Donald Trump

🌋🌪️ From Right Hand Man to Da One Spillin’ Da Beans: Pence Stay In Da Middle Of Trump Drama

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ho, brah! You eva thought Mike Pence, da one who wen sidekick Trump fo’ all those years, goin’ be da main guy in da whole Trump palapala? No fo’ real, afta Trump get indicted fo’ da tird time, everybody eyes stay on Pence. And looks like he get choke stuff fo’ tell! 📖👀

So, check dis out: Pence wen be da vice president unda Trump, right? But now, da two of dem racing fo’ da Republican nod. And as da court people making all kine noise ’bout Trump trying for change da 2020 election results, guess who get da scoop? Pence! Da indictment wen say he had some “notes” ’bout da whole thing. And Trump? He wen call Pence “too honest” ’cause he no like play da shady games. 🤷‍♂️📝

Da odda day, Pence wen say, “If you think you mo’ big den da Constitution, you no should be president.” Kind strong words, yeah? Some of da odda Republican peeps stay quiet, no like make waves. But Pence, he going hard, tellin’ everybody dat trying for change da vote ain’t cool. He still yet fo’ spill if he going stand in court talk stink ’bout Trump or whatevas. But he still get love for da “Trump-Pence times” and all da stuff they did do. ❤️🎤

But, ho! Da story get juicy! Da big court guy, Jack Smith, wen slap Trump with one charge ’bout scheming fo’ fraud da US. And da most pilikia part? Wen Trump wen try make Pence go against da votes on Jan. 6, 2021. 🌪️🎭

And guess what, on Christmas Day, Trump wen call Pence fo’ ask him for go against da votes. But Pence, he no play dat. He wen tell Trump, “Brah, I no can change da results, a’ole!” They wen talk story again on New Year’s, and Pence still stay firm. And Trump? He wen say, “Eh, you too honest.” No joke! 🎄📞

Pence wen chit-chat with da feds and shared all da talks he had with Trump. He still mum ’bout if he going court for testify. But he always saying, “history going remember” what Trump did on Jan. 6. But he stay dodge da question if court should. 🤔💬

And brah, da indictments? They choke! Da big one get one part ’bout when Trump supporters wen go wild on Jan. 6. They wen say, “Where Pence? Bring him out!” They wen even threaten him. That day, wen da Capitol got all nuts, Trump went write on Twitter ’bout how Pence no had da guts. One minute later, da Secret Service guys wen pull Pence out of there. 🏛️🚨

And da indictments befo’? Pence wen say da first one was “bogus” and da second one was “sending da wrong message.” He did say some stuffs were “serious,” but also thought the whole thing was just politics. 🔄🤷‍♂️

Da mob wen get super close to Pence dat day. He neva left da Capitol. And right befo’ 4 a.m. on Jan. 7, he wen say out loud da certified results of da 2020 election. He wen shout out to da wild ones: “You guys neva win.” 💥🎙️

So, dis drama? Brah, it’s mo’ juicy than one novela! How everything going end, nobody know. But fo’ sure, plenty eyes going be on Pence as he stay in da middle of all da action! 🍿🎉


🌋🌪️ From Right-Hand Man to Key Witness: Pence in the Center of Trump’s Legal Troubles

Wow, who would’ve thought that Mike Pence, Trump’s trusty vice president for years, would be at the forefront of Trump’s latest legal drama? After Trump faced his third indictment, all eyes turned to Pence, who seems to have a lot of insider information. 📖👀

Let’s break it down: Pence was Trump’s VP, but now they’re both competing for the Republican nomination. As Trump faces allegations of trying to overturn the 2020 election, Pence appears to have extensive notes on the matter. And Trump’s response? He called Pence “too honest” for not playing along. 🤷‍♂️📝

Recently, Pence stated, “Anyone prioritizing their own agenda over the Constitution should never be president.” Strong words, indeed. While many Republicans are staying silent on the issue, Pence is making his stance clear. But whether he’ll testify against Trump in court remains to be seen. Yet, he still speaks fondly of their shared time in office. ❤️🎤

The details of the indictment reveal some intense scenes. The major point of contention was Trump’s attempt to persuade Pence to reject the electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021. 🌪️🎭

On Christmas Day, Trump called Pence to push him to overturn the vote, but Pence stood firm, stating he couldn’t change the results. They spoke again on New Year’s, and Pence held his ground. Trump’s reaction? He told Pence, “You’re too honest.” 🎄📞

Pence has cooperated with federal investigators, sharing details of his interactions with Trump. He’s consistently said that history will judge Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, but he’s avoided commenting on legal repercussions. 🤔💬

The indictment covers the chaos of Jan. 6, when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, even threatening Pence. On that day, after the Capitol breach and Pence defied Trump, Trump took to Twitter to claim that Pence lacked the courage to act. Shortly after, Pence was escorted to safety by the Secret Service. 🏛️🚨

Regarding previous indictments against Trump, Pence has had mixed reactions. He’s described some as politically motivated, while acknowledging the seriousness of others. 🔄🤷‍♂️

On Jan. 6, the mob came dangerously close to Pence, but he remained at the Capitol. Early on Jan. 7, he formally announced the certified results of the 2020 election, asserting to the rioters, “You did not win.” 💥🎙️

This entire saga is unfolding like a gripping drama. The outcome is uncertain, but what’s clear is that Pence finds himself in the spotlight amidst it all! 🍿🎉

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