
🌧️⚡ Five Guys No Moa Alive afta Flash Floods pound Philly Suburbs 🌊🚗

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Flash bangah kine rain wen pounce da areas inside Bucks County, PA, getting guys stuck in their cars. All ova da Northeast, had heavy rain comin’ down.

Da thunderstorms stay mean, da rain stay pounding, and da flash floods making mean kine trouble all ova da Northeast durin’ da weekend, killing fyva peeps in Pennsylvania, stoppin’ flights at da big kine airports in da New York area, and knocking down power lines. One part of Long Island, had five inches of rain drop in less than two hours. 🌧️⏱️

Da governor, Kathy Hochul, talk, “We stay in one very, very unstable weather condition,” she wen give warning about da danger of driving wen get flash flooding. “Yo car can go from one place of safety to one place of death.” ☠️🚘

Da worst of da damage wen happen in da suburbs north of Philadelphia, in da area of Washington Crossing — dat’s da place where George Washington wen cross da Delaware River in 1776. Saturday night, one raging river of floodwater wen trap 11 cars, taking three of them away. 🌊🚗

Da authorities talk dat one ohana visiting from Charleston, S.C., wen run into da mean kine flash flooding along Washington Crossing Road, as they been heading to one barbecue. 🍗🌽

Sunday, at da news briefing, Tim Brewer, da fire chief of nearby Upper Makefield Township, said da ohana tried to escape da mean floodwaters. Da faddah was holding da 4-year-old son, and da maddah and tutu went grab da two odda keiki, who was 9 months and 2 years old. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Da faddah and son made it out okay, he said, but da tutu, maddah and da two keiki wen get swept away by da floodwaters. 🌊👵👩‍👧‍👦

By Sunday aftanoon, da Pennsylvania officials still been searching for da two keiki, but officials said da maddah was one of fyva peeps confirmed dead. Da tutu survived and got treated at da local hospital. 🏥🚑

Tim Brewer, da fire chief of Upper Makefield in Bucks County, said, “We treating dis like one rescue, but we pretty sure we in recovery mode at dis time,” talking about da missing keiki. 🧒👧

He talk that about six to seven inches of rain dropped in less than 45 minutes. “In my 44 years, I neva seen anything like it,” he said. “When da water came up, it came up real fast.” 💨🌧️

Eli Weissman, 65, talk he and his 22-year-old daughter wen get stuck in da same deadly flash flood at Washington Crossing.

They both been riding his BMW motorcycle going home when it wen start raining. 🌧️🏍️

“We was only fyva miles from my house, so we thought we go home instead of waiting it out,” Mr. Weissman said. The rain wen pick up, as cars in front of dem wen start stopping, he said.

“All of a sudden, dis water wen come rushing down da road,” Mr. Weissman said. “Was like one dam burst or something. Was just nothing I seen before.”

He said he and his daughter got thrown off da bike and into da water, which wen rise fast to around eight feet deep. 🏍️💦

“We wen float down and try survive da rapids, you know, feet first, holding onto trees, holding onto vines, anything we could hold onto,” Mr. Weissman said. “It was so fast and so deep.” 🌊🌳

Around dem, cars was deserted and some of them wen overturn. At one point, Mr. Weissman said, he “saw one maddah get out of her car with one infant and walk away from da car.” He thought they was members of da ohana from Charleston, but he wasn’t sure. 👩👶🚗

Da water wen start recede after about 15 minutes, he said, and he and his daughter could finally stand again. They carefully went to da road and back up to dry land, where his son came to pick them up. 👨‍👧👣

“I seen flooded roads and I seen rapid water but neva like dis,” he said.

Collin Mortensen, 17, of Upper Makefield Township, said he was going get grindz at Colonial Market when da storm wen start peaking Saturday night. 🍔🌩️

He was driving one Ford Expedition, he said, he went pass one car that slid off da road and down one hill, da front axle wen broke and one wheel twisted. Then he wen come across da flooded road. 🚙🛣️

“I neva thought I was going make it through,” Mr. Mortensen said during one interview at da Shell gas station where he was working Sunday aftanoon. When he left da market, he said, emergency crews was blocking off one main intersection, as one river of water went down one hill and east through da village, toward da river. 🏞️🚦

Overall, officials said, eight peeps got rescued in cars in Bucks County, where Washington Crossing stay, and two got rescued from one creek. 🌊🆘

Da flash flooding in Pennsylvania on Saturday was followed on Sunday by more deluges all ova da Northeast, with flash flood warnings in effect in parts of Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Maine and neighboring states. An estimated five inches of rain fell in less than two hours on da east end of Long Island. 🌩️🌊🚧


🌧️⚡ Five Dead in Flash Flooding in Philadelphia Suburbs 🌊🚗

Flash-style heavy rains pounded regions in Bucks County, PA, trapping people in their vehicles. Across the Northeast, heavy rainfall was persistent.

Thunderstorms were fierce, rainfall was heavy, and flash floods were causing havoc across the Northeast over the weekend, leading to five fatalities in Pennsylvania, grounding flights at significant airports in the New York area, and knocking out power lines. In one area of Long Island, five inches of rain fell in less than two hours. 🌧️⏱️

The state’s governor, Kathy Hochul, stated, “We are in a very, very unstable weather condition,” as she issued warnings about the dangers of driving under flash flooding conditions. “Your car can go from a place of safety to a place of death.” ☠️🚘

The worst of the damage occurred in the suburbs north of Philadelphia, in the area of Washington Crossing — known as the location where George Washington crossed the Delaware River in 1776. On Saturday evening, a violent stream of floodwater trapped 11 vehicles, washing three of them away. 🌊🚗

Authorities reported that a family visiting from Charleston, S.C., encountered severe flash flooding along Washington Crossing Road, as they were on their way to a barbecue. 🍗🌽

At a news conference on Sunday, Tim Brewer, the fire chief of the nearby Upper Makefield Township, mentioned the family had tried to escape the violent floodwaters. The father was holding onto the 4-year-old son, while the mother and grandmother seized the two additional children, who were 9 months and 2 years old. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

The father and son managed to get out safely, he stated, but the grandmother, mother, and the two children were swept away by the floodwaters. 🌊👵👩‍👧‍👦

By Sunday afternoon, Pennsylvania officials were still searching for the two children, but it was confirmed that the mother was among five people who were found dead. The grandmother survived and received treatment at a local hospital. 🏥🚑

“We are treating this as a rescue, but we are fairly certain we are in recovery mode at this time,” said Tim Brewer, the fire chief of Upper Makefield in Bucks County, speaking about the missing children. 🧒👧

He said that an estimated six to seven inches of rain fell in less than 45 minutes. “In my 44 years, I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said. “When the water rose, it rose very quickly.” 💨🌧️

Eli Weissman, 65, reported that he and his 22-year-old daughter were caught in the same deadly flash flood at Washington Crossing.

They were both on his BMW motorcycle headed home when it started raining. 🌧️🏍️

“We were only five miles from my house, so we decided we’d head home instead of waiting it out,” Mr. Weissman stated. The rain began to intensify as vehicles in front of them started to halt, he explained.

“Then this water just started rushing down the road,” Mr. Weissman stated. “It was like a dam had burst or something. It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”

He mentioned that he and his daughter were thrown off the bike and into the water, which had quickly risen to around eight feet deep. 🏍️💦

“We were being carried downstream and trying to survive the rapids, you know, feet first, clinging to trees, clinging to vines, anything we could hold onto,” Mr. Weissman said. “It was so fast and so deep.” 🌊🌳

Around them, cars were abandoned and some of them were flipped over. At one point, Mr. Weissman said, he “saw a mother get out of her car with an infant and walk away from the car.” He thought they were members of the family from Charleston, but he was unsure. 👩👶🚗

The water began to recede after about 15 minutes, he stated, and he and his daughter were finally able to stand again. They cautiously made their way to the road and back up to drier land, where his son came to pick them up. 👨‍👧👣

“I’ve seen flooded roads and I’ve seen rapid water but never like this,” he stated.

Collin Mortensen, 17, of Upper Makefield Township, stated he was making a food run to the Colonial Market when the storm reached its peak on Saturday night. 🍔🌩️

He was driving a Ford Expedition, he said, when he passed a car that had slid off the road and down a hill, its front axle was broken, and a wheel was twisted. Then he encountered the flooded road. 🚙🛣️

“I wasn’t sure I was going to make it through,” Mr. Mortensen stated during an interview at the Shell gas station where he was working on Sunday afternoon. When he left the market, he stated, emergency crews were blocking off a major intersection, as a river of water headed down a hill and east through the village, towards the river. 🏞️🚦

In total, officials stated, eight people were rescued from cars in Bucks County, where Washington Crossing is located, and two were rescued from a creek. 🌊🆘

The flash flooding in Pennsylvania on Saturday was followed on Sunday by more downpours across the Northeast, with flash flood warnings in effect in parts of Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Maine, and neighboring states. An estimated five inches of rain fell in less than two hours on the east end of Long Island. 🌩️🌊🚧

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