion dollars for her company no can come up with dat kind of money. 💰🤔💔

Some critics argue dat it’s just anothah tactic from Elizabeth Holmes and her legal team to avoid takin’ responsibility and payin’ back da people she hurt. Dey say she should face da consequences of her actions and do whatevah it takes to make amends. 🧐🔍💔💸

Da victims who invested in Theranos and believed in Elizabeth Holmes’ grand vision of revolutionizin’ healthcare through blood testing feel betrayed. Dey trusted her and poured in their hard-earned money, only to find out it was all based on lies and deception. 😢💔💉

While Elizabeth Holmes serves her time in jail, those victims continue to suffer financial losses and da emotional toll of bein’ deceived. Da court-ordered restitution was supposed to provide some form of compensation and justice, but now it seems like even dat is in jeopardy. 😞🔒💔💸

As da legal battle continues and da fate of da restitution payments hangs in da balance, it remains to be seen how da court will ultimately rule on Elizabeth Holmes’ financial obligations. Will she be held accountable for her actions, or will she be able to evade her responsibilities once again? Only time will tell. 🕒⚖️🤔

In da meantime, da victims of Theranos and da public at large anxiously await justice and closure in dis high-profile case. Elizabeth Holmes’ rise and fall from grace have captivated da world, servin’ as a cautionary tale of ambition, deceit, and da consequences of playin’ with people’s lives and money. 💔⚖️📚

Let dis be a remindah dat behind da glossy promises and charismatic leaders, we must always remain vigilant and skeptical, lookin’ beyond da surface to uncover da truth. Otherwise, we might find ourselves victims of da next big scam, left to pick up da pieces of shattered dreams and empty bank accounts. 🕵️‍♀️💔💸💡

Mahalo for readin’ dis article. Stay tuned for updates as da story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos continues to unfold. Aloha! 🌺📰🔍


🌺📰Elizabeth Holmes Says She Can’t Afford $250 Payments to Theranos Victims 🩸💸

Elizabeth Holmes, the woman who started up Theranos and fooled many people, is stating this week that she cannot handle paying $250 every month to the victims of her bogus blood-testing business after she finishes her time in jail. 😔💰

Elizabeth Holmes, who is 39 years old, began her 11-year, three-month jail sentence in Texas back in May. Last year, the courts found her guilty of four counts of wire fraud and conspiracy because she deceived investors by lying about her company’s fancy technology and business deals. 👩‍⚖️🔒💔

Just last month, a federal judge in California told Elizabeth Holmes and her ex-business partner, Ramesh Balwani, that they have to pay $452 million to the investors that they ripped off. One of those victims is none other than the big-time media mogul Rupert Murdoch. 💼💸😮

The government has told the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California that the court records are messed up and need fixing. One of the suggestions is for Elizabeth Holmes to pay either $250 or at least 10 percent of her earnings, whichever one is more, every month when she is released from jail. 📜💼💰💔

But then, Elizabeth Holmes’ lawyers have objected to this suggestion in a filing this week. They are saying that the court has substantial evidence showing that she doesn’t have much money. 💼💔📝

Her lawyers have also argued that the government shouldn’t make this change for Elizabeth Holmes, especially when her ex-partner, Mr. Balwani, is getting a different payment schedule. He is serving 13 years in jail for fraud and has to pay at least $1,000 every month when he is released, according to the records. ⚖️🔒💼💔💰

Both Elizabeth Holmes and Mr. Balwani are fighting back and trying to appeal their cases. ✊⚖️📝💔

Elizabeth Holmes’ lawyers are saying that the two of them should have different sentences. They say that the court records don’t show that the schedule doesn’t change after she is released, so it cannot be said that it was a mistake. 📜🔒📝❌

The lawyers speaking for Elizabeth Holmes have not immediately responded when someone asked them for comment on Thursday. A spokesperson from the Justice Department has said that they cannot talk about this. 📞💼🤐

Another couple of victims that are on the list for restitution are RDV Corporation, an investment company that works for the wealthy DeVos family from Michigan. They put in $100 million into Theranos. Another victim is investment groups tied to Don Lucas, a venture capitalist from Silicon Valley who passed away in 2019. 💼💰💔😔

Elizabeth Holmes raised $945 million for her company Theranos, the one she started in 2003 after she dropped out of Stanford University. She made big promises that her company was going to change healthcare by doing tests that only need a little bit of blood for detecting all kinds of ailments. But in 2015, the Wall Street Journal did an investigation and exposed the truth that Theranos’ blood-testing technology was one big sham. The company crumbled in 2018, leaving investors high and dry. 🚫🩸💔💥

Elizabeth Holmes’ claim that she cannot afford to make the $250 monthly payments to her victims raises eyebrows. Many people question how someone who once raised nearly a billion dollars for her company cannot come up with that kind of money. 💰🤔💔

Some critics argue that it’s just another tactic from Elizabeth Holmes and her legal team to avoid taking responsibility and paying back the people she hurt. They say she should face the consequences of her actions and do whatever it takes to make amends. 🧐🔍💔💸

The victims who invested in Theranos and believed in Elizabeth Holmes’ grand vision of revolutionizing healthcare through blood testing feel betrayed. They trusted her and poured in their hard-earned money, only to find out it was all based on lies and deception. 😢💔💉

While Elizabeth Holmes serves her time in jail, those victims continue to suffer financial losses and the emotional toll of being deceived. The court-ordered restitution was supposed to provide some form of compensation and justice, but now it seems like even that is in jeopardy. 😞🔒💔💸

As the legal battle continues and the fate of the restitution payments hangs in the balance, it remains to be seen how the court will ultimately rule on Elizabeth Holmes’ financial obligations. Will she be held accountable for her actions, or will she be able to evade her responsibilities once again? Only time will tell. 🕒⚖️🤔

In the meantime, the victims of Theranos and the public at large anxiously await justice and closure in this high-profile case. Elizabeth Holmes’ rise and fall from grace have captivated the world, serving as a cautionary tale of ambition, deceit, and the consequences of playing with people’s lives and money. 💔⚖️📚

Let this be a reminder that behind the glossy promises and charismatic leaders, we must always remain vigilant and skeptical, looking beyond the surface to uncover the truth. Otherwise, we might find ourselves victims of the next big scam, left to pick up the pieces of shattered dreams and empty bank accounts. 🕵️‍♀️💔💸💡

Thank you for reading this article. Stay tuned for updates as the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos continues to unfold. Aloha! 🌺📰🔍

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