
🌙 Canada Stay Ready Fo’ Build Robotic Lunar Rover Fo’ Artemis 🌙

Afta’ Canada celebrate dea first astronaut goin’ moon, dey stay startin’ one new project fo’ mek chance fo’ one Canadian fo’ walk on top da lunar surface. 😮🚀

Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen stay one memba of da Artemis 2 crew dat got announced April 3. Hansen, who stay goin’ make his first spaceflight, goin’ be da first non-American fo’ go near da moon wen da mission launch ’round late 2024. 🌕👨‍🚀

Canada wen get da seat on Artemis 2 an’ one lata’ Artemis mission goin’ lunar Gateway from NASA in 2020 cuz dey wen give da Canadarm3 robotic arm system fo’ da Gateway. Hansen wen say, “All of Canada stay tankful fo’ dat global mindset an’ dat leadahship.” 🤝🇨🇦

He also wen give credit to Canada’s “can-do attitude” fo’ da chance fo’ fly on Artemis. “Plenny Canadians wen rise up to da challenge fo’ bring real value to dat intahnational partnahship.” 🌏🚀

François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s ministah fo’ innovation, science an’ industree, wen talk ’bout da partnahship too. He wen say, “Dis stay mo’ den jus’ goin’ back moon. Dis stay ’bout investin’ in da future.” 🌟💡

Da Canadian federal budget wen announce on March 28 dat da govahment like spend $1.2 billion Canadian ($900 million) ova 13 years, startin’ in 2024, fo’ make one “lunar utility vehicle” fo’ help humans explore da moon. 🌙🚙

Da govahment wen say, “Lookin’ forward, humanity stay goin’ back moon. Canada like join deez efforts by helpin’ wit’ one robotic lunar utility vehicle fo’ do important stuff fo’ help human lunar exploration.” 🤖👩‍🚀

Da Canadian Space Agency neva’ talk plenny ’bout da vehicle, but da announcement wen get plenny support from Canadian companies. 👏🏼🏭

Mike Greenley, CEO of MDA, wen say, “Da $1.2 billion investment fo’ one Canadian lunar utility vehicle show everybody dat Canada stay open fo’ business an’ like compete fo’ get our share of dis high tech market an’ da good kine jobs goin’ come wit’ ’em.” 💰👷

Some peopo’ stay tinkin’ dat if Canada make dis kine vehicle, dey can trade ’em wit’ NASA fo’ mo’ seats on Artemis missions, including ones goin’ land on da moon. 🤔🌕

Wen dey wen ask ’bout dat, Champagne neva’ talk straight, but he wen talk ’bout how Canada an’ da US stay workin’ togeddah wit’ Artemis. He wen say, “We goin’ design, build, an’ use deez rovers on da moon, an’ I can tink of plenny good tings fo’ Canadian companies fo’ do ’em.” 🇨🇦🇺🇸

“I tink we get one special seat at da table wit’ NASA,” he wen say. “Tanks to da work of da agency, we wen put ourselves in da strategic supply chain an’ I tink dat stay good fo’ da future.” 🚀👍

Canada get one chance fo’ get one biggah seat at da table. 🌙🔧 Wit’ dis kine investment, da global space community goin’ see dat Canada stay serious ’bout bein’ part of dis moon exploration journey.

By workin’ togeddah wit’ intahnational partnahs, Canada stay showin’ dat dey ready fo’ face da challenges an’ oppohtunities dat come wit’ dis kine lunar exploration. An’ who knows? Maybe soon we goin’ see one Canadian astronaut walkin’ on top da moon too! 🌕🇨🇦🤙

So, dis stay one exciting time fo’ da people of Canada, as dey stay plannin’ fo’ join da Artemis project an’ help wit’ da lunar exploration. From buildin’ da lunar utility vehicle to developin’ mo’ partnahships wit’ da United States an’ oddah countries, Canada stay lookin’ forward to da future an’ all da amazing tings dat goin’ come from dis joint effort. 🌍🤝💫

An’ rememba, no mattah wea’ we stay from, wen we all work togeddah, we can reach da stars! 🌟🌌🚀💖


🌙Canada is Ready to Build Robotic Lunar Rover for Artemis Mission🌙

After celebrating the first Canadian astronaut going to the moon, Canada is starting a new project to enable a Canadian to walk on the lunar surface. 🌕👨‍🚀 Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen is among the Artemis 2 crew announced on April 3, making him the first non-American to travel to the vicinity of the moon when the mission launches as soon as late 2024. 😮🚀

Canada secured the seat on Artemis 2 and a later, unspecified Artemis mission to the lunar Gateway from NASA in 2020 in exchange for providing the Canadarm3 robotic arm system for the Gateway. Hansen said in his remarks, “All of Canada is grateful for that global mindset and that leadership.” 🤝🇨🇦

The Canadian federal budget released on March 28 announced that the government intends to spend $1.2 billion Canadian ($900 million) over 13 years, starting in 2024, to develop a “lunar utility vehicle” to support human exploration of the moon. The government stated, “Humanity is returning to the moon. Canada intends to join these efforts by contributing a robotic lunar utility vehicle to perform key activities in support of human lunar exploration.” 🌙🚙

Although the Canadian Space Agency has not disclosed many details about the proposed vehicle, the announcement has been welcomed by Canadian industry. Mike Greenley, CEO of MDA, said, “The $1.2 billion investment for a Canadian lunar utility vehicle sends a loud and important signal to the global commercial and government space community that Canada is open for business and intends to aggressively compete to secure our share of this advanced tech innovation market and the high-quality jobs it will create.” 💰👷

By developing such a vehicle, Canada could potentially offer it to NASA in exchange for additional seats on Artemis missions, including those landing on the moon. 🤔🌕 Asked about that possibility, François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s Minister for Innovation, Science, and Industry, emphasized the strategic nature of Canada’s cooperation with the United States on Artemis. “We’re going to design, build, and operate these rovers on the moon, and I can think of a number of dividends for Canadian companies for doing so,” he said. “I think we have a privileged seat at the table with NASA. Thanks to the work of the agency, we have inserted ourselves into the strategic supply chain and I think it bodes well for the future.” 🚀👍

Canada is taking this investment seriously and is excited to be part of the Artemis project and help with the lunar exploration. From building the lunar utility vehicle to developing more partnerships with the United States and other countries, Canada is looking forward to the future and all the amazing things that will come from this joint effort. 🌍🤝💫 And who knows? Maybe soon, we will see a Canadian astronaut walking on the moon too! 🌕🇨🇦🤙

So, this is an exciting time for the people of Canada, as they plan to join the Artemis project and help with the lunar exploration. Let’s all work together and reach for the stars! 🌟🌌🚀💖

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