A photo of Joe Biden in Israel

🌍💥 Biden Tell Israel: “Support Going Downhill” Ova Gaza War

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eh, howzit! Get some big news from da White House. President Biden wen tell da leaders of Israel dat dey losing support from around da world for their war in Gaza. Dis one serious kine rift between da Biden administration and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as da number of casualties in Gaza keep going up. 🤐

Biden wen deliver dis hard-talk message during one fund-raiser in Washington. He wen call Netanyahu’s government “da most conservative in Israel’s history,” and say dey not even close to wanting a two-state solution for da beef with da Palestinians. 🕊️

Da president wen mention dat Israel had support from Europe, da rest of da world, and da United States. But now, he say, dey starting to lose dat support cause of da “indiscriminate bombing” dat’s going on. 💣

Dis whole ting wen blow up afta Netanyahu wen promise to fight against American pressure to put da Palestinian Authority in charge of Gaza once da fighting pau. He wen say no way to dat, especially for da group dat now runs things in da Israeli-occupied West Bank. 🚫

Up until now, da U.S. been all in with Israel – backing up da assault on Gaza, keeping off calls for a cease-fire at da United Nations, and even okaying da sale of thousands of tank shells to da Israelis. 🇺🇸🇮🇱

Netanyahu, in one video statement on social media, wen say he hoping for reach one agreement with da U.S. about wat happens afta da war. But he stay firm on not letting threats to Israel’s people continue. He wen say, “Gaza will be neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan.” Fatah, you know, is da political faction dat controls da Palestinian Authority. They wen get kicked out of Gaza in 2007 but still run parts of da West Bank. 🗣️

At da fund-raiser, Biden wen promise to keep supporting Israel’s efforts to protect itself. He wen say, “We’re not going to do a damn thing other than protect Israel in the process. Not a single thing.” And he add, “Without Israel as a free-standing state, not a Jew in the world is safe.” 🛡️

But Biden also wen talk about one private conversation with Netanyahu, where he brought up how da U.S. had “carpet-bombed” Germany and dropped da atomic bomb on Japan. He wen say, “Yeah, that’s why all these institutions were set up after World War II, to see to it that it didn’t happen again.” 💬

Netanyahu, in his address, wen acknowledge da months of American support. He wen say he greatly appreciate da U.S. backing for taking down Hamas and getting back their hostages. He wen talk about intensive dialogues with Biden and his team, saying dey had full backing for da ground incursion and for blocking international pressure to stop da war. 🤝

But da way both guys talking, sound like da good times might be running out. Biden’s comments been da most critical yet of Netanyahu’s handling of da war. Thousands of civilians in Gaza wen lose their lives already. Da two leaders wen talk about being solid together wen Biden wen visit Israel afta Hamas wen launch an attack on Oct. 7 and kill 1,200 people. 📉

Da fighting wen last nearly two months, with Israel’s aerial bombardment and ground war turning much of Gaza City to rubble. Da place home to nearly two million Palestinians. Ova 15,000 people, including thousands of keiki (children), wen die in Gaza during da fighting, says da territory’s health authorities. 😢

Da United Nations say ova 85 percent of da population there wen get displaced. Get reports of rampant disease and plenty hunger. Netanyahu stay firm dat his government going destroy Hamas’s ability to threaten Israel’s people, and he keep warning Palestinians for move south. But even some places in south Gaza wen get bombed, and humanitarian organizations no happy. 🏥

Fighting wen go down near one small hospital in northern Gaza, Kamal Adwan, which get 65 patients including 12 kids in intensive care. Da place surrounded by Israeli troops and tanks. Da hospital’s maternity department wen get hit, and reports say two mothers wen die and plenty people wen get hurt. But no can confirm da exact number. Da Israeli military neva respond to requests for comment. 🚑

Top aides to Biden say he believes his strong support for Israel give him more power for push Netanyahu for be more careful as Israel conducts its ground war in Gaza. He wen talk plenty times about his long history with Israel. Monday evening, at one White House Hanukkah reception, he wen say, “I am a Zionist.” ✡

️Last month, Biden and his top foreign policy guys wen help make one temporary break in da fighting between Israel and Hamas for bring in humanitarian aid and release ova 100 of da roughly 240 hostages Hamas wen grab on Oct. 7. 🕊️

White House officials say Biden going meet with families of Americans taken hostage by Hamas at da White House. Gonna be his first face-to-face meeting with da relatives since da crisis start. One White House official confirmed da meeting but no give more details. Da president wen talk to da families on one video call about one week afta da attacks. 🤝

Biden administration officials say get about eight hostages with American citizenship still there afta several wen get released, including during da weeklong break in fighting last month. 🇺🇸

Since da Oct. 7 attacks, Biden’s public message wen change. He publicly urged Israel for do more for protect civilians in Gaza. But he mostly leave it to oddah American officials, like Vice President Kamala Harris, for call out Israel for what dey doing in da war. And his comments on Tuesday wen be da first time he directly acknowledge da world leaders and humanitarian organizations condemning Israel’s actions. 🌐

Biden wen say dat “Bibi’s got a tough decision to make.” Da tension between da two leaders show da sensitive time for da two allies as Biden tries for get lawmakers in Washington for support ova $15 billion in additional aid for Israel’s military campaign. Dat funding currently stuck in one political fight with Republicans ova assistance for Ukraine and changes to immigration policy at da U.S. border. 🤔

Biden keep saying Israel get da right for defend itself against terrorism by Hamas, and his administration wen veto one United Nations Security Council resolution for one immediate cease-fire in da war. But on Tuesday, da U.N. General Assembly voted in favor of one nonbinding resolution asking for da same thing. Da U.S. and Israel was among da 10 countries dat opposed it; 153 countries approved. 🌍

But now, administration officials looking into reports dat Israel’s military wen use white phosphorus supplied by da U.S. along da border with Lebanon, which breaks international law. Amnesty International and The Washington Post wen report dis, and could mean one more disagreement between da two countries about Israel’s actions. Israel’s military say dey follow international law and deny using da weapon illegally. John Kirby, one spokesman for da U.S. National Security Council, say da U.S. going be “asking questions” about da incident. White phosphorus is one toxic substance used for make light and smoke screens during combat. Its use no illegal, but using it on purpose against civilians or in civilian areas breaks da laws of war. ⚖️

So, das da latest on da situation. Biden’s words to Israel show one big change in how da U.S. and Israel wen work together, and could mean some big changes coming up. Stay tuned for more updates, bruddahs and sistahs! 📰🤙


Biden Warns Israel of Diminishing Support Over Gaza Conflict 🌍💥

Hello, everyone! Big news from the White House. President Biden has warned Israel’s leaders that they are losing international support for their ongoing war in Gaza. This stark message reveals a growing rift between Biden’s administration and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, especially as the casualties in Gaza continue to rise. 🤐

During a fundraiser in Washington, Biden delivered this blunt assessment of America’s closest ally in the Middle East. He described Netanyahu’s government as “the most conservative in Israel’s history,” criticizing its aversion to a two-state solution for the long-standing dispute with Palestinians. 🕊️

The President pointed out that while Israel had support from Europe, much of the world, and the United States, this backing is waning due to “the indiscriminate bombing that takes place.” 💣

Hours after Biden’s remarks, Netanyahu vowed to resist the American pressure to put the Palestinian Authority in charge of Gaza post-conflict. He firmly excluded any role in Gaza for the group currently governing Palestinian society in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. 🚫

Until recently, the United States had firmly supported Israel, backing its assault on Gaza, deflecting calls for a cease-fire at the United Nations, and authorizing the sale of thousands of tank shells to Israel. 🇺🇸🇮🇱

Netanyahu, in a video statement, expressed his hope for agreement with the U.S. on post-war plans but remained resolute in not allowing continued threats to Israel’s population. He declared, “Gaza will be neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan,” referring to Fatah, the political faction that controls the Palestinian Authority and was ousted from Gaza in 2007. 🗣️

At the fundraiser, Biden pledged ongoing support for Israel’s self-defense, asserting, “We’re not going to do a damn thing other than protect Israel in the process. Not a single thing.” He added, “Without Israel as a free-standing state, not a Jew in the world is safe.” 🛡️

Biden also shared his response to Netanyahu’s private assertion about U.S. military actions during World War II. “I said, ‘Yeah, that’s why all these institutions were set up after World War II, to see to it that it didn’t happen again,'” Biden told the donors. 💬

Netanyahu acknowledged months of American support in his address, appreciating U.S. backing for dismantling Hamas and rescuing hostages. He spoke of intensive dialogue with Biden and his team, confirming full support for ground incursions and resisting international calls to end the war. 🤝

However, the tone from both leaders suggests an impending shift in their relationship. Biden’s remarks marked his most pointed criticism of Netanyahu’s handling of the war, which has claimed thousands of civilian lives in Gaza. The two had declared strong unity during Biden’s visit to Israel days after Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7. 📉

The ongoing aerial bombardment by Israel and ground warfare have devastated much of Gaza City. More than 15,000 people, including thousands of children, have perished, according to Gaza’s health authorities. 😢

The United Nations reports that over 85 percent of Gaza’s population has been displaced, with aid organizations highlighting rampant disease and hunger. Netanyahu remains determined to dismantle Hamas’s threat to Israel and has repeatedly advised Palestinians to relocate south. 🏥

Fierce combat near Kamal Adwan hospital in northern Gaza saw Israeli troops and tanks surrounding the facility. Reports indicated that the hospital’s maternity department was hit, resulting in casualties. However, these claims remain unverified. The Israeli military has not responded to requests for comments. 🚑

Biden’s administration has shown strong support for Israel, but it’s now exerting pressure on Netanyahu for restraint. On Monday evening, Biden, affirming his support for Israel at a White House Hanukkah reception, declared, “I am a Zionist.” ✡️

Recently, Biden and his team brokered a temporary pause in the fighting to facilitate humanitarian aid and the release of hostages seized by Hamas on Oct. 7. 🕊️

The White House announced that Biden would meet with the families of American hostages taken by Hamas, marking his first face-to-face interaction with them since the crisis began. 🤝

There are indications that about eight American hostages remain after several releases, including during last month’s pause in fighting. 🇺🇸

Biden’s public stance has evolved since the Oct. 7 attacks, urging Israel to better protect Gaza’s civilians. However, he has largely left it to other officials, like Vice President Kamala Harris, to openly criticize Israel’s actions. His Tuesday comments are the first direct acknowledgment of global condemnation of Israel’s wartime conduct. 🌐

Referring to Netanyahu as “Bibi,” Biden noted that the Israeli Prime Minister faces a challenging decision ahead. 📉

This rising tension underscores a critical moment for the allies as Biden seeks Congressional support for over $15 billion in additional aid for Israel’s military campaign, amidst political disputes over aid for Ukraine and U.S. border policy. 🤔

Biden has consistently affirmed Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas terrorism. Still, his administration recently vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire, though the U.N. General Assembly later voted in favor of a nonbinding resolution demanding the same. The U.S. and Israel were among the countries opposing it. 🌍

The administration is now investigating reports of Israel’s alleged use of white phosphorus, supplied by the U.S., along the Lebanon border, potentially another point of contention. White phosphorus use is not illegal but deploying it against civilians or in civilian settings is a war law violation. ⚖️

So, that’s the latest on this evolving situation. Biden’s words to Israel signal a significant shift in the dynamic between the U.S. and Israel, possibly heralding major changes. Stay tuned for more updates! 📰🤙

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