immigration camp

🌎🇺🇸 Trump’s 5 Big Kine Moves Fo’ Immigration 🚧

Donald J. Trump, he wen make da border one big kine focus of his 2016 campaign. As president, he wen use fear and mean kine actions fo’ keep da immigrants out of da US. 🌍🗽🚫

When Trump wen become da president, he wen go full speed fo’ change da kine immigration system, like wit one travel ban dat mostly wen affect countries wit choke Muslim people, and by making all kine changes at da southern border. 🛂🕌🚧

Afta he left office, Mr. Trump wen go afta his successor’s record on immigration. President Biden, he neva counter Mr. Trump’s approach like some immigration advocates was hoping, and he wen use deterrence like da odda presidents before him. But, compare to Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden neva use fear and mean kine actions like one weapon. 🏛️🔄⚔️

Deterrence through cruelty, dat was da main ting in da Trump immigration approach. Here’s five big kine highlights of Mr. Trump’s immigration and border policies. 🖐️📝🔍

Da Travel Ban 🚫✈️🕌 Trump, he wen start his presidency by signing one executive order dat wen try fo’ limit travelers from seven mostly Muslim countries for 90 days. Da order, wit some exceptions, wen affect travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Also, he wen suspend da resettlement of Syrian refugees in da US. 🚫🚁🇸🇾

Dis travel ban, brah, wen cause choke chaos. Da airports wen get all jam up wit travelers who wen stay on da plane when da order was signed and neva had no way fo’ enter da country. Da advocates wen go court, and da case wen go all da way to da Supreme Court, wea dey wen keep da policy in one 2018 ruling. Da administration wen issue mo’ travel bans as time wen go on, taking off or adding countries, including choke African nations, often using terrorist activities as da reason. 🛂🛫⚖️

Da Border Wall 🚧🌵🇲🇽 In 2017, Mr. Trump wen start focusing on one of his earliest campaign promises — building one physical wall along da border between da US and Mexico. At first, dis idea was suggested by one Trump campaign aide, Sam Nunberg, as one way fo’ remind da candidate to talk about immigration in his speeches. But soon, it wen become one rallying cry at his events. 📣🌐🏗️

“Yo, if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to maybe think about leaving,” Mr. Trump wen tell da editorial board of The New York Times during da 2016 campaign, “I can kinda tell da audience, I just say, ‘We will build da wall!’ And they go nuts.” 📰🗞️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Mr. Trump wen get all kine crazy ideas for da wall. He wanted spikes on top, black paint fo’ burn da hands of immigrants trying to climb it, maybe even one moat at da bottom. He wanted um 30 feet high. He even wen ask at one point if da migrants could be shot in da legs fo’ slow them down. His aides wen just ignore all dat. 🔥

Da construction of da wall, it wen get all tangled up in one partial government shutdown and no more money fo’ it from da Congress. Mr. Trump, he wen promise fo’ make da wall happen himself through da executive branch. Less than 500 miles of barrier, at one estimated cost of $15 billion, was built, one fact dat some of Mr. Trump’s Republican critics wen talk about as one weakness. Almost all of those 500 miles was in areas where had old, broken down barriers already. 🏛️💰🚧

Family Separation 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💔🚫 By 2018, Mr. Trump, along wit Jeff Sessions, da hard-line anti-immigration former senator who was attorney general at da time, was always scolding his cabinet secretaries about da number of illegal border crossings still happening. But da administration had one new plan fo’ deterrence.

“We need to take away children,” Mr. Sessions wen tell other officials, talking about one new kind of “zero tolerance.” The policy involved separating children and their caregivers who had crossed da border, and prosecuting da adults. According to notes from one of da people in da meeting, Mr. Sessions’s message was: “If care about kids, don’t bring them in. Won’t give amnesty to people with kids.” 📝👶👩‍⚖️

Da result of da policy: pictures and stories of children being ripped from their parents’ arms, crying and all traumatized. Mr. Trump eventually ended his own administration’s policy by executive order in 2018, amid a widespread outcry and intense media coverage, but at one town-hall meeting on CNN last week, he said he would bring back da policy if elected in 2024. 📸😭📺

In addition, Mr. Trump at times seemed interested in keeping some parts of the Obama-era program known as DACA, under which people brought to the US when they were young were spared deportation, a program he had promised to end as a candidate. But he let Mr. Sessions announce its end, and da matter was tied up in court for years. ⏳⚖️📜

Border Surges 🌊🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ For a president who was all obsessed with the number of border crossings, 2019 was Mr. Trump’s hardest year. An administration agreement with Mexico requiring asylum seekers to stay there while waiting for processing in the US — which was heavily criticized by human rights activists as an effort to reduce legal asylum — had not yet been applied across the entire border. 📉📝🌐

Mr. Trump’s administration wen try all kine ways to deter undocumented immigrants that year, including with a plan that was eventually abandoned for deportation raids targeting families in 10 major cities. 🏙️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🚁

Mr. Trump’s policies also led to the overcrowding of border facilities. When migrant children who are traveling alone are processed in a Border Patrol facility, they supposed to be transferred to a shelter managed by the Health and Human Services Department, where many are later released to a sponsor who is a relative. 🏢👧👦🏥

But Mr. Trump deterred many sponsors from claiming those children by requiring they provide personal information that some feared would later be used to find and deport them. Many children were kept in cells along the border for weeks, even though da government supposed to transfer them to shelters within 72 hours. Da border facilities neva had enough clean kine things and da keiki were in some cases exposed to sickness. 🕰️🛏️😷

So, dat’s da big kine picture of Trump’s time in office when it comes to immigration. From da travel ban to da wall, from separating families to da border surges, he wen make his mark. But no matter what, da people of America will remember, and will make their voices heard. Da story of immigration in America, it’s still being written, and we all get one part in shaping dat story. 🖊️📚🗣️🇺🇸


🌎🇺🇸 Trump’s 5 Major Moves on Immigration 🚧

Donald J. Trump made the border a major focus of his 2016 campaign. As president, he used fear and harsh actions to keep immigrants out of the US. 🌍🗽🚫

When Trump became the president, he immediately worked to change the immigration system, with measures like a travel ban that mainly affected countries with large Muslim populations, and by making significant changes at the southern border. 🛂🕌🚧

After leaving office, Mr. Trump criticized his successor’s record on immigration. President Biden did not challenge Mr. Trump’s approach the way some immigration advocates hoped, and he relied on deterrence like previous presidents. However, compared to Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden did not use fear and harsh actions as a weapon. 🏛️🔄⚔️

Deterrence through cruelty was a staple of the Trump immigration approach. Here are five key highlights of Mr. Trump’s immigration and border policies. 🖐️📝🔍

The Travel Ban 🚫✈️🕌 Trump started his presidency by signing an executive order that aimed to limit travelers from seven largely Muslim countries for 90 days. The order, with some exceptions, affected travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. He also suspended the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the US. 🚫🚁🇸🇾

This travel ban caused massive chaos. Airports were clogged with travelers who were on planes when the order was signed and had no way to enter the country. Advocates sued, and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where they upheld the policy in a 2018 ruling. The administration issued additional travel bans over time, removing or adding countries, including several African nations, often citing terrorist activities as the reason. 🛂🛫⚖️

The Border Wall 🚧🌵🇲🇽 In 2017, Mr. Trump began focusing on one of his earliest campaign promises — building a physical wall along the border between the US and Mexico. Initially, this idea was suggested by a Trump campaign aide, Sam Nunberg, as a way to remind the candidate to talk about immigration in his speeches. But soon, it became a rallying cry at his events. 📣🌐🏗️

“You know, if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to maybe think about leaving,” Mr. Trump told The New York Times editorial board during the 2016 campaign, “I can kind of tell the audience, I just say, ‘We will build the wall!’ And they go nuts.” 📰🗞️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Mr. Trump had a series of extreme designs for the wall. He wanted spikes on top, black paint to burn the hands of immigrants trying to climb it, possibly even a moat at the bottom. He wanted it 30 feet high. He even asked at one point if migrants could be shot in the legs to slow them down. His aides just ignored all that. 🔥

The construction of the wall became entangled in a partial government shutdown and Congress did not allocate money for it. Mr. Trump promised to make the wall happen himself through the executive branch. Less than 500 miles of barrier, at an estimated cost of $15 billion, was built, a fact that some of Mr. Trump’s Republican critics privately point to as a weakness. Almost all of those 500 miles were in areas where there were already old, broken down barriers. 🏛️💰🚧

Family Separation 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💔🚫 By 2018, Mr. Trump, along with Jeff Sessions, the hard-line anti-immigration former senator who was attorney general at the time, was constantly berating his cabinet secretaries about the number of illegal border crossings still occurring. But the administration had a new plan for deterrence.

“We need to take away children,” Mr. Sessions told other officials, discussing a new kind of “zero tolerance.” The policy involved separating children and their caregivers who had crossed the border, and prosecuting the adults. According to notes from one of the people in the meeting, Mr. Sessions’s message was: “If you care about kids, don’t bring them in. We won’t give amnesty to people with kids.” 📝👶👩‍⚖️

The result of the policy: images and stories of children being torn from their parents’ arms, crying and traumatized. Mr. Trump eventually ended his own administration’s policy by executive order in 2018, amid a widespread outcry and intense media coverage, but at a town-hall meeting on CNN last week, he said he would bring back the policy if elected in 2024. 📸😭📺

In addition, Mr. Trump at times seemed interested in preserving parts of the Obama-era program known as DACA, under which individuals brought to the US as children were protected from deportation, a program he had promised to end as a candidate. But he allowed Mr. Sessions to announce its termination, and the matter was tangled in court for years. ⏳⚖️📜

Border Surges 🌊🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ For a president who was obsessed with the number of border crossings, 2019 was Mr. Trump’s most challenging year. An administration agreement with Mexico requiring asylum seekers to remain there while waiting for their cases to be processed in the US — which was heavily criticized by human rights activists as an effort to diminish legal asylum — had not yet been implemented across the entire border. 📉📝🌐

Mr. Trump’s administration tried various ways to deter undocumented immigrants that year, including a plan that was eventually abandoned for deportation raids targeting families in 10 major cities. 🏙️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🚁

Mr. Trump’s policies also led to the overcrowding of border facilities. When unaccompanied migrant children are processed in a Border Patrol facility, they are supposed to be transferred to a shelter managed by the Health and Human Services Department, where many are later released to a relative sponsor. 🏢👧👦🏥

But Mr. Trump deterred many sponsors from claiming those children by requiring them to provide personal information that some feared would later be used to find and deport them. Many children were kept in cells along the border for weeks, even though the government is required to transfer them to shelters within 72 hours. The border facilities were insufficiently equipped, and the children were in some cases exposed to illness. 🕰️🛏️😷

So, that’s the big picture of Trump’s time in office when it comes to immigration. From the travel ban to the wall, from separating families to the border surges, he made his mark. But no matter what, the people of America will remember, and will make their voices heard. The story of immigration in America is still being written, and we
all have a part in shaping that story. 🖊️📚🗣️🇺🇸

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