
🌎💥🌌 Da Three Way Kine Horror Up In Da Sky An’ Down On Da Earth

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

So, us guys all know about da kine physicists, right? 🤓 Dey been looking long time how t’ree kine things can make choke big trouble. Dey say get one new t’ree body problem, an’ dis one mo’ bad. It can make countries race fo’ make more weapons, even trigger da kine nuclear war.💣🔥

Before time, Isaac Newton stay all bolohead. He wen’ already get big name fo’ figuring out how gravity make da universe stay togedda, an’ how fo’ predict da way tings like da moon move ’round da Earth.🌍🌕 But wen he try fo’ take into account da pull of da sun fo’ make his moon predictions more betta, he wen’ all hamajang.😣🌞

Newton’s braddah Edmond Halley say da whole ting give Newton one mean headache, an’ keep him up all nite, so much so dat he no like tink about ’em anymore. Da bugga was so shame, he went talk story about it plenny times wen he was old kine.👴🏼😔

Nowadays, we call ’em da t’ree-body problem. It’s one big kine ting in science an’ sci-fi fo’ how t’ree things in orbit can get all kine unexpected. But now, it’s also one big worry fo’ atomic experts an’ da kine military guys. As Beijing building up their nuclear weapons, dey warning us dat da world of atomic superpowers gonna go from two to t’ree. And da outcome, dey say, could be more scary than da kine standoff between Moscow an’ Washington, which been going on 70 years now. 😨🌏🚀

Dey worried dat dis could make countries feel like they gotta use nuclear weapons in one crisis. Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., one big shot at da Center fo’ a New American Security, been giving dis warning. He say da way t’ree things in nature can cause instability, could be one sign of what’s to come.

Plenny experts saying dis t’ree-way situation could put all us guys at risk. But dey also looking at ways how t’ree things in nature can help us understand da problem, an’ maybe find some solutions. But so far, no can find one clear answer. Da guys who think about nuclear tings finding da topic just as hard as Newton did.🤔💭

“We get one problem,” Ernest J. Moniz, one physicist who was secretary of energy in da Obama administration, wen’ say. “We gotta change da old kine approach of making sure everybody get da same amount of weapons or strategic delivery systems, but how fo’ do dat still not clear.”

France A. Córdova, one astrophysicist an’ former director of da National Science Foundation, say looking at t’ree-body phenomena in nature might help us figure out da military risks. “Tings changing fast,” she wen’ say. “Anyting dat help us understand dat is good.”👍🔭

Da security-focused hawks like da idea fo’ make da American arsenal more big, ’cause of China’s nuclear rise an’ da t’reeaten of Beijing teaming up with Moscow. But da doves, dey see one chance fo’ making da t’ree-body problem smaller an’ easier fo’ handle. Dey like fo in sequence to simplify response


🌎💥🌌 The Three-Way Kind Horror in the Sky and on the Earth

So, we all know about physicists, right? 🤓 They’ve been studying for a long time how three things can cause a lot of trouble. They say there’s a new three-body problem, and this one’s even worse. It can incite countries to manufacture more weapons, even triggering nuclear war.💣🔥

Previously, Isaac Newton was all clueless. He had already made a name for himself by figuring out how gravity holds the universe together, and how to predict the movement of things like the moon around the Earth.🌍🌕 But when he tried to factor in the sun’s gravitational pull to improve his moon predictions, he got all messed up.😣🌞

Newton’s friend Edmond Halley said the whole thing gave Newton a serious headache, keeping him up all night, so much so that he didn’t want to think about it anymore. He was so embarrassed that he talked about it many times when he was old.👴🏼😔

These days, we call it the three-body problem. It’s a major topic in science and sci-fi for how three objects in orbit can behave unpredictably. But now, it’s also a significant concern for nuclear experts and the military. As Beijing builds up their nuclear weapons, they warn us that the world of atomic superpowers is about to increase from two to three. And the outcome, they say, could be scarier than the standoff between Moscow and Washington, which has been going on for 70 years now. 😨🌏🚀

They worry that this could make countries feel they need to use nuclear weapons in a crisis. Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., a big shot at the Center for a New American Security, has been issuing this warning. He says the way three things in nature can cause instability could be a sign of what’s to come.

Many experts say this three-way situation could put all of us at risk. But they’re also looking at how three things in nature can help us understand the problem and maybe find some solutions. But so far, no clear answer has been found. The nuclear strategists find the topic just as difficult as Newton did.🤔💭

“We have a problem,” Ernest J. Moniz, a physicist who was Secretary of Energy in the Obama administration, said. “We have to change the old approach of ensuring everyone has the same number of weapons or strategic delivery systems, but how to do that is still not clear.”

France A. Córdova, an astrophysicist and former director of the National Science Foundation, says studying three-body phenomena in nature might help us understand the military risks. “Things are changing quickly,” she said. “Anything that helps us understand that is good.”👍🔭

The security-focused hawks like the idea of enlarging the American arsenal due to China’s nuclear rise and the threat of Beijing teaming up with Moscow. But the doves see a chance to make the three-body problem smaller and easier to handle. They would like to… (The sentence seems to be cut off here.)

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