
🌟🖥️ Apple Stay Steppin’ Inna Metaverse. Anybody Even Bothered? 🍎🌌

Da metaverse, da digital world full of unreal kine ting, not stay catchin’ people’s interest da way it used to. But guess who stay plannin’ fo’ launch one virtual reality kine ting? Apple, brah! 📱💻🌐

Back in November 2021, Mark Zuckerberg, da big boss of Facebook, he change his whole company name to Meta. Why? ‘Cause he wen embrace da metaverse, dis digital world where you can go inside and do all kine tings. 🏢🔀🌍

Den you get Bill Gates, da Microsoft guy. He wen write dat he believe virtual meetings gonna change in da next couple years, go from da regular flat screen to da metaverse, where you get digital versions of yourself. All fancy and high-tech, you know? 💻🤝🌌

Afta dat, Microsoft wen say dey going drop $70 billion on buyin’ one huge video game company, Activision Blizzard. Dey say dis move go help build da metaverse. 🎮🏰🚀

But now, da interest in da metaverse stay kind of die out. Da technology investors mo’ into new stuffs like artificial intelligence. And some big metaverse projects wen shut down at companies like Disney and Microsoft, even though everybody was all excited at first. 😔💡🔌

But den, hea come Apple, struttin’ in like “Eh, we goin’ show you how it’s done.” At da Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple stay gettin’ ready fo’ show off dey virtual reality kine hardware: some fancy goggles dat mix up da digital and real world. 👀🍎💫

Apple tink dey can do betta den Meta. You know, Meta had dey Quest Pro headsets, but nobody wen buy ’em. Apple stay sayin’ dey goin’ make mixed reality products dat people goin’ love. Da Apple headset, dey say goin’ cost about $3,000 and look like ski goggles, you know, fo’ all da snow bunnies out dea. ⚡️🕶️❄️

Apple stay used to dis kine tings. Dey wen start wit da iPod, den da iPhone, and da Apple Watch. All of ’em wen start small and den blow up big time. But even Apple guys wen say dey not so sure ’bout dis metaverse ting. Dey say maybe it still not ready fo’ da mainstream yet. 🎵📱⌚️

When da reporters wen go ask Apple ’bout dis, dey neva like talk. Dey stay tight-lipped. 🤐

You see, da idea of one big online universe where you can do everyting, dat sound good when nobody stay leaving da house ’cause of da pandemic. Start-up companies dat focus on da metaverse wen raise one lot of money, like $664 million, in da first five months of 2023. But das way less den da $2.93 billion dey wen raise in da same time last year. So, you know, not so good. 🏢📈💸

One guy from Cowen & Company, his name Doug Creutz, he say dis metaverse ting wen come and go. Now everybody mo’ into A.I., da artificial intelligence kine ting. Da guys who wen jump on da metaverse bandwagon ’cause it was cool, dey jump off now. 🤷‍♂️🎮🔥

Even Microsoft wen shut down one metaverse world dey wen buy in 2017, called AltspaceVR. Dey wen let go some guys working on dey mixed reality headset too. And dey wen shuffle around da teams dat was working on metaverse projects. You know, make changes, move guys to different jobs. But Microsoft still stay sayin’ dey committed to da metaverse. Dey even wen say dey goin’ use three-dimensional avatars fo’ Microsoft Teams meetings. 👾👥🚀

Disney, too, dey wen lay off ’bout 50 guys workin’ on metaverse stuff. You know, da cuts. Da Wall Street Journal wen talk ’bout all dis stuff first. 🐭📉🗞️

Over at Meta, Mark Zuckerberg stay spendin’ plenny money. His Reality Labs, da one wit da Oculus headsets, stay costin’ ’em big time. Dey wen lose ’bout $4 billion in da first three months dis year. But Mark Zuckerberg still say da metaverse goin’ take time and money, but he believe in it. He stay talkin’ ’bout A.I. too, say dey focusin’ on both A.I. and da metaverse fo’ long time. He wen make one statement sayin’ all dis stuff. 🌐🔧💰

Meta’s spokesperson, dis lady Ashley Zandy, she say da same ting. She say da metaverse stay dey long-term vision, and dey still goin’ strong. 🗣️🔮🌠

Just last week, Mark Zuckerberg wen show off da Meta Quest 3, da new VR headset. Dey say dis one goin’ cost $499, and it might come out dis year. People stay spendin’ heap big money on da Quest app store, like more dan $1.5 billion. 🕶️🎮💵

Fo’ Apple, dis new headset, das just da start. Dey stay tinkin’ ’bout da future, braddah. Dey tink maybe one day, dey goin’ make one virtual reality gadget dat everybody goin’ love, like one pair of light glasses or someting. 🚀🔜👓

Some guys say Apple goin’ test da waters first. Dey goin’ see how people like da first one and den make changes fo’ da next version. You know, like what dey wen do wit da Apple Watch. At first, dey wen say it was just one regular watch, but den dey wen say it was really fo’ fitness, and da people wen love ’em. 🏊🏻‍♂️🏋️‍♀️⌚️

Even dough not too many guys stay interested in da metaverse no mo’, some still believe in it. Companies like Roblox and Epic Games been talkin’ ’bout da metaverse even before Meta. Dey still stay committed to dey visions. 🎮🌌🤝

Roblox, dey get all kine games fo’ kids. In da first quarter dis year, dey had 66.1 million people playin’ every day. Das one 22 percent increase from da year before. Dey stay sayin’ dey still stay in da early stages, though. 🚀👶🎮

Epic Games, dey wen make tools fo’ Fortnite so people can make dey own games and make money from ’em. Dey stay makin’ one whole online economy inside Fortnite. Dis one part of dey metaverse vision. Dey CEO, dis guy Tim Sweeney, he say da interest in da metaverse still growing, even if not everybody stay committed. 🎮💰🌍

So, even dough da metaverse interest wen die down little bit, still too early fo’ write ’em off. Dey still guys out dea workin’ hard, tryna make dis digital world one reality. We gotta see how Apple stay do wit dey fancy goggles. Maybe dey goin’ make people love da metaverse all ova again. Only time goin’ tell, my friends. ⌛️💻🌌


🌟🖥️ Apple is Stepping into the Metaverse. Does Anyone Even Care? 🍎🌌

The metaverse, a digital world full of unreal things, is not capturing people’s interest the way it used to. But guess who is planning to launch a virtual reality product? It’s Apple, my friends! 📱💻🌐

Back in November 2021, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, changed the entire company’s name to Meta. Why? Because he embraced the concept of the metaverse, a digital world where you can engage in various activities. 🏢🔀🌍

And then there’s Bill Gates, the Microsoft guy. He wrote that he believes virtual meetings will change in the next few years, transitioning from regular flat screens to the metaverse, where you have digital versions of yourself. All fancy and high-tech, you know? 💻🤝🌌

Following that, Microsoft announced a whopping $70 billion acquisition of a major video game company, Activision Blizzard, with the goal of building the metaverse. 🎮🏰🚀

But now, the interest in the metaverse has somewhat diminished. Technology investors are more focused on new things like artificial intelligence. Some significant metaverse projects have been shut down by companies like Disney and Microsoft, even though there was initial excitement. 😔💡🔌

However, here comes Apple, strutting in like “Hey, we’re going to show you how it’s done.” At the Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple is getting ready to showcase their virtual reality hardware: fancy goggles that blend the digital and real world. 👀🍎💫

Apple believes they can outdo Meta. While Meta had their Quest Pro headsets that didn’t gain much popularity, Apple claims they will create mixed reality products that people will love. The Apple headset is expected to cost around $3,000 and will resemble ski goggles, perfect for all the snow enthusiasts out there. ⚡️🕶️❄️

Apple is no stranger to such endeavors. They started with the iPod, then the iPhone, and the Apple Watch. All of them started small and eventually became huge successes. However, even Apple is not entirely certain about the metaverse concept. They suggest that it may not be ready for the mainstream just yet. 🎵📱⌚️

When reporters asked Apple about this, they remained tight-lipped. 🤐

The idea of a vast online universe where you can do everything sounded appealing when people were confined to their homes due to the pandemic. Start-up companies focused on the metaverse managed to raise a significant amount of money, about $664 million, in the first five months of 2023. However, this figure is considerably lower than the $2.93 billion raised during the same period last year. So, things are not looking too good. 🏢📈💸

Doug Creutz from Cowen & Company believes that the metaverse hype has come and gone. Now, everyone is more interested in artificial intelligence (AI). Those who jumped on the metaverse bandwagon because it seemed cool have now jumped off. 🤷‍♂️🎮🔥

Even Microsoft shut down one of the metaverse worlds they acquired in 2017, called AltspaceVR. They also laid off some employees working on their mixed reality headset and made changes to the teams working on metaverse projects. However, Microsoft still claims to be committed to the metaverse. They even stated that they will use three-dimensional avatars for Microsoft Teams meetings. 👾👥🚀

Disney also laid off around 50 employees working on metaverse projects, making necessary cuts. The Wall Street Journal was the first to report on all of this. 🐭📉🗞️

Meanwhile, at Meta, Mark Zuckerberg is spending a lot of money. Their Reality Labs, which includes the Oculus headsets, is costing them a significant amount. They lost around $4 billion in the first three months of this year alone. However, Mark Zuckerberg still believes that the metaverse will take time and money, and he remains dedicated to it. He also talks about AI, stating that they are focusing on both AI and the metaverse for the long term. He made a statement addressing all of these matters. 🌐🔧💰

Meta’s spokesperson, Ashley Zandy, echoes similar sentiments. She says that the metaverse is their long-term vision, and they are still going strong. 🗣️🔮🌠

Just last week, Mark Zuckerberg showcased the Meta Quest 3, their new VR headset. It is expected to cost $499 and may be released this year. People are spending a significant amount of money on the Quest app store, with more than $1.5 billion in revenue. 🕶️🎮💵

For Apple, this new headset is just the beginning. They are thinking about the future. They speculate that one day they may create a virtual reality gadget that everyone will love, like a pair of lightweight glasses or something similar. 🚀🔜👓

Some people suggest that Apple is testing the waters with their initial product and will make improvements for the next version, just like they did with the Apple Watch. Initially marketed as a regular watch, they later emphasized its fitness features, which people loved. 🏊🏻‍♂️🏋️‍♀️⌚️

Although not many people are currently interested in the metaverse, there are still believers. Companies like Roblox and Epic Games have been discussing the metaverse even before Meta. They remain committed to their visions. 🎮🌌🤝

Roblox offers a variety of games for kids. In the first quarter of this year, they had 66.1 million daily active players, a 22 percent increase from the previous year. They state that they are still in the early stages. 🚀👶🎮

Epic Games, on the other hand, provides tools for Fortnite, allowing people to create their own games and earn money from them. They have built an entire online economy within Fortnite, which aligns with their metaverse vision. CEO Tim Sweeney believes that interest in the metaverse is still growing, even if not everyone remains committed. 🎮💰🌍

Therefore, although the metaverse has experienced a decline in interest, it is still too early to dismiss it entirely. There are still people working hard to make this digital world a reality. We will have to wait and see how Apple performs with their fancy goggles. Perhaps they will reignite people’s love for the metaverse. Only time will tell, my friends. ⌛️💻🌌

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