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🌺✌️ Brah, No Mo’ War! But… Chee Hoo, Ukraine!

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eh, da odda day, Amherst, Mass., get plenny kine guys showing face, pushing for peace like da ol’ times. Dem signs say “No more dakine killin’”🚫💥, “Health over war, brah”🌺💉, and “Send one shaka for peace”🤙. But ho, had one sign different kahako – “We wit Ukraine” it wen say. So, even with all da aloha for world peace, dese guys still say support Ukraine.

As da Ukraine beef stay heavy, plenty peace activists and those lef’ side politicos in da US not makin’ beef about helpin’ Ukraine. Dis one new kinda thing, cuz b’fore, when get wars like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, da left side guys always say “no tanks!” and da right side more like “we got dis!”💪.

CNN wen drop one poll saying most Americans tink “Eh, we wen give enough green to Ukraine.” But funny ting, da big reason fo’ dat comes from da Republicans saying “enough already.” Democrats? Dey still like give more! Especially afta Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene try cut da kala for Ukraine and mostly Republicans said “Shoots!” and Democrats said “No way, Jose!”

Hard times fo’ da antiwar peeps too. Like Medea Benjamin from Code Pink say it’s kinda pilikia. Even if she no like Russia’s move on Ukraine, she tink long-time fight might not bring back da old Ukraine. “We goin’ let more people go night-night? All fo’ wat, just for go back to square one afta Russia wen make move?” she say.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., tryna run for Pres, wen say all da big bucks from da U.S. only make things worse for da Ukrainians. But not everybody tink dat way. Some groups like Win Without War no talk too much about dis, and their leader, Stephen Miles, said Biden mostly doing good wit Ukraine. Some peace groups get hard time deciding how fo’ feel. Some say support Ukraine, others say no more fight.

Jon Rainwater, one big kahuna from a peace group, said before da US made choice wars, but Russia’s move on Ukraine changed da game. Ukraine jus’ defending, and no can just shout bout US being da big bad wolf🐺. Instead, gotta look at real solutions.

Ho, and da tree hugger groups? Dey stay quiet too, even wit da risk of nuclear kine stuffs and da power plant near where da beef happening🌳☢️.

So why da left side so quiet? First, Biden neva send US soldiers. So we pay, but our ohana stay safe. Also, left side guys no like make Biden look bad, especially when would make them look like they side with Trump or Tucker Carlson.

Even big thinkers like Michael Walzer said dat Russia’s move on Ukraine no pono, and it’s against da law. Most people agree wit Biden’s choices.

Bernie Sanders, who wen beef big time against Iraq War, he strong for Ukraine. He said Russia broke da rules and no show aloha.

Still, Biden try make tings calm. He said no US troops and no “no fly” zone over Ukraine. Some right side guys tink he too slow for give Ukraine da weapons they ask fo’.

Stephen Miles from Win Without War said for his group, they see Russia’s move on Ukraine same-same as US move on Iraq back in da day. Both no needed, and da one who started it gotta be da one fo’ end it.

But some tink dat da US is being one parrot for Russia. “We no like Russia’s move, and we no backing Putin!” said Ms. Benjamin.

Not all Americans agree. One video of Mr. Kennedy wen go viral, he said US no like peace in Ukraine and wants to rumble with Russia. Over 6 million peeps watched!

And den get one talk from one professor saying da West wen make things worse. Da video wen get choke views afta Russia’s move.

Even if YouTube gets lotta hits, no change in politics yet. Some big kahunas like Robert Borosage said, “Need more aloha, more peace.” But most still support Ukraine.

Eh, you heard about da Code Pink lady who wen shout at Biden during one romantic dinner date? She said, “Mr. Prez, gotta end da war!” But Biden no even look. And afta dinner, he wen sneak out fo’ surprise visit Ukraine, showing support and giving more moolah.

All in all, even if most peeps in da US want peace, wen come to Ukraine, dey say “Let’s back dem up!”🌺✊.


🌺🤙 Brah, Da Ukraine Sitcho Get Plenny Support!

Ho, on one Sunday in August, da peeps in Amherst, Mass., stay holding one peaceful vigil right by da town center, you know, kinda like da old times back in the 1970s.

Had only small-kine peeps, about six of them, waving their signs, shouting out things like, “Stop da fightin’” 😡, “We need health, no need war” 🌡️🚫💣, and “Pray fo’ peace” 🙏.

But, braddah, had this one sign dat read, “We stand with Ukraine.” 🇺🇦🤝. Looks like fo’ these peace-loving dudes, Ukraine’s kine war worth backing up.

More days pass, and da Ukraine-Russia beef keeps going. Da interesting part? Some of the peace-loving peeps and the left-wing politicians who been against U.S. jumping into odda countries’ beefs, seem to be cool with helping Ukraine against Russia 🤔. Even with all da sad stuff happening, like soldiers and civilians getting hurt, food running out 🍞❌, people talking about big bombs 💥, and President Biden making some groups mad by sending specific kine weapons to Ukraine, only small pockets of peeps in America’s political left seem to be against supporting Ukraine.

And that? That’s kinda different from before, when left-leaning peeps were like, “No way, we no like foreign wars!” from times of Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan. Meanwhile, da right-wing folks, they more like, “USA power!” 🦅💪.

CNN went do one poll, and guess what? More than half the Americans think, “Eh, we gave enough money to Ukraine already.” But, turns out it’s mostly the Republicans who think like that, while 74% of the Democrat peeps still want to send more 💸. And when one lady from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, wanted to cut some money for Kyiv, only the Republican side liked that idea, not the Democrats.

Medea Benjamin from Code Pink, one antiwar group, said, “Ho, it’s been hard.” They originally formed to be against George W. Bush’s actions in Iraq.

Even though she no like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, she wonders if fighting long time will really bring back Ukraine’s old borders. “So, we just let the war keep going, let more people get hurt, and chance one bigger war, all for going back to square one?” she says, kinda worried 🤨.

But as 2024 comes up, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who’s trying to run against Mr. Biden, believes the US’s big money support is just making things worse for the Ukrainian folks.

Nowadays, the voices talking about peace seem to be kinda on the side. Win Without War, one group from 2002, and the Peace Action group, both no really been vocal about Ukraine.

Jon Rainwater, who leads Peace Action, thinks peace groups need to rethink their stance, especially with Russia’s invasion, which he says is kinda different. “Russia flipping the script, bro. The country the U.S. helping, Ukraine, they just defending themselves. So, no can just repeat our usual stuff about US being bossy, when we talk about Ukraine,” he adds.

Ms. Benjamin said she tried to rally big environmental groups, especially with the risks to Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, but no luck.

So, why da left side been kinda quiet? First, Mr. Biden never send US soldiers into the beef, so no American lives at risk 🇺🇸❌⚔️. And, the left, especially in Congress, no really like talking stink about a fellow Democrat, especially if it means they gonna sound like Trump or Tucker Carlson, who been very vocal against Biden’s support for Ukraine.

Biden’s reasons to back Ukraine also fit with the progressive ideas. Michael Walzer, who wrote “Just and Unjust Wars” back in 1977, believes Russia’s invasion was wrong by every measure.

Bernie Sanders, who been against the Iraq War, supports Ukraine’s defense 100%, calling the Russian invasion super wrong. Matthew Duss, who used to work with Sanders, says, “This no the war America started. Russia did it. And left-side peeps believe in a world where the big guy no can just bully the small guy. Helping Ukraine defend is the right thing.”

Mr. Biden has been doing things to limit the beef, but still supporting Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration believes Mr. Putin no really serious about peace. And that if Russia no leave Ukraine, then it’s like saying it’s okay to bully and will only cause more beef in Europe.

Some people also believe those against the war are just repeating what the Kremlin saying. But others, like Ms. Benjamin, say they’re truly against the Russian invasion and no way supporting Putin.

Even after one Code Pink member got a chance to talk to Mr. Biden in a restaurant 🍝, asking him to end the war, still, after dinner, Mr. Biden went to Kyiv, meeting Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and promising more support and another $500 million for Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

So, the story goes on, and while the vibe and opinions may change, for now, most people in the US seem to have Ukraine’s back. 🇺🇦🤙🇺🇸.

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