A photo of jimmy kimmel

🌴🤙 ABC Give Jimmy Kimmel Da Boot? Nah, Just Da Kine Joke Brah! 😂

Ho, braddahs and sistahs, get choke rumors wen start flying around in April 2023 dat Jimmy Kimmel wen get da big aks from ABC during one episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Broke da mouth kine news, yeah? But, no worry beef curry, cause dat claim no more da koko, all bumbai you know. False da buggah stay! 🙅‍♂️❌

April 27, 2023, da Disney blog called Inside the Magic wen post one article, “ABC Fires Jimmy Kimmel During ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live.'” Da story wen say, ABC wen cut loose Jimmy Kimmel during his monologue on Monday night aftah 20 years on top da show.

Da big scoops wen come jus moments aftah Kimmel wen talk story ’bout da fire action on top Tucker Carlson from Fox News and CNN’s Don Lemon. Den all of a sudden, boom kanani! Kimmel’s sidekick Guillermo Rodriguez wen break in with da breaking news.📺💥

“We get some big kine news,” Guillermo wen say. “Aftah 20 years on top da show, ABC TV wen decide fo’ cut loose da host, Jimmy Kimmel.” Den Rodriguez wen throw in one personal aloha fo’ Jimmy: “No let da door bang your okole on da way out, braddah.” 🚪🍑

Plenny social media posts wen go around with dis claim, get screenshots of da article all ova Twitter and TikTok. Even get some unrelated posts ’bout dis same claim on Facebook.

But hold up, brah, no need freak out. Jimmy Kimmel neva get fired during “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Da “breaking news” all kine joke from da show itself. We wen find da segment of da show in da article posted on da show’s YouTube page on April 24, 2023. 🤣🎬

In da segment, Kimmel wen talk story ’bout how Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson both wen get da pink slip from CNN and FOX. Den one “News Alert” wen bust in, with Guillermo Rodriguez reading from one paper dat ABC wen decide fo’ part ways with Kimmel. Rodriguez even wen throw one last jab at Kimmel: “Loser!”

“Nah, dass one mean way fo’ find out,” Kimmel wen say aftah da “News Alert” wen pow. “Could have been worse. Could have been traded to da Jets.” Den he wen go back fo’ talk more about Carlson’s firing. 🚁💨

If Kimmel wen get fired in da middle of da show, fo’ real kine news and entertainment publications would have been all over da story, brah. Da show also wouldn’t have keep showing new episodes every night like nothing wen happen, but it did. 📰💡

Going more deep into da story, da Inside the Magic article also wen reveal dat Kimmel neva actually get fired. Obviously, it was jus’ one funny kine joke dat wen copy da real breaking news from earlier dat day. Da fire action on top Carlson and Lemon wen catch their colleagues and viewers all by surprise. Kimmel even wen hint dat Carlson wen finish his last show on Friday saying, “We’ll be back on Monday,” not knowing dat he no would be there. 😮‍💨🔥

It’s kind of funny fo’ make fun of Tucker Carlson getting let go from Fox News when ABC, da same station where Kimmel stay, is actually one part of da big Walt Disney Company and demselves are firing employees too. So while dis was only one laugh out loud kine moment, maybe was one little too close to home fo’ da staff at ABC, yeah? 🐭🏰👀

Before dis, we wen check out whether late-night TV shows, including Kimmel’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” wen stop live production during da 2023 Writer’s Guild of America strike. As it turns out, the strike is getting real, causing plenty kahakos fo’ da kine late-night TV shows.

Even “The Tonight Show” staff goin’ end up on unpaid leave, no can tell how long dis WGA strike goin’ last, so da future of late-night television production stay up in da air. All dis uncertainty stay hanging heavy ova da hosts, writers, and da whole crew of dese shows, who cannot even work since late night wen go dark starting on May 2. (“Watch What Happens Live” from Bravo’s and Fox News’ “Gutfeld!” still da exceptions, though.) 📺🌙⚡

On May 16, HuffPost wen report dat non-striking employees of NBC’s “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon” would start seeing da kine changes in their paychecks. Early on during da strike, NBC wen agree fo’ pay da staff of “The Tonight Show” and “Late Night With Seth Meyers” for two weeks of da strike, with Fallon and Meyers each paying one week of pay from their own pockets. But when this two week window goin’ end on May 19, employees of “The Tonight Show” goin’ be put on one “unpaid leave of absence” for da rest of da strike. 😨💸👀

Meanwhile, sources told HuffPost dat Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert still going strong, keeping their staff paid during these uncertain times. So no worry, Kimmel’s fans. Da man still get job, and he still paying his crew. No need believe every rumor you hear, yeah? Just remember, no let da coconut wireless get da best of you! 🥥📞🤙


🌴🤙 Did ABC Fire Jimmy Kimmel? Nah, Just A Classic Joke, Brah! 😂

Hey, brothers and sisters, a whirlwind of rumors started swirling around in April 2023 that Jimmy Kimmel got the big axe from ABC during an episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Quite the sensational news, right? But, don’t worry, because that claim doesn’t have the essence of truth, you’ll know soon enough. It’s false! 🙅‍♂️❌

On April 27, 2023, the Disney blog known as Inside the Magic posted an article, “ABC Fires Jimmy Kimmel During ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live.'” The story reported that ABC decided to let go of Jimmy Kimmel during his monologue on Monday night after 20 years on the show.

The breaking news arrived just moments after Kimmel was discussing the firing of Tucker Carlson from Fox News and CNN’s Don Lemon. Then all of a sudden, like a flash of light! Kimmel’s sidekick, Guillermo Rodriguez, broke in with the breaking news. 📺💥

“We have some big news,” Guillermo declared. “After 20 years on the show, ABC TV decided to part ways with the host, Jimmy Kimmel.” Then Rodriguez threw in a personal farewell for Jimmy: “Don’t let the door hit your backside on the way out, brother.” 🚪🍑

There were a lot of social media posts spreading this claim, with screenshots of the article all over Twitter and TikTok. There were even some unrelated posts about this same claim on Facebook.

But hold up, friend, no need to panic. Jimmy Kimmel was not fired during “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” The “breaking news” was just a joke from the show itself. We found the segment of the show mentioned in the article posted on the show’s YouTube page on April 24, 2023. 🤣🎬

In the segment, Kimmel was discussing how both Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson had been let go from CNN and FOX. Then a “News Alert” cut in, with Guillermo Rodriguez reading from a piece of paper that ABC had decided to part ways with Kimmel. Rodriguez even threw a last insult at Kimmel: “Loser!”

“Well, that’s a harsh way to find out,” Kimmel said after the “News Alert” ended. “It could have been worse. I could have been traded to the Jets.” Then he went back to discuss more about Carlson’s firing. 🚁💨

If Kimmel had been fired in the middle of the show, real news and entertainment publications would have covered the story. The show also wouldn’t have kept airing new episodes every night as if nothing had happened, but it did. 📰💡

Diving deeper into the story, the Inside the Magic article also revealed that Kimmel was not actually fired. Obviously, it was just a funny joke that imitated the real breaking news from earlier that day. The firing of Carlson and Lemon caught their colleagues and viewers completely by surprise. Kimmel even hinted that Carlson ended his last show on Friday saying, “We’ll be back on Monday,” not realizing that he wouldn’t be there. 😮‍💨🔥

It’s somewhat humorous to mock Tucker Carlson being let go from Fox News when ABC, the same station where Kimmel is, is actually a part of the Walt Disney Company and they themselves are firing employees too. So while this was only a hilarious moment, perhaps it was a little too close to home for the staff at ABC, right? 🐭🏰👀

Earlier, we checked whether late -night TV shows, including Kimmel’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” had stopped live production during the 2023 Writer’s Guild of America strike. As it turns out, the strike is turning things really chaotic for late-night TV shows.

Even “The Tonight Show” staff are going to end up on unpaid leave, with no certainty of how long this WGA strike will last, so the future of late-night television production hangs in the balance. All this uncertainty looms large over the hosts, writers, and the entire crew of these shows, who have been unable to work since late night went dark starting on May 2. (“Watch What Happens Live” from Bravo’s and Fox News’ “Gutfeld!” remain exceptions, though.) 📺🌙⚡

On May 16, HuffPost reported that non-striking employees of NBC’s “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon” would start seeing changes in their paychecks. Early on during the strike, NBC agreed to pay the staff of “The Tonight Show” and “Late Night With Seth Meyers” for two weeks of the strike, with Fallon and Meyers each covering one week of pay from their own pockets. But when this two-week window ends on May 19, employees of “The Tonight Show” will reportedly be put on an “unpaid leave of absence” for the duration of the strike. 😨💸👀

Meanwhile, sources told HuffPost that Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert are still going strong, keeping their staff paid during these uncertain times. So don’t worry, Kimmel’s fans. The man still has a job, and he’s still paying his crew. You don’t need to believe every rumor you hear, alright? Just remember, don’t let the grapevine get the best of you! 🥥📞🤙

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