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🌟🍔🚛 Da Beautification of da Streetz: Shirley Raines’ Mission fo’ da Homeless

Shirley Raines, one true angel, bringing food, soap, and beauty to da homeless in Los Angeles. Through her organization Beauty 2 the Streetz, she provides a little “spiritual C.P.R.” to those who have lost their way. To Ms. Raines, they not jus’ any regular folks, but true royalty – like da woman wit’ da paralyzed arm who uses a shoelace as one sling or da man whose hands shake as he opens his bag. And no forget da little girl who, when she sees Ms. Raines and her bright coif, shouts, “pink hair!” 🏰🌈💇‍♀️

Ms. Raines, 55 years old, dedicated her life to nourishing da souls of da homeless through Beauty 2 the Streetz, a nonprofit she founded in Los Angeles. In her eyes, dey all “kings” and “queens” who have been dealt a bad hand. Her mission not only provides essential needs like food and hygienic services but also unconditional support. She got big plans, using social media as her platform to spread da love. With a camera hangin’ in her truck, she captures special moments dat she shares on TikTok and Instagram, where she got over 5.3 million and 373,000 followers, respectably. Through these posts, she aims to change da way people perceive homelessness and raise funds fo’ her nonprofit, which solely relies on donations. 💖📸💰

“Da people we support and take care of, they became part of our internet family,” said Ms. Raines, expressin’ gratitude fo’ da love and support dat she and her organization receive. Since its establishment as a registered nonprofit in 2019, Beauty 2 the Streetz has been feedin’ ’bout 1,000 people every week, mostly on Skid Row, an area in Downtown Los Angeles. On any given day, you might find Ms. Raines deliverin’ McDonald’s burgers or Costco pizza, and if you lucky, you might even taste enchiladas, chicken tortilla soup, or vegan cauliflower steaks cooked by a talented chef in a food truck. Not only dat, she and her volunteers also make sure to distribute essential toiletries like toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and shampoo. And get dis, dey even color hair! 🍔🍕🥘🌈

“Homelessness is somethin’ people can see all ’round them, but often, dey miss seein’ da people for who dey really are, dey humanity,” said Ben Henwood, director of da Center fo’ Homelessness, Housing, and Health Equity Research at da University of Southern California. He acknowledged da importance of efforts like Ms. Raines’, allowin’ people to connect with homeless individuals on a personal level and acknowledge their humanity, thereby boostin’ their self-esteem. Indeed, wherever Ms. Raines goes, she brings joy and laughter. Her charismatic personality shines through as she engages in light banter and teasing. If you see her, you might catch her sportin’ fluffy yellow sandals and long rainbow socks. She even learned American Sign Language to communicate with da deaf “kings and queens.” People just love bein’ ’round her, findin’ solace and happiness in her presence. 🌞🌈🙌

In 2021, Ms. Raines received a well-deserved honor. She was named CNN’s Hero of the Year, earnin’ a $100,000 grant fo’ her organization. On top of dat, da Beauty 2 the Streetz Patreon page pulls in ’bout $6,000 each month, and dey also accept donations through Venmo and Cash App. Thanks to da generous support from da community, Ms. Raines was able to expand her reach to San Diego, Las Vegas, and Long Beach, California. Her impact is growin’, touchin’ lives far and wide. 💯💵🌍

But remember, every journey has its struggles. Ms. Raines’ path to creatin’ Beauty 2 the Streetz started in 1990 when she herself experienced homelessness. At da time, her son Demetrius J. Stephens Jr. spent most of his days at her grandmother’s home in Compton, California. Tragically, when he was just 2 years old, he accidentally swallowed an antipsychotic pill that had been meant for one of her uncles. He eventually passed away as a result, leavin’ Ms. Raines devastated. She was only 23 years old.

After losin’ her son, Ms. Raines found herself consumed by pain and grief. She felt lost, wonderin’ why she was still alive. However, she didn’t let her sorrow define her. She had other children to care for and eventually secured an apartment in Inglewood, California, with the help of a housing voucher. She started her adult life workin’ as a 411 operator and later transitioned into becomin’ a fitness instructor and medical biller. Despite her accomplishments, she still battled suicidal thoughts, silently endurin’ the pain that others couldn’t see. But it was precisely those experiences that fueled her passion and desire to help others. They became her driving force. 🌟💔💪

In 2017, after a heartfelt conversation with her twin sister, who urged her to find emotional stability, Ms. Raines accompanied a friend to volunteer for Pauly’s Project, a nonprofit servin’ homeless individuals in Los Angeles. She quickly formed connections with some of the women she met there, and they often complimented her hair and makeup skills. Inspired, Ms. Raines decided to return to a Pauly’s Project event armed with beauty products from Sephora and a bucket of hot water. She colored the women’s hair and distributed makeup kits, bringin’ smiles and joy to their faces.

Her popularity grew, and she eventually branched out on her own. Settin’ up shop on Skid Row, Ms. Raines assembled a small team of dedicated volunteers and began administerin’ what she describes as “spiritual C.P.R.” to those in need. She believes that everyone deserves to feel clean and good about themselves. And she’s seen firsthand the transformative power of her work. For example, she reminisces ’bout one particular queen she served, whose hair she dyed purple a couple weeks ago. The color might’ve faded, but the queen’s smile remains just as vibrant, a lastin’ testament to the praise she received when her hair was colored. Those little things, they don’t wash off easily. They have a lastin’ impact. 💇‍♀️💜😄

One of da reasons Ms. Raines’ social media videos are so popular is da recurring cast of characters that her followers have come to know and love. Da relationships she’s built wit’ da people she serves shine through in her content. Recently, one woman, previously pregnant in one of her videos, returned to the truck wit’ her newborn baby. Overwhelmed with joy, Ms. Raines couldn’t contain herself and excitedly exclaimed to da camera, “She had the baby! She had the baby!” Moments like these capture da heart and soul of what she does. ❤️👶❤️

Although her work is rewardin’, it hasn’t been without its challenges and sacrifices. Ms. Raines admits that her growin’ celebrity status has been particularly hard on her children. They remember a different side of her—a woman with a short temper, often partyin’ and barely havin’ enough money to provide for them. While da world sees her as an angel, her children struggle to reconcile that image with their own experiences. It’s a complicated situation, one that Ms. Raines constantly grapples with. 😇😔👨‍👧‍👦

As she continues her journey, Ms. Raines keeps her son’s memory close to her heart. She finds inspiration in the children she serves, especially those who come to her without parents. They remind her of the hardships she’s faced and fuel her determination to make a difference. Through Beauty 2 the Streetz, Shirley Raines has created a haven of love, support, and beauty in a world that often overlooks and dismisses those without homes. She’s showin’ them that they’re not forgotten, that they’re kings and queens who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. 💖🏠👑

Da impact of Ms. Raines and Beauty 2 the Streetz extends far beyond da streets of Los Angeles. Her message of compassion and self-worth is spreadin’ like wildfire through social media and touchin’ hearts all ’round da globe. With her colorful hair, infectious personality, and unwavering commitment, Shirley Raines is makin’ a difference, one person at a time. And da world is takin’ notice. 🌎🔥💕


🌟🍔🚛 The Beautification of the Streets: Shirley Raines’ Mission for the Homeless is truly remarkable!

Shirley Raines, a true angel, is bringing food, soap, and beauty to the homeless in Los Angeles through her organization, Beauty 2 the Streetz. She provides what she calls “spiritual C.P.R.” to those who have lost their way. To Ms. Raines, they are not just ordinary people, but true royalty. Like the woman with the paralyzed arm who uses a shoelace as a sling or the man whose hands shake as he opens his bag. And let’s not forget the little girl who excitedly shouts, “pink hair!” when she sees Ms. Raines and her vibrant hairstyle. 🏰🌈💇‍♀️

At 55 years old, Ms. Raines has dedicated her life to nourishing the souls of the homeless through Beauty 2 the Streetz, a nonprofit she founded in Los Angeles. She sees them all as “kings” and “queens” who have faced difficult circumstances. Her mission not only provides essential needs like food and hygiene services but also offers unconditional support. She has big plans and uses social media as a platform to spread love. With a camera in her truck, she captures special moments and shares them on TikTok and Instagram, where she has over 5.3 million and 373,000 followers, respectively. Through these posts, she aims to change the way people perceive homelessness and raise funds for her nonprofit, which relies solely on donations. 💖📸💰

“Da people we support and take care of have become part of our internet family,” says Ms. Raines, expressing gratitude for the love and support she and her organization receive. Since becoming a registered nonprofit in 2019, Beauty 2 the Streetz has been feeding approximately 1,000 people every week, primarily on Skid Row, an area in Downtown Los Angeles. On any given day, you might find Ms. Raines delivering McDonald’s burgers or Costco pizza, and if you’re lucky, you might even taste delicious dishes like enchiladas, chicken tortilla soup, or vegan cauliflower steaks cooked by a talented chef in a food truck. And that’s not all—they even provide essential toiletries like toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and shampoo. Oh, and they even color hair too! 🍔🍕🥘🌈

“Homelessness is something people can see all around them, but often, they miss seeing the people for who they really are—their humanity,” says Ben Henwood, director of the Center for Homelessness, Housing, and Health Equity Research at the University of Southern California. He recognizes the importance of efforts like Ms. Raines’ in allowing people to connect with homeless individuals on a personal level and acknowledge their humanity, thereby boosting their self-esteem. Wherever Ms. Raines goes, she brings joy and laughter. Her charismatic personality shines through as she engages in light banter and teasing. If you see her, you might notice her sporting fluffy yellow sandals and long rainbow socks. She even learned American Sign Language to communicate with the deaf “kings and queens.” People just love being around her and find solace and happiness in her presence. 🌞🌈🙌

In 2021, Ms. Raines received a well-deserved honor when she was named CNN’s Hero of the Year, earning a $100,000 grant for her organization. On top of that, the Beauty 2 the Streetz Patreon page brings in about $6,000 each month, and they also accept donations through Venmo and Cash App. Thanks to the generous support from the community, Ms. Raines has been able to expand her reach to San Diego, Las Vegas, and Long Beach, California. Her impact is growing, touching lives far and wide. 💯💵🌍

But remember, every journey has its struggles. Ms. Raines’ path to creating Beauty 2 the Streetz started in 1990 when she herself experienced homelessness. At that time, her son Demetrius J. Stephens Jr. spent most of his days at her grandmother’s home in Compton, California. Tragically, when he was just 2 years old, he accidentally swallowed an antipsychotic pill that had been meant for one of her uncles. He eventually passed away as a result, leaving Ms. Raines devastated. She was only 23 years old.

After losing her son, Ms. Raines found herself consumed by pain and grief. She felt lost, wondering why she was still alive. However, she didn’t let her sorrow define her. She had other children to care for and eventually secured an apartment in Inglewood, California, with the help of a housing voucher. She started her adult life working as a 411 operator and later transitioned into becoming a fitness instructor and medical biller. Despite her accomplishments, she still battled suicidal thoughts, silently enduring the pain that others couldn’t see. But it was precisely those experiences that fueled her passion and desire to help others. They became her driving force. 🌟💔💪

In 2017, after a heartfelt conversation with her twin sister, who urged her to find emotional stability, Ms. Raines accompanied a friend to volunteer for Pauly’s Project, a nonprofit serving homeless individuals in Los Angeles. She quickly formed connections with some of the women she met there, and they often complimented her hair and makeup skills. Inspired, Ms. Raines decided to return to a Pauly’s Project event armed with beauty products from Sephora and a bucket of hot water. She colored the women’s hair and distributed makeup kits, bringing smiles and joy to their faces.

Her popularity grew, and she eventually branched out on her own. Setting up shop on Skid Row, Ms. Raines assembled a small team of dedicated volunteers and began administering what she describes as “spiritual C.P.R.” to those in need. She believes that everyone deserves to feel clean and good about themselves. And she has seen firsthand the transformative power of her work. For example, she recalls a particular queen she served whose hair she dyed purple a couple of weeks ago. The color might have faded, but the queen’s smile remains just as vibrant—a lasting testament to the praise she received when her hair was colored. Those little things, they don’t wash off easily. They have a lasting impact. 💇‍♀️💜😄

One of the reasons Ms. Raines’ social media videos are so popular is the recurring cast of characters that her followers have come to know and love. The relationships she has built with the people she serves shine through in her content. Recently, one woman, who was previously pregnant in one of her videos, returned to the truck with her newborn baby. Overwhelmed with joy, Ms. Raines couldn’t contain herself and excitedly exclaimed to the camera, “She had the baby! She had the baby!” Moments like these capture the heart and soul of what she does. ❤️👶❤️

Although her work is rewarding, it hasn’t been without its challenges and sacrifices. Ms. Raines admits that her growing celebrity status has been particularly hard on her children. They remember a different side of her—a woman with a short temper, often partying and barely having enough money to provide for them. While the world sees her as an angel, her children struggle to reconcile that image with their own experiences. It’s a complicated situation, one that Ms. Raines constantly grapples with. 😇😔👨‍👧‍👦

As she continues her journey, Ms. Raines keeps her son’s memory close to her heart. She finds inspiration in the children she serves, especially those who come to her without parents. They remind her of the hardships she has faced and fuel her determination to make a difference. Through Beauty 2 the Streetz, Shirley Raines has created a haven of love, support, and beauty in a world that often overlooks and dismisses those without homes. She’s showing them that they’re not forgotten, that they’re kings and queens who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. 💖🏠👑

The impact of Ms. Raines and Beauty 2 the Streetz extends far beyond the streets of Los Angeles. Her message of compassion and self-worth is spreading like wildfire through social media and touching hearts all around the globe. With her colorful hair, infectious personality, and unwavering commitment, Shirley Raines is making a difference, one person at a time. And the world is taking notice. 🌎🔥💕”

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