staging of the presidential election 2024

🌴🇺🇸 GOP Mayor Tinking ‘Bout 2024 Presiden’ Run, Like Fo’ Beat Trump An’ DeSantis, Brah 🗳️🤔

Da Mayor Francis Suarez of Miami, Florida, stay tinkin’ bout runnin’ fo’ da 2024 White House an’ da way fo’ win ova da big names in da GOP presidential nomination race – like his fellow Florida peeps, former Presiden’ Donald Trump an’ Gov. Ron DeSantis – stay ’bout “inspiring da people.” 💡🌈

Suarez tell Fox News Digital, “You gotta compete wit’ oddah tings, by inspiring people. You gotta compete by explainin’ to people you get one track record of success, one vision fo’ da future. Dat you can inspire people wit’ one positive view of wat dea future can look like in ways oddah candidates no can.” 🗣️💪

Da former presiden’ wen start his tird straight White House run in November, an’ stay da top dog in da GOP nomination race right now. DeSantis, who still stay on da side fo’ 2024, but stay tinking ’bout runnin’ aftah Florida’s legislative session pau next month, stay numba two in da polls. Da oddah guys in da race get single digit kine support. 📊🔢

Suarez, da 45-year-old two-term Hispanic mayor, stay da son of da former Miami mayor an’ former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Xavier Suarez. He wen talk story wit’ Fox News durin’ one full-day swing tru New Hampshire, da place wea get da second contest an’ da first primary in da GOP nominating calendar. He wen say he stay “seriously considering da possibility of running fo’ presiden’.” 🏛️🌟

He wen tell da audience at da New Hampshire Institute of Politics, “I wen spend some time in Iowa an’ South Carolina, an’ now I stay hea in New Hampshire. Ho, wat one nice coincidence!” Iowa’s caucuses kick off da Republican presidential calendar, an’ South Carolina holds da tird contest. 🗓️📍

In da early votin’ states, wea stay important fo’ small kine politics an’ gettin’ close wit’ da votahs, Suarez stay sayin’, “you can do plenny personal contact. You can get fo’ know da people. Dey can get fo’ know you as one human being. An’ you can listen to dem an’ soak up dea concerns an’ push dat back.” 👥👂

Suarez feel, “it’s important fo’ connect wit’ da people, listen to da people, to give dem one chance fo’ undahstand wat you stay ’bout, why you wen succeed an’ why somebody who stay one mayor an’ somebody my age could be qualified fo’ run one country as complex an’ as big as da United States of America.” 🇺🇸🌐

In his speech, Suarez stay admitting dat nobody wen go straight from being one mayor to da White House. But he stay showin’ off how he wen help Miami wit’ dea fiscal problems, an’ dat mean he stay ready fo’ da job. 💵🔄

Da mayor wen tell da crowd dat one reason he nevah decide yet on da White House run stay, “you gotta offer someting dat stay so diff’rent an’ so refreshing dat people goin’ say, ‘Oh, we see dose frontrunnahs, we know wat we get ova dea, but dis one stay so radic’ly diff’rent, so radic’ly refreshing, an’ so radic’ly good fo’ da future of our country dat we feel like we gotta go in one diff’rent direction.'” 🌟🔄

He wen say, “Dat’s wat I gotta convince you guys of, an’ dat’s wat I gotta convince myself of.” 💭👍

So, da GOP Mayor stay tinkin’ ’bout running fo’ da 2024 presidential race, an’ he get plenny tings fo’ consider. He like show da people he stay get wat it takes fo’ lead one big kine country like da USA. He stay looking fo’ bring new ideas an’ ideals to da table, an’ he stay plannin’ fo’ inspire da people wit’ his own kine positive vision fo’ da future. 🗽🌠

Fo’ now, stay undah wraps if Suarez goin’ run fo’ da White House or not. But he stay workin’ on buildin’ dat connection wit’ da people an’ showin’ dem his own kine leadership skills. We goin’ see wat stay happenin’ in da futah, an’ if dis GOP Mayor can make one big kine splash in da presidential race. 🏊‍♂️🌊

Stay tuned, cuz da world of politics nevah stay borin’ an’ always get surprises comin’ around da corner. Who knows wat goin’ happen next in da race fo’ da White House? We jus’ gotta wait an’ see, braddahs an’ sistahs. Aloha! 🤙🌺


🇺🇸🗳️ GOP Mayor Believes Inspiring People Can Lead to Victory Over Trump and DeSantis in 2024 🇺🇸🏆

Mayor Francis Suarez of Miami, Florida, believes that if he decides to run for the White House in 2024, the path to victory in the growing GOP presidential nomination race against bigger names with larger campaign funds – such as fellow Floridians former President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis – is by “inspiring people.” 🌟

“You have to compete with other things, by inspiring people. You have to compete by explaining to people you have a track record of success, a vision for the future. That you can inspire people with a positive view of what their future can look like in ways other candidates can’t,” Suarez said in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital. 🎤

The former president launched his third consecutive White House run in November and is currently the clear polling front-runner in the GOP nomination race. DeSantis, who remains on the 2024 sidelines but is expected to launch a presidential campaign after the conclusion of Florida’s legislative session next month, is second in the public opinion surveys, with everyone else in the emerging field of actual and potential contenders in the single digits. 📊

“I think if you’re good enough at communicating those ideas and those ideals, and you’ve listened enough to create and draft an agenda that’s going to work for people, then I think you can be successful potentially,” Suarez said. 🗣

The 45-year-old two-term Hispanic mayor is the son of former Miami mayor and former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Xavier Suarez. The younger Suarez was interviewed during a full-day swing through New Hampshire, the state that holds the second contest and first primary in the GOP nominating calendar. He reiterated to Fox News that he’s “seriously considering the possibility of running for president.” 🏛

Speaking to an audience at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics – a must-stop for nearly a quarter-century for actual and potential White House contenders – Suarez joked, “I’ve spent some time in Iowa and South Carolina, and now I’m here in New Hampshire. It’s a nice coincidence.” Iowa’s caucuses kick off the Republican presidential calendar, and South Carolina holds the third contest. 🌐

Suarez noted that in the early voting states – where there’s long been an emphasis on candidate-to-voter small scale retail style politics – “you can do a lot of personal contact. You can get to know people. They can get to know you as a human being. And you can listen to them and absorb their concerns and sort of push that back.” 👥

“I think it’s important to connect with the people, listen to the people, to give them an opportunity to understand what you’re about, why you’ve succeeded and why someone who’s a mayor and someone my age could be qualified to run a country as complex and as large as the United States of America,” Suarez told Fox News. 🇺🇸

Suarez, in his speech, acknowledged that nobody has risen directly from a mayor’s office to the White House. But he touted that his experience turning around Miami’s fiscal problems shows he’s up for the job. 💼

The mayor told the crowd that one reason he has yet to decide on a White House run is that “you have to offer something that’s so different and so refreshing that people say, ‘Yeah, we see those front-runners, we know what we have there, but this is just so radically different, so radically refreshing, and so radically good for the future of our country that we feel compelled to go in a different direction.’” 🔄

“He said, ‘That’s what I gotta convince you guys of, and that’s what I gotta convince myself of.'” 💭👍

So, the GOP Mayor is considering running for the 2024 presidential race and he has a lot to think about. He wants to show the people that he has what it takes to lead a big country like the USA. He is looking to bring new ideas and ideals to the table, and he is planning to inspire the people with his own positive vision for the future. 🗽🌠

For now, it’s unclear whether Suarez will run for the White House or not. But he is working on building that connection with the people and showing them his leadership skills. We will see what happens in the future and if this GOP Mayor can make a big splash in the presidential race. 🏊‍♂️🌊

Stay tuned because the world of politics is never boring and there are always surprises around the corner. Who knows what will happen next in the race for the White House? We just have to wait and see, brothers and sisters. Aloha! 🤙🌺

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