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🌴 Exxon Mobil Brings Lithium Vibes to Arkansas, Firing Up Electric Vehicle Dreams 🌴

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Aloha, howzit? Listen up, ’cause get one big kine news! Exxon Mobil, da big oil giant, just announced dey going make lithium in Arkansas! 🌿🚗 This one major move ’cause lithium is super important for dem electric vehicle batteries.

Just one month afta Exxon wen spend $60 billion to buy Pioneer Natural Resources, dey say dey going set up one facility in Arkansas for produce lithium. Dis one big thing ’cause electric vehicles going be one big challenge for their oil business.

Dis no mean da company going change everything, but they acknowledging dat battery-powered cars going be more big time. Dis could also mean southern Arkansas might turn into one major source for lithium. Right now, most of the lithium come from Australia and South America, and get plenty processed in China.

Dan Ammann, president of Exxon Mobil Low Carbon Solutions, say, “Electrification is going be major, and we get plenty experience for produce lithium.” He say the project going help reduce emissions from transportation. 🌍

The plan is for start making lithium in 2027 and aim for produce enough for power over one million electric vehicles a year by 2030. They neva say how much they going invest, but Ammann mention they ready for spend “hundreds of millions” for start and look for more chances for expand.

Lithium is crucial for them lithium-ion batteries, and right now, da race is on between American companies and others in China, Russia, and more places. The U.S. only make small kine lithium, but get hopes for more, including in places like California, Nevada, and North Carolina.

Exxon guys say their skills in geology, drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and chemical production going help them extract lithium economically from the “Smackover brine” underground in Arkansas. They also talk about using old oil wells for produce lithium.

Exxon been doubling down on oil and natural gas, especially in places like the Permian Basin and off Guyana. Arkansas fits into their plans for keep production close to home.

While other oil companies like BP, Eni, and Equinor investing in different energy forms like solar and wind, Exxon trying for increase fossil fuel investments and work on capturing carbon emissions and making clean hydrogen fuel.

In Arkansas, they planning for use “direct lithium extraction,” a new technology that uses solvents or membranes and filters. Engineers and executives say this method better than open pit mines or evaporation ponds ’cause it’s faster and no waste plenty water. But nobody yet prove this method can produce enough lithium for millions of cars or stationary batteries.

Exxon, who bought drilling rights on 120,000 acres in Arkansas, say they going pump the leftover brine back underground and turn the lithium into battery-grade material. China currently dominates this part of the business.

Some energy experts not too sure if direct extraction going work on large scales, and some environmentalists only giving halfhearted praise for Exxon’s lithium efforts.

The Inflation Reduction Act, signed by President Biden, helping push efforts for produce lithium, make batteries, and assemble electric cars with tax credits and other incentives.

Still, setting up mines and processing plants in the U.S. could take years. Some companies been working for years to produce lithium from brine under the Salton Sea in California.

Mining experts say Exxon get the know-how for find lithium but might need help for separate the metal from the salty liquids.

Exxon also been talking with Tesla, Ford Motor, and other car companies for supply them with lithium. Other oil companies like Chevron and Occidental also looking into lithium mining.

Interestingly, Exxon’s venture into lithium is kinda like going back to their roots. Back in the 1970s, one Exxon chemist was big in developing the lithium-ion battery. They even started making the batteries but stopped ’cause thought the market was too small.

Lithium prices been dropping recently, but many energy experts expect one shortage of the metal by the end of the decade, which could lead to higher prices.

So, that’s the scoop! Exxon Mobil going big with lithium in Arkansas, and that could be one game-changer for electric vehicles and clean energy. Stay tuned for more updates on dis exciting development! 🌴🔋🚗🌏🌿


🚀 Exxon Mobil Revs Up for Lithium Production in Arkansas, Energizing Electric Vehicle Future 🚀

Howzit, everyone! Let’s dive into the electrifying news from Exxon Mobil! They’re stepping into the lithium game, prepping to juice up electric vehicle batteries with a new facility in Arkansas. 🌍🚗

This big move from the oil giant comes right after they dropped $60 billion on Pioneer Natural Resources. What’s cooking? Well, Exxon Mobil is hedging their oil bets with a slice of cleaner energy pie, necessary for battling climate change. It’s not a full U-turn in strategy, but more like they’re seeing EVs (electric vehicles) as the new wave, competing against traditional gas and diesel rides.

Here’s the kicker: southern Arkansas might turn into a lithium hotspot. Currently, this precious metal mainly hails from Australia, South America, and gets processed in China. Dan Ammann, president of Exxon Mobil Low Carbon Solutions, is stoked about this. He’s like, “Electrification is key, and we’re ready to roll with our top-notch experience in lithium production.” This project is all about cutting down those pesky transport emissions. 🌱

So, what’s the plan? Kickoff lithium production by 2027, aiming to power over a million EVs a year by 2030. They’re keeping the investment digits under wraps, but Ammann hints at starting with “hundreds of millions” and scouting for more expansion chances.

Lithium is the heart of those lithium-ion batteries, and right now, there’s a global race to snag it. The U.S. is a bit behind in the lithium game, but hopes are high for more production, including spots like California, Nevada, and North Carolina.

Exxon’s got skills in geology, drilling, and more, so they’re betting on economically extracting lithium from Arkansas’s “Smackover brine.” Plus, they’re eyeing those old oil wells for a lithium revival. Exxon’s keeping it local, moving away from the Middle East and Russia, focusing on the home ground.

While other oil bigwigs are dabbling in solar, wind, and whatnot, Exxon’s doubling down on fossil fuels and exploring carbon capture and clean hydrogen fuel.

Here’s the techy part: they’re going all-in on “direct lithium extraction.” It’s this newfangled method using solvents and filters to snag lithium from brine. It’s quicker and doesn’t guzzle water like traditional methods. Yet, it’s still unproven on a massive scale.

Exxon, already owning drilling rights on 120,000 acres in Arkansas, plans to responsibly handle the leftover brine and transform the lithium into battery-ready material. 🧪

But, here’s the catch. Some experts and environmentalists are playing it cool, not fully convinced this direct extraction is the golden ticket. Still, it’s a step forward from the usual mining spots.

The Inflation Reduction Act, thanks to President Biden, is juicing up lithium production and EV assembly with some sweet tax credits and incentives. But, let’s be real, ramping up lithium production in the U.S. ain’t overnight work. There’s a long road ahead.

Mining whizzes say Exxon’s got the lithium-finding smarts but might need a helping hand to filter and purify the metal from those salty mixes.

And guess what? Exxon’s been chit-chatting with Tesla, Ford Motor, and other car companies to be their lithium hookup. Chevron and Occidental are also sniffing around lithium mining.

Fun fact: Exxon’s lithium leap is kinda like a throwback. Back in the 70s, their chemist was a lithium-ion battery pioneer. They even dabbled in making batteries but bailed, thinking the market was too small. Oh, how times change!

Lithium prices have been dipping, but energy gurus are predicting a shortage by decade’s end, potentially hiking prices.

So there you have it, folks! Exxon Mobil’s making waves in the lithium world, possibly sparking a brighter future for electric vehicles and cleaner energy. Stay plugged in for more buzz on this high-voltage development! 🌐🔋🌿🚀🌍

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