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🌐🔨 Google Ketch One Big L From Epic Games, Mo’ Legal Trouble Ahead

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Aloha kakou! Listen up, cause get some major kine news about Google. Da tech giant just wen lose big time in one antitrust trial in San Francisco federal court. Da jury, afta only three hours of talking story, wen come back and say Google stay guilty for all 11 antitrust claims brought against ’em by Epic Games, da maker of da popular videogame Fortnite. 🎮

Google neva just lose dis one case, but dis could mean mo’ bad news for dem in da future. Get three heavy-duty antitrust cases all lined up, and each one could really shake up how Google does business and maybe even take one big bite out of their profits. 💸

Dis verdict was da first real test for see how Google might hold up in the antitrust battles dey facing in the United States. And brah, no look good for dem. Dis could be one sneak peek of wat’s coming in two oddah major antitrust cases that might weaken da world’s most influential internet business and change up da tech industry for years to come. 🌍

Next year, we going find out mo’ about where these cases going. In San Francisco, Judge James Donato gotta decide early next year wat kind punishment Google should get for da jury finding ’em guilty of anticompetitive actions with their app store. ⚖️

Den get one oddah big trial in Washington D.C., against Google’s super popular search engine. Plus, one mo’ trial still yet for come about Google’s online ad business, in one federal court in Virginia. By da end of 2024, Google could be looking at some serious changes in how dey operate. 🏢

“It’s a period of massive uncertainty for Google,” says Sam Weinstein, one former Justice Department antitrust lawyer. He talking about how Google no sure wat their business going look like in two or three years. 🤷‍♂️

Dis all part of one big kine pushback against da large technology companies. Regulators and lawmakers all ovah da world tink these tech giants get too much power ova commerce, politics, and everyday life. Senator Amy Klobuchar, one Minnesota Democrat, wen use Monday’s verdict for boost her efforts for control Big Tech. 🚫

Google, though, dey planning for appeal da verdict. Wilson White, one Google VP of government affairs, say dey going “continue to defend da Android business model.” He say da trial wen show dat Google competes hard with Apple and oddah app stores. 📱

Here’s da breakdown of da antitrust lawsuits Google facing:

  1. Da Play Store Case: Da jury found Google guilty of undermining competition in mobile apps in three ways: monopolizing markets, unreasonable restraints of trade, and tying together offerings so businesses gotta use both.
  2. Da Search Case: Focuses on whether Google unfairly used its power for give its search engine one unfair advantage. Closing arguments scheduled for May.
  3. Da Ad-Tech Case: Accuses Google of abusing its power in online ad tech. Da trial could start next year.
  4. Da European Cases: Similar to da case in Virginia, but da European Commission also charging Google with violating antitrust laws in online advertising. Google already ketch fines of ova 8 billion euros for oddah violations and still waiting on appeals. 💰

For Google, dis whole situation is like paddling out in one big swell, no knowing if da next wave going be da one that wipe ’em out or if dey can ride ’em out. Stay tuned, cause dis story no pau yet! 🌊📰🤙


🌐🔨 Google’s Big Defeat to Epic: A Glimpse of More Legal Battles Ahead

Hey there, folks! Check out this major tech news. Google just took a serious hit in a San Francisco federal court antitrust trial. After just three hours of deliberation on Monday, the jury came back with a verdict, finding Google guilty on all 11 antitrust charges brought by Epic Games, the creator of the popular videogame Fortnite. 🎮

But this isn’t just a one-off loss for Google. This could spell trouble for their future. They’ve got three massive antitrust cases queued up, and each one threatens to significantly alter Google’s operations and potentially dent its profits. 💸

This verdict is a crucial indicator of how Google might fare in the U.S. antitrust scene. And frankly, things aren’t looking too bright. This could be a preview of Google’s legal destiny in two more significant antitrust cases that could undermine the world’s most influential internet company and reshape the tech industry for years to come. 🌍

Next year is going to be pivotal in determining the trajectory of these cases. In San Francisco, Judge James Donato is set to decide early on how Google should be penalized for what the jury deemed anticompetitive behavior with its app store. ⚖️

Then, there’s another major trial in Washington D.C., focusing on Google’s overwhelmingly popular search engine. And that’s not all – another trial awaits regarding Google’s online ad business in a federal court in Virginia. By the end of 2024, Google could be looking at substantial operational changes and a long road of legal appeals nationwide. 🏢

“It’s a period of massive uncertainty for Google,” notes Sam Weinstein, a former Justice Department antitrust lawyer. He’s talking about Google facing an unclear future regarding its business practices in the next few years. 🤷‍♂️

This is all part of a broader global regulatory backlash against big tech companies. Regulators and lawmakers worldwide believe these tech giants have too much control over commerce, politics, and daily life. Senator Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat from Minnesota, used Monday’s verdict to push her legislative agenda to regulate Big Tech. 🚫

Google plans to appeal the verdict. Wilson White, Google’s VP of government affairs, stated they would “continue to defend the Android business model.” He emphasized that the trial showed fierce competition between Google and other app stores like Apple. 📱

Here’s a quick rundown of the antitrust lawsuits Google is facing:

  1. The Play Store Case: The jury found Google guilty of monopolizing markets, imposing unreasonable trade restraints, and tying together services in a way that forced businesses to use both.
  2. The Search Case: This focuses on whether Google used its influence to unfairly benefit its search engine over competitors. Closing arguments are due in May.
  3. The Ad-Tech Case: This lawsuit accuses Google of illegal dominance in online ad technology. The trial could start as early as next year.
  4. The European Cases: Similar to the Virginia case but with additional charges by the European Commission. Google has already faced over 8 billion euros in fines for other violations, with appeals pending. 💰

For Google, it’s like navigating through rough seas, unsure if the next wave will topple them or if they can successfully ride it out. Stay tuned as this story is far from over! 🌊📰🤙

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