Ron DeSantis

🌴🌺 DeSantis Make Li’dat Switch-Up In Da Campaign, But Trump Still Da Kine Giant Shadow

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eh, you guys hear about da Florida Gov? Ron DeSantis, da big kahuna from Florida, stay shaking tings up in his run fo’ president, brah. 🏄🌀

Three times inside one month, da DeSantis crew wen go all hamajang, changing tings up. Now, he wen say aloha to his campaign manager, Generra Peck. He bringing in one braddah from his office who stay solid behind him. But, ho, da real beef stay with ex-President Donald J. Trump. 🤙🌋

On top dat, da main supporter from da DeSantis super PAC also going get some power inside da campaign. Been choke turbulence recently – peeps getting cut, money issues, and strategy changing. Da Gov thinking if he no win in Iowa, might as well pack it up. 😅🎢

So far, tho, DeSantis message stay floating, no really making waves, especially when you look Trump’s big scores in da polls. DeSantis stay dreaming he more electable than Trump, pointing to how he did in Florida. 🌊🌅

But, Republican peeps? Not so sure. Plenty donors raising eyebrows at his strict kine positions, like on top abortion. He stay trying hard, having small kine gatherings, especially in Iowa. But he not giving da vibe like he can turn tings around. 🚫🔄

Da money front stay crazy too. DeSantis wen collect $20 million in da beginning, but da cash flying out fast. This week, word came out his funds stay even more broke than we thought – short by $2.6 million! 🤑🔥

As for where DeSantis stand? He stuck in da middle. Half da party loving Trump, da other half looking for somebody different. But most peeps still backing Trump, even with all his legal pilikia. 🍍🎯

Now, who taking over da DeSantis show? James Uthmeier, da Gov’s right-hand man, even if he no get too much experience in running campaigns. Also, David Polyansky, from da super PAC side, stay joining da main crew. Generra Peck, though? She still get one job – chief strategist. 🔄🏢

Lately, DeSantis’s moves all over da place, causing plenny confusion. He took bus trips in Iowa, trying to connect with peeps, and he said he going hit all 99 counties over dea. 🚌🌽

But polls stay showing, most Republicans still see Trump as da main man, more den DeSantis, fo’ going head to head with President Biden. 😬🥊

Rick Tyler, one Republican strategist said, “I feel like Republicans looking for somebody other than Trump. First, they thought maybe DeSantis, but now, not so sure.”

Still, get some of DeSantis’ supporters thinking all these changes going boost his chances before da first debate in Milwaukee. 🚀🎤

Right now? DeSantis trying get his ship in order. With Ms. Peck running things before, da campaign money was all kine wrong. Instead of $9.2 million, more like $6.6 million. But dat figure? Might be even less. 📉💸

Miss Peck, she did good for DeSantis when he ran for governor. But presidential race? Different animal. And James Uthmeier? Even though he young, he stay close to DeSantis. 👶🇺🇸

And now, with David Polyansky jumping in, things might change more. He know da Iowa game good and gonna bring new ideas into da mix. 🌽💭

Lastly, Miss Peck? She made some boo-boos, like letting her team post videos online without checking proper. Plus, the financial side? All messed up. At one retreat in Utah, donors wen express their concerns ’bout da money. 😬💔

Da bottom line? Turnover, changing staff, all dat stay common for DeSantis. Even in da past, he did plenty shake-ups. Whit Ayres, one consultant, said maybe the problem not just da team but also DeSantis himself. 🤔🌪

He mentioned some of DeSantis’ statements, like about Russia-Ukraine and education in Florida. “He no get da instincts fo’ play at this big league level,” Ayres said.

Eh, we see how dis all plays out, yeah? 🤙🏼🎲


😲🌀 DeSantis Make Big Kine Changes To Campaign ‘Cuz Trump Stay Strong

Da Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, stay mixing up his presidential campaign – one mo’ time! 🔄🙌

Three times inside one month, DeSantis wen go announce plenny changes to his campaign. Dis time, he wen boot out his campaign manager, Generra Peck, and put somebody from his own office in charge. All dis while he trying hard for find one solid team and one strong message fo’ go against da big kahuna, former Prez Donald J. Trump. 🥊🌴

Da big changes, where one high-up guy from da DeSantis super PAC also going get one power-up position inside da campaign, come after all kine drama. Had plenty lay-offs, money troubles, and DeSantis been trying new strategies. Look like he going all in for Iowa. 🌽📈

Till now, DeSantis and his talk no can connect with da Republican voters and no even can scratch Trump’s big lead inside da polls. After he win big time last year, DeSantis been trying fo’ show he da better Republican choice for 2024 ‘cuz of all da good stuffs he wen do in Florida. 🌞🌊

But, da GOP voters still no convinced. Da people giving him money getting nervous ’bout his strong stances on tings like abortion. Even though DeSantis stay busy holding small-kine events, especially in Iowa, he still no can spark that magic feel fo’ change da race vibes. 🪄❌

Da buggah DeSantis wen raise choke money, like $20 million, but he wen spend ’em fast. And dis week, everybody wen find out his campaign money stay even less than everybody thought. By about $2.6 million, da Federal Election Commission wen say. 💸📉

DeSantis right now stay stuck in da middle, trying fo’ get love from da big group who still like Trump, and da small group who looking fo’ somebody who not Trump. And all dis while, Trump stay getting his own trouble but calling ’em political attacks. 😤🔥

Da new head of DeSantis’s campaign na James Uthmeier, one close adviser but not too experienced with campaigns. Also, David Polyansky, one big brain behind DeSantis’s super PAC, is joining da campaign team. Ms. Peck going stay on, but now as da chief strategist. 🔄🧠

Instead of making one big change, DeSantis been making small kine changes, and dis making plenty noise while he trying fo’ climb back up in da polls. He even been traveling ’round Iowa, promising fo’ visit all 99 counties there. 🚌🗺

Recent poll from New York Times/Siena College show GOP voters still thinking Trump da main man against Biden. So, DeSantis gotta work hard fo’ make one dent in Trump’s fan base. 👥💪

Rick Tyler, one GOP strategist, said, “Republicans been looking fo’ one different choice than Trump, and everybody thought was DeSantis, but guess not.” He say DeSantis smart, but look like he no know how fo’ run for president or beat Trump. 🤷‍♂️🗳

Some of DeSantis’s big fans hoping all dis change going bring new life to da campaign before da big debate in two weeks. Everybody wondering if Trump even going show up. 🤔🎤

Right now, DeSantis trying fo’ clean up his own house. Da money report from F.E.C. show his campaign get way less money than before, even though they said was more. 💰📊

Last year, Ms. Peck been in charge when DeSantis wen win big for governor, making her super close with da governor and his wife. But she never did run one presidential campaign before. And now with Uthmeier in charge, he even got less experience than her. But look like DeSantis really value loyalty over experience. ❤️🤝

Polyansky, who get plenty experience with Iowa politics, joining da campaign is big news. He also worked close with da super PAC’s main guy, Jeff Roe. And he going bring in Roe’s ideas to da campaign. 🤓✨

Polyansky was helping DeSantis in da past weeks with one bus tour. After da money troubles hit da campaign, da super PAC took over plenty tasks, giving DeSantis one close look of how everything work under Polyansky. 🚎🤝

By da time DeSantis wen replace Ms. Peck, plenty people felt she wasn’t right for da job. She even got in trouble fo’ letting campaign workers post stuffs without checking first. And some of da tings posted online was kinda mean, making plenty people upset. 😡📲

During one big meeting with da people who give money in Utah, some wen talk story with DeSantis ’bout da campaign’s money troubles. And it was so bad, Uthmeier had to get one special update on everything. 🗣💔

Plenty people been coming and going in DeSantis’s team from before. Even in 2018, when he was running fo’ governor, he made big changes to his campaign. 🔄🚀

Whit Ayres, one GOP consultant, said that sometimes no matter how many new people you bring in, if da main guy, in dis case DeSantis, is da problem, nothing going change. 🤨🤔

He pointed out DeSantis made some weird comments in da past, like calling da Russian invasion of Ukraine just one “territorial dispute” and defending some kine controversial Florida education stuffs.

Ayres said, “I been seeing him make mistakes over and over. Look like he no ready for play in da big leagues.” 🏈🏟

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